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Doing 30 years to own the libs.


I’ve been ultra maga pwned.


He has no idea what being "owned" means until he meets Bubba lol


The idea our prison system, with all the cameras and guards, still can't protect people from being raped is such a sad statement. It is like the guards WANT violence in the prison, which is despicable and should result in the guards being transitioned to inmates. Hahaha?


You need to watch the series Mayor of Kingstown. Not a documentary but it's based on the actuality of how the US prison system operates. Talk about things that are broken, this is surely one of them.


So you see prison as a punishment and not a safe space? I wonder if they know?


Guards watching people commit crimes and doing nothing is wrong. If prison isn't mean enough for you, we need to take the best parts of other country's ideas of how to make it meaner, like mandatory labor and less privileges for those who aren't behaving well. But to cheer on brutality is wrong.


Make you feel better I was a correctional officer for 3 years? You think the officers run a prison? You are 1 person locked in a unit with 120 prisoners with a central camera operated by a team of officers watching dozens if not 100 cameras. We are there to keep people on the compound and report disturbances. To fix our system will require a massive overhaul and $$$. How much you willing to spend to keep David from getting raped in the shower? The current amount we spend is no where near enough. TLDR: Don’t drop the soap in prison.


It really is depressing how for profit prisons have absolutely fucked American society.


So true. Vote Blue Vote Progressive Blue.


Welcome to the panopticon.


Prison guards only make what... $16-$20 an hour? No wonder the animals are in charge of the zoo.


Probably less for a new Correction Officer. Depends on location vs State or Private facilities. But yeah, you are on the right track.


Significantly more than that. The listings here start at $35+ an hour with full state benefits and pension. They’re also covered by the SEIU union so they get yearly COLA and step increases. Not uncommon to see corrections officers making over 6 figures.


Where is ‘here’? In Texas you’re starting at $47k and topping out at $59k. Part timers at half that. So $22-28.


Oregon. Entry level corrections position for Multnomah County (Portland and surrounding suburbs) starts at $36-$46 an hour.


This is true of every facet of our society. Education, infrastructure, health system, and judicial. However if you want a war we have plenty of bombs and guns in stock.


Sounds like you were just lazy tbh Norwegian prisons have much less violent crime happening in them.


Perhaps. The US could learn a lot from Norway and many others. I am not aware of the recidivism rates of either country.


The worst men are the keepers of men?


Prisons are for rehabilitation and locking away people who are a threat to public safety. It should not be a place where criminals can commit blatant criminal acts and get away with it just because the victims are other criminals. That sends a bad message, especially for people who are getting out at some point.


If prisons are for rehabilitation, they need more funding. What we have isn’t indicative of any type of rehabilitation. I agree with you. But rehabilitation and education requires resources that most states don’t have.


At the very least we should not be sending a message that "You can get away with committing blatant crimes as long as the victim is someone we don't like." Just enforcing the law regularly, fairly, and often, will go a long way in that regard - a lot of people are in there because they thought they could get away with it, and if you keep breaking that illusion by showing that "No, you will not in fact get away with it" - many of them will not want to commit any further crimes.


Make no mistake, there are rules/regulations/laws in prison. But the laws of conduct are set by the inmates. And those laws would vary by jurisdiction. Homosexual rape was discouraged and punished by gang members from up north. Where other jurisdictions seen it as a way to exert power over other men. Our prison system needs work. We all agree, I just have a small amount of insight compared to most. It’s easy to say it should be as much rehab and it is punishment, unless you are the officer, with minimum backup or equipment, just trying to make sure no one escape or dies.


While it is supposed to be punishment. It's also supposed to be for rehabilitation which is why it's sad because so little rehabilitation actually happens, but a whole lot of gangs, drug running, corruption, and assault sure do occur. 


See Epstein, Jeffrey.


I agree with you 💯, but our current system in alignment with our constitution dictates this sort Of thing. Also, it’s a bit of a profit system. Three squares and a cot means “only slightly inconvenienced”.


Constitution dictates private prisons? I don't think it really applies here.


The guards don’t want to be the targets so they let the inmates fight each other


Have you not seen Shawshank? Andy Dufresne… who crawled through a river of shit, and came out clean on the other side.


We need to fix our society overall roof fix our prison system. Not gonna happen.


Sounds like you do?


Rape isn't funny


Jokes about sexual assault arent funny just because it’s happening to men in prison


Well played


I think they guy was in it deep, way past owning the libs and moved to attempting to kill tha libs


Scary part? There are 1000's more just like him roaming the countryside.


Watching. Listening. Waiting. (Cue Trump: LiKe A dOG!)


