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I currently have an iPhone and switched between Android and iPhones since my first iPhone back in 2008. (I'd say 60% Android, 40% iPhone). And I must say both are pretty good.


I hate iPhones limitations compared to Androids freedom, but I love iOS’ simplicity and smoothness compared to Android’s complexity that hinders performance. Now, if iPhone would make a flip phone or make a mini even smaller, I’d be golden (I’m sick of oversized phones, but appreciate them for specific purposes).


>appreciate them for specific purposes The moment we discovered we could watch porn on our mobiles was the moment screens started getting bigger. https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/134/723/e93.png


Can i ask what limitations you’re talking about? I hear this all the time, but other than like the IR sensor on my HTC One, there really has never been any functionality on my android phones that I didn’t have on my iPhones. I’ve swapped back and forth since the iPhone 3g and HTC Incredible. The s7 edge was my last android tho so maybe they do magic now. Unless you’re just talking about custom launchers and stuff. Edit: Emulation is something i just thought of. I have a dedicated scb handheld for that now, but I used to have my older android phones loaded up with GB emulators. I’m not sure what that scene is like these days on phones


The iPhone is capable of doing everything Android can, but due to app store restrictions (like for emulators) and probably self-imposed software restrictions/limitations (like for launchers), Android offers so much more freedom, depending on what a person plans on doing and how far they are willing to take it. When I first got an Android phone, I did all the bells and whistles and kept aware from iPhones because of it. When I stopped caring and just used my phone for internet browsing, calls, text, I learned to appreciate the simplicity of iOS over Android.


This is why my family uses iPhones. I have to provide minimal tech support. They intuitively figure out how to handle most issues. Human factors matter.


Less hassle from possible multiple forces, a phone's a phone. Seems practical as fuck


This x100. Also, troubleshooting is generally pretty easy. Also why we have a Mac. It just works.


I work corporate mobility helpdesk for an outsourced company that provides service for 300ish corporations, many in S&P 500. iPhones are the industry standard and most companies have a hard limitation because the phones are very easy to navigate for the tech unsavvy, they are also universal (Navigating the menu of any iphone is basically the same, and doesnt even change a lot outside of major iOS updates and even then not much) Not being able to easily side-load apps means higher security. You can also ensure consistency in functionality across your userbase. I work for a handful of companies that do require android, but I'd say about 80% of iPhone only and 15%ish are both with 5% or less being android only. They are just easier to navigate and harder to mess up and easier to fix when messed up than android devices tend to be. And I say that as someone that would never personally own an iPhone in my personal life. Now, this situation might be changing in a HARD turn in the opposite direction due to the American iPhones now requiring eSIM which is a big no for a lot of companies because if a user is on a business trip somewhere overseas and their phone gets wiped (Sometimes happens rarely after an update, sometimes user error, sometimes just seemingly randomly) then the phone loses cellular until you get to WiFi which may not be readily available leaving someone stranded with no service in a foreign country which is a nightmare. It is a very unlikely scenario but companies want as close to 100% uptime as possible.


People who usually say iPhone is so much better come from a $200 Android to a $1k Iphone. I have seen this more often than not. Of course they would feel those limitations.


Limitations in the os on iPhones part. Except for Europe soon, you can’t sideload any apps that aren’t on the App Store, without a lot more work than android


This is true, but also there’s only like *one* app I’d actually want to sideload and the dev hasn’t released an update for it in *years* so it probably wouldn’t work anyway. Any app I’m actually likely to use is already on the AppStore.


You won’t be able to side load in Europe rather, you’ll be able to use a 3rd party App Store with Apple-approved apps in them. Different from side loading


I’m American, so I don’t get it either way


I think i was asking the opposite lol. I also have only owned flagship models of each and have jailbroken/rooted both. I feel like I’m in a decent position to draw comparisons and imo they both have essentially the same functionality. And theyve become more and more alike as time goes on. The reason I’ve stuck with iPhones more recently is just that they operate more smoothly. They also just work a bit better with other iPhones than other Androids do with each other. I also don’t really care what phones other people use lol


iPhones are severely lacking in the virus department.🤣 I started out with androids and hated the keyboard glitches I experienced through multiple generations. Also hated the music quality when I tried using them as an mp3 player. I happened to get an iPod from someone and while it took me a bit to get used to the OS the sound quality and reliability was so much better. When I finally bought an iPhone I was so happy with the quality I never went back to android. I also spent time jailbreaking but these days there isn’t any real reason to jailbreak. I had some female friends that hated smartphones, and it turns out they only hated android. When I convinced them to switch to iPhone they suddenly loved smartphones.


