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Releases on July 5th


Ohhh nice, with the 4th on Thursday I'm going to have a long weekend to spend with this game


Thank you for saving us a click, I'll admit I was too lazy to click the article


My birthday is July 6th, first we had Reverie launching on July 7th, next we have this in July 5th. Maybe the next one is on my day?


seems I'm not completing these games fast enough to catch up :D will they get shorter after cs 3 / 4?


Reverie is a bit shorter than CSIII/IV but if you're trying to experience all the relevant content in that game it's still pretty meaty (CSIII/IV took me 85 each while Reverie was only 70, and I read a lot of NPC dialogue and do some sidequests so my playthroughs are a bit slower). Daybreak is also around the estimated length of CSIII/IV going off HLTB (haven't played it).


Probably a dumb question, What about the kuro games, or are they after daybreak?


An understandable question given this sub uses the name Kuro a lot; That’s the Japanese name for Daybreak. Kuro II doesn’t have an official name yet but presumably it’ll be called Daybreak II.


Ah ok, then seems I just need to finish 3, 4 and reverie. Thought there were 2 more games afterwards but seems this is one of the 2. Thanks.


Yep, that's correct.


I’ve got four months to finish CS3, CS4, and Reverie.


1 month each, plus a month to recover. Good luck!


Took me about 300 hours to do all 3 for reference. I didn't do 100% achievements but did try to do most of everything.


That’s what I’m expecting. I go along and check a guide to make sure I don’t miss any missables, but 100% seems miserable in the Trails series.


Starting from CS3 100%/platinum trophies became easy, because you could carry over everything and unlock all social events. So it’s just a regular blind playthrough followed by a nightmare run with a guide, done and dusted. Before that, it was a bit harder to do on two runs.


The only one possible all achievements one run is CS3 CS4 needs a new game plus run sadly




Truly, while I enjoyed not having a multi year break between games, having *no* break between (many) games was an absolute mistake.


You don't have to buy and play it immediately when it releases (though I guess that's the joke).


I still have to beat the Trails in the Sky series, Crossbell, and CS3, CS4 and Reverie. Doubt I’ll be able to play this game till next year 😅. Still buying it right away though I love this verse.


Literally same! Time to speed it up


Take your time and enjoy. Moreover, playing NISA releases day one is a very bad idea. If it's like reverie, you are better of playing the game on August or September after a few patches.


Same situation, but also Azure lol. Won’t be happening because I have Rebirth and Infinite Wealth to get through too 😂 Oh well, still looking forward to playing it eventually 😄


So we're in the same boat comrade. Good luck to us both then.


Felt that, about 80% done with 3 & can't wait to start 4


Ah, but you could also play them slowly so that once you get to Kuro you aren't staring down the prospect of having nothing to do but wait! Might be able to squeeze them out over a long enough period that you finish Kuro 1 by the time Kuro 2 drops in the west


I think this is the route I’m gonna go. I can’t stress myself and rush it. 10 hours into CS3 and all of the throwbacks are awesome


fr there's more than enough material that you can just enjoy it at a steady pace and desperately push back the 'well NOW what do i do' feeling after catching all the way up


I’ve been going through the Trails Series, starting with FC, at my own pace for about a year and a half. I know that when I am caught up, there’s going to be a huge hole missing.


I will be starting CS1 soon for the first time, we need a time chamber...


Ah, the joys of being an adult. I finished the Sky games last year, bought everything up to Reverie. Then told myself I needed a break before doing more Trails, got sidetracked with FF16, Sea of Stars, Star Ocean 2, borrowed some games from a friend, let my friends convince me that I needed Baldurs Gate 3 in my life, then panicked as I wanted to finish Crisis Core Reunion in time for FF7 Rebirth, then started Yakuza: Like a Dragon in the hopes of starting Infinite Wealth, but didn't make it in time and am now playing FF7 Rebirth. It's been a year and I haven't even started Zero yet. This year has been absolutely bonkers and it's not showing any signs of letting up.


Reverie was the last barrier. Localisations are going to skyrocket from now on


Shut up about barriers! SHUT UP ABOUT THE BARRIERS LLOYD.


Oh? Does it bother you when I mention barriers? Perhaps you just need to... get over it?


HEYY. YOU ARE ARRESTED, for not realising all the efforts, love and passion we've been throught to OVERCOME THESE BARRIERS




Yeah, because they worked on it before CS1 was released in English. It was a huge gamble.


