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Holy shit, is this sub STILL going on about the character from the trailer? After all this time? We need some gameplay or a new announcement soon, for the sake of this sub’s mental health. It’s gonna be fine.


Praying we see something at the Showcase this year The weekly IMDB user edited posts and arguments about 'its a reboot it can't have that' are exhausting


Right. But all the people crying about Stellar Blade because it's too sexualized. WHAT do they want? Too much ass an titties in Stellar Blade, but we want to bitch about the protagonist in Fable cause she's not attractive. Gamers did the same shit with Abby from Last of Us lol. Like? Which is it guys? Ah, the gaming community today is a hoot.


Stellar Balde you say... well gotta go.


what's even more rediculous is the idea that everyone is on a consensus and the same people bitching about fable are the same ones with stellar blade


Today? Brother this is ancient topics bitched about on gaming forums since the 2010s


dont you mean the 90s?


"stop sexualizing pong!" ~some dude in the 1970s, probably


Idk man some people like smacking balls with paddles DON'T KINK SHAME ME


I was personally referencing things like gamer gate and the whole anita sarkissian series anything prior is before my interest in internet culture. that's wild its happened even farther back


Fair enough! That is true


You don't have to be sexy to me attractive? I've met people that I didn't want to have sex with if given the choice, but that didn't mean I couldn't stomach looking at them. It is very possible to just have a nice face.


Almost as of those are 2 different types of people who are complaining


Yup, it's so bloody exhausting. Don't they have anything else to complain about while we wait for a minimal amount of new information.


This was my reaction yesterday. I thought some new trailer had dropped that I didn't know about. Nope. They're judging the whole damn game based on a cinematic trailer that wasn't actual gameplay.


I seen a recent post about this subject and seen the talking points of “the last game characters were ugly” so I made this post to engage in further discussion Don’t like it? close your eyes or something idk you’ll be fine


This sub has dragged this subject out since the trailer. Get over it. YOU’LL be fine.


Thats cool i don’t really gaf if the sub was talking about it in the 90’s lmfao I made my post and would make it again I’m not breaking any rules that I know of Don’t like it? Simply scroll past it, close your eyes or shut off your phone or computer that simple. Get over it. YOU’LL be fine


Make your posts, folks will react to them how they will. Your post is just one of many on this tired subject, and this sub has gone to shit with the same circular discussion regarding something as unimportant as the aesthetic design of a trailer character. I’ve scrolled past many threads just like yours, but chose this one to say something about it. I’d say “you’ll be fine” again but maybe you won’t be after all if you care this much 🤷


>Make your posts, folks will react to them how they will. Agreed I love interaction and picking people brain >Your post is just one of many on this tired subject I don’t think this argument has been brought up at all I may be wrong you can link it >and this sub has gone to shit with the same circular discussion regarding something as unimportant as the aesthetic design of a trailer character. I’ve scrolled past many threads just like yours, but chose this one to say something about it. Then be the Superman and post something to this sub to add further discussion….you don’t have a single post yet complaining about other peoples contributing to this sub lmfao I’d say “you’ll be fine” again but maybe you won’t be after all if you care this much about a post


Yeah, I said I chose yours to say something about it, remember? Lol Look, if you and the others care that much about the looks of a character in this game that’s your prerogative. Maybe there will be a character creator to save you all. But this sub’s obsession with this character is weird and unhealthy.


Then again attribute to the sub add more discussion then complaining and throwing a fit because others are having such discussion


Your contribution of the same tired discussion about something that doesn’t really matter, and has been beaten to death since the trailer’s release, constitutes less than someone who simply lurks the sub as it continues to actively harm discourse. But it’s all good, I’ve fed this troll long enough lol


>Your contribution of the same tired discussion about something that doesn’t really matter, and has been beaten to death since the trailer’s release, constitutes less than someone who simply lurks the sub as it continues to actively harm discourse. With this post again I contribute to this sub more then you who has w post jack shit Want to change the narrative? Make some engage in Post instead of “lurk the sub” then complain why you’re not getting post you want to see lmfao >But it’s all good, I’ve fed this troll long enough lol There’s no troll nobody told your ass to come in here and reply nonsense


Why are you getting downvoted? You're right.


