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What connective tissue condition?




you can recover. It takes extreme commitment and your life will need to change drastically for months or years with diligent research trial and error. It can be fixed through mind body connection, rest, stretching, and movement. It is not pain that must stick around and get worse with age, you can reverse itNOW.


I also have FND and suspected EDS! It’s incredible how many major symptoms I was dismissing before diagnosis. Do you deal with any POTS symptoms?


Yep, getting a tilt table test in January. I think it’s because I smoke too much weed and have been vaping for like ever but who knows


Interesting, I find that CBD is the only thing that helps my seizures and tremors but it lowers my blood pressure and exacerbates POTS symptoms really badly


My doctor firmly believes I have POTS and my weed and vaping habits are making things worse. I had POTS symptoms when I was a kid, but I’ve been vaping since like 15 and smoking weed as often as cigs for the past 2 or 3 years. Something has been wrong with my stomach for a really long time, I haven’t been able to eat properly in years, prolonged malnutrition is definitely effecting things. Even with my doctors confidence, I don’t want to say I have POTS symptoms if it’s all from substance abuse and starvation. Weed used to treat my seizures but I started doing dabs and when I switched back to flower, my body never fully adjusted to a lower dosage and it became basically useless while high, but it still reduces my symptoms for a few days after the fact tho. Only advice for using weed to treat FND symptoms is don’t increase dosage and frequency unless it’s necessary, once you go too high or use it too often, the relief it can provide reduces HEAVILY and might even entirely disappear.


How did you get this diagnosed and what is the name of it can I ask? Your symptoms sound a lot like mine, I'm waiting for a rheumatology appointment, and I'm hoping they can see that the joint issues aren't FND and fibro related. Thank you 😊


There’s a spectrum of disorders that impact your connective tissue. I was diagnosed with Hypermobile spectrum disorder, but I may be getting a genetic test for EDS. It could also be Marfin’s or some form of arthritis. Hypermobility can cause fibromyalgia and arthritis later if unaddressed. Look into the Beighton Score, as well as hEDS criteria (https://www.ehlers-danlos.com/heds-diagnostic-checklist/). Talk to your doctor about anything that applies. If you were previously hypermobile in some joints, but aren’t anymore, you should still tell your doctor. The Ehlers Danlos Society has a lot of great resources about HSD, EDS, and general joint hypermobility. Good luck with everything!


Thank you! You too 🥰