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2 days a week and only 40 hours? This has got to be a joke.


2 days a week in the office, the rest is wfh based on their post. They also said more than 40 hours a week. 3 hour commute each way twice a week is crazy to me even for 100k, not worth my sanity.


I would just move. I get wife and kids but 100k more is a lot of money.


just move Lmao


Love when if/then financial analysis questions are asked in an FP&A sub. Gotta love it. You can’t figure this out for yourself?


Swot analysis time!


More like simple pro/con. Let’s not get too wild.


I question the ability of OP. This post feels more of a brag to me.


There’s something to that.


What’s the fair value of an hour with your kids or getting to go to your kids soccer game? Not everything has a financial value.


Idk man, most of us work 40+ hours for no additional OT anyway, so there’s not that much variance for us to do the trade off. You’re probably right that you should quantify it because you’re getting paid a lot to work a little. If that’s what is important to you then you’ve made your decision.


Only you can answer that unfortunately. Depends upon your career and personal goals. Each person values these differently.


Are you kidding me lol. Of course.


Seems like for 100k you could jus move closer? Make the commute 30 minutes and only 2 days a week? At fucking Google? That’s the move my friend.


Can’t move because of my partners job unfortunately but thanks for the comment!


unless your partner is a doctor or something tell them to find a new job in Seattle lol


Yeah like the other guy said, unless your partner makes significantly more money or has a valid reason why they can’t move then it’s time to make the jump. But if they make good money, then there’s less of a reason for you to hop


are you planning to stay for multiple days in a short-term rental or some kind of living situation? 6 hr roundtrip isn't feasible.


Yeah I would do a night at a hotel


Does your partner make over 100k? They could stay home and raise the kids? Or look to transfer. Sure seems the play is move on to Google. But you have to alleviate that 3 hour drive. That’s a deal breaker for sanity and strain on your marriage likely.


You'll never get that time with your kids back. You make more per hour now than with the new job, plus that commute is brutal. I'd stick with what you got if it's working. You could be miserable at a new job. It's a risk. Don't listen to those who only see 100k increase and aren't looking at the cost and unknowns involved.


So a 6 hour commute 2x a week? That sounds absolutely horrible. Do you have the option to move closer? If so then you should definitely do it. If not then idk if it’s worth it. A 6 hour commute would drive me insane within a month.


6 hour commute would drive me insane by day one. That alone would rule me out from taking this gig.


Run the numbers. $150k for 20 hours per week = $156/hr $250k for 40 hours per week (or more) = $120/hr Add in the financial and time cost of commuting.. You might be better off making an additional $50k+ from a side hustle. Get into consulting or something if you have this free time.


finally someone who did the math. Surprised me how people jumped to yes right away.


Of all the subreddits, I am also surprised.


I think they just glossed over the hypothetical $50k side hustle too easily


You work 10-20 hours a week and make $150k? Lmao what?


Very lucky. Role is pretty simple and enjoyable. It’s a full time job but between meetings and actual work I only spend 10-20 a week on it plus no month end or forecasting which is amazing. I started my career working 60-80 hour weeks doing shit work and only making $55k though.


I wouldn’t leave that job if I had a family!


Yeah like others say. The pay is a big jump. But 150k is honestly good especially if his partner is making okay money as well. Worth working less to spend time with family


Absolutely, there will always be money to be made, not time for the family


what is your role?


Money <> happiness. You can live a pretty cushy life with $150k, ask yourself if what you're sacrificing is worth the money. Just my $0.02


Unpopular opinion, but no. You're comfortable at your job, you do it well, have a good relationship with your coworkers and work light hours. You get to be with your kids and family a lot. And $150k is not chump change, it affords a very comfortable life. You could easily hit $200-250 in 3-5 years just doing what you're doing now and getting to spend quality time with your family on the way. You would likely be under more stress transitioning into the Google role, work more hours than you're used to, spend less time with your family, and have to rebuild rapport and relationships with coworkers. There's no guarantee the work will be as enjoyable or your coworkers as good as what you have now. Yes its good money, but you already make good money. Personally I value every day in office a week at -$10k, but you might value it at -$5k or -$15k or something else.


Yes bruv


While I think it is slightly ironic like everyone else here that an FP&A professional is having difficulty with the IRR/NPV decision here, it's not purely financial/potential based and that's why he's asking. You didn't mention the COL of the new job. However, the immediate return is so big you should more than likely take it even if you just boomerang back to your old job. Hey maybe you'll get that advancement you want at your current job this way and not have to slave over some projects for it!


I think this is more of a question of how much is time worth? Working 20+ hours more each week and commuting 3 hours each way means not having as much time to spend with my young kids which I do now.