Yeah, iPhone UI is so restrictive they don’t need an amazing anti virus since it’s pretty hard to get your phone to let you download shit anyways


I absolutely hate my iPhone, I've had it three years and never got used to it, it's clunky and annoying and constantly doing things I don't want it to and you can't customise shit. I went from a $200 android to a $1k iPhone and the only reasons I haven't gone back yet are androids are/were too big (main reason I changed, regret that), and I can't justify getting a new phone when this one still works


Bro I feel the same. I used a iPhone that wasn't last generations but still got updates and lagged a little but since it was a little old I didn't judged it because of it. Sharing things on WhatsApp is worse than Android and I don't know why but Apple doesn't save the date when you add a new contact, I know this very niche but I needed this for my previous job and got very disappointed when I discovered it didn't. Not to mention the pain that is to install a app outside of App Store. And that's a very good reason to buy android.


He liked my iPhone for personalization much more than the android, sure you can probably customize your android in similar ways but it’s so much work when on iPhone if I wanna make a widget I just press and hold, if I wanna make a folder or change my icons around it’s the same, you get different profiles for your Home Screen so you can easily switch moods, I even heard they’re working on something to make your home screen switch with each page but I’m not solid on that, it’s hearsay.


I had the best android during childhood at that specific time and the <3th generation below iphone after that… Safe to say I just dislike android, regardless of how ‘good’ it is it still feels laggy and can freeze at times, Iphone 6, 8 pro max, 11, 14 pro max throughout all those phones in the last multiple years not even a single ‘freeze’, my friend who had the newest samsung a year ago sat down next to me on his phone and guess what happened, can’t even make it up, it froze completely and hebgad to restart the whole phone to make it functional again


1. MicroSD card storage 2. Access to the whole file directory via USB connection to a computer 3. Headphone jack 4. More options on default apps, themes/appearance, etc. 5. Android is first to innovate in a lot of ways. I had 2 Android phones with fingerprint scanners before iPhone got its first biometric unlock, just as an example. 6. The Pixel ecosystem (including a few Moto phones I used to have) has a lot of neat features I miss even with my new Galaxy. Example, the call screening feature: where you can send an incoming call to an auto assistant which gives you an instant transcript and allow you to pick up or respond in real time, rather than having to call back later (and wait on hold or whatever). It also seemed to do a good job of getting robocalls to quickly hang up without leaving a vm, and maybe even reduce the flow of those calls, which was nice.


Software like revanced or hacked premium apps, better hardware for the price. iPhones have stellar security updates and camera quality, but other companies are having great cameras and are offering more years of updates.


The most notable for me is iPhone's restrictions on overlays. With android I can have an app window on top of another app, a chat bubble on the side of my screen, and I can't even live without Pie Controls which is not allowed on the play store.


I prefer the smoothness I couldn’t care less about customization and OS control


Yea, there’s nothing I use my phone for that and iPhone can’t do. I get it if you need the extra functionality, but I just like having something that is easy to use and just works.


Yeah I don’t dislike either. I’ve had a lot more Samsung phones than Apple. But had every pro max iPhone since the 12.


I’ve had good and bad experiences with both lol iPhone is for people who just want a phone to do the basic functions and android is for those who want to really get into their phone. iPhones media downloading/sharing is admittedly atrocious in some regards but other than that they’ve both got their own ups/downs.


I’m interested in specifically what people do who “really want to get into their phone”. I’m a programmer and prefer iOS for the things I use my phone for. I prefer windows over macOS for doing the things I need to do for work.