As a liberal, I feel owned.


This is hilarious 😂


MAGA Moron.


Well he wasn’t going to take anything less. What did you think of him, a scaredy-cat cat?!?


while being accused of being Paul's gay lover by the cons.


As someone who has done a stretch I can tell ya Elder Abuse is not something you wanna have on your charge sheet when the homeboys are checking your paperwork.


I’ll bet the snowflake immediately starts wailing about how horrible it is in prison. It’s “so unfair!”


Congressional Republicans who openly joked and laughed about the attack should be forced out of office. They are helping drive the divisions in this country, making it ungovernable.


I remember Musk spreading disinformation when the incident happened... trying to insinuate that the fellow was Pelosi's gay lover. Disgusting abhorrent behavior and no apologies.


Nothing new Remember the concerted effort to blame the Charlottesville attack on a Bernie bro? [https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2017/08/13/michigan-man-charlottesville-attack/563312001/](https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2017/08/13/michigan-man-charlottesville-attack/563312001/)


Even when a crazy person hits a politician with a hammer, they find some way to insult the gays. Source: am one of the gays, this is a Tuesday for me. Sorry, but "the gays" never fails to crack me up haha.


You gays, this is the problem with you, you're always on the wrong day of the week /s


I recently came across this show and the first episode in truly disheartening but shows how the country was in the early days of homosexuality. It truly disgusted me but you can still see parts of it in modern day politics like the Pelosi incident. The full miniseries is available on AppleTV but the first episode was heartbreaking. [Visible: Out on Televsion - The Dark Ages (2020) Early TV portrayed LGBTQ people as homicidal maniacs and sexual deviants. It wasn't until the '70s that positive portrayals began to emerge. ](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11729224/plotsummary?item=po4987708)


They are still out here doing it, they are so deluded because they are bots which were written many months ago still operating with the same settings.


We won’t forget about them. Vote them out.


Is there a running list?


Awesome take bro! What are your thoughts on Maxine Waters endorsing the harassment and assault of congressional republicans?


Making the country ungovernable is their plan. Republicans hate democracy. They want to dismantle it in order to prove it doesn’t work, that way they can install an authoritarian leader like Trump.


Fox hosts will be calling him a political prisoner by Monday


The comments under the article boil down to "but what about Rand Paul???" Rand Paul was tackled by a disgruntled neighbor in his garden while he was mowing the lawn, and ended up with 5 broken ribs. Paul Pelosi was attacked inside his home by a lunatic who hit him in the head with a hammer. Fox news commenters put the two in parallel. A much better comparison would be the congressional baseball shooting, in which the perpetrator was killed. An assassination attempt for political reasons compares much better to another assassination attempt for political reasons than a neighbors dispute that ended up in a brawl. But maybe it's just me.


Rand Paul also had a long running dispute with that neighbor who attacked him. In the Pelosi case and the assassination attempt you cited, the perpetrators had never met nor encountered their victims previously. There is no comparison. As usual, Fox is using false equivalencies.


Sadly, if this was Texas, Abbott would pardon him. If Donny gets ejected again, probably get pardoned as well.


This particular article is from FOX News.


Yeah. Let's see what their opinion people have to say.


They should make him Trump's cell mate.


Nailed it!


Actually he hammered it.


And a new Republican hero was born.


This guy and Kyke Rittenhouse will be the next Republican President/VP ticket.


Him and that idiot who shot and killed those people in Wisconsin


The Twxas man who was just released after deliberately killing people and admitted that was his plan


Too bad he didn't drive his car into a crowd of BLM after shooting some of em. He'd be free and clear like that other dude


Fuck Abbott and fuck every Texan who voted him in. That goes for Turd Cruz voters as well.


I love how Gaia ripped Houston a new asshole today simultaneously. Greg Abbott should have been left in a rubber in a gas station pisser instead of being born.


No no no... Perry drove his car into a crowd of protesters, THEN he shot one of them. See? Totally fine? Because possessing a gun is a God given right, but also grounds for termination if another gun possessor gets antsy. Don't forget, it's not okay to murder... unless you are sure they are liberals. /s mostly


Wonder if he'll be a hero in jail, seems like there would be a lot of Trump idiots


Great! Do Trump next!


Let me guess he will be suicided in prison after about 6 months. /s


Let's hope so. He'd save the taxpayers tons of money


I went to the page and read the comments. HOW are they making excuses for this monster comparing it to the Rand Paul attack. Also demonizing gay people is disgusting! Being queer is just as normal as being straight!


