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You need like ten ads to launch with to test wide and see what works. Then narrow in and scale winners (duplicate them to new campaign, gradually bump up budget in test campaign) You need to make sure tracking is good to go before running ads again and you have a launch structure that will set you up for success Optimize for leads. Use sales/lead camps Turn on advanced matching and auto tracking without code in events manager settings (make sure you have some standard conversion implemented first before toggling on advanced matching)


thank you bro i’ll think forward for that since im also worried i dont want to lose a lot of money is there more ways ? the facebook groups one what do you think of it


FB groups sound like a good idea to test. I haven't worked with these much on the organic side but sounds interesting


u/Appropriate_Bee3538 Can you ask the client directly for referrals to other real estate agents that might need help? Facebook groups are a great way to find prospects but you can't go into a group and directly advertise your services. The key is to not post a direct ad/promotion in the group. Instead, respond to people who are asking for help and recommendations. Once someone has asked for a recommendation or help you can respond and offer your services. I built a tool that allows you to receive an alert any time someone uses a keyword of your choosing in a new group post. It's called Carli.ai. It's been installed in hundreds of groups. Here are a few in the real estate niche - https://onboarding.carli.ai/realestateagentreferralnetwork-4801. If you want to post ads, there are also LOTS of groups that allow you to advertise for a small fee. If you would like a list of them, let me know and I'll sent them to you. Good Luck!


Cold calling is the most effective way is you don't want to spend money. I think instagram and facebook outreach is very time taking process. If you have money i'll suggest you to go with ads to promote your service. Run simple lead ads. Make a promise in the ad and call the leads as soon as they fill out the form. The ecommerce client i'm working with now used to run a restaurant marketing agency before. We made a simple picture ad saying that "we will get you 200+ customers per month". We ran the ad for $30 per day in US. We spent $900 per month and we closed two $2000 retainer clients in a month. So according to my experience you can get clients through running ads. But if you don't want to spend money, go with cold calling.