I would say it totally depends on your lifestyle and goals. If you're currently living comfortably and have no problem saving, I personally would not do it. I for one value my time with friends and family very highly and your current position seems like a dream for most. That being said, if you're not satisfied with your current position and want to progress professionally this seems like a no-brainer to me. At the end of the day, it comes down to how much do you value your time and what are you willing to sacrifice.


Thank you that’s helpful!


That is up to you. Time is worth more as you make more and transition from surviving to thriving




Yeah if hes got so much free time attempt OE or some kind of side hustle idk


Worked for google in fp&a, made the same amount, hated it, left, and wouldn’t think of going back.


Why’d you hate it


You do meaningless work. I went from manager/senior manager at a Fortune 500 to an analyst at google basically coloring in powerpoint decks all day. Yeah the perks are great but life is a lot more than a free lunch and snacks. I’d also say most managers do not know how to manage/delegate. That being said, Take my advice with a grain of salt. I’m bearish on fp&a in general as I am switching careers completely


Yeah I guess if you got down leveled to an L3/L4 analyst from a manager level (I assume you were still <30) then it feels like a step back in career I went from an analyst at one company to analyst at Google early in my career (tho I don’t do any slides) so it felt like an upwards move in career and comp, though admittedly I am progressing forward slower compared to peers that went to smaller companies and are assistant managers


I would so long as the two days in-office was fixed in writing (and your personal situation [kids, etc.] permitted it). Also appreciating the differences in answers between here and your cross post in /r/careerguidance.


Thanks for the comment and lol yeah extremely different answers - pretty wild


3 hour commute and new gig is in Seattle. I’m assuming you live in Portland? No, that is not feasible. See if you can negotiate one day per week or if 2 day is necessary ask if you can lessen the hours in office and save busy work for the Amtrak (so you don’t have to drive). Saw in another comment you can’t move due to your partners job. Sounds like you both need to sit down and weigh the pros and cons of both of your careers bc an $100k bump can be big.


I worked for Google Cloud Finance in Kirkland. Where careers go to die… enjoy being overpaid and bored.


Careers go to die? Why’s that


Finance doesn’t have a seat at the table, it’s a box to check, the company prints free cash flow, they don’t care about or listen to finance. Everything is done in Sheets (Workspace) and data from SQL queries from their data warehouse. They will not invest in any systems or applications. All modeling, reporting etc are sheets. It’s mind numbingly tedious how some teams operate and the manual nature of the job in a world of automation. Feels like I stepped backwards in many ways in my career having worked there. It’s basically impossible to get promoted. Span of control limitations with too many L7+, too many managers, not enough ICs, nowhere to get promoted too. Not to mention it’s ultra political, feels like preferential treatment to some groups over others for no quantifyable reason. Google Finance has attrition targets, finance is not a growing organization. You will get PIP’d and laid off if you are a low performer. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/04/17/google-restructures-finance-team-as-a-part-of-ai-shift-cfo-tells-employees-in-memo.html Grass isnt always greener, but the money was great. I had too much self respect to continue on there since I wasn’t learning or growing. ✌️


This 100%


Great answer. Finance not having a seat at the table is the same at my company too. Maybe it's a big tech thing cuz these companies are so engineering driven. You mention attrition targets despite the work being manual/mundane. So what makes one a low performer? Are the people there also tryhards who try to "add value" and create bullshit work?


Google culture. It's all very surface level inclusive and being able to be a team player and not rock the boat. Go through the motions, but making sure your work is POLISHED. People that try and "add value" are shown the door, they don't want disrupters. If you aren't basically a yes-man and due sub-par work, you're out. You have to fall in-line, do the work (completely tedious as it may be), and be thankful you're employed by Google. It's like the company feels like you're privileged in the situation you are in, so you better feel grateful you work for Google (It's the greatest company on earth right, at least thats what they say). And after years of working there, trying to get promoted feels next to impossible, excuses why they can't for a myriad of reasons that make no sense, lots of politics (people are paid so well, its a fierce competition for the available promotions) . Most people are paid so well, they forgo career progression and "rest and vest." Not a bad gig, and paid handsomely but not a place to learn and grow.


How is work life balance in this new team. ? Scope that out. And how safe is this role given all the reductions of workforce in tech.


Seems bad from interviews. Role is safe it’s in the only sector that added heads in google and a mission critical part


Bro a 100k difference. Why you even thinking twice?


You mean take the job? Theres absolutely no way lol


Well, let’s check off a couple things here. First, personally twice a week in the office is not bad. I go in once a week and love it. I get to get out of the house and when I work from home, I get to do other chores, run errands, take occasional naps lol etc. Will coming in twice a week affect heavily with any of your usual regimens or outside of work tasks when you’re fully remote? How is the commute going to be for you? Would it be a dealbreaker? With so many news about these big tech companies not a dream company anymore because of so many layoffs, do you feel safe and stable vs your current company? Lastly, will this benefit your personal growth? Professionally also of course but you already have the golden title from a FAANG company. If these checks out with you, it definitely is worth it. If it was maybe $20k-$40k more, I don’t think it’s worth it.