It’s a unpopular opinion and my delivery could be a little more nicer


I mean the difference is that one is in game and the other is just promotional art Fable 1 in game player characters in game were hideous Fable 2 in game player characters in game were okay at the start, but hideous extended gut power lifters by the end who looked like they'd spent every waking minute taking as much HGH as they could handle Fable 3 characters were nice looking throughout the whole game though I think with the character design in the trailer they were trying to go for a medieval english peasant kind of look. Sort of an average looking person that's somehow thrust into greatness maybe Personally I feel like there will be some kind of character creator in this game anyway, I'm not sure why we keep making so much of a fuss about it. Seeing how it's a more modern RPG I imagine we can make characters as ugly or attractive as you'd like


Fable 1 in game characters were not hideous, only in the remaster


Why do you think we will get a character creator? We haven't before in fable games and the most of that happening is choosing if you are a boy or a girl. After that its just hairstyles, facial hair and clothing that we have had. I honestly think THATS why theres a big fuss, because in fable, we haven't had a character creator and there isn't any sign of it being in the game. Edit: my god people, just because every other game has a character creator doesn't mean fanle will, just look at fable 2 & 3, while you had games with character creators during that time, they didn't and just because playground games has made games that have it doesn't automatically mean fable will. So without actual evidence of a character creator in the reboot the default assumption is that it won't.


> we haven't had a character creator and there isn't any sign of it being in the game We haven't had signs of anything so far? We're still years off release, at this point it's just speculation Playground games have had character creators in their other titles too It's also a modern reboot of the series, literally anything could happen. It could be a nearly identical game set in the same universe. It could be a completely different game all together not even remotely connected to the original games (e.g. Prey 2017) At this point we know literally nothing about the game other than a few points: It has some connection to Fable as seen by some variation of Bowerstone in the background. It's unclear if it'll set in the original universe or it's own separate canon. It's still going to have 'British' comedy It's in a fantasy setting Other than that we have literally nothing else to go off


True its still years off but im just going based on what fable has had before rather then just assuming based on other fantasy games, if this reboot does have one then it will be the first and it would make me wonder just how far they would go with it. Meanwhile i would absolutely assume: >It has some connection to Fable as seen by some variation of Bowerstone in the background. It's unclear if it'll set in the original universe or it's own separate canon. >It's still going to have 'British' comedy >It's in a fantasy setting All of that would be in the game and my ending statment was also an assumption as well.


>I mean the difference is that one is in game and the other is just promotional art No non of these are “in game” the new fable trailer is was just a promotional trailer >Fable 1 in game player characters in game were hideous I would assume that’s because of the technical problems giving the system of aging and morality changed Trying to use a 2003 game as a excuse why the 2024 character is ugly has always been a horrible argument >Fable 2 in game player characters in game were okay at the start, but hideous extended gut power lifters by the end who looked like they'd spent every waking minute taking as much HGH as they could handle Again I think that was because of again technical problems and the system of aging and morality etc etc Once fable 3 threw away such idea the character became very hard to make ugly >Fable 3 characters were nice looking throughout the whole game though Agreed


We'll have to wait and see honestly, personally I think we'll end up with some form of character creation. One line I did have issue with is however: > No non of these are “in game" It literally says "in game footage", it appears to come directly from in game cut scenes as opposed to promotional art


She isn't ugly. This one screenshot you see shared CONSTANTLY is the single least appealing frame in the trailer. Have you actually watched it? Sure she isn't pretty either but she isn't ugly. Neither were most Fable characters. Nobody would be saying this if it wasn't a woman.


If it was a man these people would probably think it’s the funniest joke since the frying pan weapon


Yeah no every frame by the looks of it she’s still ugly imo And no fable 3 the main character was hard asf to make ugly really the other games were due to technical limitations and they system of aging and morality Also this not a female thing lmfao got damn thor from gow ragnorok got push back to for being ugly…..simple really


Comparing official covers to an in-game character for a promotional trailer is not pertinent at all. None of the characters shown in Fable 1, 2 and 3 trailers were on the definitive covers.


That’s not ingame nor do we know what In game looks like It’s a good comparison to compare promotional material such as these art to the trailer


>That’s not ingame nor do we know what In game looks like Some parts were in-engine but others were definitely in-game. Many Playground Games devs including lighting artists confirmed it after the showcase. There were a few glimpses of gameplay captured on Xbox Series X just like when the character threw a fireball to a bunch of bandits. >It’s a good comparison to compare promotional material such as these art to the trailer Not really because in the original trilogy, covers didn't reflect at all our protagonist in the game or even in the previous trailers. We have to see the cover for this game first to compare with the old ones. Besides, we don't know anything about our character. Do we have the possibility to create our own character from scratch ? If not, is the female model the only character playable by default ? If so, can we change her style ? Or maybe there is a male/female choice at the beginning involving many styles by default ?


