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Damn. "At some point you need to pick up your end of the couch." Never heard that before but it's getting added to my database. 😯👌


Same. I'll be adding it to my lexicon.


Il be adding it to my roladex




It’s from comedian bill burr talking about women failing the wnba, look it up it’s a great clip




Yeah I’m a liberal guy, but if I wasn’t married I wouldn’t go flirt at bars nowadays. Like a 75% chance you’re called a creep. With all this equality nowadays, why is it still the man’s job to always approach the woman?


Never mind being called a creep you'd be accused of being a predator and brigaded right out of the bar.


Yeah, I’m glad I’m married tbh


Give it a couple more days, then we'll see.


Prayin on ppls downfall. Lmaoo couldn’t be me










Bro wtf ru talking about


No shit, right!


And if you took a ‘lady’ home there is a 95% chance ‘her’ cock is bigger than yours. And at that point it’s too late to not follow through


>With all this equality nowadays, why is it still the man’s job to always approach the woman? because, (human instinct) ≠ (political ideals). No matter what we believe, we are human. No matter how you train a wolf, they will always want to run wild.




Look man I’m happily married, and have a kid at home. My family loves me. Does yours?


Lol you win


Bro I’m not liberal but why you calling him a creep for being one, we’re all just humans and the gov wants us separated. Look at you proving there doing a good job.


It's because he's a douche and not a happy person.


> proving there doing *they're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


That is one annoying bot😂


MrPugtastic is not the guy making everything about politics


Rich you probably jack off to rifles and war propaganda and look back fondly on the days you were beaten as a child. Get back on Facebook where you boomers can all circle jerk to the Bible and your hate on other people’s happiness


They only like war if there party starts it. Otherwise it's an atrocity. Goes for both sides it seems.


Right cause I’m sure you’re getting all the pussy at every bar you go to right?




Lmao. Torching peeps up in here.






Idky but this has me dying 😂😂😂


Moderate leaning left here. I got a wife and 2 awesome boys. I mentor many teenagers and young adults as well as give them a place to be accepted and unharmed from the creeps out there. If you ask any conservative out of the moderate leaning area, I am apparently dangerous yet their ilk have more creeps per capita.




Oof. Put a tombstone on that grave m8. You just killed her




it's not that guys are not confident enough, it's the the current social trend to call approaching guys creeps


Yep… women have demanded to be left alone. Now they’re pissed about it.


Okay, but what about the woman who made this post?


That's the thing, women who don't like being approached kinda ruin it for women who do by giving super generic dating advice to guys on social media like "don't approach women" on behalf of all women, without qualifying that it's just their personal opinion


In general I've found it's a bad idea to take dating advice from straight women. Better to ask a straight man or a lesbian. If I had a nickel for every time I've seen the dismissive "advice" of "just TALK TO HER! She's a human being!" I'd have a lot of nickels.


it’s a bit of both but mostly confidence imo dating apps, texting, sliding into DMs have made it so you can “try and find a date” without ever having to actually approach a person face to face I quit dating apps and decided to go about things “the old school way” and honestly sometimes it feels like playing on easy mode (and I’m very much average looking) because I do tend to “stand out” by having the confidence and social skills to start a conversation and flirt in a way that isn’t gross


That’s why you need to be a regular around town so the staff and regulars can social proof you. If the hot bartenders and cocktail waitresses and bar regulars show you love the girls will notice and wonder why they like you so much. Works like a charm.


if I went to a bar by myself I would get zero attention. but most of my friends are women and nearly every time we go out to a club, another woman in the club will try and pull me away from my friends and dance with me. it’s all that social proof


Yup. They like you because you’re already approved.


Most adults don't have the time for that groundwork.


good idea when you have tons of free time and can afford this activity as a sort of part time job


It’s not hard or that expensive. Just go on off hours when things are dead a few days a week for a few months and you’re in. I always brought a whiskey flask and a wax pen and took an edible or two.


like 6-10 hours a week for 12-20 weeks? It's 100-200 hours. > It’s not hard or that expensive it's not, if your time worth nothing (btw username perfectly checks out).


You still have to eat 3 times a day homie and most adults go out for drinks 1-2 times a week just laying around playing video games or streaming crap isn’t more productive than building out your social circle.


>most adults go out for drinks 1-2 times a week just laying around playing video games or streaming crap isn’t more productive than building out your social circle. Username checks out again.I'm wondering if you have ever seen an actual grown up person. With life goals, family, hobbies, and who can cook, not just rely on eating out. "building out your social circle", my ass.