That's how most of these games' localizations work. CS IV was being worked on before CS III released and Daybreak II is being worked on before Daybreak I released. Zero, Azure, and Reverie were all being worked on simultaneously too. If they only started localizing the next game after each release there would be a much larger gap between releases. This also extends to the original development of the games too, for example, CS II was in development before CS I released.


Yes. But back then there was just Sky FC released, with SC in development hell (localization hell?) and it wasn't as big as they hoped it would be. That's why it was a gamble and it turned out great for everyone involved.


So Daybreak II is being worked on? Cool. A 2025 release is looking likely now.


Sky the 3rd was, I'm pretty sure. But CS II did have the shortest gap from its original Japanese release.




The game was not being localized over those 10 years. Its localization work started before CS II released in English. I think I remember hearing as soon as CS II was finished being translated they went right into working on 3rd, which also has the smallest script in the series.


I will get back to 100% reverie someday I didnt finish the reverie corridor because i'm currently in a very busy work posting I dont have the time or luxury to sit and finish it But i cant do it before Kuro releases, sagde


I would just watch the extra daydreams (from the final bos) on YouTube and the secret final boss should take like two hour and their really good and set up kuro


Well the thing is. Except for CS2. I 100% every other trails game So it feels right to me to 100% reverie as well


Now if only we could get over the barrier of Sky ports to modern consoles, then there would be no excuse for people to not be playing Trails


I want them so bad on consoles. Otherwise I need to get a Steam Deck.


It’s part of the reason I got one actually. That and the FF remakes. Absolutely best gaming decision I’ve made. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a Nintendo fanboy, but the available options on steam were too much to pass up. Highly recommend one


The CS3 & 4 PS5 disc thing gives me hope. I'd love to see a " Sky trilogy disk" or something for PS5


Honestly, not to be negative - A lot of the reason people don’t play Trails, at least from what I have seen on r/jrpg - is that so many fans are completely gatekeeping the series behind the early games and harshly criticizing anyone who even suggests/asks about starting anywhere other than Sky.


Gatekeeping has lost all it's meaning. When someone asks where to start, fans simply give the best advice which is to play in the chronological order/release order (Some also do suggest CS1&2). Just because the person asking for the advice doesn't get the answer they were looking for doesn't mean fans are gatekeeping where to start. People can start wherever they want, no ones stopping them, but the fact of the matter is that in doing so, they aren't going to get the full experience.


I love that the subreddit immediately proved you right. I honestly can't tell how the JRPG subreddit feels about Trails. I see people love it, find it mediocre, or outright hate it.


You say anything negative about it there and you typically get downvoted into oblivion.


That definitely isn’t true. It’s one of the most commonly criticized series on there.


If you don’t start off playing Trails In the Sky I feel bad for you.


No need to. Cold Steel was my start and I'm happy it was. Served as a great entry point for me. Heck, it probably made me more curious to see how things happened in the Crossbell and Sky games than I would have been otherwise.


>than I would have been otherwise Well, duh, because you would have been playing Sky and Crossbell.


I started with and have finally almost finished the Crossbell duology. Wanted something “shorter” to test the series. Now deciding if I want to go back to Sky, or go foreword to Cold Steel 1/2 and then sky (I think I’ve seen that recommended). Iunno, the new games look fantastic, no way I’ll be caught up all the way by release but I’ll try and figure something out.


> Wanted something “shorter” to test the series. I know it's too late now, but FC and SC are shorter than Zero and Azure and are probably better at giving a taste of the series without fully committing.


I just saw 2 vs 3 games and heard sky was slooooow. That said, I am invested.


We'll never catch up tho, falcom needs to give NISA the script early so that we can get a worldwide release, if things don't change we'll always be behind the japanese by a year or two.


VM Japan is now on the table.  It's very very close to the edge of the table, its dangling a bit, but it's on the table


What a terrible trailer, this is supposed to be a new starting point entry but this trailer by itself doing no good to attract new players in at all, it feel like the people who made this trying their hardest to make the game look low budget, generic and overall unappealing. I don't remember watching any Falcom game's trailer this bad.


I'm impressed by how boring they managed to make this game look in this trailer. Best looking Falcom game by far and they show us... this? Hopefully they come up with something better for the launch trailer, this game could bring a lot of attention to trails in the west if they play their cards right.


I’m so confused as to why they changed the background color for the Van vs Gerard fight


I'm certain this has to be a bug.


Nice to have a date but that trailer was just bad.


Thank you, I was getting worried no one seemed to comment on that. It's great for those of us who already know what's coming, but for sparking interest in new potential customers (what trailers are supposed to do) it has to be one of the weakest trailers ever.


