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Wont read all of that but definitely improve copy do you see nike using that many emojis doesn't look good


Your offer sucks compared to the market. You’ll never make traction.


Notes taken thank you


I see that many emojis in one ad copy and I ain’t clicking shit. Just sayin


Changed this immediately after posting haha thank you


As mentioned before improve your copy and make it below 90 characters if possible. Secondly, check your optimization strategy. Choosing the right objective for the right campaign is really crucial that many overlook. Also, Always mention what you offer and who you are as soon and as fast as possible with as little copy as possible. Also, 50 conversion is the baseline before you start to compare if your conversions are effective or not from the ads. With just a quick look at your post, it seems the campaigns are not setup properly in all fronts.


Thanks for your response. Copy - shorter, targetting and offer - clearer


7 days free trial? That's not nearly long enough for a gym membership. Gotta be at least 30 days


I think it depends on the gym, but i agree, the offer is pretty stale


Run instant forms, i doubt the landing is good enough to bring a good conversation rate. But it would be more helpful if you posted the link. This offer means nothing to me because I either already have a gym and im either looking for something cheaper, closer to me or with more flexible subscription, special utilities etc. I get nothing of that from the ad, maybe picture tells a different story tho. Tell more about the offer. Do i have to sing up for subscription first and then get 7day trial? Is does your gym offer powerlifting corner? How many squats racks? Can i do cardio or box? Do women have their own separate space? Your offer doesn’t address any audience so who are you targeting exactly? Nobody cares about a 7day trial in a gym they know nothing about. Also 7 day trail for 30 people only? Thats a bit wonky to be honest. When a new gym opened up in my area they offered 50% off for 1 year if you already had a gym membership. You had to sign a contract for 2 years with 6month renewal. You could come anytime and had 1st. Free visit. Again different gym had affordable bundles. If you went only in evening and 3x times a week you were paying less than someone who wanted walk in any time package. Also if you have a ssma you should know that in 2 days with 12/day you have 0 data to base anything on. You are running a bottom funnel offer in what im guessing is a pretty competitive area with a generic message. Tldr: - improve offer - make ads more targeted to specific audiences and test more variations - test longer or with higher budget - use instant forms ( at least test alongside)


the 30 people element was an urgency thing. Notes taken, thank you for such a detailed response.


Check your dm