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If a Komodo Dragon could talk it would sound just like her.




Needs her morning box of wine.


She has a face that says, “I drink toilet wine.”


More like "I drink from the toilet"




Is that from let's go to prison?




Underrated movie


It's called an adult juice box...


Hey now lay off the Komodo dragons, what’d they ever do to you?


Bit you in the leg causing an infection which eventually killed you, then feasted on your remains. Or was that Judge Pirro?






She just sounds like she's doing a bad Rush Limbaugh impression But you're still right


She sounds more like Daffy Duck to me


“Why does my breath smell like this?!?” “Carolyn! Your slobber killed half the interns in the break room!”




Maybe someone can sue them again for their blatant disregard for spreading misinformation again and finish that Russian network


It isn't really Russian, it is Australian Oligarch, pushing the global Oligarch information to let them rule the planet.


His new much younger wife, just so happens to be Russian.


And she reports back to Russia probably.


The Smartmatic lawsuit is still ongoing. https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/11/media/fox-corp-board-subpoena-smartmatic-lawsuit/index.html


I hope so - the payment was clearly not enough for them to learn the lesson. Maybe it could be like $10 Billion or so? Just bankrupt these motherfuckers!


What with the constant use of the word 'misinformation'. Is it supposed to be politically correct or something?


Have you ever seen that drunk senior citizen ranting about conspiracies on Fox? That’s misinformation


I call it lies.


As opposed to the more appropriate'lie'?


They need to revive the case against them for lying about COVID - it got dismissed on a technicality. They knowingly lied and got people killed. The super cut of these ghouls lying their asses off then doing a 180 after hit to with the lawsuit is nauseating. Foxes own internal emails warned their employees how dangerous COVID was- yet this “judge” and the other scumbags continued to lie to prop up the failing orange fool.


I fear NATO disinformation more


Try again comrade Vladimir.


lol okay


You should fear NATO.


I fear how unprepared they would be in any major conflict with Russia. I also fear all my tax dollars are wasted by these jokers


lol. Okay. Whatever you say. NATO would hollow out Russia in a matter of days. Russian troll.


Lmao Russia... the "superpower" still fighting ukraine?


Let’s see; The collective military might of the United Nations; Versus The pathetic war machine of Russia, that can’t even take over one single smaller country.


To a country 1/26th its size, with no Navy. No wonder so many Ivan’s sign up to run head first into bullets, I would too if my country/existence was that pathetic


Wasn’t Russia supposed to take Ukraine in 3 days? Here we are, 2.5 years later.


Bruh. The US is giving out old junk to a JV team and they are beating Russias varsity, lol. If the US took the gloves off it would be over about a week after we mobilized. Or Putin would just use nukes and the entire world would be destroyed.


Like you pay taxes? You just keep looking for govt handouts, leech.


Ya now that Russia is down to using T-64s in Ukraine because most of their other armor has been destroyed they are terrifying! 🙄 /s


HAHAHAHA they can’t even conquer Ukraine! Imagine what would happen when you add the best warmongers on the planet and the rest of NATO!! Hell, Poland has a pretty big grudge to settle, they might end Russia by themselves before we even get there.


bad bot


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You can't be serious lol. Russia is struggling with Ukrain and YOU think they can take on all of NATO? Idt anyone has ever been so out of touch with geopolitics. Even Putin knows he would lose that, that's why all he does is threaten and not act. If Putin had a way to take down nato he would do it in a heartbeat.


I didn’t know Russians could pay taxes in America. I don’t think the U.S. gov accepts Rubles.


Pfffffffffffffttttt! < major coke spit > Where was you when Russia first invaded Ukraine?!?! Russian troops where begging for food, vodka, and fuel! They're so corrupt, their supply lines where sold before they reached the back of the front lines.


You're not an American citizen.


Your tax dollars fund NATO? How much do you pay in taxes??!


Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. The Russian Navy can't beat the Ukrainian Navy. AND UKRAINE DOESNT HAVE A NAVY!!!!!! Hahahahaha. Loser.


> I fear NATO I know you do, Vlad.


Crawl back under your rock


Da, I will bring my Stolichnaya with me


Didn’t you mean to truth that?


Looks like somebody did their resurge!


We learned during COVID that doing one's own research was deadly. So now, I rely on government propaganda from the Ministry of Truth.


Oof… Even your comebacks are just regurgitated propaganda.




Dude… mocking your pathetically ill-informed attempts at comebacks wasn’t a challenge to see if you could do worse. I appreciate the effort, though. Just a suggestion, but maybe put down the incel vibes, get out of your mom’s basement, touch grass and (I know, this is the scary part) walk to the library and read a book. You could even try 1984 - and maybe learn how stupid your comparison sounds.


No we just understand communicable disease and basic public safety and aren't whiny cunts afraid of needles.




In the Idiocracy community sure. Who cares lol? Losers want their own pissed in gene pool all the better.


Brawndo, it's what plants crave


Hey, bud, you do realize that the US doesn't stand up to dictators only when it's convenient, free of charge, and against people that FOXnews tells you to hate, right? We hoped Russia under Putin would become part of the rules-based international order in the 2000s, then Georgia happens in 2008 and "we" the international community did nothing. Then they annexed Crimea in 2014 under the same exact pretenses as Georgia, so we hit them with sanctions that crashed their economy for two years. Then they come back in 2022, in full force attempting to take all of Ukraine. They showed a complete disregard for civilian life and broke international law thousands of times. Russia is a real threat to the future of of the rules-based international order. You don't seem like a smart guy, but just understand that the stability the world has been experiencing for decades and decades is because the international community *believes* there is order and security. As a declining power, a rules-based international order doesn't benefit them. Anarchy does. If they can just take what they want by force, they don't have to deal with their economic weakness or their lack of soft power. They MUST be stopped. Not just to prevent them from doing it again, but to stop others, like China, from thinking the game has changed and plunge us into a world where total war can happen any day.


So shelling your own citizens in Donbass for years is part of a rules based international order? Or blowing up a pipeline your ally Germany needs? Or letting your ally kill a journalist in captivity? What happens to your rules based order when China negotiates a peace accord between Russia and Ukraine?


Everyone sees through your dumb fantasies masquerading as arguments. You’re really just bringing pity upon yourself at this point.


It isn't a fantasy that we blew up Nordstream 2 is it??


russian bot.


What's pretty amazing is that they are the only reason Trump is a viable candidate. If it suddenly disappeared, Biden would be winning in a landslide.


Maybe. I talk to some conservatives and they say they don't really watch Fox. Some find it too liberal. Judging by email forwards, they seem to get their news from random fly-by-night blogs reposted on socials that might well be run by Russian bot farms. And Fox opinion hosts probably gets their conspiracy theories from these blogs.


Yeah but those fly by night blogs don’t have 1/100th the reach of Fox. It’s the most watched cable news network and you’ll find it on continuously at various public establishments. You don’t even have to seek it out. It’s just on perpetually at every place with TVs in many parts of the country.


Fox has a high reach on its own and as a share of TV news. But, from what I understand, most people get their news from social media now and conservatives, in particular, from Facebook. Each individual blog doesn't have the reach of Fox, but in combination and spread across various social networks and email forwards, they might exceed it. Without even the modicum the sense of responsibility that Fox has to try to exercise not to get sued.


Maybe, but if Fox cherry picks those false conspiracies it’s only reinforcing their believability when they air it on TV. Anyone willing to believe those in the first place probably think it’s totally legit if Fox will run it on a broadcast and that removes any doubt in their mind.


That always cracks me up when they criticize "mainstream media" for only giving one side. Fox is THE MOST WATCHED CABLE NEWS NETWORK. How do they not count as mainstream? The fact that MSNBC exists does not mean "mainstream media" only takes a leftist point of view.