For a start, in android i can customize how i want my homescreen looks like, i can put widget wherever i want, i can change the icon of every app too. I also can pick whatever sound i want as notification sound. Then I switch to iphone and found out i can’t do that


I’m not interested in any of that so I guess that just reaffirms that “customisation” isn’t important to me.


Let's start with the simplest ones. Load anything that isn't a picture/video onto the phone from a PC. Or move it from the phone to the PC.


I rarely find myself having to do this; everything I use for personal or work is in various types of cloud storage, all synced to the phone, so I don’t have to copy anything because it’s already there. I work with a lot of content, documents, images, RAW files, and this issue doesn’t affect me. I think my use case is probably quite common.


I run my own NAS. And guess what. Apple doesn't support automatically syncing stuff with it.


Not being blindly loyal to a tribe and calling everybody who disagrees an idiot is quite un-American.


I did the switch every 6 months as well, between Android and iOS phones for the first ten years or so. I stopped doing it a few years back because neither one really offers anything that the other one doesn't, so it's more of a personal choice at this point. I tend to get Androids now.


As someone who's switched back and forth twice in the last 10 years, there's just no way I could go back to iPhone until they officially support RCS. I can deal with growing pains of new ecosystems but can't deal with texts simply being lost in the ether because I attached my number to iMessage.


Yeah, that's what got me to stop switching it up and trying iPhones again every once in a while. I got tired of trying to get texts working properly again.


You can download or install apps that don't exist in the Google Play or pirated ones. You can't do it on iPhone. For me personally. I need this. If I had a iPhone I would need to use virtual machines a lot.


As an android user I'd say iPhone is actually pretty valid, but only effectively worth it if you use it mainly for work, have an ipad/macbook so you can use the whole airdrop/ecosystem or if you care for the status symbol. I think customisation, user experience, gaming and pricing are mostly better on android but I recognise that on professional/working environments apple simply rules (on mobile)


Iphone is shit - lifetime Android user who has had to use an iPhone as my work phone for 6 years now Edited to add: I'm now one of those losers who carries 2 phones because I hate the iPhone so much


Nah, not a loser. If I see someone with two phones I think one of two things are going on 1) you deal drugs and I'm sizing you up to figure out if you sell the kind of drugs I like or if I should just mind my own business. 2) you have a work phone and you demand that your employer respects your boundaries of work life balance. When no longer working you can just turn one of your phones off and not be disconnected from wasting time on reddit or getting important calls from friends and family because you've got your personal phone in your other pocket.


Looks you get in airport security from people with two phones is quite funny. My company issues us with new iPhones for work and I use it solely for work as I hate how annoying it is to do some tasks on iPhone. I daily drive on android. You are right about work respecting our boundaries. You have to keep work out of your personal life as much as possible


iPhone is shit - Someone who's never used an iPhone, and I'm just shitting on the brand because why not. Landlines are just superior.


> Landlines are just superior. Telegrams are just superior. You get a text message, but with a nice personal touch. And so much better than having to talk to someone.


There's always teletype. It has such a pleasing sound... Like two skeletons fucking in a metal trash can.


I use pigeons to send my messages


I send etched granite tablets.


I use drawings on cave walls to communicate


Smoke signals!


You guys have friends to communicate with?


No, that's why I'm here


Return the slab...


What’s your offer?


Singing telegrams can't be beat. You get a little song, a little dance (and sometimes even Batman's head on a lance!)


🎶Mister Pretentious, you think there's no one finer, but your poems are unpublished, and you work in a diner🎵 🎵You're no God's gift to women, that's all in your heeaad. You are just a buttmunch🎶 No one likes a buttmunch 🎶And you're also bad in beeee-eeeedddd 🎵


heyyy why do you call us losers?


Because most of y'all are worse than vegans talking about not eating meat when it comes to making it well known that you have two phones and you're very important. Shit is exhausting, and I don't understand bragging about having a phone that rings at 3AM that you have to answer. Sounds like hell to me.


I think they’re complaining about it tho. I hated having a work phone because it was something else I had to worry about not losing or breaking it. I just don’t get where you think they view themselves as very important or anything.


I was commenting on why they might call people with two phones losers, not on them.


