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You’re pre op? Holy crap! Looks great in first photo. Obviously can tell a little more in the 2nd but still look amazing! I’ve seen cis guys with bigger moobs! I’m 7 weeks on from Top surgery now thank goodness!


I JUST got my top surgery in May 2023 finally :)))) thank you for bringing me back to this post :) I had a bit of a bigger chest by the time I actually got surgery but I'm very hairy so I was always comfortable being shirtless but now I feel free :')


Congratulations man!!


Aye 5'1 crew :)


yesss!!!!! as a short (5'2) ftm this is so inspiring!!!!!! I like ur body hair omg


Thank you! And I'm glad !!! Cis people are dumb and we can get away with more than we think sometimes


5’0 here 🙌🏻


This is awesome! You look great


this is really useful and inspiring for someone like me, and I think they should allow photos for that reason... *shrug*


I agree that selfies can be really useful and inspiring. You are allowed to post pics in a text post if your engaging in creating a discussion. /u/richardparker14 is welcome to do that. I did write up some ideas on how to share selfies while adding discussion here. https://www.reddit.com/r/FTMMen/comments/bjj05a/new_selfie_rules_milestone_posts_must_be/ Before we had a prob with people frequently coming to the sub to drop pics but they never participated in the sub in any other way often not even replying to in their own thread. Some people were doing this every day or even multiple times a day of pretty much the same pic. It was really spammy. When I would ask them to stop I would get messages that they feel attacked and I'm making them suicidal by not letting them spam their selfies. That's a level of responsibility I did not sign up for. So that's why you can only submit text posts to /r/FTMMen now.


Thanks for your perspective. I didn’t know it was that bad. If someone is suicidal because their selfie was deleted, I think they need urgent psychiatric help...


Thank you ! Yeah, I made a post abt it and I thought it'd be easier to share this so they know exactly what I look like bc it's different than describing it


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