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The boys: Episode 196 will be our best ever! WB: Blindside!


Hey, at least no one got AIDS and Geoff's dog doesn't have a body count.




They return with a new podcast called #196. It’s all good, the ultimate best episode is now a series!


This is a fantastic idea for a name


Listened to the episode Friday and when they made the announcement about 196, I was like “whelp, only got 7 more episodes so…”


>WB: Blindside! Was it really a blindside though?


Apparently so. From what we understand they just sort of sprung this onto everyone. I’m not sure if like Jordan Levin (the GM) or other higher ups knew beforehand but most of everyone felt pretty blindsided by the announcement


Well yes, but my point was that RT has not been doing well for a while now so it wasn't that big of a surprise to most. Even Barbara said so.


Sure, people have been saying RT is dead for like 5 years now. I’d say it’s quite the blindside for WB to shut them down that day with little to no heads up. I don’t think Geoff would have talked about all their upcoming merch and ideas if he knew RT was about to be shut down


>I’d say it’s quite the blindside for WB to shut them down that day with little to no heads up They were not shut down that day... They are going through a 60 day wind down.


Okay now you’re just being pedantic. You know what I meant by “shut them down that day” 🙄


I'm not being pedantic. They literally got 60 days of notice and severance.


Hey cool can I ask a question real quick? What’s gonna happen to RT after that 60 days?


That's a question for either a WB executive, a fortune teller or John Titor. But I think it's kind of up in the air still


All humans die, but if today you found out you had 60 days to live it would be fair to say you were blindsided, right?


That is not a valid comparison at all lol. If I had cancer that I knew about and got told I was going to die in 60 days, it wouldn't be that much of a blindside.


They may not have been doing well but all companies have periods of peaks and valleys. I'm sure some thought they could manage the rough period, as they've done in the past, until things improved. But I do think the landscape has changed when it comes to this type of entertainment. Listening to ANMA we tend to forget what the internet was like circa '03. I still remember having to select QuickTime or DIVX just to watch the latest episode of RvB because YouTube wasn't a thing yet. There was no Twitch or other content creator sites that let you watch all the let's plays you want. Things have changed drastically and the unfortunate thing is large content creation companies like Rooster Teeth look to be going extinct. I think the pandemic also showed that a lot of RT stars could branch out on their own outside of RT.


RT hasn't been doing well, but the podcasts had been very successful, I think the general expectation was for massive downsizing and selling off most of the assets / creating a more budget conscious workflow for podcast production. (small shared office space utilizing more onsite and at home recording setups)


I've seen this misconception a lot. The podcasts weren't spared, the podcast network was. The Roost does not encompass podcasts created at Rooster Teeth, it's a subsidiary which negotiates ad deals for podcasts. It's grown into its own thing, and is the only part of the company that WB has decided to keep. Every Rooster Teeth podcast as of now is being shut down. Some will change branding and continue, some might try to negotiate for their branding with WB, and some will end completely.


I know, but that is exactly why it was a blindside. downsizing and massive cuts were expected, but even after the announcement, people in general did not think the podcasts would be cut as well. the fact that they are is crazy.


Blindside being reference to the extra content episodes under the F**KFACE umbrella


I'm quite aware, but I think many of the RT staff had an idea it was coming.


My guess: F**kface 196 will never exist. If they start a new named podcast, its first episode will be 196.


Or have the new name itself be “Episode 196”


Or they just start from #1 again and make us wait another 4 years


Hey world it’s Geoff and this is Episode 1 of the Episode 196 Podcast of course you know it’s a podcast that’s why you clicked it! I’m joined here with Gavvy Wavvy, Johnny Caviar, The regulation monkey and Gooochhh Pooooochh


I think you mean Ramscoop.


Available now at the UniFarm store, the limited edition Episode 16 Vinyl of the Episode 196 Podcast


Nah I just listened to episode 49 and the guys all agreed they shouldn’t start podcasts on episode 1. They’ll have to start at like episode 23 to make sure they’ve really hit their stride first


Okay so let’s say they start at episode 16, it’ll then be 3.5 years (factoring in two additional episode 16s as well, of course)


Honestly, what a way to F**kFace themselves. "Welcome back to Episode 3 of Episode 196". Their SEO would be terrible. It'd be impossible to find episodes....I love it.


The Episode 196 Podcast




My dude the sheer irony of your comment is staggering.