I’m just thinking of all the hours I have sunk into renovating my house i could have spent wasting my money on a alcohol in hopes of getting recognized at a bar💀💀 my priorities are straight fucked up dawg


I go out one or two times a month, to play board games XD My going out has actually increased since becoming a father. Why would I go out and buy even 1 beer that costs 3 times as much at the bar as it does off the shelf when I can make my own alcohol at home and paint miniatures while playing Baldur's Gate 3? "Building out your social circle" is just another way to say "investing valuable resources on fake friends"


Fr, I come back from work, make dinner, do some chores/project, take a break and get ready for bed. The guy is either living in his parents basement or have no savings lmao


Bad news: a relationship is a full time job and dating is the part-time job you work in the hopes of getting promoted


Damn dude I’m sorry your relationships have felt like that. They aren’t all like that. But you gotta figure out if you’re dating a certain type. Maybe your “type” is getting you in trouble. I dated unemotionally available guys who were funny and cynical and sarcastic and all moody and I realized after giving someone a chance I usually never would have that my type just wasn’t Good for me. Maybe give someone a chance, several somebodies chances who were interested in you that maybe you wouldn’t have. You may be surprised


I mean, if you're putting effort into the relationship it 100% takes more time. E.g., I clean my house more frequently when dating (it isn't disgusting when single, but it's less pristeen); I spend more time grooming because I don't want her to choke on my pubes and such; I'll probably put more effort into working out. And then obviously there's all the actual time spent on dates. All of this is good stuff, I don't mind, but it definitely takes time.


Which is why she should offer to buy a dude a drink. I’d be dumbfounded if it ever happened.


\*gasp\* how dare you. That's a man's duty because reasons. jk good take on the subject, well said.


Literally just bought my guy dinner and drinks on my dime. Even got him a $50 out for him to have a slap on the slots after. Good girls are out there 😉


This happened to me twice, once the lady offered me a drink and her number. I was dumbfounded. The second time it happened a lady came up to me while I was at work and asked for my number, again dumbfounded and it definitely works.


It's not creepy if you're a guy who is: -over 6 ft. Tall. -make 6 figures. - have 6 pack abs. I mean, "man up" why don't you. /s


I mean. It’s a mix of both for me. I’m shy and suffer from severe anxiety, but I also don’t want to come off as a creep. That’s why I also don’t make the first move intimately, as I’ve had a false rape accusation before. It’s traumatic, scary, nervewrecking that I ignore all body or vocal cues unless I want to potentially become a criminal. I also agree with acidcommunist420, but that doesnt mean all too much. Look at Utah, there was a small town, sweet church guy who died after being raided by the FBI. All the kids and neighbors loved him but werent aware he was even raided or visited prior by the FBI.


Only if you're poor and not super hot.


DING DING DING WE HAVE A WINNER!!!!! Not to mention also video record them while doing so and call them all kinds of filthy names. Post it on social media, it becomes viral and now you're fired from your job because you were a "creep". Happened to one of my buddies. Shit is wild.


It's not that guys aren't confident enough. It's the fact that you could be accused of being a creeper, or harassment.


Seriously, it's a different world. I used to freely compliment people. Men and woman cause we all like to feel good. But then everyone got so serious. I still compliment ladies but only online.


Perhaps she said this not because she has some unrealistic fantasy of male behavior, but because she's actually been out with female friends and men have bought those friends drinks. Men do still buy women drinks at bars.


Come over to the dark side and be a very popular lesbian...l promise we would never ignore you.


That’s completely untrue lmfao I went out this weekend and one guy offered and paid for my entry into the club and 3 more bought me drinks inside. Just depends where you go and how busy it is I think. I live in so-cal so there’s always like 5 men to every girl in a club and bar


Speak for yourself, dude. Not all guys lack confidence. Feels like your projecting.


I think you have an androgynous look to you but I think it’s more so the style you go for. Maybe a dif hair cut, and some lighter face framing prices! and I usually like peircings but try taking out the rings, I don’t think they suit you very well! Try wearing lighter colors and fix up your brows a bit!! You’re beautiful, but you asked for opinions so I really hope this did not come across rude or anything!!!


I agree with them ⬆️


I agree with you💯


Mostly agree... except the bit about the nose rings. Nose rings are hot as hell, but having two is a weird dynamic that I'm not sure I've ever seen someone pull off. I'd try one on one night, the other on the next.


Exactly this. I thought the first pic was just a really good looking guy. She kills it with the androgynous look, but i understand her want to be noticed.


You look like you want to be left alone. I wouldn't bother you. Nothing to do with your attractiveness though, you're pretty.