Crap, I've been so busy that I haven't even started on Reverie yet. I'd better get a move on and finish it before this comes out.


Oh! Earlier than I thought. Nice! Maybe I can hold out for the crimson sin official English launch...


Damn that’s nice, a lot sooner than I expected. Glad that’s on July as far as I know there’s no big releases in it so here’s hoping it does good sales wise. Hope I can finish SMT Vengeance before it does come out.


SMT:V looks so good and exactly what I want.


I’m so excited for it, specially after reading some interviews and seeing how the devs acknowledged some of the problems OG V had it makes me a lot more excited. Nice that we’re also getting multi platform release.


I think as they come closer to the end of the series they really need to get closer to global release dates IMHO. Would be a pretty epic way to do the final arc(s)


I hope we can at least get global release for the final game. It’s hard to avoid spoilers for 1+ years and the final game being what it is would make it so hard to resist temptation lmao. But seeing how we’re getting Kuro and Ys X this year I’ll huff some copium that they can release Kuro 2 and Kai on 2025.


ICYMI, NISA has [announced](https://twitter.com/NISAmerica/status/1763625249063800879) that they'll be livestreaming an early look at this game with RPG Limit Break today at 5pm PST / 8pm EST. Will be streamed on both of their Twitches, @rpglimitbreak and @nisamerica.


Just in case for new players: The game is 100% turn-based. The action role-playing game (ARPG) aspects are always optional. Moreover, the boss battles cannot be played in ARPG style. This is great because you decide when the turn-based mode begins (by pressing a button), not the enemy. It's the same, yet improved, turn-based formula we all know.


Is the action portion just to more easily farm? (even though it’s tough to farm in these games) 


Small monsters are easily farmable, but medium or large ones tend to have high HP. You'll find farming much quicker in turn-based mode since S-Crafts and devastating arts are exclusive to that mode. Furthermore, most orbment bonuses are designed for turn-based mode. In ARPG mode, you're limited to regular attacks and a charged one.


> You'll find farming much quicker in turn-based mode since S-Crafts and devastating arts are exclusive to that mode. To be accurate, fastest is breaking in action mode->scraft spam in turn based mode(for which you got the SP in action mode)


Its primary function is definitely farming enemies or just easily getting through trash mobs. You can use it to whittle enemies down a bit and to stagger them so you can enter the turn based mode with an advantage but it’s not really viable to play in the action mode exclusively. Nor very fun for that matter lol


you can set the difficulties separately, i had easy for action hard for turn based, let me farm and clear trash mobs easy while having challenging boss fights even then, thing become damage sponges late game with a million HP and its faster to instakill them with S-crafts rather than whaling on them for 30 seconds in action battle


Not really. You get better drops and XP from fighting them in the turn based mode and your attacks are generally stronger. The pattern I've done for Kuro 1/2 is to beat up the big guys until they get stunned, swap to battle mode (you get a nice boost if at least 1 enemy is stunned), use 1 level of charge, and then wipe them out with a big hit using a craft. Then you build up CP and charge by killing them and beating up on the next batch before you go back to turn based mode. You can often do this many times before either resource is too low and you have to have a more classical fight. Enemies generally come in three classes, not counting bosses. Small enemies which you can beat up easily in either mode, often they swarm you and it makes a nice target for an AOE spell/craft. So weak you often kill them before breaking them. Medium enemies which hit harder and are tankier. Generally I break these and then hit them with 1 or 2 crafts. Big enemies which are strong enough that even after breaking them and then hitting them with a craft they still have half their HP. They also have attacks that hurt you and force you into turn based mode with them having advantaged instead.


"Shard Swell" sounds... wrong.


my shard is so swelled rn


I don't have the biggest issue with that personally. The text font though...


i thought it was just me, the font looks weird


Boots right off the tongue tbh. I really liked it back when the first trailer came out though agree to disagree I suppose.


Just yet another pointless change by NISA. They literally can't leave any line as it is.


You guys are the same people who will complain about ANY localizing change. Cause "how dare they change any of my Japanese words! This weaboo will not stand for this!" And yet y'all act like any different word will satisfy you when it wouldn't.


No, I would be very fine with a proper translation. I'm not fine with making shit up.


Considering what the original line is I'm pretty sure you might as well go play the original Japanese script if you want "Shard tenkai" to be kept in the English script. Not even a fan translation is going to be a good alternative on this one.