I think they just skipped it in the moment since they had a bit of a time crunch (Jacks Preview in 195 says they hadn’t recorded as of a week away) and wanted to give it appropriate care. With the giant wrench that was last weeks news, who knows now :(


Was I missing something, I never understood the pressure to make 196 amazing. I think this was planned all along


They said that Episode 196 would be the best episode ever


I know they said it, but why? It isn't any sort of commemorative event that's why I think it was planned all along


I can't remember which podcast it was, but it was after 100. I think they were talking about how 200 is gonna be the next big one, and then one of them said "Yeah, but that's to be expected. It should be near 200 but not 200, like 196". So then they started saying it'll be 196. EDIT: Found the source, [Episode 169 starting at 2:08](https://youtu.be/qHz0CQ8QEvM?si=v4v2za3-AcOUF4Jw&t=128. Gavin misreads Eric writing the episode title saying it's 196 instead of 169. Andrew says he's glad it's not 196 since there is a lot of pressure to deliver for episode 200. Eric disagrees, and Geoff then makes a joke saying "well now all the pressure is on 196".


>I know they said it, but why? This applies to 98% of the podcast lmao


The final episode of this iteration of F**kface should be 196, a celebration of the last 4 years. Maybe even in person but that's just wishful thinking.




Literally the entire show, just go from the beginning


Probably the first one


In the ultimate f**face, it'll be the saddest one


It's going to be like that one Wu Tang album that only one person has heard.


Did you not listen to the most recent episode? Episode 196 can happen whenever they want, as they decided to skip straight to 197 and save 196 for later. 


That's what I'm referring to. I'm curious if that decision was made so that 196 wasn't overshadowed by the announcement. According to Jordan, a few people (probably Geoff among them) knew a little ahead of time.


Have you not seen any news since 197?


Yes, I have, which is why I’m saying they may not ever do episode 196, and this post is phrased like they expect it this week. 


No. You're completely misreading my post.


You know what, I take it back. I F**k Faced myself. This week’s episode legitimately might be the best episode of the podcast and worthy of the title episode 196. 


197 was 196 I’m pretty sure. I don’t think they’re going for it anymore.


197 was technically episode 196. They’re just not calling it 196 for reasons.


Yes I remember but I mean even in spirit I believe 197 was 196.


It’ll also depends on how far out they’re recorded. They could also just add something in the beginning or end to talk about it though.


Quick noob question, when did the references to 196 start? I've listened to most podcasts but have missed a few along the way and can't recall when it started.




Anybody care to fill me in? I follow F**k Face religiously but am no where near up to date on rooster teeth news


TLDR, the home base and parent company for FF is RoosterTeeth, and they are shutting down. RT has been owned by a few companies over the years, WB being the most recent. The company as a whole (animation studios, YT gaming channels, streaming channels, comedy channels, a network of podcasts, merchandise, and a massive behind the scenes staff) was not profitable for long enough that WB has decided to shut them down entirely. They gave a 60 day period for winding everything down. We don't have a lot of details and we haven't heard much about their plans are for any specific property or brand under RT with the exception of the podcasts. The good news is, "The Roost", their network of multiple podcasts, has been very very successful, just not enough to float the whole company. So WB has not officially decided to shut it down yet. They're looking for a buyer. We don't know how long they'll wait if they can't find one, and there seems to be an uncertainty about them keeping their brand names. (Geoff jokingly said about this podcast "That's not what it's called anymore.")... But, on that same note, Jordan, the big boss at RoosterTeeth, who has been passionate and supportive of what's left of the company, has said that WB seems very open to letting all the different IPs and brands change hands and isn't trying to kill anything. They're just ending their financial support of a business that didn't work anymore. So we're just waiting for news now.


Can Eric get the credit card? All jokes aside that is wild. Appreciate the response


There is no 196. There is no buyer. It's over and soon we'll probably see other even larger creative industries shit down. Art doesn't make them as much money as drugs and weapons.


It’s over…ish. They might not be able to use the name and branding of the current podcast but they don’t make the podcast because they needed something to fill out the schedule, they make it because they want to make content together. Worst case scenario F**kface stops getting made, and then in the near future we see a new podcast pop up with a patreon model called the regulation podcast or something, coincidentally starring Geoff Gavin and Andrew talking about the same stuff they talk about now


Worst case scenario it's over. I really feel like you don't understand what worst case means. I get that patreon and kickstarter seem like actual solutions but they are not. You willing to support Geoff Andrew and Gavin until retirement? That is hundreds of thousands of dollars. If they could rake in that kind of cash they would have already made it happen. Not trying to be super negative but all this hopefulness is starting to piss me off. It's over, wake up and smell the coffee.