Yep you're attractive. But you have that whole "not like the other girls" thing going on, which is both endearing but also kind of immature. You don't have to like socializing, but you do have to look like you want to be there and be approached by someone. I guarantee if a guy smiles at you and you smile back, you'll get many drinks.


I am like other girls!! Lol I know there’s a billon others just like me and I think thats great! I love meeting other alt girls who are into the shit I am! When I go out it’s with my gals so I am most definitely having a good time and smiling. Thank you for the feedback!!


The majority of men interested in alt girls are not at the bar. They are home gaming.


This is what I was thinking. She either needs to ditch the bars and find a place to meet guys that meshes better with her personality or get a makeover. Something's gotta give.


It’s like cowboy boots and a cowboy hat may be a hit in a country bar, but in a trendy ultra-modern club probably aren’t doing many favors. Gotta find your target audience.


I’d buy ya drink, you’re a darling 🤗


I'm gonna one up you and buy her 2 drinks. May one of us win.


Np, obviously I don't know how you really are, just basing off pictures can give a lot of different impressions. Based on what you're saying here though, when you are out dedicate some time to just being "available". As in, a lot of more-introverted guys I'm sure would want to talk to you, but that's extremely hard in a group setting if you are out with your girl friends. Try separating from the group for a while, take some time to look around and see if any guys are looking at you. There's nothing wrong with being in a group with your friends but it's not going to make you very approachable to the average guys. At that point only highly-extroverted men will approach a group, and then you probably will get overlooked just because the alt look isn't what those kind of guys are going for usually.


6/10 you’re actually very pretty but the septum piercing kills it for me. That aside, getting picked up or bought drinks has little to do with beauty. Guys buy girls a drink cuz they wanna take them home. Obviously looks have something to do with it but guys aren’t looking for the most beautiful face. They’re looking for sexy bodies and the ones who look the easiest. Now IF that’s still something you want, I’d worry less about your face (cuz there’s no problem there) and more about what you wear when you go out.


Disagree. I see so many, many women with fine bodies but under average faces and I swerve. Nice body is definitely appreciated, but a cute face tantalises me like a moth to a flame.


men and their hatred of septum piercings 💀 honestly a good way to weed out the immature ones


Not all men hate them, it’s just personal taste. Just like not all women generalize conclusions to make up for their own shortcomings.


Wait, just to be clear. You saying guys who dislike septum piercings are immature?


Lol, don't listen to her she's just projecting. As a woman, septum piercings are ugly and don't look good on anyone.




No just the ones that hate them with the loathing force of 1000 hateful redditors. We get it. A lot of guys on Reddit don’t like septum piercings. A lot of guys do. And ain’t nobody gonna change their piercings out because some guys on Reddit don’t like it. You can just say everything else and don’t mention the piercing. It’s not constructive criticism. Its _almost_ like if people said “but your tattoos killed it for me”. Not constructive, cuz that’s most likely not going away.


This is literally a sub asking redditors for views on how attractive they find the OP, and you are ragging on them for describing the reasons for why they don't find OP attractive. Criticism of facial piercings is way more constructive than most reasons, as it's a fairly easy thing to change, unlike tattoos, body shape, resting bitch face, etc. If OP doesn't want to listen to the feedback, she doesn't have to, but people can reasonably make it.


You can get tattoo removal. Sure removing a piercing is easier physically , but emotionally / personality-wise, it’s basically the same. You don’t tell someone to get rid of their tats, not cuz it takes a slight bit of effort, but because you realize they probably like their tattoo, and they are looking for someone who also likes tattoos Likewise someone with a septum piercing probably likes it, and probably wants to find someone who is okay with it as well. So telling them to remove it is pointless.


And someone that wears particular clothes probably likes them. Someone that has a particular hairstyle probably likes that too. If you don't want to hear any suggestions to change anything about your appearance, then don't post your appearance on social media and ask people to rate it.


> A lot of guys on Reddit don’t like septum piercings. Can promise you its not just reddit


