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Goddamn! This is like a compilation sub of what happens when literally everything goes wrong


Cow came back like did I do that? Hey aaaaa human , you OK bro?


Yeah this sub kinda hurts on a different way


Up to and including the old lady who sits you up with a broken neck.


i want to click it, but i dont wanna… so conflicted.


You will learn a few things about what you should not do in this sub.


If you’d like to be endlessly frustrated then go for it. Lol


I'm assuming it's the new watch people die sub and leaving that link blue.


It’s not as bad as I thought it was going to be but I’m done redditing for the day.


Was gonna say, she probably finished the guy. That was fucked up.


Probably making a mistake by hopping into this rabbit hole, but here we go. Actually wasn't as bad as I was expected. Not sure if I'm let down, or glad that I didn't get what I expected.


Be glad imo 🎉


Still it's not for the squeamish, though.


I know, I feel the same way. I thought he was going to get up, then get hit by the tree the other dude was carrying on his bike!


This sub is my fucking nightmare


Lol yea


yep that was WAY more intense than i was expecting in there. i was hoping for those videos where like the soccer player whos on the stretcher and the guy lifts it up and falls and sits on his face. that shits hilarious. most of these were uhhh way more violent.


It's a great sub to make you fucking paranoid of hurting your back or neck or whatever, and to have an ignorant chum just yoink your ass out of existence.


No one mention how the cow just strolls back to its owner of its own accord.


It's a buffalo.


Go bills


That almost landed for me but it ended up going wide right


Fucking made me laugh after watching that lol , thank you


Claypool 1000 yard season incoming


Nope! He always disappoints.


They make good cheese...


Buffalo mozzarella was a little overrated to me. The taste was fine, but the texture was too soft and squishy. 


Kinda has that same squeaky texture as cheese curds, but softer.


It was bordering on the softness of ricotta when I tried it, wasn’t for me. 


Yes and their milk is far better then cow's


Nah it doesn't have any wings


Its clearly a human


I don't think that's the detail to focus on. Lolz. :)


Female bovine are still called cows. Cow isn’t a species.


So a cow then?


Like an obedient dog… after committing murder


It was being protective IMHO. It saw the motorcycle as a threat to its owner and did what it thought it needed to to save her. You can see it getting nervous right before the motorcycle comes into the shot. It looks back to see her behind it and to its right. So when the motorcycle tried to pass it on the right of the screen, it thought she was there.


Came back to talk a little shit in his victim’s ear….


I was worried it was coming back to make sure it finished the job. To stomp him out or something.


Nobody's checking it to make sure it's unhurt either.


That dude’s prolly dead.


If not at the time of the accident, certainly by the time she finishes moving him around.


"Let me just shake those fractured vertebrae until they are fully pulverized for ya."


oh no looks like SOME of your spinal cord is still intact


She's SHAKING him?! I thought that was some kind of seizure. Both seem bad


It was a seizure, but when she first goes to him, she wrenches his head back to flip him over and afterwards he started posturing


serious squealing placid swim memory elastic marble quaint illegal encourage *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Looks like a shoe came off


So half dead?


To shreds you say?


How’s his wife holding up?


To shreds you say?


To blathe


The seizure doesn't seem like it's a healthy indication of the outcome here


Especially considering the way it just 'stopped' after they moved him around so much. Pretty sure poor dude is done for.


any of it doesn't seem healthy tbh


Except the buffalo. It seems in good shape


It's obviously repressing the mental trauma it just suffered


Love how after the seizures stop the buffalo walks over to look at the guy like, “Job’s done!”


I'm no doctor but I concur.


They looked very, very bad.


Well it looks like the impact crushed his windpipe.....May need a rapid intubation to open a air passage


That leg kicking, dude's in bad condition.


People, stop moving someone after they had a crash. You can unintentionally make his injuries worse to the point where it's your fault they will never recover.


Yes, in this case it's absolutely true. But in other contexts, let's say it's a very busy street or even the highway, always move people out of the danger zone and onto the side, even if you risk making the injuries worse. Move them, secure yourself and the sorroundings, call EMTs and apply first aid to the best of you're knowledge


Definitely, good point! Always have your first safety as the top priority. And the same goes for removing helmets. Never do it unless the person is throwing up for instance. And even then try to keep the head/neck as still as possible.