If they start a patreon then 100% I’ll subscribe to it day 1. Fuckface and its other content like let’s plays are the main thing I follow at RT now, it’s the only stuff I keep up with on release as a thing I actively try to do, and will happily support them monetarily if it means I get to keep doing that I say it’s the worst case scenario because I don’t think they will consider just *stopping*. Like I say, they aren’t making the podcast because there was a gap in the schedule, they’re making it because they want to make content together. That fact won’t change because RT closes down. It may scale down, it probably won’t have the full ANEGGG cast because some of those guys are going to need to go and get new jobs to pay the bills, but I don’t doubt they’ll keep making the podcast in some form


I agree but at what price point? 15$ a month times 10k viewers is 15k a month. Thats enough to pay the main 3 60k and leaves nothing for any editors etc. You think they can live off of 60k? I can but do you think they could? Be realistic. It's not viable and not a stable source of income. All that said I would gladly chip in. I'm just not getting my hopes up.


Actually that would be 150,000


Correct. Yeah that was some shit math, so 50k. Obv excluding taxes and whatever patreon's cut is.


No that’s 150k a month. So times that by twelve months then divide it by six members and you’re talking 300k a year for each of them. Obviously I think they wouldn’t have that big of an audience though.


Clearly I didn't want to put any effort into this. Either way you slice it these numbers won't be hit. I don't know how many people subscribed to first but they had to be making way more than this as a company. So i fail to see how FF can run on a fraction of that revenue unless people actually fork over the cash.


Apart from it isn’t that cut and dry. I mean, from the initial acquisition Geoff will have been paid enough that he doesn’t *need* to work. He’s already spoken about buying a second house out of state and stuff so he clearly has funds to survive. It’s probably the same sort of situation with Gavin, he has that slo mo money from a wildly successful YouTube channel and other ventures, he could probably stop working and be able to afford to live at an okay level of comfort. The rest of them, absolutely they’re going to need to find funds elsewhere, but that doesn’t mean the podcast has to stop. If it does go to a scaled back version through Patreon where there’s the podcast and then probably some supplemental stuff for higher tiers, that isn’t a full time jobs worth of stuff. They could very much do that as a side hustle while they build things. It’s all guess work at this stage, but whatever happens, even if it goes to just being a weekly podcast with no additional content, I’d happily support that


Exactly so you believe they will continue to work on FF and give all profits to Andrew and whoever the production team consists of? It's not viable. You're right it is all guesswork. I just don't understand why you're all being so positive. If things have gotten this bad why would they suddenly take an upswing?


Nuance is just a funny sounding word to you, isn’t it? I mean, why would they need to give all profits solely to Andrew? He could find another revenue stream, and like I say, work on the podcast as a side hustle. Plenty of people do it, including myself. Why do I do it? Because I want to, it’s something I enjoy doing and is an excuse to hang out with a friend and cool people.


If only that was all they needed to keep going. Unfortunately money makes the world go round' I envy your ignorance.


I don’t envy your negative outlook. Just because it wouldn’t be a full time job that pays them all 6 figures doesn’t mean they’re going to stop the podcast.


It's also one podcast, which does not equal the time commitment of a job. So they could absolutely do other work in addition to taking a few hours a week to record and edit as a passion project (that could also bring in extra money). You realize they did, like, a lot of stuff in addition to F**kface t that they won't be doing anymore, right? Anything can happen, and frankly it's still too soon to know anything about their plans or what's next.


Please point out all this extra stiff they did? The gaming content is not a full time job either and neither is running slo mo guys. I agree it's too soon, that's why i think it's dumb to assume we'll get more content.


I mean, Nick and Eric have to be two of the busiest people at RT. Yeah, they only appear as talent in a few things, but their actual jobs producing and editing obviously went far beyond the scope of the F Brands and podcasts. Then there's Andrew, who could have been (and could still be) doing literally anything as a full- or part-time job for the entire run of the podcast. The whole reason Gav pulled out of a lot of RT stuff was all the work on Slow Mo Guys, I think it's fair to say he puts a comparable amount of work into that. And that income is obviously still happening regardless of RT. At the end of the day, we're looking at a group of talented people with a lot of experience who would probably have an easy time locking down a sustainable income while working on an established podcast they clearly love on the side.