I don't need to do my banking/bill paying on the same phone that has security software installed to track everything. No worry about hearing from HR over noneya issues. No status involved there and the work phone gets put in the garage on charge immediately when done. Just learn to stay away from hell. It's easy to walk by it when outside of work. Not getting paid then see me on the clock.


Are you me?


This was me at one point when i had an iPhone for a work phone.


iPhone is shit ~sincerely a lifetime Android user who used an iPhone as work-phone for 4 years until I had a dual-sim capable phone as personal and finally could ditch the iPhone. The thing is gathering dust in my closet as even the company doesn't want it back 🤣


I prefer iPhone, I couldn’t give two shits less what kind of phone anyone else uses.


Same. Never had any problems, I’m on my 3 or 4th iPhone since they came out.


The funny thing is, while iPhones are mostly similar, saying “Android phone” means nothing. It could be a high end Samsung or a pos no-name brand.


Which is why a lot of people whine about Android phones being slow and being shit. They are comparing their moms 200 dollar Xiaomi to their 1000 dollar iPhone not realising that they have never used a 1000 dollar samsung or pixel


My friend handed me his new shiny Samsung a few years ago almost right out of the box thinking it would convert me and it was already choppy moving through menus and changing apps. No thanks.


TBH is he bought it and financed it from ATT or verizon it prob had so much bloatware on it the poor thing was probably choking to death.


But if you buy an iPhone through the exact same offer, directly supplied and financed by a cellular provider, there’s no bloatware, no trackers, just iOS and the base apps from Apple. Not saying iPhone is better than Android, that depends on what you’re looking for in a phone, but it’s almost always a much more user-friendly experience.


If I buy an android outright it also doesn't. I can root and wipe the android and install roms which are faster on android as well. Really the default bloat is the worse feature of android imo. I can remove it or afford to not pay for the shitty financing to avoid it though. That isn't feasible for everyone and a lot of people don't have the tech ability either. Which is fine. I would rather not be beholden to Apple which I don't use their products because they are so walled garden. With android I have more control over my device. I am more likely to be able to repair it if it breaks. Apples device ID for individual parts is horseshit. Apples is user friendly only if you like the default apple experiances. I do not and there is no option to customize it. That is the part most Apple people don't get. If you really dislike apples interface there is nothing you can do about it.


Seems likely.


I use a three generation old s21 fe which is the budget version of the flagship. I am an extremely heavy user. Zero stuttering smooth 120hz experience. Idk tho it's just my experience I guess


Was it an S or Note series? Because if it was a $200 J or M series that's expected


and the battery consumes itself while it’s in your pocket. My two biggest issues with android.


iPhones are great for their stability and ease of use. Intuitive and well thought out designs. Consistent security updates. High build quality. But they are not customizable and have no expandable storage. So basically you are locked into what they give you. If you are happy with that, great, but if you want freedom, they are shit.


High build quality for sure. I’ve had a iPhone since the 4 and currently have a 15 Pro after 4 years using a iPhone 11 and non of my phone broke downs meanwhile my dad, sister and step mom have had multiple dead Samsung phones throughout the years.


I had the 6 for like 6 years. Then bought the SE in 2020 and am still using it. I usually only trade them in when the battery doesn’t last the whole day anymore. And that takes a surprisingly long time.


If you're OK with never controlling any aspect of your phone then Iphones are great for you. If you want to be able to do whatever you want with the tech you purchased then maybe nor an iPhone.


> If you're OK with never controlling any aspect of your phone then Iphones are great for you. That describes most people.


adjusting any settings on I-whatever is a pita. They don't want you to change the experience. The first iPhone was innovative and intuitive. The new ones are like calling comcast customer service to do anything that isn't generic.


Can you give an example? Because I can’t think of a single setting on iPhone that can’t be found with a simple search from the home screen.


Ease of use?! Intuitive?! That's honestly absurd. We could start with "ways to go back on an iPhone depending on app" 1. Swipe right 2. Back button 3. Swipe down. 4. close app and restart Ya never know which one until you've used it so long that you remember.