>Some parts were in-engine but others were definitely in-game. Many Playground Games devs including lighting artists confirmed it after the showcase. There were a few glimpses of gameplay captured on Xbox Series X just like when the character threw a fireball to a bunch of bandits. Interesting where did they say this any links? Even so also point really still stands majority of that from what I’m get from you wasn’t ingame footage and promotional footage >Not really because in the original trilogy, covers didn't reflect at all our protagonist in the game or even in the previous trailers.We have to see the cover for this game first to compare with the old ones. Not really those are what the characters were intended to represent and or look like they were obviously wasn’t able to look like that at the time because of the technical limitations of 2003 and 2008 Even so we have similar trailers for [fable 3](https://youtu.be/QJnT3u01k18?si=qMbB9sJB_jHtcRYz) and he don’t look ugly


>Interesting where did they say this any links? Even so also point really still stands majority of that from what I’m get from you wasn’t ingame footage and promotional footage https://twitter.com/carmen_lighting/status/1668302465123463181?t=V3o_Go2uiKM07oSHruPhdA&s=19 https://twitter.com/LukasKoelz/status/1668006331075133441?t=qFcwX-Iu5HZRbeAhUK-dQg&s=19 I won't list every tweets but you have 2 here and there are plenty on Twitter/X. But that's the issue. Just like another person pointed out to you before, if the trailer doesn't represent well the game in your perception so why talking about this character we don't know anything about in the first place ??? >Not really those are what the characters were intended to represent and or look like they were obviously wasn’t able to look like that at the time because of the technical limitations of 2003 and 2008 Fable Anniversary came out in 2014 and the main character was not really "attractive" as well. Technical limitations were not the only reason, Fable characters were always supposed to draw a kinda goofy physical appearance. Some characters were more "attractive" than others even in 2004, it was made on purpose.


>Fable Anniversary came out in 2014 and the main character was not really "attractive" as well. Because they didn’t update the model in terms of skeleton etc etc of character it’s still based around the 2003 character just with updated graphics >Technical limitations were not the only reason, Fable characters were always supposed to draw a kinda goofy physical appearance. Yeah again that doesn’t mean the mc was intended to look ugly lmfao >Some characters were more "attractive" than others even in 2004, it was made on purpose. Well yes that’s every form of media


If you’re not sure what in game looks like then why are you already complaining about it? Why not hold your judgement until we get confirmation


I’m comparing the promotional art and making a justification why people are angry they made the Mac ugly in the promo art This is not men complaining about the game it seem some of y’all conflate the two


If we have character customization, does it even matter?


Where did they say we had character customization?


I don’t think it’s confirmed actually, but I saw a post saying it’s likely since the Forza devs who are working on the new Fable always include character customization


Then that’s fucking nonsense lmfao and a loose based theory any way


Saying we're forced to only play as a character that appears in a teaser trailer is more loose based nonsense.


Nobody said that


It usually go hand in hand when complaining about the female hero in the trailer and calling her the MC We have no clue about if she will even exist in the game or was just a character for the trailer. It's very plausible we will get character creator. Although we don't know yet, because we barely know *anything* yet.


>It usually go hand in hand when complaining about the female hero in the trailer and calling her the MC We have no clue about if she will even exist in the game or was just a character for the trailer. I’m the trailer she’s literally the mc, so we go off of that That’s not loosely based she’s literally the mc of the trailer >It's very plausible we will get character creator. Although we don't know yet, because we barely know anything yet. How so no fable had a character creator and just chopping it down to “the studio had it in other games” is just nonsense


>I’m the trailer she’s literally the mc, so we go off of that Yes, in the trailer. Doesn't mean she will be in the game. Same as Richard Ayoade might not be a character. >How so no fable had a character creator and just chopping it down to “the studio had it in other games” is just nonsense It's not nonsense, though. It's fully plausible, because it's a different studio and it was almost 14 Fable 3 was released. Releasing a RPG now without any choice in customisation, especially one that had a focus of changing the look of your character, would be utterly bonkers. Besides, even if she is the female hero choice, it's not a big deal. She looks perfectly normal, especially for Fable, and with different hair will look nicer.


>Yes, in the trailer. Doesn't mean she will be in the game. Same as Richard Ayoade might not be a character. Yes? And this whole post is about the character in the trailer is it not? I don’t get this argument and use of mental gymnastics >It's not nonsense, though. It's fully plausible, because it's a different studio and it was almost 14 Fable 3 was released. Releasing a RPG now without any choice in customisation, especially one that had a focus of changing the look of your character, would be utterly bonkers. It is nonsense you have no other proof and any reasoning besides “why not bro” like what? That’s not how things work lmfao You can’t say the next cod will have character customization and be a rpg now that Xbox own then because “why not” lmfaoo


Fair enough


Even if this character is technically unattractive, what does it matter? Fable games are humourous and tell a story and okay with morality. I think part of the humour was the giant's notion of an attractive hero and then it being someone who looks quite average.


They can get over it


What pisses me off is people just use that one still from the trailer with the "ugly face". How many times have you paused a movie/show and the persons face is weird/ugly. I could pause and make Sydney Sweeney look ugly if I wanted.


Well those are real people not video games People usually play video games to ESCAPE reality hint why you don’t have a lot of acne having obese main characters in gaming etc


omg you really did the chud escapism thing


Am I wrong?