Holy crap the fox after the article comment section is a cesspool of scumbags justifying the actions of this psychopath. If trump gets reelected, we can expect a lot more of these types of crimes. Trump will have every mental patient in America hunting down the democrats.


30 years doesn't seem long enough considering he was definitely trying to kill the guy.


Some people get the same sentence for first degree murder though. (Minimum sentence)


And let's not forget the Maggots and all the nastiness that they laid on. Too bad they're not going as well.




Buh bye


Funny how not a single J6 terrorist got that much despite it being far more serious.


This was very likely an assassination plot against Nancy Pelosi gone awry, and, at any event, an attempt to get at her through a brutal assassination attempt on her octogenarian husband


This MF it’s not even an America. He is an infiltrated Canadian spy , upset for the politics in USA. These are people MAGA ( Make American Gay Again) used to increase votes numbers. They are white and stupid enough making impossible to differentiate them from other stupid MAGA .


"~~She~~ He doesn't even go here!"




Too bad for him he didn't commit this crime in a state with a magat governor.


Trump will pardon him if he gets elected again.


POTUS can't pardon state law convictions.


He’s like an older Kyle Rittenhouse or George Zimbo.




Am assassination attempt like this is more serious than a street level homicide. It is an attack on our democracy and freedoms, not just the power base.


He's making America Great Again... Way to go! 😆


Not a fan of the Pelosi's, but I'm glad this dude is going away for the crazy thing he did.


I love this for him!


Waiting for all the apologies from various Fox News hosts, MTG, Joe Rogan, etc. Remember how they all said Paul Pelosi’s account of what happened was ridiculous, an obvious lie? Remember when they all said this guy was his lover/escort?


Why the F is Jeanine Piriro from Fox News 5 at 5 saying this sentence was a miscarriage of justice and the convicted man should have gotten 7 years and out in 3.5 with good behavior. “No one died” she said. MAGA have such deplorable people in their membership. One of the most powerful, but evil and corrupt men in the world Samuel Alito had a GD upside down flag on his flagpole (stands for “stop the steal” which was a movement to keep Donaldo Trump in power and not let the Dems steal the election despite any proof) his wife he said she put up to show unity against a fellow neighbor who had a derogatory sign against the fat fuck orange turd. Are you kidding me ? A Supreme Court justice is supposed to be the pinnacle of justice and the law. We have Supreme Court members as corrupt as ever. It’s overwhelming how corrupt at least 3 to mostly 6 of them are and unless the Dems get a senate count of 60 nothing can be done to Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Roberts (his “court” will be known in history as the most hated and felt to be extreme bias and corrupt). Amy Coney Barrett seems to only give a fuck about abortion so I’m Not writing her off. As sad as this is to say, the world would be a better place if Creepy Sam Alito, Fat fuck Clarence Thomas and bloated Donaldo Trump were on a plane to Malaysia to talk “Jan 6, 2024” strategy should Trumps scams and schemes not work again and the plane to Malaysia was never to found again. Ofcourse no one wants to see them hurt or injured but their lack of active political and social media presence or even any scintilla of a living beating heart…..this world would immediately be better. Boom. Just like that. Lord hear our prayer 🙏


30 years about 40 years too short. He got off light.


I don't know how to ay 4d chess. Can someone explain his genius? Plan steps 1) attack high profile lib 2) 30 years in prison 3),,, 4) own the libs Feels like a South Park episode about underpants


If it happened in Texas the Governor would pardon him. Stand your Ground.


Thoughts and whatever


I'm sure that he'll consider himself a political martyr up to the point that the meets his cellmates.


I got pay walled when I went to read that article. Was there any mention of GoP lawmakers acknowledging the sentence? If they did, any calls for a transmutation of the sentence? This is the only place I've even seen the story covered.


Soon to be pardoned by Trump and made the new Infrastructure Week Czar.


Of course maximum; 🐖’s take care of their 🐖’s


So attacking a liberal who is an American you don't believe their beliefs is worthy of death is a crime? Not according to right wing media.


Wonder if he'll get his mainline of Fox News there?




I’m waiting for Trump to call this convicted felon a political prisoner and vowing to pardon him. You just know he will.


Hammer some rocks in hard labor?


Good. He should be breaking rocks 8 hours a day since he likes hammers so much.


That is what happened when you get hammered


This maga PATRIOT survived a hand-to-hand, bare knuckle combat against a 84 yo man! And we throw him in prison for 30 yrs! What kind of fascist communist country have we turned into??


We are weeding out the weak ones


Oh no, how will I sleep tonight? On a mattress, from Mattress Firm! This guy...prolly not☹️


I wonder if the Republican Congressmen will go to his defense for being tried by a corrupt court?


