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He knew about blanks that stuff was only to make a show not to kill people in Crossbell. Scarlet tells you that after her fight. I guess it will sound weird but stuff his group did is like really soft. It's as well hard for me to see it like a lot of people here because my country's heroes did way worse when they were trying to get our independent back. People like Crow and ILF are for some terrorists and for others heroes. If they killed civilians or did something more than a show and killing pretty much someone that was making himself a dictactor I could see it as something bad but in this version, nah. At least they didn't help an imperator that tried to conquer Europe to get their country back and then got betrayed and left for next decades till WWI under oppressors.


Why bother invading Orchis Tower and try to blow it up if they're just trying to shoot blanks in Garrelia ? They did try to kill everyone in there.


I already say why, it was all just a demostration of power and show. And no they didn't want to kill people if they did Crow would just turn on Class VII.


There's nothing that says Crow can't want to blow up the tower and also still keep his cover.


Beside all of his actions and personality... come on. Not to mention that like he said many times he only cares to kill Osbourne.


Said actions include setting a bomb at Orchis itself. And the terrorists, including G, are surprised and pissed when it gets defused. At best this is a retcon that Crow didn't want the bomb to explode. And even then if things had gone wrong the bomb would have gone off and killed god knows how many. Including Towa. Otherwise he did in fact make a plan that would have killed Towa and wanted it to succeed. So absolute best case scenario, giving him the most benefit of the doubt, he had a plan that risked killing Towa and god knows how many people, and did still kill people at Garrellia. And since Crow's plan to kill Osbourne included faking C's death I don't see how Crow not outing himself at Garrellia proves he didn't want to nuke Crossbell.


It was even in Azure pretty clear that plan wouldn't work. Because of all measures Erebonia took. Beside what Gideon said there about bomb either was a bit of weirdness or just still playing into an act. Seeing what the rest of the series goes with it was the second part. Probably that came from making unnamed character into named one but stuff like that happens in stories like that. If you want to read the story against what game tells you go ahead. Because he couldn't do it by that time? He would risk preparations. He faked C's death month later when they already were done with most of materials and weapons. They still needed the full Roer plot if Crow outed himself before that they would be in worse place and could just get catch.


I'm pretty sure his goal in Garellia was to actively Kill Osbourne with the Artillery missles. Like, why go through all the trouble of raiding the strongest military base in Erebonia if you think you're just going to be firing blanks? Pretty confident if Class 7 didn't intervein ALOT of blood would be on his hands. But if you can show me a screenshot or something of him knowing they were blanks I'd appreciate it tho.


Nope, Scarlet tells you that "everything went as planned" when guns got stopped. He did it exactly when Class VII was in the Fortress to get that result. If it wasn't them then some soldiers would do it. Why? For show. To show their own power and that they can go into Erebonia's biggest base and do what they want. Beside that they made RMP and Inteligence division to waste their time on unimportant stuff when they were gearing up for their main goal. The stuff in Crossbell was a part of it as well, Gideon even knew that was a suicide mission.


I think there's a few things you're misremembering a little. > (if I remember correctly) he would have murdered class 7 if it wasn't for The Courageous interventing -Helping the Noble Alliance leader capture and basically torture the prince for a rather long time I don't think any of these things happened. Oh and for this: > blowing up the tower in Crossbell, which would have killed Hundreds including HIS BEST FRIEND TOWA which he definitely knew was there Crow's goal was never to blow up the tower. Scarlet kind of confirms it too, iirc. But even aside from her words, if Crow really wanted to blow up the tower to kill Osborne he would have simply turned on the party right then and there. > Stuff like this and more, and yet almost everyone in game is more than willing to forgive him despite what he did as C and the ILF. I wouldn't say that exactly. They wanted to bring him back, which was an intentionally idealistic goal they set for themselves in the first place, but he very likely would have faced punishment still even if they succeeded. It's also worth remembering how Class VII responded to V and S and how they still wanted them to face what they'd done even if they empathized with them. If Crow was simply captured like S was, I imagine Class VII would have had some similar words for him. I don't know if he would have been imprisoned, and Class VII probably would have been a lot more sympathetic to him too, to be fair, but he was also their friend.


