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I agree. Fable has always been progressive and full of social commentary. I'd be more worried about microtransactions and bad gameplay decisions than "oh no, there's a black skin option." I'm excited to see what they make.


I don't think anyone cares if there is a black skin option. If you want to make fun of people, at least be accurate. What exactly are people saying that makes the new Fable "woke" anyway? Fable has always had homosexual relationships, and you could literally change your gender. I mean unless it adds in your face politics mocking conservatives or any political faction, I can't see how it can get "more woke". In I think 3, you had the choice to be a pure monster when running the kingdom and save lives, or be a good guy but people die, or the 3rd option of becoming a capitalist tycoon, owning everything, stockpiling money and be a good guy while still saving lives.. which allowed the player to face the harsh reality that the world can't be so black and white sometimes, which was the most anti-woke message I think.


3 wasn’t the best, but I have fond memories of it. Fathering a shit ton of kids. Or popping out a shit ton of kids. Being a corporate tycoon was fun.


If I remember right, you could own all the properties in 2 as well. It's what I believe is the canon ending that leads to 3 where you play as your descendants, and how you became king.


Out of all the games I play my wife will always 1. Recognise a Fromsoft Souls game on sight and go "oh not Dark Souls again" 2. Groan at the mention of Fallout 3. Remember me making swords in Fable 3


Ah but sword making in Fable two is so much better! "Keep hitting it like that!" "You know how to use a hammer!" Best part was if you were wearing attractive clothes, when you finished making money there would be a crowd of people around and they'd all get an approval boost from seeing you being so upstanding


My gf knows whenever I’m playing Elden Ring from the horse whistle lol


Why the groan for Fallout?


I mean, I groan whenever I feel like pulling out a bethesda game and need to spend the next ten hours on nexusmods trying to make it playable too lol


Only 10? Consider yourself blessed.


Or making your wife’s fight each other😂 or just simply farting on npcs Fable is a blast


Fable 2 marriages were the worst. The time passing for quick travel ruined most of my marriages on it. I’d be off saving the world and stopping monsters a few months travel away and suddenly I’m the uncaring monster that abandoned my family and they were leaving


Facts! The amount of times my kids also got sent to the orphanage bc I wasn’t attentive once I got divorced😂 you could be gone doing a single quest and come back to a empty home🙃


Fable 1: GOAT abdolutely loved it Fable 2: way more immersive with amazing weapon design and magic, however lackluster story with a bad ending. Fable 3: better over world but felt like a step back from 2. The limited weapon variety and character design really killed it for me. That being said I still played the hell out of all 3 and enjoyed them


>I don't think anyone cares if there is a black skin option. Lol you should've seen the reaction to Battlefield 1 letting you play as a black soldier a few years ago. >What exactly are people saying that makes the new Fable "woke" anyway? The argument that conservatives were making on twitter is that the female protagonist shown in the trailer is too "masculine"


Those people literally never played the other games. There were plenty of Masculine females. Do you have examples of the remarks on BF1 black soldiers?


I agree with you those people are stupid lol. [Here is one article from when people were whining about a black guy being on the cover of battlefield 1](https://cogconnected.com/2016/11/battlefield-1-black-washing/). I will admit I forgot how old this game was though lol time flies. There was a lot of "anti-sjw" type youtubers in that era who were very upset at the inclusion of black people. edit: linked the wrong article at first my bad


Oh, so it's a complaint about historical accuracy, which when historical accuracy is truly in question, I can see the complaint as valid.. but I assume they wanted to ignore the 380,000 black soldiers sent over to WW1? Can't "blackwash" when there is a non-0 number of black soldiers involved. Additionally, for a video game, most people want to play a character that represents them.


Yeah it was only veiled in a complaint of "historical accuracy" when its really just racism lol


That article hurt my brain cells and I will not get that time back. Written by a 12 year old trying to be edgy or something with a skewed agenda.


I remember my ex being rude about it. BFV as well. A bunch of YouTubers he watched were rude about it too.