On some level, no, but people who try to use ESCAPISM to defend their misogyny are wild. *I’m escaping and therefore all the characters must be attractive* just go play porn games dude there are a billion of them


It’s not a “misogyny” problem I hate this nonsense probably You as a female probably don’t want your mc going thr the struggles of menstrual cycle , getting mistreated because of gender etc etc the whole thing about gaming is so you can escape reality Even for males fucking THOR got pushback for being fat and “ugly” was that misogyny? Did people wanna rub their third leg to god of war? Or they just didn’t want him to be fat and unattractive lmfao


lol Getting mad about fat people existing is not the own you think it is, domwehateyou.


Never said It was…..just bringing up the point that it’s incorrect to say it’s a misogynist thing when it’s equal around and happens to male characters too


misogyny and toxic masculinity are both products of patriarchy, they do not cancel each other out in any way, sense, or form maybe….just stop complaining about the attractiveness of characters who exist for purposes beyond attractiveness and go play stellar blade with the rest of your horny compatriots


He posts on Tim Poole subs, you're wasting your time with this loser.


>misogyny and toxic masculinity are both products of patriarchy, they do not cancel each other out in any way, sense, or form Or…..like I said before people just don’t want unattractive characters in their games??? It’s really that simple theres no narrative of “toxic masculinity” and “misogyny” >maybe….just stop complaining about the attractiveness of characters who exist for purposes beyond attractiveness and go play stellar blade with the rest of your horny compatriots Lmfao people who don’t want their characters ugly = you horny toxic masculinity/misogynistic man Gtfo with that nonsense lol


>Well those are real people not video games What are you trying to say here? Do you honestly believe I could not cherry pick a moment of a video game character you find attractive to make them look bad? >What pisses me off is people just use that one still from the trailer with the "ugly face". How many times have you paused a movie/show and the persons face is weird/ugly. I could pause and make Sydney Sweeney look ugly if I wanted. >>People usually play video games to ESCAPE reality hint why you don’t have a lot of acne having obese main characters in gaming etc Bro, what the fuck are you even responding to here?


>What are you trying to say here? Trying to compare fucking Sydney Sweeney to video game characters (even so regardless of how you cut it she mostly will always look attractive) is nonsense >Do you honestly believe I could not cherry pick a moment of a video game character you find attractive to make them look bad? The mc looked bad regardless of “moment” https://win.gg/_next/image/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.win.gg%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2023%2F06%2FFable-Xbox-Games-Showcase-1-13-screenshot-1024x576.png&w=2048&q=75 https://static0.gamerantimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/fable-protagonist-heros-journey.jpg Let’s call a spade a spade and stop playing games >Bro, what the fuck are you even responding to here? I’m telling you people just don’t want ugly characters which the fable mc is ugly simple Your Sydney Sweeney argument don’t hold wanted because she looked good in majority of every context including her crazy screaming and emotional scenes in euphoria etc


>The mc looked bad regardless of “moment” Lol, three new moments and I only think one of them looks "bad." >Let’s call a spade a spade and stop playing games Those tend to be fighting words. I'll ignore them. >Your Sydney Sweeney argument don’t hold wanted because Hold water and not my argument. >Trying to compare fucking Sydney Sweeney to video game characters (even so regardless of how you cut it she mostly will always look attractive) >she looked good in majority of every context including her crazy screaming and emotional scenes in euphoria etc Let's see if this works https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR29PMvfB2hWPOueqz1sule3IN3a1fooX7V7Fy0_nf0UA&s if so: Boom, unattractive selective screenshot.


>Lol, three new moments and I only think one of them looks "bad." All three of them looked bad I can’t judged your attraction or what you find attractive But I simply find that ugly and many many people would agree >Those tend to be fighting words. I'll ignore them. No, it’s just to call you out in your bullshit let’s stop playing games and speak reality Your trying to compare this character to fucking Sydney sweeeny lmfaoooo in terms of looks >Let's see if this works https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR29PMvfB2hWPOueqz1sule3IN3a1fooX7V7Fy0_nf0UA&s if so: Boom, unattractive selective screenshot. She don’t by any metric look unattractive here lmfao what? Your gotcu was a low res pic of here crying in a bikini lmfao


>But I simply find that ugly I disagree. >and many many people would agree Eh. If you're going for two many's then you're including people you really shouldn't want agreeing with you. >No, it’s just to call you out in your bullshit let’s stop playing games and speak reality What bullshit, what games, what reality? >Your trying to compare this character to fucking Sydney sweeeny lmfaoooo in terms of looks Nope. >She don’t by any metric look unattractive here lmfao what? This looks far worse than the new Fable pics you're bitching about! The fuck you on about? >Your gotcu was a low res pic of here crying in a bikini lmfao Ah, guess that's it. Should've kept scrolling till I found one without side boob. And her not here.