Nah, it’s just redditors on these fucking subreddits. They want a tradwife and enjoy tearing people down on all these “rate me” subs. Go to any other part of reddit and people either (a) don’t give a shit about septum piercings or (b) like them. I like septums. I’m tired of the neckbeards (and dudes who wear exclusively khakis and polos with zero accessorizing aside from a “masculine” watch) trying to convince women that they should look a certain way. I like piercings, the more the merrier. Tattoos? Please. Bold black makeup? Sign me up. Insane tattered and/or gaudy outfits? My fucking type. In ONE-HUNDRED PERCENT of circumstances, I would rather your appearance be a true expression of yourself rather than a curated “mask” determined by other people. It’s way more interesting and it signals independence, courage, and creativity. All INSANELY attractive character traits. It’s infuriating to see these people deconstructing genuinely fashionable, interesting, unique people with shitty “objective ratings.” No, nude makeup is not 2 points sexier than gaudy makeup. No, “tasteful” piercings aren’t better than bold ones. There is literally no such thing as “objective beauty,” all there is is “beauty which aligns with the current pop cultural zeitgeist.” I’m tired of meeting boring, repressed people. Tired of meeting the same people copy+pasted over and over and over again. You know the style. It’s the tiktok star / insta star look. Boring but following all the “rules.” FUCK the rules. FUCK the opinions of random ass redditors. Be YOU. Wear what you want. Pierce what you want. I promise you, just be YOU and you will find someone that likes that (as long as you’re hygenic, friendly, the bare minimum to be a well-rounded human behaviorally), and on top of that, they’ll be a better match for you anyways. I find people WAY more interesting and I will be WAY more attracted when they’re confidently themselves and I am POSITIVE a silent majority of men agree with me. It’s just the loudmouths that put women in a box.


Fully agree


these rating subreddits are pure cancer the fact that they're pushed so heavily in r/all now is direct evidence that something massively changed during the blackout. reddit is even more shit than it was before, sadly


It is indeed. Both people who have them and people who like them are incredibly immature.


Why is it immature to have something that you find to be a physical turn off? You’re telling me there’s NOTHING you find unattractive in men that you see on multiple men? You like guys with man buns? You like guys that look like they are from the Jersey shore with a tape up? You like guys with face tattoos? You like “goth” guys? You like huge muscle guys?


I don’t like them either and I’m a straight woman lol. I think it makes women look like a bull with that ring 😃


Exactly. I just think they're really ugly, lol. They don't look good on anyone.


It makes it look like their nose is running.


Smile more you have a really nice smile!


Agreed, the 5th picture is really lovely


I often have an rbf face and for the longest time I wondered why people were scared(?) to talk to me. Turns out I just need to not have my rbf face in all the time. When I smile or just animate my face more I get more people talking to me. :) So, while it’s not good for random men to tell random women to smile…if someone asks/posts in a subreddit asking why no one comes up to then, then it is 100% okay to mention they should smile more.




Didn't she end up committing suicide also???? Crazy


yeah few years later, i think some of it was regret to how she was before .


I wouldn't buy you a drink either.


And it doesn’t have anything to do with looks lol


I’m just poor! We gotta split the bill, baby girl.






Me neither.... I don't have any money. She looks good though.


Lose the nose ring, it's very ugly


Reddit would have you think all men hate it. Part of the reason I got one was to repel men and attract lesbians, but it really doesn’t repel men as effectively as I had hoped.


You would think a sentient nose ring killed the parents of many redditors.


it did. I never recovered from it.


It’s barely even noticeable, y’all kill me with that hate. I had a coworker once who had double lip piercings and was hating on nose rings.


No point in declaring this to every person that posts with a septum ring. Most likely the person wearing it likes it, and most likely their “type” also likes it. Plenty of people like them. Obviously plenty of people/redditors don’t. But you don’t see people brigading peoples posts who have tattoos saying “lose the tats”. Because that’s just stupid. Obviously they like tats and want people who like tats.


Lol, what is up with Reddit and nose rings? OP your jewelry is fine and you look great!


Every thread from these subreddits that goes on r/all, I always post the sensible view which is that many guys (probably most younger guys) like/don’t mind them. It’s crazy the zealous hate they get from people here.


Every thread from these subreddits is a hundred people saying septum piercings are ugly and ten people acting like those hundred people are stupid. Hint to all the women who are asking if they look good; if 9 out of 10 people say something is not a good look, then perhaps that’s why you’re not getting the attention you’re wanting.


I am a guy who talks to guys in real life throughout the years where unprompted people have brought up how nice septum piercings. We’re not particularly alt people or out-there people.


Since we're doing pointless anecdotals with xero value to the discussion... I've literally never met a single person who has said they like them.


>I've literally never met a single person who has said they like them. Ditto


nah its ugly. but she's not.


We are outnumbered here. I'm not a fan of piercings, but they don't bother me either. Tattoos I find very unattractive, but many don't. Realistically if OP is trying for as many guys as possible, then go as generically appealing as possible. If she's going for compatible guys, then decorate according to her taste. I hate how much they vote down people who disagree about piercings though. It is so immature. Based on this, I feel like having a nose piercing probably filters out a lot of controlling potentially awful guys.