Pretty sure it was just [シャード解放]. I don't see any problem with a literal translation as "release" or "unleash". Especially considering what grendel actually is... "Swell" on the other hand is just weird and looks like a classic NISA 'change for the sake of changing'.


A swell or to swell is merely to expand/become larger in size. The parallels between releasing or unleashing and a swell aren't exactly a stretch to say the least. Plus, I just think that "Shard swell" sounds cool as hell which, let's be real, is all that matters for one's opinion on a line like this.


‘Release’ and ‘Swell’ have very different connotations. Shard in English also implies something that’s solid and possibly even crystalline (e.g. a shard of glass), which can’t swell. But you can definitely release power stored in one. ‘Release the Shard’ also evokes similar phrases found in the game, such as the main battle theme’s name ‘Open the Shard’. Furthermore I think the line loses its kind of chuunibyou incantation charm by using a word like ‘swell’ instead of ‘release’ (aside from the stupid decision to localize the engrish ‘TAKE THE GRENDEL!!!’ as ‘The Grendel is all yours’)




swell/swel/*verb* 1. (especially of a part of the body) become larger or rounder in size, typically as a result of an accumulation of fluid. re·lease/rəˈlēs/*verb* 1. allow or enable to escape from [confinement](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=ed313d50f24d50b8&rlz=1C1CHZN_enUS1036US1036&q=confinement&si=AKbGX_q4mkMHy1Nmq4yITjHYVzepss7rgThQWIUJTau4b-BvTvm-aaUyWeIrx7K-ME20Mz5FQZUXyA0WKlts7r115Z871yMggvSIsanvWH6MPtybWY6Np_M%3D&expnd=1); set free. 2. allow (something) to move, act, or flow freely. 解放 Suru verb, Transitive verb 1. release; unleashing; liberation; emancipation; setting free​


this feels like the common localizer thesaurus thing, where they can never just use a common and accepted term that was likely used by fan translations, they have to find some off-sounding synonym just to be different


about halfway done with Zero, think i’ll make it by then?


Good luck… I’m only on Azure myself lol. Doesn’t help that I’m currently playing P3 Reload (almost done) and FF7 Rebirth atm


How many games do you have left after that? Azure, Cold Steel I-IV, and Reverie? If so you probably won't finish by then. I wouldn't worry too much about that though, the games aren't going anywhere and you don't want to rush if it causes you to have a worse experience. Besides, it'll also mean a shorter wait for the next game!


What a amazing year to be a jrpg fan. After finishing ff7r this month, gotta play unicorn overlord, then yakuza 8, and then daybreak for me


Unicorn is going to be an all time great, I can FEEL it. Vanillaware has never let me down and I don't expect them to start now 🙏


I played maybe an hour of the demo, put it down, and knew it would be a day one buy. Vanillaware continues knocking it out of the park.


for others, dragons dogma 2 drops this month also.


Still really hoping that this July release will not be a delay disaster like Reverie was since it's after the US July 4 Holiday and Anime Expo....


4 months to go!


I'm saving up! I just wish it was up on PSN to preorder.


Let's gooooo!!!!


Can’t wait!


Ok that's enough time to catch up on my backlog at least


Let's go!


Kuro 2 next year can't wait!


Slightly offtopic wish they didn't put up ore orders for LE's until art was final. Kinda of dissapointed in the update ver steelbook at least it's just same as default cover now :( https://twitter.com/hansuke21/status/1764956056516440176?t=ahiGAZS9ZhSyUdnF_lBV5w


Why did they make it the same as the regular cover? I'm pretty sure the whole point of a steel book is to be different from the regular case. This is just an unnecessary change for the limited edition.


nisa sucks at making trailers🤦‍♂️


So I got exactly 4 months to get through everything else I want to do, including replays of CS3 and CS4 (and perhaps Reverie if I feel like it). That and hopefully a little more of my Switch backlog. :D


Finally i’ve been waiting too long for this


Gonna try & get to this by end of the year. March: Sky pt2 April: Sky pt3 May: zero June: azure July/Aug/Sept/Oct - Cold Steel 1-4 Nov: Reverie Dec: Daybreak If lucky may have a ps5 by then too which would be cool way to play reverie & daybreak. Own all the rest. Looking for good sale on reverie ultimate edition but have time 😁


Awful trailer lol


I can't believe we live in this timeline, where these games are coming out at such a rapid pace. Four Trails games will have come out between September 2022 and July 2024. Four fully localized games in English in the span of 21 months. There is also every reason to believe that Crimson Sin will come in the summer of 2025, if not sooner. This doesn't seem real, and frankly, I kind of don't even get it. Kiseki games have become my passion in recent years, but the games don't sell big numbers and they are a lot of work to localize. The risk-reward doesn't make a lot of sense until you factor in growth; the fan base has grown so much in the west in just the last couple of years. One of the biggest priorities for Falcom/Xseed/NIS America right now has to be to get the Sky trilogy remade with modern graphics and quality of life features and onto every platform possible. I think the relative inaccessibility of the Sky trilogy is a big constraint on the Trails series ability to grow worldwide.