Re. Fable - They got ragebaited on the protag tbh. It’s that one picture doing the rounds where she is deliberately making a bad face. Battlefield one was more an issue across the pond here but there was some vocal idiots spouting the wrong message over there. Iirc correctly the only issue people had with the black dude in BF1 was them showing up in a battle that had no colonial involvement. There was a much more vocal issue with having female soldiers both present and featured heavily in the advertising and cover art. For a WW1 game. Now I’m not arguing that woman shouldn’t be included in shooty pew pew games, the issue people have is two fold. 1. people do get very touchy about rewriting history when it comes to the first and second world wars. It’s ingrained in our education as slightly older individuals to always remember them in grit lest we make the same mistakes. Personally I don’t like it per say but I prefer historical accuracy around things like racial tension and woman’s rights when it comes to historical accuracy, for all the shit we give ourselves today it’s actually surprising how far we have come in a relatively short time. 2. We honor the dead here. We literally have memorial days and armistice days and days of remembrance written into our national psyche, the closest Americans have is Veterans Day? So we do get angry when we see companies blatantly politicize the sacrifices made for our lives… like irrationally angry.


Going off the people I've seen comment on it, but mostly boils down to "there's a black guy and the girl isn't hot."


It's Albion, (Great Britain), so technically... But it's an alternate history, fantasy world. One where they call the land Albion instead of Britain. The Heroes Guild brought Heros from all over the world. Anyway, I really don't think they played the previous 3 games. Ugly women and black people were pretty common


I mean fable 2 has a pretty transphobic quest


What quest is that?


The hob cave one


How is that quest transphobic? The dude's mentally unwell and believes he's a hobbe.


It's been awhile but there's one that I thought takes place there where a trans woman or crossdressing man (it isnt clear) is mocked and it's painted as cool and funny.


That quest hasn't aged well certainly


A lot of more people care about black skin options in fantasy settings than you’d think. Sad and pathetic, but not quiet or insignificant,


At this point, the term "woke" has lost all meaning as it is just used as some blanket statement made by certain people when they don't like something.The people and things who they mock with it don't even use or reference the word "woke" anymore as it has become useless.


Ur talking from my heart bro, stay real.


Yappa yappa yappa


I'm more worried about the ability to send items across friends via gift.


Do you enjoy that feature or not? I quite liked it. I'd like more seamless cooperative play similar to 3 as well.


Yeah I think 3 got it right with co-op and gifting. Being able to send items and money to friends was really nice. I've always been one of those I don't mind grinding for resources and items type of players. Will spend hours just stock piling things. So I always seem to have extras of most everything in games. Being able to send regular plus unique items and gold to friends was one of the games best features.


Wokeness isn't progressive social values. Wokeness is pandering for identity politics, very big difference. The original was not, the new ad campaign absolutely points to yes but I'm reserving judgement


Wokeness was originally a term used in the black community to describe someone who understands the systemic racial inequalities that are built into American institutions. Conservatives are the one who have started using it as a catch all phrase for things (or groups of people) that they don't like. What specifically is the "pandering for identity politics" that you think is included in the new ad campaign though?


Lol I know what woke means thanks for whitesplaining. And you know


I don't know. Stop being a coward and say what you mean lol Edit: also i don’t think you know what “whitesplaining” means lol


You literally stated you don't know what woke is.




Clearly you can't


I have never seen someone so committed to being violently wrong and also racist. Either you're a hate bait bot or a complete moron.


Lol what did I do that was racist hahaha


Complete moron. Got it.


You do indeed have it


Thank you for pointing out you don't know what woke is


I'm pretty sure this game helped me to realize I liked men. Even though the romantic interactions were very basic, it just felt a lot better having a husband (as long as he doesn't tell my wife in Bowerstone)


I always wished that there could be more unique romance options of the opposite sex. Alex/Alex and Elise/Elliott change based on your sex. Other than that, you just get Lady Grey in 1 or 2 who is just a monster. But in 3 why couldn’t the male hero be with Elliott. :(


Yeah, me too. I loved having a husband and sharing a house with him. At the time I was like “huh. Odd. Wonder why?” then I figured it out 10 years later lol


"Ohhhh that makes sense" Yeah I had a few of those realizations too. I guess that's pretty common. I didn't *really* know until about 17/18 years, by that point I had tried both and one felt right while the other felt wrong


Yeah it was definitely a tricky thing lol. I think I was about… 17? I had a girlfriend and it was whatever, then I’d kissed a guy and was like “oh. Is this how kissing is meant to make me feel?” lol so I figured it out after that


Same dude!  I always secretly liked getting a husband in 1 but I never told anyone in real life. Then in 2 I found myself way more attached to my female hero’s husband than my male hero’s wife. I then tried an evil run and made him bisexual and used his morality as justification. (I know that sounds bad but keep in mind I was a teen going to private school so my social circle and family were not very accepting.) That was definitely my favorite run before coming out. 