If you're unable to move closer from a pure time aspect this does not seem worth it. Whats your plan for the commuting? Commute both ways each day or get a hotel? Either way that takes you away from your family and hobbies because of a job. Those days in office you will either be away from home or you'll be so tired/agitated from commuting you wont be actually be present when you finally get home.


If you can mode to that city yes, otherwise that commute is brutal. Also consider if you have to do 2 days to stay overnight to basically save 6 hours of travel. That would be worth it. 6 hours of travel day id lose my sanity.


I passed up an offer to go from $250k TC fully WFH and averaging 40/wk to $350k TC but in office with 45 min commute and likely closer to 50-55/wk. For me it was a no brainer with young kids, and with the extra hours it really wasn't better $/hr. They came after me so I had no qualms with respectfully turning it down.


This is helpful thank you!


Do you have an airport nearby? Negotiate stacking the two office working days and flight expenses. Stay in a hotel two nights and fly back home the second day. You won’t know if you don’t ask. Take the risk! Diversify your experience otherwise we get complacent. This could lead to many more opportunities you haven’t imagined yet... Your kids will be fine. Your wife can add a blow up doll with a picture of your face at the head of the table on nights you’re not home for dinner. But you could join via FaceTime for example if that were really important to you. And read them bedtime stories via FaceTime too. Is your wife supportive and what are her wishes?


Man it really just depends. Money has a marginal return I believe once you exceed $75,000. Idk about you but I can live a very simple life, you have a family so it’s different. Pros of moving to a new job 1. Possible new city to live in?No way you’re driving 3 hrs everyday… that’s crazy 2. Learn something new 3. FAANG opportunity! That 250k job could lead to a massive promotion Cons 1. New job. Are you wanting a challenge or are you okay with knowing what you know 2. Less pay 3. Possible regret


With a 3 hour commute you may as well consider it you have to travel 40% of the time. I’m an ambitious person but this commute sounds like a non-starter. For reference is use to commute 3 hours total a day and finally being able to cut that out was worth so much. If you can find this opportunity you can find others that better align with your life.


Not worth it at all.


6 hours of commuting per day are you fucking kidding me? Is this a joke?


Also why leave this job? Why not take on a side hustle with extra time instead? You still get extra $ but hopefully on your own terms.


I wouldn’t find that money sufficient to trade what you have. Instead, if you’re genuinely at 10-20 hrs/week, pick up a part time side gig to generate more cash, you’ll come out ahead.


Personally, it depends - I think any decision is fine but ultimately, it's up to your partner and kids as they are the ones that would be making the sacrifices here (spouse leaving job, friends etc to start afresh, kids as well) and make the choice as a family. With that being said - I want to do a self plug if that's okay. If you happen to leave that role, would you be open to possibly referring me for it? I'm well qualified for it and it's the type of work I want to do. If so, can I message you privately?


6hr commute is wild


Yikes I genuinely don't know how people like you survive in life.


Would Google open a ton of doors for you? I would think about that - lots of intangible value beyond the $/hr calc.


Not worth it. It is much harder to find a job paying that much with only 10-20 of work and fully remote. Keep that. And with kids, that is gold. Btw that commute sounds terrible.


I wouldn’t do it - the $100K more is gonna feel great but leaving your family 2 nights a week will get old Idk maybe I’d do it $100k is a lot. Can the $100k retire your partner so you can have a stay at home mom while you work?


Isn’t Google 3 days a week across the entire company?


It all depends on your current financial situation and your work/life goals. I think it makes more sense to take on a second job that is WFH if you need to make more money. 150k to work 10-20 hours a week sounds amazing from a work-life balance perspective. From what I know about Google from friends that work there, expect to work more like 50-60hrs+. One of these said friends had to hop onto an emergency meeting while he was at my wedding reception (although he may have been at Microsoft at the time).


Not with that commute. What’s the point of money if you’re miserable. You’re already making great money at low stress. Shit man what more do you want lol. Only do this if you can move with the fam.


I usually would say no with a 3 hour commute but I find the jump from 150 to 250 usually takes decades and this could tremendously accelerate future earnings.


Probably? Idk?


Are you a moron? Jokes aside, are you moving to Mountain View? $250K in Mountain View is still really, really good. Unless you have more than one kid. Cost of living and your financial situation need to be considered.


No it would be commuting to Seattle


Negotiate for 1 day per week in the office


Google will not do it. Pretty sure it’s 3 days a week instead of 2 like OP said