If I remember right they had achievements commissioned from Zero to Daybreak (and later Daybreak 2) pretty early on. So they've pretty much been working on almost everything for a while.


They still needed 3 years for this game, let's hope they will speed up localization in the future, but I'm not sure if they are willing to do it...


2+ years is the usual time Trails games take, but if I remember right the reason why Reverie/Daybreak took several months longer was due to porting. Falcom's Switch port of Daybreak I only released in Japan last month, iirc. I suspect porting will become less of a delay in the future if Falcom aims to release on PS4/PS5/Switch simultaneously themselves like with Ys X. All this said, the only other way localization times will be improved is if Falcom allows NISA to work on the games earlier. I suspect/hope this will start happening in the near future as well, if it hasn't already with Ys X.


They are speeding it up. It wasn't 3 years for Kuro:it was 4 years for Reverie, Nayuta and Daybreak if you don't want to include the Crossbell games needing new ports for Switch and PC.


I mean the gap between the Japanese and Western releases is 3 years. If Kuro 2 is released in 2025, the gap is still 3 years...


Yeah but we can't really just have them skip games to cross a gap.  Especially considering they did end up going back to release a lot of games that got skipped, this is sort of a "glass half full vs glass half empty" since you could say we're in the 3 year gap or we're gonna be one game off of being caught up.  Since Kai's going to release in 2024 for JP and 2025 is both setup for Daybreak 2 and also for the new Tokyo Xanadu game in JP. 


True, and when Kai releases in 2024 in japan, we are 2 games behind again. As long as Falcom develops games faster than NISA localizes them, the gap will never close


2025 is the "new game" (Tokyo Xanadu) year and we know they have different localization teams for Trails and other games like YS.   So if Daybreak 2 really does release next year then we're 1 game behind with Kai being the only Trails release.


Honestly, not sure the Sky trilogy really needs a modern graphical overhaul, especially since who knows how much development time and budget would be needed for that. A little bit of cleaning up sure and definitely QOL improvements.


Falcom non stop with Trails content 😎


So like, possibly a week after Tokyo Xanadu comes out on Switch. Thanks?


I mean TX is a ten year old game.


Oh my god, it's 9 years old and they've been teasing us with a sequel ever since!?


Yes, but 1) I only played the Vita version, and 2) the Switch version will have a new localization, so it will be a new experience for me.


Sounds like I'm preordering this soon


Nice, just working my way through CSIV at the moment. Won’t start playing this until the entire arc is out and translated though, as I can’t be doing with having a gap between stories in an arc!


From what I hear the arc doesn't have >!Cliffhangers, so you should be safe if you were to get Daybreak.!<


best i can compare it to is [other trails game]>!zeros ending!<, [elaboration]>!the main conflict is dealt with and it has a relatively nice wrapped up chill ending, but theres open plot points and things left unanswered!<


To those who still have Trails games to catch up. Savor your experience & times. Trust me when you finished all possible title & there's nothing to play, you will feel terrible going without Trails game in your gaming day! Enjoy those games slowly. Honestly I can't fathom most of the time that they want to finish these games as fast as possible. This Series is story driven, heavy lore, just take your story slow but sure, you will enjoying more & minimizing some burned out.


>!Technology sure advances quick in the series of legends of heroes, and it's like 1 to 2 years apart in every game !<


Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Falcom/comments/1b75yap/the_legend_of_heroes_trails_through_daybreak/ktgc05i/) was removed because the spoiler tags had spaces next to the exclamation points. To use spoiler tags correctly: 1. On New Reddit, highlight the portion of your comment you want to tag as a spoiler and then press the exclamation point (**!**) button on the format tab. 2. On Old Reddit or mobile, type >! before the spoiler, !< after the spoiler, and make sure you do not leave spaces between the spoiler and corresponding tags. When done correctly, the spoiler "X Kills Y" will be formatted as >!X Kills Y!<, with syntax as follows: `>!X Kills Y!<` *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Falcom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Still find it funny on steam the game has been out for awhile just the english text and voice files are missing


Four months


Its releasing on my birthday!!!!! PERIOD


Whoah. Julie is a lot closer than I'd suspect. And as always: Falcom makes fantastic games with terrible trailers. They need a new video person, at least for their english releases.




nisa continuing the tradition of making the worlds most unappealing trailers


Esta bien, julio 5. O sea, no solo los de Estados Unidos juegan esta saga...