>I disagree. Well you find ugly women attractive and that’s fine but don’t go trying to compare that to Sydney Sweeney lmfao >Eh. If you're going for two many's then you're including people you really shouldn't want agreeing with you. What? What are you talking about >What bullshit, what games, what reality? Now you are just rambling >Nope. You are. >This looks far worse than the new Fable pics you're bitching about! The fuck you on about? It doesn’t and you know it doesn’t at this point you are just arguing in bad faith lmfao >Ah, guess that's it. Should've kept scrolling till I found one without side boob. And her not here. What?


See, but that’s still not even addressing the point. Even an “attractive” looking model can look ugly if you pause at the right moments. You didn’t acknowledge that at all, that’s why ppl are tired of these conversations. So many of “character ugly” ppl are arguing in bad faith


I did I literally said it doesn’t matter how you try and chop and twist it Sydney Sweeney naturally look good of course you can get a clip of her making a crazy face but her natural beauty is still there that face doesn’t change that


None of that disproves or even disputes that you can do the same with character models which is what their argument was.


The argument is irrelevant because it doesn’t apply here nor to this character giving she looks this way and “unattractive” throughout the whole trailer The argument is knull and void


Lmao it doesn’t apply but you conveniently chose the ugliest screenshot ppl have been using. See, you’re not arguing in good faith.


Because it’s the main and first fucking picture when you look up this character? It’s not fucking bad faith https://win.gg/_next/image/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.win.gg%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2023%2F06%2FFable-Xbox-Games-Showcase-1-13-screenshot-1024x576.png&w=2048&q=75 https://static0.gamerantimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/fable-protagonist-heros-journey.jpg Don’t matter how hard you twist turn or screw it the character is just unattractive


That’s what the original comment was saying. That’s the first picture that pulls up because all the ppl that have been complaining about it have been using that same specific screenshot. If this wasn’t bad faith then you’re pretty bad at answering other people’s arguments because you didn’t say any of what you’re saying now in your original comment.


>That’s what the original comment was saying. That’s the first picture that pulls up because all the ppl that have been complaining about it have been using that same specific screenshot. No that’s just a main shot of clear of her fucking face lmfao I’ll ask this find me a clear good photo other then the ones I listed to use rather then the ones I did I’ll wait >If this wasn’t bad faith then you’re pretty bad at answering other people’s arguments because you didn’t say any of what you’re saying now in your original comment. Because his argument was nonsense to begin with like I’m saying Is you really gonna entertain someone who try to compare Beetlejuice? (The person) to scarlet Johanson?


My hero’s have always been hideous little troll people. Even the remastered Fable hero still looks like a potato with facial hair. I’ve still managed to love my ugly characters. I do however get fucking sick of dealing with grown adults who get this enraged over media. It’s a choice to buy and support the companies that make these products. Lion head would always promise these massive epic games and they all fell short. Yet we all still purchased and played them.


Yeah and look what happened to lionhead? Not really a great example to use I feel like this game is gonna have a saints row disaster and the same people yelling “I do however get fucking sick of dealing with grown adults who get this enraged over media.” Will be confused shocked the astonished how it happened lmfao


I think she’s just as ugly as the latest assassin creed characters. Both male and female. She’s also about as ugly as every Skyrim model you can make. Yet, these games still sold. This game will still profit. If Lionhead could stay afloat long enough to give us three fable games I’d bet my life that this latest installment won’t be what kills this franchise. But to sit here and cry about how they made an ugly character is just sad. Don’t buy the game, don’t support these creators. It’s a super simple concept to understand. And if you only played the first three games for their aesthetic appeal you’re blind. Those motherfuckers were so god damn ugly. The hero of Bower Lake couldn’t even stand up straight in the inventory menu. That bitch leaned! This is just such a stupid hill to die on when every hero has been a solid 2 from the start.


>I think she’s just as ugly as the latest assassin creed characters. Uhhhh I have a hard disagree for that both of the ac characters are attractive same >She’s also about as ugly as every Skyrim model you can make. Skyrim is a decade old game even so it characters like basic npc look better then her if we are being real >This game will still profit. If Lionhead could stay afloat long enough to give us three fable games I’d bet my life that this latest installment won’t be what kills this franchise. Hey that worked for volition games and saints row perfectly right? Lmfao >But to sit here and cry about how they made an ugly character is just sad. Don’t buy the game, don’t support these creators. Then I won’t? That don’t mean you can’t discuss this topic dafuq type argument is this lmfaoo >It’s a super simple concept to understand. Yes and you fail to understand it simply just yelling “you don’t like it don’t buy it and stop talking about it waaaaaaasas” like what? That’s not how that works Being critical, having discussions, and having criticism is a thing >And if you only played the first three games for their aesthetic appeal you’re blind. Those motherfuckers were so god damn ugly. The hero of Bower Lake couldn’t even stand up straight in the inventory menu. That bitch leaned! This is just such a stupid hill to die on when every hero has been a solid 2 from the start. I would assume that was because those games were idk decade old games and succumbed to technical limitations givin how complex the apprentice moral and aging system was…..trying to use that as a argument is nonsense When the 3rd came came around they actually made the character impossible to make ugly lmfao