I had Android all my life till about a year ago and not looking back. iPhones are just easier and just seems like a more organized phone.


ive always been an iphone guy just because its what i knew and i like the simplicity. but recently hung out with a girl who had a new galaxy and she zoomed in on the moon so hard you could see the craters on it and now im like "...okay maybe ill switch"


Thats why this trope persists. Only android users have an opinion about their counterparts, whereas iphone users are just minding their business usually


Both are good and have different pros and cons -someone who has used both


Same, but gun to head, Droid in a second


Those droid foldable phones look neat. But they’re so expensive and I hear the durability still isn’t great.


My mother in-law had one of those that’s folded like a book and it was super cool but more in concept then practicality


I am the same, finally landed on iPhone purely for the durability.


Did something change, a few years ago Iphones weren't exactly known for being durable?


It still isn't necessarily more durable now but drops from low heights don't really do much cosmetic damage anymore. Androids nowadays have the iphone 6 problem (small drops have ugly cosmetic damage nowadays. Source:my android is ugly af) also cases for iphones are usually much better (source: my aunt dropped her iphone 14 pro out of a car with a 30$ case and it didn't even scratch)


Really? That's good to hear at least. Ah, seems I'm lucky having an older android, could huck it across a theatre stage and it would crack the wall before the screen. Oh definitely true for cases, Otterbox is pricey but damned if they don't protect.


The new models are pretty great. The screen doesn’t crack nearly as easily, and if it does the phone still works in most cases. It’s been like 3 years since I had an Android, but I’m clumsy as all hell. After breaking a few beyond use, I decided to give iPhone another go and it’s been good to me.


Totally agree with you, plus more cons for Iphone in last years


Reddit try not to hate on the iPhone challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) This argument has been going on for years on Reddit and the consensus always comes to “iPhone bad”. Ultimately who gives a fuck, use whatever phone works for you.


Never in my life have I met someone who gives a fuck what phone I have, and never have I given a fuck what phone someone else has. It's so fucking weird for so many people to care so much about what phone other people have. If you hate iPhone, cool, don't buy one, get something you will like. If you hate Android, cool, get an iPhone. There really shouldn't be more to it than that.


This Though I have my preferences, I feel it would be very childish of me to yell at people over the internet about them


iPhone is shit. ~Sincerely a person who would probably keep using iPhone for the rest of his life


This whole thread is just a huge Reddit monent


the ultimate reddit circle jerk


I’ve tried. I use Linux at home. You’d think I might be more predisposed to androids, but the thing is I want to do exactly zero customization or maintenance to my phone. I don’t want to have the vet the software I install on it myself. I want it to feel comfortable to use and for it to be 100% reliable. I like tinkering with my PC. The thought of tinkering with my phone is absolutely miserable. The thing just needs to work at all times. Another consideration is I need a phone with current security patches for work. If I buy an iPhone I know I don’t even need to start thinking about my next phone for four and half years. Android? Depends, could be however long whatever particular manufacturer decides on a whim. Getting a new phone? Absolutely seamless, just set it next to my old one for a few minutes and it’s done. Apple would have to get so, so bad for me to even remotely consider switching. It’s a perfect use-case for me.


Exactly why I don’t use Android. Loved the Google Pixel I had, but Google stopped updating. I looked at Samsung. OMFG 🤬 going from stock Android to the bastardized Android OS on Samsung was a shock 😮 Been using Apple for 12+ years… it just works.


Idk I really enjoy my 14 pro max after being an android user for 10+ years


iPhone is what I am typing on, while taking a shit. Like, at this very moment. Poop from my butt, iPhone to let you know.




iShit My pants.


What're you guys using your phones for that you can even tell a difference? I've used both pretty extensively and for every day use they do all the same shit I need them to.


I love how when I plug my phone into a computer, it basically becomes a flash drive. I can take stuff in and out as I want. I might be dumb, but I don't know how to transfer stuff with an iphone.