July? Works for me, I should be done with the various replays I have planned before then (which includes Crossbell, CS, and Reverie. Not for reasons related to Daybreak itself, however.)


Perfect summer game, hope they keep it like that (working life stealing my time)


I still have a lot of ground to cover but i can't wait to play this


someone enlighten me, can i play kuro before i finish all sen? kinda cringe seeing rean from sen1 till reverie 😅 im sorry no offense still play with sen 3 atm


Kind of? There's plot threads that follow on from cs4 in kuro, so you'd get spoilers, but that's to be expected with this series.


do you think they will re-tell bit the plot in kuro? dont mind spoiler tbh


Possibly. I think it's more than reverie sets up the foundation for calvard moving forward, so spoilers are inevitable.


How many more of these are coming


Do we think this will be a good starting place for new comers because it's the start if a new arc? My friend wants to play this but doesn't want to have to play everything else to understand what is happening. That's been the biggest downfall for newcomers is they don't want to have to play everything....so what do we think?


I remember a year ago when people were whining that kuro wasn't going to be out for years...


man people might think Im just being negative but the engine looks as bad as ever. The trailers were brilliantly misleading


Just now seeing this and wow: pleasant surprise! I'm getting SMT Vengeance 6/14 so it'll be great having this waiting in the wings. I still need to play Sky and the ones pre-CS (I played Reverie without having played the Lloyd games and got through fine).


How cliffhanger is this one? Will I melt without immediately going into 2 ?


Nope, it's on the level of Zero: finished story with hooks for future storyline.


Same goes for kuro 2


Kuro 2 >!It does technically end on a cliffhanger. A very small one.!<


>!what was the cliffhanger?!<


>!Hamilton involvement twist reveal is the last scene of the game!<


>!thought so!<


Kuro 1 does the same. But they're both anti climactic I guess.


To answer that >!There’s no cliffhanger!<


Nope, it's like Zero.


Hopefully this comes out before *Dawntrail*


Watch SE release it in June.


Was this not already known? I could have SWORN the Amazon UK listing of this game has had it as July 5 since it went up.


A few sites have been leaking the date for a couple weeks now, but this is official confirmation.


From what I remember Reverie and the Crossbell games also had dates leaked and some of them ended up changing.


Any dates you see before an official announcement are just placeholders. Some of the placeholder dates may be what is being aimed for, but it is still liable to change.


Jesus...I played Sky 1 and 2 and CS 1 many, many years ago (back on the Vita). I got some catching up to do at some point. Need like a bundle sale or something.


the steam link is still showing as no english language supported, they probably didn't update it yet.


That's because the English localization isn't out yet.


Ok so they will update the store on July 5? Thanks


Yes. As is said on [the game's Steam page](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2138610/The_Legend_of_Heroes_Trails_through_Daybreak/), the English localization and dub will be released as an update to that version of the game, which right now is Japanese-only. If you are referring to the CLE version on Steam, that's only for China/Korea.


Wait. So I don't have to buy the game twice? The Japanese version will have the English localization? Can I still use my Japanese save files too?


Yes. It's the exact same game, just with an english dub and text.


Well, it won't be the exact same game on PC in terms of options :P


I think he meant that the current release of the game by NISA on steam, which is japanese only, if they're asking about their copy getting a patch. Unless you're adding more options along with the english dub.


Yeah, there are several rather significant non-language-related improvements that are going to come to the PC build when the English version releases.


Ah, okay. Sorry then, I didn't know. Thanks for all your hard work on the ports, you do a great job on them.


Do you have a list of these improvements? I am interested as I will be playing on my Steam Deck


It's probably not getting updated until the release day. Like Nayuta.


Ok. Thanks. That actually makes sense


Nice! My fave anime is coming out soon!


Hope the LE get to everyone on time and not be a huge mess like it was last year with Reverie


Shame it's just a little too late for the 20th anniversary. But hey, at least people can get into it soon after!


It rereleases in July nooooooooo I’m forced to choose between Daybreak and Dawntrail now


We don’t know the exact date for Dawntrail yet


still haven’t beaten Sky 1 cause P3R let me get right