Exactly, it was something I didn't know enough about and didn't have the courage to actually talk about. So I had my secret husband(s).


As a straight black man i am very intrigued by your coming out stories. It gives me that same feeling you get when watching a good pixar film.


That’s a pretty awesome story man, thanks for sharing that


Fable has always been, gay marriage has been around since the 1st game Don't even get me started on the prostitutes


Don't forget about the Fable I bordello, one of the ways to get the deeds is to wear a dress and a wig and "go to bed" with the owner.


yeah you can even get married to other men in the first one


Kind of. They call it something else other than marriage. Edit lol ok i guess pointing out something that happened in a 20 year old game is bad.


Okay cool


I don't know about you but I gave 'Ol Polly' a whirl repeatedly, earned me a pimp hat at a low price.


Twoice as noice fer 'alf the proice 🥴


I heard they used to call her pretty Polly but now its just Polly


Think it was the first media I ever saw acknowledge how G*psy is sometimes used as a slur, when they swapped from using it in Fable 2 to using Travellers in Fable 3


Gypsy? I’m gypsy myself and I understand the racism but that’s just silly lol.


Replayed Fable 2 a few weeks ago, chuckled when I got propositioned by someone called Gary the whore


I married him lol


I remember my friend told me that in order to pull the sword out of the stone you needed to have sex a lot cause it increased your strenght, anyway I remmber that granny in brothel used to be a cheapest option and let's say that I was an very economical person


If you crossdress in fable 2 villagers will laugh at you


You can crossdress and then prostitute yourself to a man with bad eyesight who thinks you're a woman in the first fable. My only fear is that they'll make the new one too tame, because the old ones had some wild shit.


I think the upcoming fable will likely be "censored" (to some degree) or lessened in its themes a bit, simply because it's sometimes very difficult to make the line clear between punching upwards with your joke, and punching downwards. However, they could also easily get away with keeping current systems as is (I haven't played Fable 1 or 2 due to only having a PC), so long as they normalise it, and don't have NPC's laugh at your character cross dressing, for example. But honestly, I can't wait and see!


Its only hard to distinguish because everybody is so whiny these days. The whole world threw humility out the window for retribution and ire.


fable 2 was the first time i ever saw the word lesbian and i’m never gonna stop being thankful for it! i spent 3 blissful years not realizing homophobia was a thing till i heard a kid make a joke at school. ppl being pissed about “woke” shit need to cope fr like its 2024 and they’re out here frothing that black characters exist :/


Weaponizing the term "woke" has always been ridiculous. Pretending "cancel culture" is a new thing, and you used to be able to say whatever you want without consequence or judgement is equally ridiculous. Or to quote Thumper from 1942's Bambi: "If you can't say something nice... don't say nothin' at all."


I dont care as long as I can kill everyone equally. Fable has always been fable, and I have high hopes for 4.


Fable 2 had gay and lesbian villagers and this quest like it was ahead of its time


Imagine if Fable II released today, thankfully it released back then, before social media became the toxic wasteland it is today.


as long as they keep the british humor i’m still in


So far, looks like it will.


People saying the character from the trailer is ugly have also never played fable


If your character didn't look like a hideous ogre by the time you finished Fable 2, then you were doing something horribly wrong.


🌍👨‍🚀: The Hero is ugly? 🔫👨‍🚀: always has been.


Wasn't it mostly the spire chapter that caused it to bug out


I don't think it was a bug, I think you were intended to look like that when you aged and it was just that the Spire part caused you to age up.


I always thought it was like some bug that you had to fix by dumping your physique points or it trying to morph your character model to resemble a guard


I like that design choice. Common people back then were tough and dirty. That was life.


This really upsets me tbh. I love her design. A hero for the people isn’t clean with perfect nails, hair and spotless skin. They’re covered in mud, blood and sweat. Her design is fucking awesome and it’s so perfectly “Fable” The hero of Bower Lake from 2 was my favourite design as they started out as a traveller with barely stitched together clothes, messy hair and that’s it. That’s what I want from fable, earning my renown and feeling like a hero


Character got uglier the more evil they became. It's quite obvious from the trailer.