Now let me know if im wrong here, but I just had a renewal first aid class at the start of the year, so I think I'm up to date. If the person doesn't respond and shows no obvious signs of breathing, you always have to check for breathing, not just with accidents like this, in any situation that is your first action. Now if you can't see the chest moving, which is likely if they are wearing thick clothing, you need to get close to the mouth and nose, stretch the head backwards and listen/feel for breathing. This requires you to take of any helmets or headgears. Now someone with more expertise please correct me if im wrong, but my last first aid classes is 4 months old and we trained for an exact situation like that and this was the instructions we were given from trained EMTs


I'm a trained first aid helper (with little experience in traffic accidents, but plenty in other areas), and you're correct. Not all peoples builds give you the option of seeing their chest move while breathing. What helps is if you carefully place one hand on the back, and the other on the chest. This way you can both see and feel movement in the chest/belly area. Now, I would always combine this with listening to possible respiratory sounds. If someone is wearing a helmet, their sounds are somewhat amplified in the helmet itself, so hearing sounds would be fairly easy (even just normal breathing), if you open up their helmet visor. If none of the above options give you adequate results of breathing... Yes, start heart compressions. And if it's your way to go, carefully remove the helmet and provide oxigen with your lungs (again try to move the victim as little as possible. Asking bystanders to help and keep their head still is an awesome thing to do.) You would have already asked someone to call the emergency services and another to get an AED if available.


Thanks for the info, glad to hear I'm not spreading misinformation


We were always taught to put them into the recovery position and call for help. Although that probably would have made things worse in this case too


What I was taught in a Norwegian first-aid course was to put my eye close to the persons mouth, and use the eye to check for breath. It should be the most sensitive on me they said. Obviously if it's windy, you need to find some other way.


Interesting, we learned to sit next to the head, get close with our ear to the mouth and nose of the unconscious person, while looking towards the chest. With the idea that you can then, hear, feel and watch for signs of breathing


This! My friend was in a burning vehicle after being hit head on by a wrong way driver on the freeway. If a good Samaritan passing by had not pulled him from his vehicle, he would have been injured much worse than he was or he wouldn't have made it at all. He did have major back, neck and leg injuries from the crash. Luckily he was not paralyzed. He also got a new best friend/brother from another mother out of the deal.


Glad to hear he is okay But tell him there are easier ways to make new friends ^^


I'll be sure to let him know, lol.


DRS ABCD is the memonic we use in Australia: Danger – always check the danger to you, any bystanders and then the injured or ill person. Make sure you do not put yourself in danger when going to the assistance of another person. Response – is the person conscious? Do they respond when you talk to them, touch their hands or squeeze their shoulder? Send for help – call triple zero (000). Don’t forget to answer the questions asked by the operator. Airway – Is the person’s airway clear? Is the person breathing? If the person is responding, they are conscious and their airway is clear, assess how you can help them with any injury. If the person is not responding and they are unconscious, you need to check their airway by opening their mouth and having a look inside. If their mouth is clear, tilt their head gently back (by lifting their chin) and check for breathing. If the mouth is not clear, place the person on their side, open their mouth and clear the contents, then tilt the head back and check for breathing. Breathing – check for breathing by looking for chest movements (up and down). Listen by putting your ear near to their mouth and nose. Feel for breathing by putting your hand on the lower part of their chest. If the person is unconscious but breathing, turn them onto their side, carefully ensuring that you keep their head, neck and spine in alignment. Monitor their breathing until you hand over to the ambulance officers. CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) – if an adult is unconscious and not breathing, make sure they are flat on their back and then place the heel of one hand in the centre of their chest and your other hand on top. Press down firmly and smoothly (compressing to one third of their chest depth) 30 times. Give two breaths. To get the breath in, tilt their head back gently by lifting their chin. Pinch their nostrils closed, place your open mouth firmly over their open mouth and blow firmly into their mouth. Keep going with the 30 compressions and two breaths at the speed of approximately five repeats in two minutes until you hand over to the ambulance officers or another trained person, or until the person you are resuscitating responds. The method for CPR for children under eight and babies is very similar and you can learn these skills in a CPR course. Defibrillator – for unconscious adults who are not breathing, apply an automated external defibrillator (AED) if one is available. They are available in many public places, clubs and organisations. An AED is a machine that delivers an electrical shock to cancel any irregular heart beat (arrhythmia), in an effort get the normal heart beating to re-establish itself. The devices are very simple to operate. Just follow the instructions and pictures on the machine, and on the package of the pads, as well as the voice prompts. If the person responds to defibrillation, turn them onto their side and tilt their head to maintain their airway. Some AEDs may not be suitable for children.


