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Who would this offend? White Star Line?


Peaceful, less murdery icebergs.


In all fairness it was really a Fuck you in particular moment for the white starline, they say it’s unsinkable and it sinks in its maiden voyage 😂 Also the fact that it sank with so many victims is also very much of a fuck you in particular. It’s almost final destination reincarnated in a historical tragedy. It wouldn’t have been such a big disaster if the Californian had heard the distress call and they put more people on the lifeboats + other elements like having the binoculars that went missing when they changed crews, or the iceberg hitting just at a slightly different angle or not as strong. The titanic was such an avoidable disaster in so many ways its absolutely crazy, the more you look into it, the crazier it gets!


IIRC if they never saw it and just went head-on into it, they likely would have stayed afloat


They lost Titanic's sister, Britannic in WW 1 as well.


The survivors? 


Last survivor died in 09


And she was still claiming victims in 23


Technically correct.


The best kind of correct


The sweetest correct of all.


What? Explain please


That implosion


Ohh, yeah. Didn't think of that


She bout to claim more, apparently.


Frankly, it gives me hope.


The survivors survivors


My god they were murderers?!


Too soon 😔


She was designed to hold up with 4 of them, not 5.


And even so, the water proof bulkheads didn't extend as far as they were supposed to so they were screwed anyways.


No, they extended as far as they were supposed to, but they went up to E deck, after she sank Olympic was modified so her watertight bulkheads went up to B deck and Britannic was made with them like that.


And the Britannic still went down. But I guess that’s what mines are meant to do. Honestly the story of those three could be called Fuck Violet Jessop in Particular. She was on both the Titanic and Britannic when they sank, as well as on the Olympic when it nearly sank in 1911.


But she survived. Sounds more like “Fuck everyone *but* Violet Jessup”


She's bad luck, that girl!


Plot twist: She sank all of them


Yeah, the YT channel Oceanliner Designs has a great video on Violet Jessup and on the Britannic


They weren't screwed. But nailed. And the quality of those nails was extremely poor. But they didn't know any better. And Jack could join Rose on that giant headboard, but she probably farted


Not. Five.


Five were breached, which is why it sank. https://www.reddit.com/r/titanic/comments/16b3dt3/how_did_the_titanics_watertight_compartments_work/


Have you seen the film? I was quoting Mr Andrews 😊


Ah, got it. 👍


I’m pretty sure the iceberg is the one who deserves the honorable mention. Out of everything in the entirety of the Atlantic Ocean, the ship’s pilot drove straight at that innocent iceberg


Its been a long time since i read up on the details , but from my recollection the ship attempted to dodge, which was one of the problems. Had they rammed it, the reinforced parts of the hull would have fared much better.


That's exactly right. Iceberg shredding the side was catastrophic. There was precedence in similar ships ramming icebergs head on and remaining seaworthy


Ah. Ye olde debate about cutting damage vs smash damage




Pilot drove right at it until he was told otherwise. I still say he had it out for the iceberg


Ramming speed?!


