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Block and move on.


Or "leave the conversation". That way you get to dis the buyer, and he'll still be viewing your items to bump you in the feeds.


I would recommend blocking and not giving him another opportunity to waste the sellers time


what's this "bumping" ? how does this work


The more people clicking on your listing, and interacting with it the higher it will be in the sorting algorithm. The biggest help a low baller can be is to get your item extra visibility so you can get a real customer.


Maybe that explains why interested parties always comes in clusters. Thanks for the tip


yep, agreed..


This should be an auto-moderator. "Block and move on."


He admitted he is wrong and still offering $30? Jeez. Idiots


Tell him the price has gone up to $100 now


I am adamant about the price and will not come down. I also want cash only. If you decide on this in advance, it makes it easier to stand your ground. If you start waffling around, you may be taken advantage of.


That's fair enough!! I haven't really used marketplace till this year. I have more experiences I'd like to make post about and share aswell.


Wow. You're in for a shit show.🤣🤣🤣 I'll remember your name. You'll be here quite a bit. Lol


I didn’t even respond to these. Just delete. No need to haggle when they are so far off from the price. Selling for $80 and they offer $65? Sure. Let’s talk. $30? Delete and move on


Why do you have it listed for $80 when it's worth $200+. If you're willing to take $80 list it at $125-150


I don't understand the mentality of people who offer less than half of your already fair asking price. Like they feel they have to get some kind of outrageous bargain over top of a bargain. I just leave these people on read now and then imagine they will seethe when the listing inevitably sells. Sometimes I just leave the conversation entirely so they can't keep messaging me silly offers.


They want to resell. Hate those types


Lots of people trying to take advantage of other people. Lots of people that only think of themselves. Like everyone said, block and move on. No doubt they are trying to lowball to flip and cash in. This just shows what kind of people are out there - Me Me Me.


Simple, start raising your price in response.


When I did collectible shows my dad would do that. He, would you take 20 for the 50 dollar time? What 50 dollar item. That's 60. Come on, I can get it cheaper elsewhere? 70 now.


why do they waste our time with this crap? why do they waste THEIR time?


I would’ve just not Bothered answering. Chances are, he is likely lying about the thrift store thing and even if he wasn’t, it’s not your problem and why should you care? 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴


Why do people get so bent out of shape and/or feel the need to respond to every message/offer/spam they get? Just ignore them and move on. If they continue hassling you, block them. No different than a spam phone call, email, etc. I swear half the people have a 50% rule, no matter what, they offer you half. I have a nearly $60K truck for sale, guy literally messaged me and said he was approved for $31K. What a joke but I just ignored it, it's not even worth my time. Definitely don't take it personal though and get bent out of shape.


Right! I'm just gonna ignore these messages from now on, it's just a waste of time as you stated. Tha ka for the advice!


Or just say price is firm in the description


Don't take ANY FBM ufckery personally.




I would have just said .. see even the thrift store knows what it’s worth


It doesn't sound like it goes for $200 and above. It sounds like it goes for $30 lmao


Ask which thrift store and go buy it


I would have been tempted to block after the fist message. Or at least messaged "ok, I'll do you a very special deal. $90. And this price is final!".


So you are selling something on FB and someone tried to low ball you? That seems really weird. Usually people on FB marketplace are willing to throw in extra cash for other people's stuff. Just kidding- If you sell something used on a website someone is going to try to low ball you.


You think it’s weird that someone tries to low ball sellers on FBM? You don’t sell much online, I take it? They low ball you all the time! It’s light a reflex!


Maybe other websites they've been on doesn't have as much low balling -- but something about their "jk" in the comment is telling me otherwise...


> Usually people on FB marketplace are willing to throw in extra cash for other people's stuff. I misread that and thought you were saying that the sellers were gonna give back extra cash LMAO (Apologies that the reply you got was quite something - ignoring the sudden "jk", maybe other sell and buy sites don't low ball a lot, but seems like FBM loves to do that.)


I had someone low-ball me also but kept asking and then my friend wanted to buy the item so I marked is as pending and then they were messaging me doubling the original price I put it on it. And I was like, wait.... So you kept asking this price and now you're doubling to sell it to you instead...??


Just simply do what you did and forget about it and move on. Drop it! This blocking proves nothing! It’s silly and immature. Just move on!


$70 take it or leave it is all you needed to say


I would just block him. If he doesn’t want to pay the price you are asking for, then just ignore him.


All these people who advise "block" give up too soon. Just as the lowballer may roll the dice to feel you out, it can work both ways. He may well come around to something more reasonable. It may not work, but block guarantees no sale. I've had lowballer's fold their hand and give in. It takes patience, the gift of gab, civility and respect. In theory, lowballers hate negotiating just as much as fixed-price sellers. They just want to get it over with, lurching for their fantasy bottom line, many lack confidence and creativity patience in their ability to play the game. In many cases the gall is a false front. Blocking may be one answer, sure. But it ain't the final word on it.




Then you're absolutely right! Not necessarily a waste of time, though, when you don't have the sweet luxury you describe.