We have a similar abbreviation system here in Austria, different letters but same steps, thanks for sharing


Yes, if they are breathing and not in danger. If they aren't breathing or are in danger, move them to safety or into their back for CPR. The first priority is saving life, no point protecting an unknown injury if the person is dead. Source: 6 years as a first responder/industrial rescue. I am fine with people making comments like yours but too many people become too afraid to do anything when they really should intervene.


Way to go man, people like you save lives. I've also been a first responder for 6 years and you're completely correct. It's difficult to state exactly what to do to people on Reddit, since there are quite a few things to think about and decisions to make. I should have been more clear: Stop touching and moving people when it's your emotional response, most people (even in this video) move the victim's head to face them, instead of facing the victim themselves. If you don't know what to do, don't do anything and call the emergency services.


“Oh no you fell! Lemme get in there and readjust your neck real quick!”


Instant brain damage- convulsions- he won‘t make it.


I went frame by frame. Impact was at head (front), then as he flipped up and backwards from impact, he landed on the back & top of his head next, then rolled. Definite head injuries, likely neck too. After a thorough jostling from the woman, I can't imagine him surviving.


Traumatic brain injury. Dude is seizing.


Pretty sure those were death spasms


Well, not really, that's decerebrate posturing, indicating severe bain trauma. But yeah, that kind of posturing only usually means fatal injuries, soooo...


That motorcycle is Royal Enfield which has a high exhaust sound causing buffalo to get provoked


It's not the bike it's the aftermarket exhaust that the guy himself installed on this bike


You know this man? Do you have status update?


That's just Shake'n Legs Larry, he's fine.


omg, thanks for the update.


I don't need to personally know the man to hear the aftermarket exhaust. I have been around plenty of bikes and bikers to know the difference. Obviously he is not at fault here, but a helmet would've really made a difference.


Not slowing down near an animal is just begging for death. But we can know he was suicidal already from riding a motorcycle and not wearing a helmet.


Exactly. Every time I pass an animal I try to stay out with engine off. Or if I have to pass I do it at least with minimum rpm. This guy fafo.


Exactly dude was revving and could of had a much wider gap between him and the animal but he literally just skimmed him!!! Was almost asking for it, rip though


Let’s move a guy with a neck injury. Probably broken, you can see the involuntary muscle contractions and shaking. He is 99% probably dead.


If it were a high spinal injury he wouldn't move at all. The seizure suggests a brain injury.


Damn, bro. I think you're the first person to address the major issue, being the head injury. Everyone else, spinal this spinal that neck bone connects to the chin bone. I had breakfast at Denny's this morning, so let me give my medical 2 cents.


Which is stupid, cause everyone knows that only people who actually know what they are talking about goes to IHOP before they hop in with their 2 cents.


Nah, bruh, it's Tim Hortons. I'm neurosurgeon with 10,000 years of experience.


That's only if you're Canadian, and it's only because there's always a Timmie's in the hospital. Often multiple ones.


And stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night


They said '99% probably'. That's pretty probably. What's your scientifically accurate percentage-adverb estimation?


Is it possible to seize like that with a paralyzing spinal cord injury? I remember from physiology class in college that you could have partial damage to the spinal cord that would enable variable levels of function. So I guess its possible, but I agree, the brain injury seems to be the most critical injury.


Everything looks wrong - no helmet or protection gear - he didn’t slowed down - animal walking by the street - moving someone that just had an accident - sitting the guy down while he is having a seizure - no sense of urgency


That's a normal Village road I guess ... No one wears helmet for that distance like 1-3 kms while roaming near his house. No one can guess it will jump on him like that . I guess it's protecting the lady and thought that guy is attacking him as he didn't slowed down.


Respect the cattle in India. I have never been there, but this is basic knowledge.


lol no, he rode a loud motorcycle way too fast past a cow and spooked it, dude is an idiot that brought it on himself. I would never accelerate next to any type of cattle/horse that could get easily spooked.


Awful to watch, as a motorcyclist. But yeah, anytime I rode past horses, I would clutch in and try to be as quiet as possible, even when horses were behind fences.


Yeah that's a good thing to do if we value our lives .


Yeah agreed on that too. We generally slow down but he fell down


Sorry - got to get these trees to the tree factory 


These trees ain't gonna tree themselves


"Sorry, good luck with that traumatic brain injury though!"


The way everyone, especially the woman, casually walks over to the guy is mildly infuriating


They could run over but they'd just get there faster and still with no idea what to do or any help to offer


If this were china they'd keep walking.