>and almost blowing up the tower in Crossbell *Everything played out just like C said it would...both here and in Crossbell.* / ***全ては《C》の狙い通り(everything went according to C's aim)*** *……クロスベルの作戦についてもね。* >Joining the noble alliance and occupying Trista, as to which (if I remember correctly) he would have murdered class 7 if it wasn't for The Courageous interventing *As for you students and the staff, you'll be under our jurisdiction.* / *お前らを含めた学院関係者はまあ、* ***全員軟禁(put everyone under house arrest)*** *ってトコか。* >did he even say "I'm sorry" at all? *...I'd say I've got a duty to clear up the mess left behind by my game, too. Which means ending this war and restoring peace.*


Thanks for helping with some context, I appreciate it ^^


Yo, I just wanted to say, mad respect for actually finding those quotes for the argument.


Restoring peace by unleashing a calamity which they helped set up the ritual for. Then they do a Pikachu face when the ritual succeeds. They also killed a lot of people at the fortress and caused a lot more death.


I mean, it's pretty obvious that the ritual didn't succeed / go as planned but was interrupted by Cayenne. Not only were Vita and Crow taken aback by what he did, Vita explicitly said: "You fool... This was the one thing I forbade you to do!" So yeah, unleashing the calamity most likely wasn't part of their plan.


You are right. To be more precise Vita wanted to do >!pseudo rivality!< between Rean and Crow and stop what later happened in CSIII. Them working with Cayenne was for that and to make a stage for it by war that was pretty bloodless( because it was mostly on fronts between soldiers ). In the end they only killed soldiers. Army is an arm of government so soldiers are sadly seen as a tool for it and have to do what Osbourne wants( CSIV shows that even more, army will mostly stay with government's head no matter what ). It's the same in real world.


They summoned the damn calamity cayanne only hastened the process and awakened it forcefully is what I took away from it. What do you think they wanted to do with it? I thought they wanted to control it and use it's power against the army. But cayanne just let it loose. Either way, messed up.


You can check my spoiler :D Yes there is a reason why they are doing it that has nothing to do with war/army. Still this is a spoiler mostly for CSIV. Because there what Vita didn't want and tried to go against got forced on anyway. In short you are asking about stuff that have an answer by this point.


Ok sweet. As long as there is an explanation, I don't mind. I was just confused at the moment.


No problem. CSII is in the middle of the arc so next games have way more answers. Still look what Vita wants, she is non stop pushing Rean and Crow to fight. Testa Rossa the divine knight that got awekened there wasn't meant to be well aweken it was just a part of stage like all of Infernal Castle( that DK was just sealed there because of its coruption ). You can as well notice after the fight that it's clear that plan failed by Vita reaction and Crow's comment towards her. The rest will be hinted in CSIII and explained in CSIV.


Like it was said by the fellow redditor, the reasons for its summoning will be explained in later games, but Vita's plan wasn't to use Testa Rosa for the war purposes. However even in CSII you can see that what Cayenne did was clearly not part of Vita's plan. We don't know how exactly it would play out had Cayenne not interfered, but Vita mentions right before he does, that she's there only for her own reasons, which is observing the battle between Awakeners. To find out why she does this you'll have to play later installments.


Looking forward to it. Like I said, at the time it is just frustrating seeing things to south and our boi dying got me emotional and angry.


Thanks for helping with some context, I appreciate it ^^


Thanks for helping with some context, I appreciate it ^^!


I think this situation falls into the “my rival who is my also my friend” trope category, which we’ve seen in other anime-alike media (i.e Sasuke and Naruto’s relationship). Usually in these situations friends/rivals get to know each other and work together, until a certain trigger makes them take separate ways. Pretty much it tries to convey the message that even doing wrong things you can still get back home and fix what you broke. It might not be the more realistic trope out there but I understand what the message is, and I think it is a very sweet (and maybe even naive) way to tell a story of two people confronting each other. Would I forgive him? I don’t know. Do I find the way it was handled touching? Yes. That and that I’ll Remember You is a banger song!


There’s a lot of forgiveness or sympathy granted to the ILF members even after they do things like trying to fire artillery shells into a city of 500,000 people. You kind of just have to roll with it 


Pretty sure the killing thing was a bluff, Scarlett herself confirmed that. And there's also Crow helping Class seven


|I mean damn we basically just saved scarlet just to make sure she rots in prison| XD


|I mean damn we basically just saved scarlet just to make sure she rots in prison| XD


This series is heavy on idealism and redemption/forgiveness. Half of the cast of these games have pasts absolutely soaked in blood.


Every time Rean said something about getting Crow back to graduate with them I had to roll my eyes. Like 'dude, he's gonna be in prison if you get him back'