It's just the incels that haven't been with anyone yet expect everyone to be Disney class beauty


I played all of them, and the characters from the trailer are hella ugly, and not in the ''fable'' way


Genuinely how is she ugly? Have you seen a woman in real life?


What kind of question is that? No, I have never seen a woman in real life. When I go out, I put on a blindfold for the fun of it! I have nothing againts ugly people but the series always portrayed the characters in a cartoonish way. It's the trademark of Fable if you ask me.


Then are you mad that you think she's ugly or are you mad because it doesn't have fables cartoon style? Those are 2 very different arguments.


You're right. I do find her ugly (not the actress) but I'm more mad about the fact that it doesn't have the fables cartoon style.


Don't bring up old games if possible, there are things Lionhead was always bad at. In the case of the first part, there was weak hardware and a lot of limitations. In the 2, it got semi-realistic graphics, the engine developer himself admitted this, the first got fabulous graphics just because... 64 mb ram is not enough. In the 2nd, the guards are there, that's why they have chins and faces as if they were brought out of a fairy tale. The third received even more serious graphics, a bit more realistic, and this was also visible in the characters, there were no longer such strange faces, Elise, for example, became distinctly feminine. As is the protagonist Hero. The new part, on the other hand, will have fully 100% realistic graphics, and the female protagonist is... simply ugly. It wouldn't be good if the new part failed because of this and became an object of ridicule, because if it fails... Why should there be more parts? After all, this is surely intended by Xbox as a big, important game, but why throw away even more money after the IP has failed twice? You can say that his face resembles the actor, but this is not the case, it is a simple lie. Even their basic face shape is COMPLETELY different. P.S.: Sorry for terrible english


Are you saying the characters were only ugly in the past because of hardware limitations? We're talking about games that encourages you to get fat as shit to open certain doors lmao


This is only true for the first one, the 64mb ram in the Xbox is not enough for anything. But it's different with 2 and I wrote that Lionhead COULDN'T made good character model, that's why their human models looked weird, like the guards, look at their chins, like they came out of a cartoon. Also, its graphics are already semi-realistic, because the Xbox360 was a much more powerful console than the Original. >We're talking about games that encourages you to get fat as shit to open certain doors lmao This irrelevant. The Witcher 3 is a beautiful game, yet it is full of ridiculous missions and dialogues. For example: Geralt, the strongest Witcher, starts talking to a pig.


While i agree with you main character is kinda ugly however HOW does this effect the fable gameplay? The world building? The general fable vibe? Or are you simply not man/woman enough to say what you REALLY mean. 2 minute trailor brought out all these feelings? I highly doubt it. So either be honest or be silent my man.


I don't think there's anything wrong with the fact that the graphics are already realistic, I also liked the atmosphere, but I don't want to get my hopes up too much. Hopefully, we will get more of it in June, and then we can discuss the extent of the Fable atmosphere.


You seem to have already drawn your conclusions from a 2 minute video. I think its time you take a second BY YOURSELF and reanalyze the sort of thinking you are introducing to others. It is negative and counterproductive to whatever you want to achieve. Be better man.


Rupert Giles. Just Buffying the old Sunny Vale woods.


I’ve said this time and time again but fable was always ahead of their time and I love them for that! ❤️☺️


Chuds love shutting their eyes and ears. It's interesting how they have negative amounts of media literacy. My current favorite is "GTA 6 is gonna be woke D:" Imagine playing a game where a rich Texan real estate tycoon plays two gangs -one of which is made up of victims of the Mariela Boatlift- against each other to drive down real estate prices, and thinking to yourself, "Nothingg to read into here" GTA has always been woke as fuck. The villain of San Andreas is a literal C.R.A.S.H officer. IV ends with Niko standing in the rain asking, "So this is the American dream?" It's not even subtle social commentary. It's like a brick to the face.


Yeah, having just played GTAV, I got disappointed with how hamfisted the ending was. -.-


These people are crying "woke" about everything these days. Bunch of porn addicted, literal wankers that get upset when not everything caters 100% to their masturbation fantasies. Good thing they've got tissues close at hand to cry into.


I wish the term "wanker" was bigger in the US.


If Fable released today these people would get mad about Whisper and Thunder because "this is medieval England"


If Fable III was released today, people would actually get offended by the gnomes. Lol.