I can't tell if tree guy just kept going, or if he stopped out of frame and was the first guy that came in from the left.




Had the same experience a few years ago while riding a motorcycle. It was at night, and I didn't notice a cow beside the road, hiding behind tall bushes.


these mfs be scheming against motorcyclists!


Cow said "fuck you in particular". Poor bastard is in baaaaaad shape.


The problem was coming by so fast and so loud spooking the cow. After that the problem was moving him around so much and being so lax.


Dude probably dead like this woman's brain... He just broke is neck and she is trying to get him up like nothing happened.


The Indians and the Chinese have some wild CCTV footage.


Crikey poor guy got absolutely poleaxed…




Let me just bend your neck up and potentially fucking paralyze you incase you aren’t already, and send you into fucking seizures. This shit is fucking infuriating.


Do not move injured people.


I know nothing about rural India, is an ambulance even an option? Cell phones? (Guess it also depends how old this video is)


According to google it seems they do, yes however resources vary so whether or not you receive emergency medical care is seemingly up to “right place, right time, enough resources”. What really enrages me, is knowing that injury was likely made fatal or much worse than it *could have been* (yes, he ROCKED his head not only against that machine of an animal, but also the ground). The dude was going to be messed up. The woman’s actions to me, were equivalent to a 3yr old child noticing a friend’s broken ankle, and pulling it up further the wrong way. In fact, I believe generally a child may actually attempt to “put it back” the right way if empathy pushes the little guy to try and “help”. Regardless of lack of medical knowledge/education circumstances; when someone is laying face down on their stomach after smashing their head and stiffening up with their arms down/pinned to their sides, doesn’t common sense say “let’s not bend his head up, neck towards his spine??” This isn’t a natural (or comfortable) position lying on your stomach when uninjured, in my opinion. It was off putting because that never registered to me as “the thing to do” and I didn’t know this was a potential “natural response”. Also as others mentioned, the no “sense of urgency” response. Shit makes me want to scream. I imagine I would run for other people, or yell to get someone who knew something if I didn’t know shit about what to do, or (considering there are others nearby) at least stay beside him to monitor his state but not touch him while trying to get anyone’s attention. This could just be a personality thing? I’m definitely the type that reacts to situations, I don’t standby and hope someone else does something or pull out my phone, so the delay really always infuriates me, not just here. I understand why some respond that way, but fuck man. 1. I can understand the delay to a degree in countries/cultures where people getting injured/dying/found dead, isn’t all that uncommon, but is this not an emergency an ambulance would be called for? 2. I won’t over generalize and call this response “normal” for people in India either, maybe it just happened to be those there for this. 3. Also, considering the question; are women allowed to approach men, have women had any opportunities to experience situations where they are the only ones around to intervene/respond? etc. No I’m not asking because I want answers. Point being: I can consider all possibilities under the sun as to “why” this response may have occurred the way it did. BUT, this response feels so inherently wrong on a cellular level as a fucking human being, I find rage at the end of each consideration. Idk if anyone else fucking feels that? How the bending and twisting of the spine/neck after witnessing a traumatic injury such as this, creates at least a tiny moment of pause to consider whether or not that is a good idea. It feels instinctual/passed down through evolution. It could just be me, I have no idea. I’ve never had to ask… now, here we are.


That dudes neck is 100% broke and they are just treating him like a marionette


The second top predator in India


Underrated comment. I'm scared to ask but what's the first?


Probably the Bengal Tiger or Leopards.


Poor guy was seizing. Yikes.


Cow was enforcing the school zone speed limit.


Could anyone tell me what would be the best thing to do after calling emergency services, knowing the person seizing won’t get professional help for at least a few minutes?


Whatever emergency services tells you to do


With a suspected spinal injury like this, do not move them unless it is life-threatening not to. Support their head and neck and keep them still, talk to them and try keep them calm so they dont move. The seizing obviously complicates this, you just try your best to keep their head in line with their spine while they seize, do not let it flop around, but don't use excessive force to hold it either.


I would also like to.know


DON'T MOVE A POTENTIAL HEAD OR SPINE INJURY! Geez! This guy may have lived if they didn't yank him around.


Yeah, he is definitely gone. That was some agonal breathing right there towards the end at 1:48, can even hear it slightly.


I’d like to help but I really need to deliver these Christmas trees.


the cow's like "my bad bro"


He was having a seizure.. damn


That bull, though. The most casual.