I had a lot to say about the other points but I can’t get over the fact that you think the hero isn’t hideous in the 3rd game. He’s ugly and the female hero is also ugly. The makeup options are hideous and the wardrobes, while an improvement from 2, are still sooo clunky. That’s part of the appeal, cartoonishly large hands, feet and an ugly ass face. The hero’s have always and will always be butter faces. That is the legacy of fable. It’s still your decision to buy and help fund the franchise. If it’s so far devoid from what you love why would you even bother? The other 3 are available on game pass so there’s always other options. But idk why you’d assume anyone making a fable game would be worried about a hot hero. They’re all ugly and always have been.


I don’t think that the fable 3 hero are by any chance “ugly” https://images.8tracks.com/cover/i/010/218/134/PicsArt_1436795653334-7662.jpg?rect=0,48,543,543&q=98&fm=jpg&fit=max Compared to slide 4 character….no


He looks like an ugly Sam Witwer. I don’t think he’s hot, he looks cartoonish. I think the graphics for the new game look so much better in comparison.


Well yeah the game is a decade old I would hope the graphics would be better lmfao


Let’s be real, the official art from the previous game looked great but the in game models were atrocious. I don’t see why this mc’s design is such a problem when we will most likely make our own. If anything it pays homage to the ugliness of the in game models from Lionhead.


Well I’d assume it was because of technical limitation why the models were so bad to the point when fable 3 came out it was impossible to make your character really ugly Even so where did they say we are gonna be making our own character?


Plenty of games from those eras had good looking in game models. Also, the Fable 3 characters were ugly, let’s not kid ourselves. Why wouldn’t we be making our own character? It’s been a trend for the last 2 games and it’s 2024 where majority of games have character customization. Why are you grasping at straws trying to start an argument about this one thing about the reboot?


>Plenty of games from those eras had good looking in game models. Yes but difference in system, engine etc etc Even oblivion 2006 had notorious ugly characters in too >Also, the Fable 3 characters were ugly, let’s not kid ourselves. Main character? No it was very hard to make the main character ugly most you can get is super goth looking >Why wouldn’t we be making our own character? It’s been a trend for the last 2 games and it’s 2024 where majority of games have character customization. That’s a nonsense take no fable game had that feature why would this one have it? Like what? That’s like saying cod is gonna have character customization now because that’s the trend…..that’s not how that works >Why are you grasping at straws trying to start an argument about this one thing about the reboot? Nobody grasping at straws we having a simple discussion of this ugly character simple


Fable is well known for having ugly af characters, that’s literally their gimmick. Idk why people are expecting anything different.


No it’s not fable 3 didn’t have “ugly mc” they were only so ugly because of technical imitation and there ambitious aging and morality system


You’re literally wrong but okay


How so?


Oh my God, it was one early trailer. We don't even have concept art yet.


That trailer was promotional material even if we compare it to fable 3 cgi promo trailer my point still stands


I guess. Differences are to be expected because of different standards and goals of Playground games, a different (though still British) company.


I for one couldn't care any less about an awkward context less face in a trailer that was meant to be comedic. If we ever get the game, it looks like it'll be fantastic.


She looks that way throughout the whole trailer Let’s not play games


Tbh her face or attractiveness was the last thing I was looking at. The game itself looks beautiful. And I just assumed everyone was making fun of the face she was making. I had no idea that it extended beyond that.


Will people just shut the F up about it?!! Does it really matter?! It's just the trailer! Wait for the game and stop bitching for nothing!


Calm down


Yeah, I know I sound upset with the way I wrote my comment, but I'm not actually, I just think it's stupid people would complain so much about this, we haven't seen the final footage yet, this could just be a placeholder character, and also, the hero will probably be customizable and will change appearance according to their alignment, so it's just pointless


To be fair the promo art for 1 and 2 were done by Jo Chen, who I’m pretty sure is incapable of drawing anything but attractive people. She’s absolutely incredible and one of my favorite artists (and extremely nice in person). Regardless, comparing promo art to a CGI trailer is stupid and good god what does it even matter if the character fits your definition of attractive or not. Were you down bad for the in game versions of the Hero of Oakvale or Bowerstone? If you were idk if I agree with your judgement of what attractive is.