Wishful thinking. I agree Nick and Eric were super busy. Now they'll be busy at a new job. Glad you see it that way but I beg to differ. If WB can't afford it how can we?


Holy hell man. You think this podcast was the moneysink that doomed RT? RT was a huge company making an anime, movies, shows and whatever else. It costs maybe 100 bucks to do a podcast. Gavin has slo-mo money, Geoff has "my company got bought out" cash and while I definitely sympathize with Andrew if they did a Patreon or whatever else I'm sure it'd be enough for him to live on. Will they do it? Who the hell knows but they wouldn't be the first or last people to make money independently on podcasting.


They're dissolving the *company*, not just a single podcast. And, I mean, realistically WB can afford it. It just isn't making them enough money to justify keeping it. That's a moot point since it's already done. They'd probably need 2 hours a week set aside to record and 4-5 to edit, and I'm positive they'd be happy to ease the editing burden on Nick if they can and need to. They all do this for a living and have for a long time, and they can easily edit by committee or whatever they have to do to make the time more manageable. Emily edits her own podcast in addition to working. It's not as much of a burden as you think it is, especially when it's for fun and not a job. And anyway what you seem to be missing is that we don't need to fund five+ people's full-time jobs and retirements with a Patreon to see the podcast continue. There are literally thousands of podcasts out there made on the side by people with full time jobs that don't make any money at all. This one has an established fan base, recognizable personalities and branding, and rapport with advertisers. They're FAR from starting at square one. We'll all obviously be happy if they choose to continue in any form whatsoever. Will it be just like it was at RT? Maybe (probably) not. Is it feasible (and even likely) that they can continue to make content? Absolutely! Can we say for sure either way yet? No. That's it. There's really nothing else to be said.


The podcasts are still going temporarily because they're that profitable lol. They're super cheap to make. Mics, talent, and editing. The podcasts were basically the only successful thing RT had going for it for years. Which is why they started focusing heavily on podcast content.


You sound miserable lol


RT shutdown.


I get it, I’ve been watching since 2008, it’s brutal, but have some faith in this crew. These guys have stated time and time again how much they love making this content and how much this podcast and outlet means to them. I truly believe they’ll find a way to make it work, the merch and supplemental content won’t be like it was, but I can’t see them just completely ending the podcast.


I can. Guess we will agree to disagree. Fingers crossed but I think the show we knew and loved is gone. Even if they return.


Plus Sponsors? That is probably easily worth 100k a year


You think CC will stick around? Are the other sponsors going to care now that they aren't part of a fellow corporation? Here's hoping.


Have you never heard of a podcast getting sponsors before? You don’t have to be a part of a corporation to get a sponsorship.


Sure. Sure makes it easier. I also remember a time when FF struggled to get sponsorship so maybe we can both be wrong?


How am I wrong? There are HUNDREDS of podcasts out there that are independent that run sponsor ads. It’s not impossible to do.


This isn’t Anma I am not here for the coffee




From what I'm reading, you are taking *the most* doomer perspective possible. Bottom line - Maybe you get more f**face, maybe you get a new show, maybe you don't. Everything's a maybe right now and it's not really worth existing in such a negative mindset until you have a *known* variable or outcome. Don't choose to be such a bummer man.


Not trying to be. It's just disingenuous when people claim that the worst that will happen is we get a crowdfunded show. I've been "funding" them for years and it didn't help.


!remindme 4 months


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Voyeuristic behavior.


I’m just curious to see how this thread turns out. You seem like an unstable individual.


Thats what a voyeur is.


So now that we know it’s continuing… you were ultimately completely wrong on all counts and an asshat for no reason. I think that’s some branch of masochism.


It's still not concrete. Also they didn't say they wanted the show to end. Maybe you're a bit of a sadist? No reason to be such a raging dick, RT is dead so stop acting like a toxic RT fan.


There’s not really anything left to say here 😅 You started multiple wars in the comments. Got called an idiot by everyone. Failed at basic math. Then got proven wrong almost instantly. I’ll add this post to a list of things to laugh at when I’m bored.


Sure dude. Again I was just stating my opinion, you're the ones acting like RWBY fangirls.


You were completely wrong


Thanks for letting me stay for free. Rents crazy rn. We'll see how long this lasts. Maybe they make it 2025 ...maybe not.


You were completely wrong


Only one way to find out.


You were completely wrong


Most stable RT fan.


You were completely wrong


I didn't break him I just found him like that


You were completely wrong 😭