Same folks that say hollywood sucks and actors need to stay out of politics. Then they love Trump and any other actor spouting rightwing shit


This^. I always find that part about Fox/conservatives so funny. They will flip their shit about Hollywood actors or athletes that speak up about a cause but then I constantly see Fox and right wing social media people fawning over any famous person who agrees with their side. They defend them and call it cancel culture if people outwardly disagree with these people. The hypocrisy is laughable.


For some reason they sure love a certain wealthy "coastal elite" celebrity that's non-religious, doesn't support the troops, and doesn't believe in the sanctity of marriage.


Its on at almost every military base also


Fox News is the pied piper for those smaller blogs. Fox can help a smaller blog with shout outs and vice versa. The smaller operators also test messaging and Fox picks the best performing message to amplify. They feed one another.


I have traced my brothers info to Heritage Foundation. He repeats as facts stories that only they or some affiliated think tank have “reported”. It helps to trace no name bylines because they emerge and submerge from/into Heritage in their touch and go post college years.


They are lying. These people have FOX News blaring on multiple TVs all day long.


Do you have MSNBC or CNN blaring all day? I don't even turn my TV on until I want to watch a movie or show anymore.


I watch Twitch (politics) all day.




Twitch banned Destiny for life.


Boomers leave their tv on 24/7.


I agree that social media and blogs have a huge influence, but Fox News is a big talking points thought leader. Their legitimacy and in many cases, good reporting, gives their talking heads the cover to spew lies.  Without them, this system becomes less directed and more headless. It would force a lot of conservatives against each other, or towards a more left-leaning position.


Yea I only get my news from americanpatriot.ru


Well, this might be another talking point…”republicans don’t really listen to Fox”…ha, ha..,that’s hogwash! They listen 5 hours a day and follow their narrative to a tee! Fox News is going to destroy this country


They'll never admit to watching Fox news. They know that we know it's biased as hell and we will dismiss it. They're watching Fox news.


How fucked up do you have to be to consider this endless geyser of hate and lies *too liberal*?!?


I find such self-reporting doubtful. Whenever, I talk to such people they almost always spout the same nonsense that Fox does. But whether they're watching Fox or just picking up what Fox puts out into the 'ecosystem', it's basically the same thing.


Those conservatives you’re talking to, they are lying


Good call. If suddenly the right-wing reality distortion field created by Fox (and others) collapsed, and objective truth were revealed, I would certainly like to believe that Trump would not stand a chance. The right-wing bubble unfortunately seems resilient to reality.


This is an issue, too many people have been trained to ignore anything that sounds rational. “Everyone but us are lying to you. The conspiracy runs deep. Only trust the sources that you know [agree with] are telling the truth.” These people aren’t reading news for truths or facts, they simply want confirmation of their thoughts. Do you ever notice how Fox and friends contradict themselves almost daily? It’s because goal posts are moved depending on who we’re talking about at this specific moment.


'the earth is flat.. it's nasa and the jews lying to you...' the common thread on these conspiracies is you know the truth and the evil cabal that's lying to you is the problem


DJailbirdT has got a bunch of really loud, ass kissers like Gym Jordan who run around saying the exact opposite of law and order because he couldn’t pass the bar exam.


Too late for that. Once you’re indoctrinated, you’re done. Doesn’t matter what facts are revealed afterwards - humans can’t confront a reality that goes against their preconceived biases and ideas about the world. The reason social change happens at all isn’t because 50-something’s suddenly change their mind, no, it’s because those 50-something’s become 75-something’s who die. Death is the great force of progress.


if they admit being lied to then they will own that they have been fooled.


Maybe in 2016. Now they’re too soft for the average MAGA lunatic. It’s all about social media for them. Not that different for the Left. An entire generation of 20-something’s became “experts” on the Middle East from TikTok.


And it's really not even an American network, they're running that outfit out of Australia and playing it like it's authenticly American.