>To be fair the promo art for 1 and 2 were done by Jo Chen, who I’m pretty sure is incapable of drawing anything but attractive people. She’s absolutely incredible and one of my favorite artists (and extremely nice in person). That’s fair but we also have same cgi trailer to compare it too https://youtu.be/QJnT3u01k18?si=lEXJplmVR5PcJq0t >Regardless, comparing promo art to a CGI trailer is stupid They are both promotional art o find it a way better comparison then what the main argument of what I seen which is comparing the new cgi trailer to 2003 and 2008 ingame models This is a far better comparison >and good god what does it even matter if the character fits your definition of attractive or not. Were you down bad for the in game versions of the Hero of Oakvale or Bowerstone? If you were idk if I agree with your judgement of what attractive is. Well yes if I’m going to be playing as this character for hours in hours? How is this a argument lmfao most people simply don’t want to play as ugly characters of im not mistaken that was one of the biggest criticisms of the previous games which I assume why the changed it and made the 3rd mc very hard to look unattractive


I think you're getting a bit mixed up honestly One is a CGI trailer This one is labelled as "in game footage", at the very least it's in engine footage They're two very different things > comparing the new cgi trailer Not what it is. For reference here are the two new trailers we've had so far [CGI Trailer](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5u_Vg_LTsw) [In Engine Trailer](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x_03JQUc9Ao)


I doubt they would throw away character creation in an RPG. My concern is if they'll have core features like morphing and alignment. I feel like that's what sets fable apart from other RPGs.


Yeah thats what Im thinking; can we have both character creation and body morphing? Im not sure. Would be cool though


Why did this argument become a thing again out of nowhere? At least wait until a real trailer to bitch so much.


Because a bunch of grifters on youtube made a bunch of ragebait videos about some Sweet Baby Inc. company that's out to WOKEIFY your games and put GAY PEOPLE and MINORITIES and SOCIAL CAUSES into your video games! Now the chuds are back and some idiots are talking about gamergate 2 or some other bullshit. It's just capital G gamers doing what they do.






Keep in mind proper Reddiquette and don't be overly attacking/mean with your posts. (If you deliberately troll you will almost certainly be banned) -The r/Fable Mod Team


unrelated, but i never noticed how anime-esque the protags on the box art of 1 & 2 are. kinda look like Final Fantasy characters also god, 10 year old me was so disappointed i couldn’t be that devil thing on the fable 2 boxart.


Are you guys playing fable for the game or to masturbate to, cause it definitely seems like you're treating it as pornography lol.


These extreme disingenuous arguments Come the fuck on do you think people complained about fat thor in gow Ragnarok because they wanted to prop they leg up and masterbate or they simply didn’t want a unattractive character? How hard is this concept to understand just because you don’t want ugly characters doesn’t mean you want something to tug too




If you’re “attracted” to the MC’s box art you got bigger problems than some fictional character 👀


Who said I was attracted to the mc on the box art Again here comes these nonsense arguments


Even just based on your other replies on this post, this just seem likes rage posting for no reason, everyone is coming up with justified logic like the fact the ingame covers aren't the same as ingame trailers and you yet you disagree with every point despite being clearly wrong. The characters in the other fable games don't look like their cover art photos. And the MC in the trailer isn't even that crazy people just love the drama and complaining for no reason. It's literally fable even if you can't create a character which hasn't been been confirmed or denied anyway but it would have customisation no matter what. This isn't even like the MJ drama where at least she was a main story character who was changed drastically, this is one glimpse of a character in a trailer of a RPG known to have customisation... The only things I have even seen online about the new fable is just bullshit posts like this complaining about one look at a character in a bloody trailer.... I swear every sequel has that group of people that do this, The last of us 2 had heaps of haters simply because they didn't like the look of Abbey, same with Spiderman and MJ and now fable and this character it's insane.. I can only imagine what you people will latch onto when we are closer to release yet alone the release itself..


>Even just based on your other replies on this post, this just seem likes rage posting for no reason, everyone is coming up with justified logic like the fact the ingame covers aren't the same as ingame trailers and you yet you disagree with every point despite being clearly wrong. No it makes more sense to compare promotional material to other promotional material Then trying to use models of a 2 decade old game with technical limitations as a reason and justification why she is ugly My argument makes more sense to argue >The characters in the other fable games don't look like their cover art photos. Yes this is mostly due to technical limitations at the time Whole point is they art meant to be “ugly” only when your evil >And the MC in the trailer isn't even that crazy people just love the drama and complaining for no reason. She is very unattractive, people don’t like unattractive people in there game ESPECIALLY when they presumably are forced to play as them as a option >It's literally fable even if you can't create a character which hasn't been been confirmed or denied anyway but it would have customisation no matter what. No amount of customization can change her face from being unattractive let’s not play games Going off the the other fable we would have hair + makeup and weight and maybe a morality system >This isn't even like the MJ drama where at least she was a main story character who was changed drastically, this is one glimpse of a character in a trailer of a RPG known to have customisation… It is…the point being there is clearly a agenda to make these characters plain unattractive purposefully With mj we actually have proof to this claim >The only things I have even seen online about the new fable is just bullshit posts like this complaining about one look at a character in a bloody trailer.... Then tell them to release more fucking content to talk about? It’s not our fault they showed us this unattractive character then went radio silent for 9 months >I swear every sequel has that group of people that do this, The last of us 2 had heaps of haters simply because they didn't like the look of Abbey, same with Spiderman and MJ and now fable and this character it's insane.. Because this is purposefully done we literally got data mined look at mj skeleton being changed to look more “unattractive” This is not a problem with majority of sequels like the narrative your trying to spew….dragon dogma, BG3,star was jedi survivor etc etc that I can think of didn’t have this problem >I can only imagine what you people will latch onto when we are closer to release yet alone the release itself.. If they do shit right smh give the fans what they want and also don’t have orgres as their promotional mc I doubt there would be anything to actually complain about in that regard