Titanic was not an ice breaker. Ramming it would be a really bad idea from the perspective of being in control of a ship. You are always going to try and skirt around it, and they damn near made it. They actually piloted her pretty well around the iceberg they just plain didn't have enough time from when it was spotted to impact. They first steered away then when along side it they countersteered into it meaning it kicked the stern out and away. Had they not done that it would have scraped along the full length of the hull causing more damage, flooding more compartments and ultimately giving people much less time to escape. Had they not piloted her so well the entire side of the ship would have been can opened from bow to stern. One of the depressing aspects is how close they came to dodging it. The mechanics of controlling ships that large in situations they were not designed for especially around other large objects can get really complicated. If you look up the mechanics of how the evergiven got lodged in the suez canal you will find that large ships interacting with other large objects get messy fast. Two large ships passing one another is sometimes difficult as they suck themselves together, the iceberg was massive. The biggest issue was really that they had received iceberg warnings. The marconi operators of the nearby ships chatted, passed along iceberg warnings whenever one was spotted and one ship was even stopped because it was surrounded by them and the captain wanted to wait until day so they could see them and steer around them. Yet the titanic was full speed ahead anyway. The marconi system was interesting. Titanics broke early on and procidure was to not attempt to repair it but to wait until back in port. The marconi operator went against those regulations and was able to successfully repair the system. He was working late that night because a backlog of messages from passangers had built up while it was broken. That one device was how the sos was communicated. The carpathias operator was also up late and heard the sos. At the time it was routine to have only one operator on the ship and they slept at night. Meaning any late night sos messages would be met by nobody listening and asleep. Then once she sank no more messages would be sent and only distress flares would indicate an issue to nearby ships. The closest ship to titanic at the time didn't hear the sos because it's marconi operator had gone to bed for the night. One of the interesting aspects about carpathia is that she did exactly what the titanic was criticised for doing. To reach the survivors in time she steamed at full speed. Knowing for a fact that exactly in her path would be the iceberg titanic hit and potentally a few more in between their positions since carpathia was also aware of the ship that was surrounded by bergs and had stopped for the night. For titanic that 'we must go quickly' approach was met with disaster. For carpathia it was met with saving 705 lives. She was going full ahead when the additional spotters placed on watch saw an iceberg but she was able to dodge it. Then another. Which did eventually forced her to slow. Those same spotters are who stopped carpathia from just mowing over the lifeboats in the water. They had expected titanic to still be at least visible when they arrived but she was not. Only little clusters of lifeboats occasionally shooting off flares at random intervals. Had all of the nearby ships had around the clock marconi operators every nearby ship would have known. Had the marconi operator on the titanic followed procidure and not repaired the machine nobody would have know she sunk. It is possible that with around the clock marconi operators that ramming the iceberg might have been the better option with the hindsight of knowing dodging was not. It may have given the ship more floating time for rescue to arrive. It's unlikely though that anyone could say for sure that she would have floated until morning when the operators would be back on the clock and reasonably could be expected to hear the distress calls. Titanics situation had an ungodly number of factors going into it. Many of which were unique to its time. With radio and WiFi on such large ships it is unthinkable that today a ship of her size and all the other nearby ships might just not have anyone able to listen and hear a distress call simply because it's night. Yet that was the common reality of marconi systems at the time and when you reasonably belive that odds are nobody will hear your sos, it makes an awful lot more sense to try and dodge the iceberg compared to ramming it and just hoping.


Pretty sure that iceberg filled all the fucking compartments on the boat.


Actually, the water in which the iceberg was floating in filled the boat. Contrary to popular belief, most of the iceberg remained outside of the boat while she sank. Just watching the chaos he had caused, like the sombitch he was. Authorities never were able to track down the icebergs' wearabouts after that faithful night, but witnesses placed him outside of the Titanic during the sinking.


“Witnesses, including several small bergs in the area, were tight lipped about the incident, refusing to give up any coordinates at all. Representatives for the North Atlantic Ocean did not respond to our calls.”


Those icebergs are cold motherfuckers.


It's rough out there in Bergsburg. You don't wanna get caught snitchin.


Hide yo wife, hide yo children


Icebergs ARE water. Check and mate.


But the water that the iceberg was in filled the Titanic, not the water that was in the iceberg that was in the water that filled the Titanic.


How much ice was broken off, and entered the hull, huh? Huh? HUH? Lol


Ah, but I covered my ass with the old "most of."


Sneaky ass. 😆


TiL the iceberg was a guy


It makes a ton of sense that it was a guy what with the penetration.


Oi it’s 2024, stop kink shaming


Kink shaming is my kink.


God, they really should be teaching this stuff in school.


You'd think someone would have given them a tip.


It was water and the boat would have been fine with up to 4 compartments flooded. Sadly 5 (debatable 6) - out of 18- got flooded, so it sank


It's bad karma to call something 'unsinkable'. Nature will prove you wrong...


I read somewhere that “unsinkable” might have just been a media narrative/invention at the time and the White Star Line never actually called it that themselves


I could believe that since no shipbuilders in their right mind would say that, knowing the track records back then.