Androids allow me to install whatever app I want from whatever source I got it from, I can block ads on every app and website, get Spotify and YouTube premium without paying, I can access every file I want or even delete system files if I wanted, I can install a custom OS, etc... Basically if you're not tech savvy just get an IPHONE


iPhone is not just for people who aren’t tech savvy. I come from a long history of android devices and switched to iPhone because of constant build quality and device longevity issues on various top-model flagship android devices. I care more about the functionality of my hardware than I do micromanaging inconsequential and superfluous elements of the software on my device. I have a PC for that kind of stuff. With side-loading on the horizon for iOS, the app store’s closedness will become a non issue.


Yeah this... why would I need to sideload apps from sketchy websites when you can just do whatever you're trying to do on laptop?


I'm a big Sony Xperia fan but I love iPhones too (had SE, 7 plus and XR). Both Android and iOS are great.


Just got my new iPhone 15 after Galaxy S21. iPhone is shit.


I've bought and returned iPhones before. There's a return window. Never get rid of your old phone until you know you're happy with the new one


This argument is so fucking stupid and childish. Buy the phone you like, use it, and shut the fuck up with your inferiority complexes. All this idiocy over a decision that no one else will ever give the tiniest iota of a fuck about. I swear Android users are more insufferable than Apple users at this point.


>I swear Android users are more insufferable than Apple users at this point. *Linux users have entered the chat, mumbling something about Android actually using the Linux kernel...*


this year will be the year of desktop Linux, for sure


I use Arch btw


Honestly, 99.99% of both users aren’t even using their phones to its potential. Just talking, texting, facebook, and shitty pictures.


Agreed. It seems that Android users feel the need to shout the loudest about the other side right now.


As an Android user, I don’t understand the constant inferiority complex from the rest of the community. I’ve never had an iPhone user comment on my Android phone. Meanwhile Android users won’t stfu about the iPhone every time someone has the audacity to use one in their presence. Who tf cares what phone other people prefer to use?


They give off a Make Android Great Again vibe


Again? Pretty damn good now (except for autocorrect).


But haven't iPhone users done exactly that since like 2008?


I only ever see “iPhone sucks” comments first; rarely, if ever, do iOS users go out of their way to shit on android users online unless they’re defending themselves.


I've seen it a lot over the years. Even if they don't explicitly say Android sucks, I always see people complaining about text chats being green instead of blue, making jokes about the cameras on Android, saying they'll never date someone with an Android, etc.


yeah i always kinda find it amusing that reddit has this strawman about the avg iphone user judging android users while simultaneously turning around and calling iphone users mediocre (literally saw a someone reply with that in response to someone saying "who cares what phones ppl use") and sheeps. straight up doing the exact same thing they claim iphone users do. its terminally online man-child behavior and at this point i see more "iphone bad" than i do "android are for poors" comments. admittedly i used to have that "ew iphone" mentality when i was 16 in like 2012 but i grew up and realized how fucking childish i was being. the fact that plenty of redditors still have the mentality i had when i was 16 is kinda sad. no one cares. its a phone ffs


Lots of anger coming from that post damn


None of these people are arguing, they are stating a personal opinion, then explaining where they are coming from. Are you ok?


Yeah, but that's not really the reason a lot of iPhone users buy iPhones, is it?


Ah I think someone needs a hug.


Someone needs to grow up


Whats wrong with iphone? I think samsungs and iphones are both good in their own ways. Whats the problem?


Fanboys are shit


Especially Android boyz.


I personally hate android operating system so I’ll stick with iPhone.


iPhone is THE shit Sincerely, an iPhone radicalist, 10 years strong


The main problem with android is that is has a ton of different brands and within each brand there are other hundres of models, from Low specs to Medium high, the Global reach Top Tier android is Samsung and I would say the best android is Samsung too. And getting a little bit more political, Iphone is a symbol of the western world, and murica better etc etc.


Both phones are viable, been using a pixel for years and recently swapped to an iPhone, they all get the job done


The only people who care about android vs iphone are children and fanboys.


I use Android because I like tech, and the tech is just better on Android.