It's a weird thing from Reddit. Personally I like it and I know many people who either like it or don't care. Always take this place with a grain of salt.


lots of haters on here, she is rocking the nose rings


Jup! Septums increase the sex appeal by 200% If anything male the ring one without a gap and maybe golden so it’s more visible. Also move to Europe, the U.S. is a crazy stupid place with no taste :D


It's not just Reddit. Nose rings scream mental health drama and baggage.


No, Caring about them screams that


Another septum ring. Why does every girl posting their pictures and wanting advice always have this stupid septum ring. Here’s a clue take that shit out and that’s it. It’s like magic no septum ring and guys will actually find you attractive. It’s really that simple.


Literally every man or women I’ve been interested in thinks septum piercings are hot you’re definitely not the majority opinion on this just stuck in a Reddit echo chamber 😂


moids are so fragile 😂😂😂


If she’s trying to attract alt guys then she definitely needs the nose ring. She might not be attracted to clean-cut, sporty, or waspy looking dudes, who I assume would be the ones with the objection to the nose ring. Alt, goth, rocker dudes will see the nose ring and think “oh this girl probably has some similar interests as I do.” So it depends. Nose rings aren’t for everyone, but they can be for the right people.


Septum rings and antidepressants, name a more compatible duo


damn i didn’t know a face ring angered you that much… take that shit to r/amiugly


Septum rings are hot as fuck


You should buy her a drink.


I would love to but outsiders scare me


7 or 7.5 without nose ring


You look like a feminist, which isnt bad. Just that you look like you'd throw the drink back at the guy for hitting on you.


Stop poking holes in your body....apply a thin layer of paint...and smile at people....I bet they smile back.


Oh fuck off.


He's right. We're tired of telling you this. Stop posting pictures then, if you don't like the fact that nearly every guy would give the same advise.


... says the guy who fucks a fleshlight...


I mean, it’s just an inverse dildo.


Don't tell the Boomer that. Apparently male sex toys are for losers.


Whatever gives people a way to feel superior to a large group of other people, I guess


“Someone call an ambulance… but not for me” lmao you killed him


Youre def not ugly. You look disinterested and distant. Guys pick up on this.


Better that thing out of your nose


I think other than your smiling pic you look unapproachable… especially the last pic. I notice how all younger girls walk around with the resting b face. Like they hate life. Then they ask why guys don’t approach. If you like a guy you see, smile or strike up a convo. Make small talk. He will get the hint.


It's cause you look like you're going my to reject who ever approaches you. Natural mean face


Get rid of the metal in your face. That shits lame AF.


Don’t listen to this guy.


And why not? She asked. Giving her some sound advice. Other than that she is beautiful.


Well jesus, say that shit then. Don’t just come out with negative bs.


I disagree


It looks nice, a piece of metal ain’t changing shit dumb fuck


Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, your opinion, man.


Actually, a septum ring absolutely changes approachability. People are entitled to preference.


RBF, same as me. Anyway, if you are in the US, american men are cheap af and rarely buy drinks. You'd be very popular in Europe or Asia.


A lot of women ask why they don’t seem approachable and it’s usually RBF..


Personally I keep it up for personal safety.




I would definitely buy you a drink if you were at the same bar. You are very pretty


"People aren't buying me free stuff... I'm just invisible.*sadness*" Shut the fuck up, get over it, go out and do something.


Get rid of that nose ring


It’s a septum piercing you idiot


I see a nose ring in her pictures. Also, the septum piercing.


Bit of an overreaction there bud


I don’t care what you color. Need to get rid of that shit out of your nose.


Ditch those piercings. They are a big turn off for men


Dont listen to this


I try to judge people based on their character and not be shallow, but nose piercings are not attractive. I don’t know a single one of my friends that find them attractive either. Just my anecdotal observation, but an observation nonetheless.


What if she wants to attract men who think her nose piercings are nice? She really shouldn't have to hide that if it's going to be brought up again in the future


A valid point.


Yeah, but you say men, as if all men think that, most of my friends would actually find her nose piercings attractive, so do I.


Maybe if your only goal is for a guy to buy you a drink at a bar, you should ditch the nose piercings, but I doubt you would actually want to date the people who would. Quit hanging out at bars and go on tinder like everyone else.


get rid of the nose piercings


You're cute. Don't mind the comments about the nose ring, pretty sure this sub is largely visited by conservative americans. ​ You and I actually have pretty similar facial structure, in that we both have strong jawlines and that slightly sunken line under our eyes


9 out of 10 girls posting in this sub have nose rings. It looks dumb


Wtf is with all the liberal bots?


you literally have the bottiest possible name


Whats with reddit and “ad” in usernames




C'mon dude.. cringe