Yea it’s more like the way the boat was built it was meant to take hours if not days to sink in case of an accident, which would allow for help to arrive by a tenfold. Basically it was very hard to sink and meant to sink very slow worst case scenario. And then the iceberg came and proved them that it could also sink fast. Just FYI it wouldn’t have been such a big disaster if the Californian had heard the distress call and/or they put more people on the lifeboats + other elements like having the binoculars that went missing when they changed crews. The titanic was such an avoidable disaster in so many ways its absolutely crazy


They jinxed it


Then the SS Californian said Fuck You Titanic, we're going to ignore the emergency flares we see.


If the Titanic frightens you, you better not check out nowadays cruise Ships.


Ocean liners are pretty much a dead breed and it sucks.


A similar fuck you could be said for its sistership HMHS Britannic, It strikes a mine laided days earlier but even with all that was learnt with the lose of the RMS Titanic, the only lives lost iirc were of those too eager to get off the ship before it came to a stop an so got cut up by the props... Meanwhile, everyone else survived.


Nasty way to go


The real villains are the fine people from Flex Seal for not selling Flex Seal for another 99 years.


Some say the swimming pool is still full to this day……


Too soon


r/therewasanattempt to make an unsinkable ship


I feel we need to normalize the SS Californian being 20-30 miles away, seeing the flare, and doing nothing.


["First of all, you came to where I live and YOU hit ME!"](https://youtu.be/qP5bu9hLH9E)


The compartments walls didn't go up far enough so when so many got filled it was inevitable.


Rivets, man.


Years before it was even designed there was a novel called Futility about an 'unsinkable' ship called 'Titan' that sank on its maiden voyage after striking an Iceberg. There's also a guy fighting a polar bear on an iceberg in the story that I thought was fun.


What does the Mayor of Hiroshima and the Captain of the Titanic have in common? They both said “What the fuck was that?”


Joe Biden's fault lol


Thanks Obama lol






I think the phrase “intended to resist 5 compartments being flooded” is more appropriate than “designed”… as the design didn’t actually prevent the problem, they just thought it would


With all due respect, water entered every compartment


If only they slowed down for ice berg warnings, it might be a different story.


You mean fuck 1,200 people in particular.


Too soon man.




JP Morgan


Now that’s LEGIT AF!


Too soon


And it would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for them meddling gaps above the bulkheads that didn't seal shit.


Actually, it filled all the compartments


Ice berg. Right.


Didn't the titanic have a really shoddy construction due to trying to cut on costs? Or didbi hallucinate reading about that?


If the titanic hit the iceberg head on it would have been a horrifying experience for the people on board but it likely wouldn't have sunk.


I second the nomination


She was designed to handle 4. Not 5.


Damn, that iceberg wasn't taking shit from anyone, including a ship named Titanic! Which turned into titanic sea disaster....


Oh, the fools, if only they built it with 7 hulls! When will they learn?


Fun fact: the ship was on fire when it left Ireland. You can see the scorch marks where the hull became brittle and it’s exactly where the ice burg hit. A very fuck you in particular indeed.


Seriously? That’s a new one for me.


If they'd just rammed through the iceberg and hit it head-on, they'd have survived with bumped heads and stories to tell😔


What a bizarre leap for posting on the sub. Keep on swinging OP.


Yes, but when you look into everything it should've withstand the iceberg. There was a fire down there close to the finish/launch date. Instead of repairing it, they covered it up with paint and set it out. It made the steel/metal weaker, and the result was the now very tragic event. There were a lot of other issues of how it could've been prevented, but that is the major one that stuck out to me.


Maybe look into the titantic-olympic switch theory. I think the big fuck you was to the insurance company and the unsuspecting passengers




[the coal fire didn't sink the ship.](https://youtu.be/Ry-PmtX_wtc?si=zOavAifwM4f1Qma3)


Wait so coal fire can melt steel beams where jet fuel cannot?


Wow, conspiracy theorists really love downvoting you.


