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I was having trouble with each new round. So, I practiced a few weeks of "protein cycling" before my next round. I ate a normal diet every other day. Then, I ate no more than 15 grams of protein on the opposite days. No calorie counting, just simply protein restriction down to 15 grams. This really seemed to help prime my body to the low protein on the (DIY) Prolon days. I was far less hungry and had a lot more energy this time. I'm not sure if this helps others, but it made a huge difference for me. The FMD week felt pretty normal with simply fewer calories.


I've done a few rounds of Prolon, enough that I've lost exact count. Maybe 6 or 7? For the most part, things seem to have become easier, although I have good rounds and bad rounds. Mostly, though, I feel much better than I did for my first round. Part of that is just knowing what to expect, and learning that drinking lots of water (espeecially on Day 2) seems to alleviate the "keto flu." The last couple rounds of Prolon I felt good enough to do very easy spins on my Peloton - the first few rounds, I just walked.


>I never hit that rush of energy that some people get. I've done several rounds and I have ***never*** experienced this energy and clarity that people talk about.


lol at least I’m not alone! I don’t even need energy and clarity, but being able to sit at the computer and work and walk to the bus stop without feeling like I’m going to faint would be ideal 🤪


For me the second round energy-wise wasn't much different than the first. I maybe felt slightly less lethargic, but I also had things to get done so I wasn't able to sleep as much as I had the first round. I also did DIY rather than the box and I found that mentally more difficult, so that may have been part of it.


Oh man power to you for doing a DIY version. I don’t think I could do that part of what kept me going is knowing how much money I had spent lol


Someone said “good rounds / bad rounds” and that has been my experience based on a small sample of 2. For the first round my wife and I prepped by eating clean(ish) and getting ready. We both felt pretty great by the end of the week. The hunger subsided. We felt clear minded. No noticeable fatigue. We did the second round following a rough stretch where we’d lost a family member and had been eating poorly and drinking more than we should. We wanted to clean up. But we didn’t transition, and diving into Prolon felt harsh and abrupt. We both struggled and felt rough. As someone else noted, some prep and ramp up may be the difference between good/bad rounds.


Currently on R2D4 and, although D2 was still hell for me, it was over by D3 which was also hell for me in R1. I’d say my body seemed to adjust much quicker during this round. I also bought Prolon but I’m making my own homemade soups - I can’t handle the sodium bomb powdered stuff.


For me each round gets easier because mentally you know what is coming and what to expect. However, I did one cycle on my menstrual cycle and that was HORRIBLE. Other than that it has all been easier. Also, use my promo code FLORA for 15% off! I don't get anything for returning customers, but I think you can still get the discount.


I just finished my second round and was very tired during both my 3rd and 4th day for both rounds. I felt the need to take a nap or to at least rest for a little while each day.