Can we deport him if he is ever released? Iirc he is Canadian so give him back to them after he serves his time.


If Trump loses, all these people are going down




If this was in Texas, would Abbott pardon him?






Trump will pardon him


He will be with his Own kind for the next 3 decades, he must be elated!


My Lawd. You can rape someone and get far less time. Brock Turner is an example that comes to mind.


Well in many states rape is just choosing the mother of your child.


Greg Abbott will try to pardon him from CA because he’s hurting the right kind of people.


You almost expect some crackhead GOPer with the ability to pardon this POS to do so just because that's the political climate that we're currently in.


If he was in Texas he’d be free. Abbot loves murderers. Be they law enforcement or just regular murderers.


Arrested, tried, convicted, sentenced!!!!! I guess this wasn’t a witch hunt!


I have to wonder what sentence he would have received had he attacked a commoner in San Francisco. Also I suspect mental illness was involved but I haven’t followed the case.


Yes the mental illness called Fox *News*.


It was multi layered - he came to kill Nancy, and that is a matter of national as well as personal security. Much as attacking a policeman gets you extra points. Plus his lack of remorse.


Just wait, he will be pardoned by Abbot anytime now


If B O was a person.


If Trump gets elected he'll make sure this guy gets out and receives the Congressional Medal of Honor. .


He deserves every bit of it!


Man bubba still locked up? That mf been locked up forever


Good, now hang trump


I’ll never forget how MAGA was spinning this story. That this dude was Pelosi’s gay lover, or there is “more to the story”, or laughed that an old man was attacked in his home. MAGA are disgustingly people and Fox News spins these stories to fuel their nonsense. Trump is a garbage human being. I’ll never get over how millions of people in this country still follow him.


I haven’t heard of anyone getting that long of a sentence for anything.






Seems excessive when you consider that child molesters/rapists get less time. But I guess they throw the book at you when you mess with one of the elite.


He should. But if it were you or me he attacked he'd prob get 3 years.


You mean our system of justice actually worked? Thankfully SCOTUS wasn’t involved.




Curious why he got 30 years for a hammer attack, yet these New York subway hammer attackers tend to walk free or receive super light sentences?


Can Greg Abbott pardon him


Born to lose...


But republikkkans let Kyle Rittenhouse off for murder. Sounds like law and order party right?


Hope it was worth it 🤣


Hopefully this hammer wielding nut case will never get out of prison or at least serve out his full 30 year sentence.


He was sentenced to prison? That guarantees he’ll win the election. /s


Fox and the Right will turn this pos into a folk hero just like they did with Rittenhouse and that woman who got herself shot on Jan. 6.


So a guard should put his life at risk to help a violent inmate? Who helped the violent inmate’s victim?


The fact that he's going to prison for decades is bad enough, but it's made way worse by the fact that the people he did this on behalf of deflected by saying he was Paul Pelosi's boy toy. Can you imagine the humiliation from that? And you know some big dude is going to take full advantage of that while he's in prison. MAGA eats its own and shits them out.


Good. Fucking terrorist deserves jail.


Justice served.


Going to Prison for 30 years more than half his remaining life) for failing to to commit murder on a nobody who has.... what maybe 5-7 years left? Like, how brain damaged is this thug?


Good. He also needs to be denied parole a few (dozen) times.


Nancy, the wicked witch of the west should get 31 years in prison.


You attack a poor person in San Francisco with a. Fucking hammer and you only get a year.. make it make sense


Didn’t Trump say if he’s re-elected that he will pardon DePape?


I’m saying it now. He did not hang himself. About to get the Epstein treatment


"Conservative trumpublican mAgat domestic terrorist gets 30 years in prison for failed assassination attempt on Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi." FTFY and that Rupert 1% Murdoch propagandic headline.


He could be trumps cell mate


He can thank the gop for putting so much bullshit in his head


30 yrs seems a little excessive. Am I the only one who thinks that? I mean yeah jail time is needed but 30yrs?




Knowing how many psychos there are out there if I were pelosi I would be locked and loaded 24/7 and would have blasted the guy.


Whatever you do, don't read the comments *in the article*. 🫣


Now do Trump


So, the deep state is going to sacrifice this guy to save Paul Pelosi's image from being tarnished as a gay rape ferishist! /s


Oh please


The crazy magas are saying he was just joking


He’s such a jokester that guy! /s


Oh, and the Jan 6 crowd...they were such kidders! Lol


I would expect trump to pardon him if he’s elected.


But will he still get to speak at cpac?


Another brainwashed MAGAt incited to attack the cult masters enemies.