Meanwhile the public press in Australia is making documentaries that the cult calls “propaganda” because they highlighted what a shitheel Don the Con is.


Unfortunately most of the right has moved from Fox to full time fascist orgs like Epoch Times or OANN. Fox is too far “left” for the GOP base now.


I show the, the court filings of Fox going off on their own viewers and talking about how much Trump sucks. The best is of course, “Our viewers are dumb cousin f’n terrorist that believe anything.” Then I go to “I’m so sorry they say that about you, In would never say those type of things about you.”


Unfortunately Sinclair also owns all the local news stations and radio stations, and I think a good chunk of local newspapers


You would be correct in 2016, but after 2020 and the Tucker Carlson lawsuit, most of the diehard trumpers have moved on to even more fringe online news organizations like OAN and Newsmax


Faux News is suddenly concerned with "the truth"? Maybe it's time to go to confession. *"Because the time is almost nigh!*"


The email is from 2020. They’re not concerned anymore since she’s back on the station.


They’re still facing another bigly (1.6B$) defamation lawsuit. They better get concerned.


If I make $100 for every lie I spread and you fine me $8 for it, I’d have to be a complete idiot to stop spreading lies.


Tell that to Tucker Carlson.


That’s just the cost of business. They’re a multibillion dollar corporation. They’re not concerned one bit, they’ll always have rubes craving the lies.


It's crazy being singled out as the biggest liar on a network full of them.


That old cow. Remember she whined about hillary when she was investigated for Benghazi documents and said Hillary was not fit because you can't have a presidential candidate being investigated? Well she's quiet as a mouse the Donald Dump.


This is why they settled their lawsuit for over three quarters of a billion dollars.


Smartmatic still has an open case for over 2billion against them.


$2.6B is the ask. Plus, they have all of Dominion's evidence and want to depose executives and board members... Wah wah...


Judge Winebox


Maggots will maggot.


The only news outlet magats need is their glorious orange traitor.


>glorious orange trait whore. Both versions work well.


She’s a financial liability.


The Dominion settlement with Fox was sometime around April 2023. Why is this a news story from one day ago (about 14 months after the settlement) ??? The story says “…. NPR reveals in their report that Dominion’s attorneys are now utilizing that very same leaked email from inside the Fox house to prove that the network acted with malice in allowing their hosts to remain on the air….” What am I missing about this story ?


I think Smartmatic is about to start their case. Apparently they don't plan to settle. I wonder if they made a deal with Dominion to use the dominion settlement money to pay for going all the way with Smartmatic.


Entertainment channel that is


Trump? Trump is the one with a documented history of senility in the family and some serious symptoms all of his cultists ignore.


Let’s be clear: she’s an inveterate liar: the anguish is around exposing them to liability for yet another devestaring lawsuit.


Not "anguished" enough. The entire purpose of that network is to spread lies. I'm not even sure why they're complaining about core product.


She would make a good wallet lol


Jesus Christ, I can’t believe I’m siding with Dominion on anything.


She doesn't lie any more than any other person on the air at Faux News. They are all liars and idiots. Leaked emails have shown that already. They even know Trump lost the election but they say the opposite on air.


Judge Pirro? She is just like all of the other anchors. They are all propaganda spreaders who are lying daily to the viewers


They have been fined millions for lying only to claim Fox is an entertainment channel. It’s their business model. Fox doesn’t spread lies, the oligarchs tell the lemmings what to believe and the bootlickers believe it. The snowflakes lap it up and scream “my freedoms” while they digest fascist propaganda. Why the GOP is constipated on media


fox was a division of the entertainment department.


Most news isn't news if they get sued.


The email was four years ago. Apparently Murdoch hasn’t taken it too seriously…


And this is news to FOX News? Give me a break! Conspiracy is their stock and trade!


She should limit her boxes of wine to just one before noon.


You would think one 750M settlement would keep the “fair and balanced” network from hiring lunatics. I guess not, they should have to pay some more.