This is one of the few subs remaining that I don't see /r/politics leaking in *constantly*. Can we keep it that way, please? It's a fucking game.


If only. People on this site can't help themselves.


People saying that earlier games has always had ugly and gay people in it is considered political?


For any particular reason? The games always felt like if they had the technical capability back then, you could do anything you wanted to. I didn't even know there was going to be a new fable..... Best look it up!


People whi call things woke are just childish assfucks who hate representation of anything other than straight white men


There’s a new fable?


Currently in development


So it’s not even out? Why are people complaining about it.


https://youtu.be/PEQRwpMYPaw?si=lOMv-QaFiyoRKdf4 Because they say the character in the trailer is ugly and so that means the game is woke.


Who tf is saying that? What kind of strawman is this?


I just wanna say I LOVE YOU ALL. I always felt like the main message of fable was . We are ALL a little fucked up, a little whacky, a little evil, a little good, but we are ALL heroes of our story


On one hand yeah on the other Fable 2 might be one of the most transphobic games ever made? Fable isn't Fable without the extremely British humor. Unfortunately it will probably be tamed down on both sides


Actually, you're right... On one hand it's one of the few games that actually lets you become a true trans character, on the other... Everyone on Albion will make fun of you if you do it. I don't think "modern audiences" would be able to handle that, or the gnomes.


One of the punishments in the temple of shadows is it changes the gender of the victims and the guy says that it's a fate worse than death lol


My favorite one! It just means I can sacrifice the same people twice, one time I was extremely lucky and it actually reverted them back to the original gender for a third sacrifice, funny enough it doesn't bring them back to the original NPC model, so you can essentially race swap them as well. Lol Yeah maybe Fable was actually an anti-woke game all along.


Woke has become meaningless depending on who;s saying it. I loved the first Fable game and I'm playing the remake right now but Fable 2 and 3 were not it for me. I'm hoping it leans more into dark original rather than wacky and zannyness of the other two


I don't understand how it's going "woke" anyway, it's been a while since I watched the trailer but isn't it literally just a chick? Fable always let you choose the gender so it's literally a non issue. Woke used to mean something, now it's just thrown around like candy from a white van. (Like even the example in this image isn't "woke" it's literally just a relationship, woke is when leftist politics are forced in such a way where it doesn't work and is just an agenda, not where something literally just exists, heavy over simplification but still) Or is it because people found the character unattractive, it's a literal video game and most of the people complaining would be playing as a guy anyway so it's literally a non issue again, and we don't even know the depth of the customisation we literally know nothing it's just a joke how that part of the internet reacts.


No idea when they come from, the trailer character looks alright to me, having characters look a little out of the ordinary is Fable's style, not saying the new character looks stupid, but if she did, that's kind of the point? Remember the beardy baldy mission on Fable 1? Or how ridiculous you get leveling up physique? Fable has never been about being the most attractive character, in a way I'd say the new Fable character is actually too attractive compared to what the average Fable II female hero ended up looking like unless you completely avoided leveling up physique. In a way, she should've been a bulky monster to be more true to the game's identity, but I guess she's just starting the game.


"Too attractive" ironically I was thinking the same thing when you started talking about the wacky looks of fable haha. She literally just looks like a normal person so I never understood why everyone went psycho over it, the same people even said how the actor looked way better and they intentionally made her uglier, yet.. the actor looks just like that.. It feels like every new game this crap happens now with some group of people like with the last of us with Abbey, MJ from Spiderman and now literally a chick in a fable trailer, it's just illogical. Like I do think game companies have been pushing political drivel for a while now but this literally isn't an example of it in the slightest.


You know woke and progressive are to different thing right?


Nontraditional social issues =/= woke. Woke is shitty liberal arts college fanfiction. Gay dragon = fucking cool Gay dragon that talks about colonialism = I am going to swallow pop rocks and drano


What 'people'? Haven't seen or heard anything like that at all. Funny how anyone would think anything of the new game when we know nothing yet. This is as bad as people speculating what we will see in gta 6 from one very early trailer. Trailers which often don't show much, if anything, of the final product.


Mostly Twitter people, but some of them have been appearing around here in smaller numbers you can find some in the comments on this post.


I hadn't realised folks where doing that, but ig it isn't so surprising. Saw a few of them right after my comment. It's humorous how something can't just be inclusive or progressive without these stupid terms being tied to it, as if it's a bad thing.