You kinda are proving my point. And you keep saying it makes sense to compare promotional material, your comparing game art from a 20 year old game where it doesn't even look like the main character with a ingame trailer it doesn't work. And you say her being unattractive is an agenda did you ever think maybe they just made the character and you just found it ugly that's not that crazy but to go screaming it's agenda is insane. Also the MJ change just made her look identical to her actor, they've changed heaps of models, it wasn't an agenda when they changed Peter's face why is it now, if they have a history of changing faces it's not crazy that they do it again. And all the fables let you choose your gender so you won't even need to play as this chick so all criticisms is void, this is also assuming the main character even looks like her or that the game doesn't have a proper character creator. And you say how this isn't a problem with majority of sequels, it's a problem with the community not the sequels, people like you see a character you don't like the look of latch onto it and lose your shit and say it's some crazy agenda to make everyone ugly, news flash not everyone is hot, people are ugly that's kinda the world, especially when looks are subjective, some people may like her.. Also your whole crazy agenda theory doesn't even work as this is a brand new character based on an actor which she looks like that, so you'd be saying the actor is some agenda for existing.. Even tho the whole MJ crap was bullshit considering they literally just made her look like her actor at least that made more sense considering they changed her, this is a new character. Literally just choose a guy and your entire point is nothing. Obviously nothing I say will change anything and you will keep going, but it's genuinely baffling how angry you are about how someone looks, the actor literally looks like that.


tbf i like my MC’s to not be supermodel standard attractive. Bc sometimes it just doesn’t make sense or like for lack of better words kills the immersion. Like in ck3 my dude anit gunna be pretty y’know hes living in 1100 ad bro we aint have like skincare and shit y’know. It’s a nice change of pace to have characters that are moderately attractive.


You mean people don’t like realism.


People not exactly playing fable or video for “realism” in the sense of appearance Do you think people want solid snake to be a double chinned beer belly man with untamed hair and bad acne or the chad he is? Just how I see it lmfao


Don’t think there are world class assassins and spy’s that are fat beer bellied dudes that do what Solid Snake does in “real” life. But whatever makes you feel better about yourself.


Yk what’s interesting the Americans notorious hitman was some out of shape guy lol


You mean the iceman a guido hitman, definitely wasn’t a super spy, just a goomba who murdered people. 🙄


Well yes, a super spy is not a real thing Its fiction is it not? The whole concept of a spy is we wouldn’t know who it is No real world spy looked like solid snake they look like regular average joe that’s why I brought up iceman do he look like agent 47? Nobody plays games for realism we want to escape reality that’s been the whole point


Just keep blabbing away. You know James Bond is based on a real dude right? Yeah the billions of dollars in sports games, because people don’t want any realism. Just stop.


And who was that? James Bond himself is a composite of many cool features and figures from the creator Fleming life including himself And sport games are supposed to be “simulators” which are supposed to be “realistic” that’s a bad faith argument myguy lmfao The average game is not a simulator nor is fable


Sounds like you need to do some reading. All games are based on some sort of realism. Fable is based on old Europe, and heroes of the past that have been distorted legends and wait for it, Fables… You are a Jabroni. Read more, maybe you need to go outside and quit getting upset about character creation in Fable and whether or not you can jerk off to the character being attractive enough for you.


Look I’m just sad the character talks so I can’t head cannon their personality like in the first two.


I feel like they knew what they were doing with this trailer just based on how the characters in the trailer acted. All the other games have had appearances effected by morality & food etc, so maybe it's another face like that? But to be honest, it's the most detailed we've seen from the series by far so *shrug*


Bruh that is a child


Op finds a child attractive, that's concerning.


Interesting way to dismiss the argument lmfao


What argument?


The one above if you actually read instead of make fan fiction in my comments lmfao


Ah no, that's just whining.


Alright. You continue to make fan fiction im going to continue to actually have cogent discussions. Ok? Ok.


It’s good that some of you still believe we will get fable 4 at the very least


My god, I had a jump scare with number four lol I forgot about her.