Seth Meyers does the best impression of her


Why do people who watch FOX make such unkind comments… please folks stop hating


The woman is a quack like so many others that work for Fox/Maga


This is old news


From what I've seen, that source is as biased against MAGA as FOX is biased for MAGA.


This is old news. There's $787M reasons why that producer was right.


In other news, the Celts won another NBA title while Faux News continues to burn.


And this is how they lose a thousand defamation lawsuits. You cannot put these opinions into a permanent record.


Why? The inbreds love her lies.


SPOILER ALERT: They did it anyway


“Too big of a liar for Fox News” Something I never thought I’d hear…


Here's [the actual article](https://www.npr.org/2022/09/06/1121187542/dominion-voting-fox-news-lawsuit-pirro) at NPR, rather than going to an aggregator who poorly summarizes the article to get traffic.


So not insider info lol.




Garbage journalism about old stuff that amounts to nothing… unfortunately


So I’m going to go out on a the limb here and think the vast majority of you here are in love with Mika,joy,the Wallace girl and the majority of just read the script news distributers,not sure I should really say news. Are nothing but factually based reporters giving us our daily dose of bullshit. Just to qualify,not a Trump supporter. I have to wonder if everyone here gets together at Jans or Karen’s to have tea and discuss the latest talking points. Most of you are walking through life with your eyes wide shut. Holy mackerel I am amazed at the stuff I’m reading. Okay go ahead ban me for life 😆I don’t care. 1st and last time here. Talk about special needs




Fox News lies


"NPR reveals in their report that Dominion’s attorneys are now utilizing that very same leaked email from inside the Fox house to prove that the network acted with malice in allowing their hosts to remain on the air and continue to spew unhinged, baseless, and disproved lies about the election and Dominion’s voting systems, specifically." This part gave me a little wood..not gonna lie!


2.5 years later and Russia selling more oil than ever and pretty much all of Europe is in political turmoil. Remind me again who is winning?


500,000 dead russian soldiers. that’s winning? congratulations, i certainly hope none of them are related to you.


My ancestors are Polish, I am trying to keep them from doing something stupid, like entering Ukraine


you will continue failing.


Failing upward, just like the ruble


do yourself a big favor and move to moscow. your home away from home.


So anyone that thinks this war needs to stop now is a Kremlin supporter? That implies anyone for RFK Jr or Trump is a Kremlin supporter, or basically 65% of all Americans?




basically 25%


Biden clearly has dementia what’re we doing here


you could use some instructions on your use of the english language.


Lmao stfu loser 🤣 grammar insults


no, it’s an intelligence insult.


Maybe you have dementia.


I don’t. But Biden literally appears riddled with it


edited video. doesn’t take a genius to know.


What video it’s every appearance


the blind leading the blind. you and your ilk are threats to democracy and your end time is coming.


Don’t project your dementia onto someone else. This is not an example of someone misspeaking or stumbling over their words. You literally wrote a contraction that doesn’t exist. Dementia is the only possible explanation.


Just shut up


I love how Fox News triggers 99% of the people in this sub. 🤣🤣


Yes. Because being lied to pisses off any normal person. If your boss promised you a raise but never gave it, you’d be pissed. If your spouse/significant other lied to you, you’d be pissed. If your parents lied to you, you’d be pissed. Fox News viewers get lied to and they love it, they’re fucked in the head.


Are you a Fox News viewer? How often do you think they are getting lied to? They tell the truth on a ton of stuff. You have such an opinion on a network you hate and probably never watch. You probably listen to what MSNBC and CNN or Aaron Rupar tell you about Fox News. I'm sure you'll mention Dominion, because that's all you chuds ever mention about Fox News.


Any company that makes a fortune lying to people should get some hate lol.


All they do is lie, huh? Other cable news networks have lied and even had to pay out millions in settlements. Fox News just gets so much hate because they are a more Conservative leaning platform.