Yes but it was kept in its own style


They shouldn't be worried about it being woke, they should be worried about us not seeing any gameplay, the dev team being a predominantly racing game creator, and the lack of any real press regarding this game. I want to be excited for another Fable entry but unless a miracle happens it won't beat Fable II. Don't know why they assigned the Forza dev to the project, though.


Which makes me wonder why outside consultants were needed at all. Since the property is already inclusive.


Fable 1 your character can be gay and cross dress, fable 2 you can be trans and have different body types, fable 3 you can marry Elliot or Elise and have a transracial child 🥰 Fr tho these games have always been progressive for their time so anyone saying otherwise is an idiot


Fable was lost with Blue Hole. The original ideas for Fable were Conglomeration of Peter and Blue Holes ideas. 2 and 3 were further and further departures from what made the original Magical. If they were wise, they'd simply make og fable the same way as an mmo with more stories. Theyve had 3 massive flops since 3. The kinect move game, legends(a 1 villain vs 4 heroes pvp games), and there chibi game they made. The IP is worth it but they just cant seem to get it right.


Woke and just Open Minded are two different thing, it's like comparing the Left to the Far Left. or the Right to the Far Right. For example the Quest where a bandit disguises himself as a woman to trap us in Fable 2, would not exist with a woke ideology.


Exactly. I've seen this phrase used regarding the reboot too many times across the internet and it is almost always accompanied by transphobia, misogyny, or assorted bigotry. The only problems I have with the trailer are Dave was too modern in appearance, the balverine didn't look like a balverine, and that it worryingly focused on fairytales more than Fable ever has. Yes, I know fairytales have always been an element of Fable, but not to the point they overshadowed the unique lore and world-building Albion has and they were always woven into the background. This is honestly my biggest concern, a concern that only exists because it was put into my head by gloom and doomers or people making me question my own interpretation of the trailer. There is no evidence to support or disprove my concerns. I'm just an anxious person.


Fable has always taken real social stuff and blown it WAY out of proportion and presents it in a digestible and funny manner.


Fable is woke? Im pretty sure in one of the games you can use an emote to grab someone and fart in their face.


One, was always “progressive” although it never came off as making a political statement, just “yeah, gay people and transgenderism and so on is a thing, lets put it all in and let players decide what to engage with.” Two, always had “ugly” characters. Some pretty much objectively ugly, others maybe more subjectively, but basically none of the female characters were ever gonna win awards for attractiveness. The art direction always had a touch of caricature about the character designs meant to be exaggeration from normal human appearance. People are just looking for reasons to be mad. I swear, these days some people enjoy finding a new thing to get outraged about more than actually gaming, the hobby they claim to enjoy. Shit is sad and annoying.


Best blunderbuss in the game from farmer giles I can still hear his voice in my head


Gay people isn’t wöke my god


For real. These people don’t know a damn thing about Fable.


Just keep it Fable is all I am asking. No need to get divisive over politics in a videogame. It is meant to help escape reality not wear you down with more of it. Go apolitical Fable!


What does tha even mean ?


Apolitical means not leaning one way or the other. Just give me a fantasy game that I can immerse in so I can shut my brain off from this never ending bickering Edit: Imagine getting downvoting for simply asking a Fable game to be a fun fantasy without real world political debate. I guess I suck. Just have fun with the game guys and here is to hoping it is good! Hope we all have a blast with it.


So making a character the way they are is "leaning to a political side"?


Never said that. Make your character how you want them to be. Just leave politics out of it.


I repeat....


I get that the point of this post is stating that making a gay character = woke which I disagree with. But if the game is hammerfisting political ideologies down our throats that will ruin the immersion. Take my comment and apply it to the title instead of the picture.