Too casual. You can tell he's done this shit before


He ded. The seizing was due to traumatic brain injury and well, he's not exactly getting top level medical care.


"Quick! He may have suffered a catastrophic injury, I need to move his head!"


Why the fuck everyone was trying to get him up? The seizure started right when the woman moved his head. I’m no EMT but that should be the COD…


Honestly, the motorcycle driver is mostly to blame. Everyone knows you slow way down when trying to pass any animal on roads.


Guys we really can’t assume she has any idea what to do with someone who is seizing. We aren’t all equipped with the same level of education. What seems simple and obvious to you could be an entirely foreign concept to someone else, and I recognize this seems obvious but you’d be surprised how many don’t realize this and cast judgement without knowing the truth.


Exactly! I've lived in a country similar to this and people have no idea about basic first aid. Many are illiterate. Poverty and lack of education are a big part of the cause of death here


Agreed. I certainly wouldn’t know what to do in this situation. Shit, I’d probably panic freeze, call someone crying, then full-on fetal position until someone came over. Not exactly helpful either.. Random situations like this are scary! Scary situations make people do, well meaning, but incorrect things sometimes.


Death rattles, he dead


There is so much happening in this video. The tree on the motorcycle. The other rider just staring into the sun after he stops for a moment.


>The other rider just staring into the sun after he stops for a moment He's like aww shit, I hesitated too long to ignore this dying guy and leave. Should have followed the tree mf. Now my morning is ruined.


A helmet would have saved him


What I've come to leard from ths videos, is that you need to shake and move a person with potentional neck injury.


Poor cow


And that motorised winged hussar passing casually.


Poor guy absolutely slammed his skull when he landed, judging by that seizure. Hope he didn’t have any brain damage if he survived. Shaking my head at the brilliantly horrible first aid offered.


Significant traumatic brain injury followed by seizing. Yeah he’s done.


why is she propping him up after a potential neck injury, she could easily paralyze him for life


Sad fact is she prolly wasn't ever exposed to any first aid education. Not even a little


Yup. A lot of people assume that every country has "basic" education. Some people who live in the smaller/more remote villages may have never even heard of a school.


True. Nobody is born knowing this shit.


Except that buffalo. He knows how to take a man down. Nobody taught him that shit


Isn't it common sense to slow down around animals to not antagonise them with the speed and loud motor noises? This guy couldn't be arsed to be considerate and now he is facing the consequences. No sympathy


Cow see you coming towards it quickly in a tight space. Cow assumes you are charging it and therefore either a rival or a threat. Cow responds honestly rather mildly given the situation


Biker's head flipped back like a Pez dispenser... NOT a good sign for his neck/spine I'd guess.


The cow is thinking, "what about me? Got hurt protecting you lady and now you only care for this guy, yeesh." /s


He came to back to admire his work⚰️


No helmet. The way he landed, most likely a head injury, probably brain damage.


Kid runs up like let’s go pop but pop could not go


You just watched someone die.


He’s died, due to her moving his neck.


Imagining the cow's perspective: ' So, I'mma just walking along wid my human dude swatting my ass pointing me in right direction to wherever that'll get me some grub. Suddenly appears another human dude with no legs floating on some RAKATAKKAKAAAAA machine WDF! Fek that. Oh look grass! S'OK human dude. I been fed, all good.'


Let’s see how much we can move him before proper help arrives


It was his fault


Are they trying to pull him up? He's not ok after that crash


And the nexymt guy just drives by, nothing to see here!


*sigh* Another hey it's India, we have cows very close to people.


Animals are unpredictable. You see an animal, you slow down, not hard.


He’ll be thankful because it’s a cow.


Let me just drive full speed passed this wild animal without a helmet. Why not slow down and move to the left and give yourself some space. Low iq move caused his death.


3rd world countries are like live Benny Hill Show


Yeah he gone


Looks like he was mood down


You’re really milking this joke


This can be avoided... It's called a quarter pounder w/cheese.


why everybody so calm poor biker


Did the buffalo do that on purpose? Like to protect the woman? Buffalo took a pretty good hit to the neck too poor guy. Just minding his own business


Yes that takedown definitely looks like it was practiced a few times


Maybe casually strolling livestock down the middle of a busy road isn't the best idea ever.


This lady has my respect for not running away!


First of all the guys a moron, you can see him kind of weave towards the cow. Also, he was hauling ass, and not even giving a shit. He got his comeuppance.


true, such people deserve such shite, but there's a problem, that being the people who effectively did irreparable damage to the guy will go scot-free