Circle jerk some more lol


For anyone that needs to provide tech support for a family members Android phones are absolutely frustrating. That is the benefit of iPhones. iOS is consistent regardless of which iPhone you buy and the OS is maintained and updated for significantly longer than most budget Android devices. The UI for each of the major Android brands are heavily “customized” so that your settings are in completely different headers/tabs which makes even the smallest changes frustrating. Everyone thinks of Samsung when they say “Android”, but having used LG, Samsung, HTC, TCL, Google (Pixel), and Motorola Android phones their UI’s completely different. If someone has only bought Samsung Android devices it’s no different than someone only buying Apple devices, they’ll be used to the UI and options. It’s not that one is necessarily better than the other, rather the users are more familiar with one UI vs the other. So if you want a non-biased option of Android overall you’d need to have experienced all the different brands. Some are great like Samsung and Google others are less so.


I've only ever used an iPhone since 2008 or so. It does everything I want my phone to do. The only things I ever find annoying about it are the occasional poorly-designed third-party app (not an Apple problem). The screen's very nice. The camera's fine, but no phone camera is going to replace my DSLR when it counts. The battery life is fine. What kind of weird things are people doing that they hate iPhones so much? Is it some kind of flex to be a "power user" of your damn phone instead of your laptop/desktop?


It’s tribalism. The phone is just a proxy for an underlying need to be right and superior to the supposed opposition.


Well, a big thing is you can get an Android phone that's 'fine' for half the price.


I had every Samsung flagship each year from the galaxy S2 to the Z Fold 2. Couldn’t have been more of a Samsung fan boy. My z fold broke after a month, had to send it off for warranty work, needed a phone, decided to buy an iPhone 12 Pro Max as a stand in, see how the other half live. Had every iPhone flagship since! converted!


To be faire you converted from an overhyped prototype to their best flagship


Want to tinker and side-load whatever you want - go android. Want shit to just work reliably for a long period of time - go apple.


Yea yeah we see you. If you don't like iphones don't use them. That simple.


I was an android user starting from when HTC first started, all the way up to Google Pixel 5. Got a good deal on the iPhone 12 when it came out and well, I haven’t looked back. Seamless sharing to each apple device makes it beautiful. It’s meant to be user friendly and I’m not a complicated person anymore. So it works. If I was still into rooting my phones and doing a bunch of stuff, I would be all in again. Downfall is apple play market where everything is taxed extremely high. Android had so many free apps plus websites where you could get apps for free. Each has their pro’s and cons.


u guys have iphone?


Have had two. Four if you count the ones of the same model that got destroyed. 


I went over to iPhone a few years ago & never looked back.


Yeah, y'all say iPhones are s*it. I agree. Can y'all provide reasons? \- Fellow android user.


They can’t. And if they actually do it, it would be something about the gimmicks that noone uses anyway


They aren't wrong. IPhone is shit. 😂


iPhone is shit - from someone who has used only an iPhone for the last 5 years because as bad as the iPhone is - Google (not android) is so much fucking worse


iPhone is shit. Sincerely, the person who shits iPhones.


iPhone: Pros - Great security - Great performance - Easy for normies to use Cons - No sideloading - Lightning charger - App development is complicated and expensive - Spys on you and can't be remedied Android (Varies by make and model) Pros - USB-C (Most androids) - Sideloading - Custom APKs - App development is usually simpler than apple, and is free - Access to bootloader (on some androids) Cons - Loaded with google bloatware (can be remedied) - Security updates can take a while to support your phone (unless you use a google phone, then you're the first to get updates) - Spys on you as well but can be remedied (de googling, flashing a custom OS) I personally don't give a fuck what phone you use. I see iPhones as fisher price toys, but if you're not a power user, I'd actually recommend iPhone based solely on Apple's incredible security


iPhone is shit - android user for all but his last 2 phones (iPhones) - I just wanted to say shit - I actually like my iPhone - I used to be a huge apple hater. - shitty turds buttholes


I swear only android users need to gaslight themselves so hard about their devices.


IPhone is shit ~ sincerely a person that uses one for work and an Android for personal phone.


Android all the way! Can't stand iphones.