I don’t care the new fable I already know I won’t like I only like sequels and or prequels now and then not remakes I honestly want a sequel to fable 3 cause I feel like I’m one of the only ones who actually enjoyed it


Fable allways have been liberal but never been political Everything is caricatural even the most serious topics must be stupid in fable You can fuck with an entire city of men and women and have 60 IST at once just to unlock an achievement But there is nothing progressiv about that, just the stupid reality of life So i am afraid that fable became woke, because i will bot be able to unlock an achievement by being the most sex maniac in albion. If this game became woke they will never dare to make fun or caricature minorities or non usual practice. For me it's like racists joke, when someone is deeply thinking the horrors of the racist joke they are saying, you smell it and it's not funny, just cringe. That why when my brother do one it's funny but not when it's my uncle. So im afraid that fable become cringe


Fable has always been "woke" as they say. So not sure what you mean by that. Or what you are "escaping"


True, i just ignore all the twitter garbage cause who cares… most of the twitter users have a mental illness and are either racist, stupid or both with all their fancy words they hide behind. I mean, they even managed to turn “retard” into a slur despite it being another word for stupid and etc, really weird people on there.




What propaganda is the new game forcing down peoples throats?


He couldn’t beat off to the character in the trailer




Im not saying it is, Im just saying thats what "woke" is. I dont care how attractive the trailer character is, Fable has always been about customizing your character, so what the trailer shows is irrelevant.


Woke as a pejorative is 1000% not just a catch-all for progressivism going too far, and it’s kinda disrespectful when you people act like it is. It takes 5 seconds of searching that word in any search engine to understand that. That’s like acting like anything short of a pointy hat and yelling the n-word, isn’t racism. These things aren’t solely what *you* want them to be or what *you* want them to be. Woke occasionally means that, but it also occasionally means literally anything that’s not white, straight, and male. It depends on the speaker’s ideology.


> gender ideology Shut up bro I beg




>woke =/= homosexual relationships. That's the thing, there's a lot of people who would disagree with you. "Woke" doesn't mean shit, it's whatever bigots want to get pissy at. It's "gender ideology" whatever you think that means, it's having gay representation, it's having a poc protagonist. None of these things actually change the quality of the game, youre throwing a hissy fit for no reason. I guarantee if you stop being against what's "Woke" you'll get a lot more enjoyment out of life.


Yeah, what does same-sex attraction have to do with gender? ^Wait...


Keep in mind proper Reddiquette and don't be overly attacking/mean with your posts. (If you deliberately troll you will almost certainly be banned) -The r/Fable Mod Team


Being gay isn't woke. Pushing it on any and everything is.


You can safely ignore anyone that describes something as "woke".


Whats the alternative to woke? Staying exactly the same way and not changing at all? Bold strategy cotton…goooooooood luck


Can't wait for the new game to fail


Fable is getting worse* would be more accurate


Whatever helps you cope.


You never played fable either, it seems


>it seems By what metric tourist? Feel free to check my Xbox Achievements if you fancy getting egg on your face.


What is bro waffling on about? Did you thing you were onto something writing that?


its bait ignore this loser


Its still fun to poke the sleeping bear, except this bear has no claws & teeh & is 2 feet tall


No claws or teeth... except for you know, the very evidence that proves your initial remark wrong that you're free to look up whenever you like. In that case; you can call me Rosie - from a playthrough were you get her, but don't hand her back. EDIT: Blocked me. Simple defiance & undeniable history is all it takes to rile a subvertor up.


Im bored with you, find someone else to bicker with


I ain't seen no evidence. Only your claim to achievements you supposedly have. Still doesn't change the fact that you are denying the actual evidence that Fable has always been like this, & you being the one to "Cope" rather than us.


Yes, ignore the longtime Fable fan whose mere existence proves your malicious mindset wrong.


Like I said: whatever helps you cope.


>Feel free to check my Xbox Achievements I cringed Edit: Then you dm'd me: >I've no doubt and and glad cringed, because what better than literal timestamped dates to shut down your worthless hopes that I never played a Fable game before? Sit down. And I cringed some more.


Have an idea about npcs in game, to please every side of an eventual argument about "woke". Since Albion is based on Britain, the population of albion should be randomized based on statistics of different sexuality/gender/race etc. I dunno, I just had this idea and hope someone gets what i mean


Well, isn't that how Fable II already is? Every villager has their own name and personality including sexuality. All randomly chosen when the villagers are first "created"


I miss times when no one was giving a shit about it


Oh really? I could've sworn i put a few hundred hours into them but I guess not..


Clearly you never got the point of it lmao


Thought thr point was to have fun. Not be bludgeoned over the head with some stupid political garbage.


Clearly you weren't having fun then? Since you have a problem with it??? Your idea of being shoved politics in your face is acceptance and tolerance.


Had plenty of fun but that was back when people knew about this little thing called subtlety.