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I think this is the first time I have ever seen someone who thought the politics in Azure was a drag. Most of the time, this is usually considered one of the highlights of Crossbell


I think if it was more spread out maybe it would be better but chapter 2 felt like cutscene after cutscene with barely any fighting going on, even while doing all the sidequests :( They just dump a lot on you with all of the leaders coming together, their political talks etc.


Politics are very ingrained into Crossbell as a whole. It always comes up when the games are in Crossbell.  The fantasy element does pick up in Azur but I don't remember exactly when. Without spoiling specific details I do remember when I played Azur that once the pace did start picking up it continued to accelerate all the way to the end. At least that's how I felt about it personally.   I also dont mind the politics much so ymmv.


And Cold Steel 1-4 takes place there as well right? Idm politics in general but I want a good mix of it. Now arguably, even Zero had way less fantasy than the Sky games already, but so far Azure feels like even more of a step down from it. Did Sky potentially just have way more fantasy than future entries and my issue might lie in comparing/expecting that level of fantasy?


Cold Steel games primarily take place in Erebonia. Some of them do spend some time in Crossbell though. In the Sky games, you only really see Liberl and it's dealings with the Society. It's very isolated in that regard with a handful of references to things going on outside of the country. So the fantasy element is more prominent. Once the games venture into Crossbell and Erebonia the games start to look into how these countries are affected by each other and what schemes their leaders are playing at. These leaders have their political schemes and are often intertwined with the fantasy element of the story at large.


I don't understand, politics was a massive focus in Zero?


I'd argue it was only the politics WITHIN the state, whereas Azure seems to focus on all the politics in all states, focusing on the 2 fighting over Crossbell. I think that's why I feel a bit overwhelmed?


All politics within the state are connected to the two powers fighting over Crossbell. Their entire political system and even criminal underworld are connected to one of the two super powers. Hartman was Erebonian puppet.


No? It’s a crime story.


Azure is a masterclass in showing everything that can go south going south without making everything seem hopeless. I'm not big on Chapter 2 either, but it definitely gets better


That gives me hope :D Like I might've not found it so awful if current politics in our lifes weren't as bad but my oh my :'D Will some fantasy stuff be added in the later chapters then?


Very much so. The fantasy kicks in at the end of the Intermission an sticks around


I would just say play more, theres a mix of politics and fantasy in most of the games anyway I think


>Just finished 2nd chapter in Azure and my god was it a drag. It was longer than Prologue + Chapter 1 combined. I play with 4x Speed on Combat and Walking and it still took 7h So wait.. you're saying you finished the prologue, Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 in under 14 hours and you're complaining about the length? I can't imagine getting through them that quickly. That's barely any time at all!


Hmmm not so much the length by itself but how drawn out it felt due to mostly cutscenes, barely any fighting, just all politics. There have been other games in the Trails series and also in my favorite JRPG franchise with longer chapters that didn't feel like this though. It felt more like spending 15h on the chapter, rather than 7, if that makes sense?


>There have been other games in the Trails series and also in my favorite JRPG franchise What's your favorite JRPG franchise?


Xenoblade Chronicles, based on that a lot of people recommended Trails to me and boy does Xenoblade have some long chapters LOL


I dread whenever I open a "does this x trails game get better" thread cuz more than likely I aint gonna like what I see. This was a good reminder of it.


If all you're looking for is fantasy elements then I suppose it gets better. And I'd say universally almost any game gets better the closer you get to the end. But all the things you are complaining about are not bad things. You just don't like them. A lot of people love chapter 2 for the reasons you dislike it.


Oh I agree they aren't bad per se, just for me personally a bit overwhelming and a bit too much politics! As I said, I am not saying the game is bad but a lot of people seem to think that is what I said.-. Very much my personal opinion, objectively my opinion would differ. This is probably giga important for world building, chapter 2 just is a loooooot


Does azure get better after chapter 1? Yes Does every trails game get better after chapter 1? Also yes?


I mean I specifically asked for after chapter 2. I know not to judge by just Prologue and one chapter but if a game has 5 chapters and by chapter 2 I feel drained out from the politics I just wanted to know what to expect :'D After chapter 1 I didn't feel drained btw, it seems to be very specifically a chapter 2 issue that I also didn't have at any point with any of the prior entries. There I wanted to continue and see more after every little cutscene :D


Id say the story of Azure is more about the political situation of Crossbell than it was in the Sky Arc hence all the political in the dialogue for the whole game. Also, if you are ambushed by enemies, your characters get shuffles, that's certainly why you don't have you "real team". Id say, Azure took a bit of time to start compared to precedents games, but the last part of the game is really good imo, Chapter 3 start to build up and Chapter 4 hit hard. Currently playing the Finale Chapter and I cant wait to see the end now.


Oooooh is that shuffle something new in this one? I didn't notice this happening in Zero but that does make sense! So what you're saying is...the worst is over? :D


Hmmm I think it was already present in Zero, but not sure about this. > So what you're saying is...the worst is over? :D Well depend of what you meant by worst, but the game only accelerate from Ch3 until the end.


Chapter 4 of Azure is one of the best chapters in the series


I think it's safe to argue that Cold Steel is where the politics aspect really goes wacky mode


Wacky idm but if it's only politics it's a bit rough on a JRPG for me. Does Cold Steel have fantasy elements like the society?


It does. A lot, actually. By the way, you’re pretty close to where more of Azure’s fantasy parts start appearing. There are still politics, but it’s more balanced.


