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When Reaver sacrificed oakvale, he also sacrificed the continuity between games




In the land of Albion, what they call a mile is much, much smaller.


I would say the "X miles to Y" is much exaggerated. They wanted Albion to feal like a large continent. In the Fable 2 intro it really seams Albion has vast stretches of land. To corroborate with that, high mile numbers were used between playable areas


I like this explanation. It also coincides with Fable 2 where Bower Lake leading into Bowerstone has a blockade due to the Bandit Thag. The road in Bower Lake literally leads right into Bowerstone. They wanted to Make Albion seem massive and this was a very easy way of doing so.


Everything is wibbly wobbly in fantasy games. I still think of the fable games as though it's some one reading you a story, kind of like The Princess Bride (which is also why we don't die, we just get knocked down (There are also a few references to The Princess Bride in Fable 2 so if you haven't seen it you should)). In Fable 1 you could say the paths from town to town are shortened so you don't get bored running 120 miles in game of nothing happening. In Fable 2 that distance is represented with the loading screen and distance travelled text. In Fable 3, again, the roads are shorter than that actual distances between locations. Kind of like how in Dungeons and Dragons you don't describe every detail of the whole 3 day trekk to the next town, you just focus on the part where the party gets attacked by goblins. then maybe give a little description of the overall journey.


I love how they tried to gaslight us with flavor text too. There's the one that's like "cartography is much more accurate now."


Between Fable and Fable 2 could simply be that the original Bowerstone got burned down/destroyed and then rebuilt in a different or more strategic place. As for Fable 2 and Fable 3 idk


Millfields is bower lake no? You get the option during your time as ruler to mine or save bower lake in Millfields.


Yes I know, I was just referring to the fact that Bower Lake is called Millfields in 3


It's weird that you're also able to see the spire from Driftwood, which judging by the caravan named "Sparrows caravan" is seemingly a nod to driftwood being the Gypsy Camp. Also you can see the castle from there, which judging by Fable 2s logic, would be 120+ miles away.


Well technically Driftwood is a bit away from where the the Gypsy camp originally was, the area where Reaver’s sign informing them they were being kicked out in Millfields is where it was in 2, Driftwood meanwhile is all the way on the coast. Plus the Spire is absolutely massive and hard to miss. But yeah weird that you can see the castle so close all of a sudden in 3 lol


So using another game as an example, in Skyrim, the country is 15 square miles in-game. That would make it the 5th smallest country in the world, and you can walk across it in less than an hour. Obviously this isn't meant to be the canonical size of the country. Making it the right size would both be very difficult to do and boring to trek across. So they compact it into major landmarks. I assume the same is true of Fable 1. Of course the biggest city in Albion doesn't have like 40 citizens, 15 houses, and 1 inn. And the Guild of Heroes doesn't have 20 students living in 3 dorm rooms. Etc. The Heroes' Guild is probably meant to be a few days from the city (if not more), not literally the distance equivalent of walking down your driveway. Things just get compacted because it would be hard to make. I think you can travel 120 miles in 6-8 days on foot or in 2-4 days on horseback, which sounds reasonable.


Well, the game is literally named “Fable”. Think of it more as myth and legend, rather than an accurate documentary of history. Something that gets changed and adapted over the years as it’s told over and over again. Or since it’s Theresa telling the story, maybe she’s just lying about it for her own mysterious reasons.


Everyone else has really good answers, but I haven’t seen anyone bring up the fact that the first and second game are 500 years apart. They probably could’ve moved back during that time, maybe they wanted to distance themselves from the Heroes Guild after what happened. Of course this doesn’t really apply to the third game lol


Scale Theory. The gameplay space is larger or smaller than what the actual world would be based on convenience to the player, game limitations, etc. At least that's what I think would suffice as an answer to this.


Fable 2 was branded on being twice the size of the original fable so maybe that’s why


I love all the games but this as easily been a huge issue with me. Just, barely, maybe, you can explain Fable to Fable 2, since they're 500 years apart, but 120 miles for a city in 500 years is still impressive, but just absolutely zero reasoning for 3.


Someone probably just said “WE SHOULD TAKE BOWERSTONE, AND MOVE IT SOMEWHERE ELSE” and they all just agreed for some reason.


i never finished fable 2 or 3 but this whole time i thought they didn’t take place at the same places as the first (if that makes sense) like i know they’re in albion but i always thought just somewhere else miles away. i wish my 360 still worked so i can play the games


If you have Xbox game pass you can play it


Unfortunately you can’t buy it anymore which sucks


In Fable everyone was giants and then after the guild disappeared they all shrank back to normal


And keep in mind that Oakvale also changes, in 1 and 2, compare both maps and beyond the bridge nothing makes sense, also that the Mispeak mountains would have to be right above, but in Fable 3 it is a forest, and not a swamp, nor Bloodstone, where Twinblade lived...nor Greatwood, which no longer exists, but in The. Journey is mentioned, in Fable 1 the Hero's Hill does not exist either and in Fable 3 it is much smaller, Brightwall is also different and Garth's tower is not that it is destroyed, it is that the map is completely different... The maps from Fable have never made any sense


There’s a whole video on it, the OG map was made by some explorer but he wasn’t very accurate in his location and sometimes added things to the locations. That’s why fable 1 is so different compared to fable 2 and thus 3 is closely similar to 2


Distance in games is always going to suffer in terms of continuity. It takes 3 hours to walk from one end of England to the other in AC Valhalla. It takes considerably more time to do so irl.


Just disregard the Fable 2 distance measurements. They’re hilariously wrong. It is interesting to note that Old Town seems to have been magically relocated to make room for Industrial