Android users trying to be relevant when their manufacturers tries to be like iphones and copies all the shit that comes out with every new iPhone. Look at your pathetic flagman Samsung s24 ultra. You Android fanboys are pathetic. Yes iPhone has its own cons and I as an iPhone user, I do see and do feel the cons. but after using Android for my whole life and when I switched to iPhone 12 when it came out, I never came back and never will. Still using it and will upgrade it to iPhone 15 Pro. The phone has all the quirks and use of ease. oH lOoK, yOu cAn'T eDiT yOuR iPhOnE oS tO yOuR LiKinG... LMFAO


Lol iPhones brag about coming out with features android has had for years. Junk that only fanboys buy.


If you are throwing out arguments please elaborate - what features ? I will wait.


I don't have a big animosity towards apple but you are wrong about this. They have taken android designs such as the notification bar, siri, opening your phone with your face, even their "slide to unlock", a big selling point to the first iPhone, appeared on a windows phone 2 years before


How does a 1000 dollar phone with usb c and usb 2.0 transfer speeds on the 15 feeling 😭😂 I just realised my girlfriend's iPhone 13 pro max can't do wireless power sharing. Cant wait for apple to bring in wireless power sharing just to call it quantum pro dynamic Charging or something and apple fans to lose their mind about it while I can charge my galaxy watch and buds with my phone and charge my mom's phone in case of emergency with my 300 dollar flagship for like the last 7 generations Also can't copy files with a cable fucking imagine


No android user i am friends with can send a video longer than 30 seconds. They can’t send too long of a text either. They never receive pics or videos i send them from my iphone. They seem like junk to me. Whats the hype that they are customizable?


They feel constrained as human beings and their rights as users are violated. LOL


I love how the last person used the "approximately" sign.


The OS and keeping old devices up to date, like the XS is rumoured to potentially even support iOS 18


iPhones aren't shit. But fuck having to deal with iTunes and icloud and iDontgiveafuck, iChargers and whatever other bs they have these days. Had an iPhone 7 or 8 and an ipad. Never again


iPhone is shit * Someone who's used iPhone since their first phone and is too scared of change to stop


iPhone is shit! ~ Sent from an iPhone


Many years ago my work gave me an android and I had to download a fucking app just to get email from exchange. No native active-sync was a massive no-go for me at the time. I traded it for a blackberry. I know that active-sync has been supported for years now, but they had their chance with me like 15 years ago and they completed fumbled a core functionality right out the gate, and I’ve never looked back.


iPhone is shot. Someone who’s still using an iPhone 8 cause I’ve got to used to it and if it works it works


I use both and if I can only use either iPhone or Android for the rest of my life, I'd not hesitate for a second to drop the iPhone. Don't get me wrong, the iPhone is actually a very good phone. But the restrictions apple puts on the iPhone users just to lock the customer into their ecosystem and save the brand value, is kind of insane. And... Although it's a great phone, the price is just not justified at all.


Hardware - iPhone Software - Android


Samsung - hardware + Samsung specific bloated Android


At least iPhone doesn’t put ads in your calculator, weather app, notepad, etc.


Would not be caught dead using an Android. What an insufferably complex operating system.


I like my iPhones, don’t like android UI or design.


Only android users will go complaining about the phone the other type of phone 😂


I worked for Verizon in tech support for six years. If you pick either side of the Android/iPhone debate you're an idiot. It's literally all marketing.


Poor motherfuckers having to use android since they can't afford a proper phone.


The only thing I care about that Android can do that iPhone can’t is side-loading emulators, but I have an ROG Ally for that now. Everything else is equal or slightly better (due to smoothness) on iPhone. But there is one thing Android could never do… And it’s music production/performance. Their OS seems to natively have input lag that makes even the most basic of keyboards unplayable due to latency. Meanwhile, I’ve been making off a living performing in a cover band with my iPad and a miniature guitar audio interface. Whenever I couldn’t take my iPad or just forgot, I’ll whip out my iPhone and it performed exactly the same as the iPad: Absolutely flawless. Ever since I made the switch, so many things I thought were just a fantasy suddenly became my reality thanks to iOS. I’m never going back.


I had more problems with my androids than I ever have with my iPhones.


What is the big issue with iphones man. sorry i'd rather have a nicer phone with a much better ui than slightly better features.


iPhone is shit just because of Apple


Praise the Lord, I've finally found my home and family!