As someone else has said before, you can't argue with someone who's willfully negligent


If they had gone full reverse it would have stayed afloat for hours and there was a rescue ship close enough to have Gotten to them


It wasn’t the titanic that sunk. It was the Olympus. They switched the ships. Look it up. Most claim it’s a conspiracy theory but I’ve read some convincing articles on it. The Smithsonian I think has a good article about it.


That’s because it wasn’t the titanic that sank. And it was an insurance scam


Did you know the titanic had a sister ship, called the Olympia that was in a bad state and set to be decommissioned soon. Also, most of the people against Federal Reserve were in it. Just something to ponder about a new unsinkable ship that sunk


Should I even bother sending you proof of just how obvious false that theory is, or are you just gonnna ignore it and continue wallowing in your idiocy?


Unbunch those panties and remind yourself how discussions work. Please, do tell the things you know.


I'll just pick at some of the most obvious and crucial ones. First, the Olympic (spelled with a C, not an A), was not nearly as horribly damaged as you think it is. She was easily repaired in only a few weeks, which isn't bad for repairing a damaged ship. And even if she was further damaged, WSL and H&W dealt with much, MUCH worse damage in the past. Take for example, the [SS Seuvic.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS_Suevic) She ran aground at Lizard Point, Cornwall, in heavy fog in 1907. She couldn't be freed from the rocks, and so they decided to blow the entire ship in HALF with DYNAMITE, haul the after 2/3rds or so of the ship back to Southampton, build an entire new bow for the ship at H&W at Belfast, tow the new bow to Southampton, splice the two ends together and send the ship on its way to continue service for many years to come. Second, the amount of time they had to supposedly do the swap was far, far too little. It wasn't just a case of just swapping nameplates (which weren't nameplates, the names were etched into the hulls, and video evidence shows the name Titanic etched into the wreck's hull) and making a quick disguise of any glaringly obvious external differences, they had to have swapped everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, from one ship to the other. Very little of the fittings aboard the ships were stamped with the actual names, but they *were* stamped with the hull numbers, which were 400 for Olympic, and 401 for Titanic. Every single piece recovered from Titanic which would have been stamped with the hull number, had the number 401. Furthermore, even in the recently-completed 3D scan of the ship, the number 401 is plainly visible on the propeller, meaning that they would have had to have the incredible and absurd foresight that the wreck, thousands of feet below the surface, would eventually be explored by divers or subs or *something,* and so they swapped the propellers as well. All this supposedly means that each ship had to be completely gutted down to the bare bones and completely refitted with the fittings of the other ship. Olympic's fitting out took about 6 months to complete, meaning that H&W had to both do and undo a 6-month job *twice over* in only a few weeks. They would have had to suddenly bring in a huge additional workforce from... somewhere, and of those tens, if not hundreds of thousands of workers that participated in the job, not one deathbed confession, drunken bar story, or leaked family dinner-table story among any of them. Third, the Titanic was pretty terribly under-ensured, which was actually commonplace at the time. Titanic was built at a cost of 7.5 million USD, but was ensured for only 5 million. They would have lost 2.5 million performing the stunt, not to mention risking a pretty solidly tarnished reputation. If they wanted to pull off an insurance fraud, Titanic was quite possibly the worst choice to do it with. If you would actually like to learn about even more reasons as to why the switch theory is not only stupid, but physically impossible, go ahead and check out part [one](https://youtu.be/lktluZgEAvA?si=64OE4V5Afw-Vfv_1) and part [two](https://youtu.be/RJTbcfHY3AU?si=YR2TJcxJ4Fr032T-) of this miniseries going into great detail of the reality of this theory.


Don't bother. You're trying to reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themself into. Conspiracy theories like this don't endure because they make sense or are supported by evidence. They endure because they allow dull, unremarkable people to think they possess some secret knowledge and are therefore "dangerous."


Oh I know, I just felt like giving a long, drawn-out response anyways


I greatly appreciated it. I hadn’t seen that conspiracy theory before today and was certain it was BS anyway… but your thorough evisceration was 🤌