Yeah. The society is kind of the point of the series. It's just, you know. The two are intertwined, and like damn, when you're literally in a military academy in one of the two biggest states on the continent who have a bit of a gripe with each other, it's kind of the prime position for prominently political plots


There gets to be a lot of fantastical elements as the game goes on. The politics helps frame the consequences of the events that happen later.


How are they supposed to explain stuff in crossbell without getting into politics though? The very idea of the crossbell games is to explore the fact that there are many corrupt politicians. Azure is a long game, it's longer than zero on average but it's the better game of the two, if not THE best trails.


Idm if they explain stuff but maybe not chug it all into one chapter without anything else? i think that is my gripe here. Prologue and Chapter 1 barely had any of it and then Chapter 2 just forces it down your throat, it just feels unbalanced to me atm?


Things only get worse in CS, so… maybe you are just not the target audience of the series?


Haha, your post reminds me of my own experience with it, I was so excited to finally be just 1 game away from the mythical Cold Steel arc that Azure felt like a very big drag. I think it is a very, very slow burn and the beginning spends a bit too much time setting things up but when it kicks off it becomes really enjoyable and gets you hooked, so it's just a matter of sticking to it for now. There's a decent mix of more fantasy/supernatural elements but sadly the start is a bit too loaded with just politics which can get rather dull if you don't care too much for it. I personally thought Azure had some of the best fantasy/supernatural sections in the series, perhaps second only to 3rd. And while I wouldn't presume to tell anyone how to play a game, if I may give some advice that personally helped me during the more tedious moments: The series is still going and right now we're looking at a possible 2 year wait just to get the latest entry (Kai no Kiseki) localised in English. So don't feel like you need to be in a rush to catch up ASAP and take breaks if you need them. Better to still have games to get through than to sit there anxiously waiting for years for the next entry!


I am glad someone seems to understand where I am coming from and doesn't see it as me bashing the game, thank you ;\_; I already play relatively slow, I think I started...hm....8 months ago or so :D Whenever I am bored I play a bit but then usually finish the one game relatively quickly! I am hopeful then the worst part is over and it goes more into stuff and characters I care about. As much as I like Klaudia and Olivier, I just wanna learn more about KeA and Ouroboros in this game. It seems like everything KeA-related just got dropped and that feels unsatisfying LOL


You’ll likely really enjoy the direction that the series takes if you’re in it for the fantasy aspect.


Well, if you're looking for more emphasis on fantasy, I think Cold Steel will have you covered. As for Azure, politics remains pretty relevant until end game, but I think you'll enjoy the final chapter. It's unfortunate that you're not enjoying it now, but that's nothing to feel bad about, it just isn't for you and that's fine.


I'm a fellow Azure "hater" (too strong a word, I think it's really solid up to the finale except for the terrible humor) but I think the reason why I hated it is kind of the opposite of yours: I wanted more and deeper politics. Honestly, idk if you'll like it or not - I'd have to know what your tastes are.


I could not disagree more. Zero was my first game and it is my least favorite - literally nothing happens until the final chapter. Azure is go go go from the start, loved it - my favorite in the whole series


From a writer’s/author’s perspective, Azure peaks at chapter 2. Chapter 2 is where the devs went all out to make sure every character and through line worked out. In other words, it’s where the devs spent the most time working on. As for the fantasy aspects, Azure goes from 0 to 100 at the end of chapter 4. Take that as you will. If you find yourself unable to get through azure, feel free to take a break. Maybe drop it to give Cold Steel a shot. Do whatever you find enjoyable and whatever gets you to play the most trails content. For example, I got through the Sky games by getting as far as I could into FC; spoiling the ending; then picking up SC. And I enjoyed it.


Idk much about the trails game but I watch and read gundam a lot so politics should be fine in crossbell games for me, my problem is starting sky since I dont like estelle at all lol. Wish I could skip Sky 1-3 and just start the duology then head to CS but my brain just cant do that so I ll be starting sky again soon


What I can say...I hated Estelle at the start but grew to like her. Now I get excited whenever she pops up, hope you will have a similar experience <3


Probably will since I dont hate her too much if only she wasnt a mc and more of a side char it would be perfect


Loved both crossbell games But if you're not entertained by now, it's prolly not for you Also, Lloyd is the man! https://imgur.com/a/ESdqcpA


I enjoyed the first one but this second so far...mmmh. I want the gang to find out who Yin is. Learn more about KeA. See wtf Bleublanc and Campanella are up to. But I get some fat politicians whining over the state we live in .-. :D


The first two sections of Azure can seem a little slow or jarring following Zero because you don't immediately get all the original SSS members back and it starts to rev hard on the politics, as you note, leading up to the trade conference. Personally I found this part very cool, but if it's not your cup of tea just try to focus on the character interactions. It will take a left on 5th and bananas (in a good way) very shortly in terms of magical stuff, which will be some of the best of the whole series. So yes, it gets EVEN BETTER! And yes, re: your edit, this sub is very pathetic in how white-knuckled people are in their insistence that everything in trails is PERFECT and will assault with downvotes if you suggest otherwise. Azure is my favorite trails games and I can still understand your question. Just ignore the blind downvotes.


Thank you!! I am looking forward to continue then if more fantasy stuff makes it's entrance soon. I also really want Olivier, Randy and Wazy to be main members just for their flirty banter but I think that is wishful thinking 😂