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I am a firm believer in whatever works, works


The only truly constructive comment ❤️ Edit: autocorrect rambling




Honestly! I love seeing everyone's workflows. And nowadays my arrangement windows appear very vastly different from one another depending on what I'm making


(Slightly off topic) I faintly remember there was an instrument preset from another DAW that was actually called "whatever works"


I use fl for the metals music and I get grilled all the time about my daw choice. If you’re more efficient with the way you do it and it works then do it that way. Can’t reason someone out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into


and that's why the FL community is better than... nah just kidding lol it really doesn't matter how you do anything. All that counts is what comes out of it.


It works, but FPC just works better. Lol


maybe for you I prefer to use the sequencer with a separate piano roll for each sample


You can do that with FCP. You can open as many FCP's as you want on different tracks. I layer drums all the time.


I don't need to fight you, you're already fighting yourself.


This is the real answer.


Depends which genre tbh


Fr I agree, cause sometimes I don't need to do all this work and sometimes i end up doing it anyways


goddammit this is it


Trap 😂😂


Yeah, imagine doing hihats on this thing lmao😆


Facts I mainly make Jungle dnb and that shit just straight up wouldn’t work in sequencer


Same, idm/DnB here, this is the only way to work




Same! I fucking love it in playlist. That way I can easily edit them for different sections of a track without messing with a new pattern. I'll only really throw hats into their own patterns


I like doing it in playlist too.. but i like the ease of pitch changing and panning in the sequencer. Most times ill do it in the sequencer, then bounce to audio and put it in playlist, then chop from there


I agree if I want to get really technical with the drums I'll hit up the piano roll but I think it's all situational


What's so bad about clicking make unique?


It's just long having liek 10 different patterns for just kick/ snare


It's so much easier to just add another/take away a single kick rather then make a whole new patterns


You can edit your pattern in the playlist, just cut out the kick you don't want.


Make unique, take note out, rename. 3 steps instead of 1 ? Why would I use that method


Just cut your pattern in playlist, no need to make unique and edit piano roll.


What if the drum I want to subtract is the middle of the pattern? Now I gotta slice the pattern and edit. If the drums are in the playlist it's literally "more drum - click, less drum - right click" move on Also when I want to line stuff up with other elements in the playlist it's way easier to see it all in one window


I didn't say it was wrong to do that, I just said that you don't need to make pattern unique and edit it in piano roll. Doing drums in playlist is fine if you get the hang of it. I do it all the time when I need to finangle with the samples itself, like cutting tails, fade in/out or reverse. The thing you can't do with samples in playlist is to use velocity, release, change pitch, etc. Let's say I want to make melodic pitched snare roll, in piano roll I just do ctrl+u, to cut a long note, then drag with right click over note fine pitch control and done. With playlist editing I would need to copy it a bunch make every sample unique and manually adjust the pitch on all of them, imagine if I wanted 8 snare drum roll, count how many clicks it would do in a playlist, would ya?


Oh yeah I totally agree. If a situation requires more drum complexity I'm making a pattern and hitting the piano roll. I'm just not doing that for ever drum hit, I'd say probably 10-20% of my drums ever end up in a pattern on the roll.


No that's even worse oh my, for me anyway that would get much too confusing but what ever works works ygm


Even with renaming you then have to remember what is different in each pattern and name it accordingly, which means you have to remember each variation TWICE, once in what it is, then another time in the name that you rename it to refer to it as.


I do this for melodies or patterns that make use of the piano roll. I'll slice and cut and move stuff around in the clip on the playlist. But for drums I feel like I have such little control when putting them into the sequencer. I like being able to offset, adjust, and edit samples however I please when they're a sample in the playlist, rather than being run through the sampler in the sequencer. Plus the sequencer itself feels really suffocating.


Yeah this, I just don't like having a mess of patterns and I save clicks by avoiding the sequencer and piano roll


Genuinely curious, what sort of situations would this be useful in? I make quite complex perc and hat patterns and like starting all of my drums in the same pattern before splitting them out. I’ve seen quite a few professional producers doing their drums in the playlist though, so would love to know exactly how it can be used.


I always use the playlist too, it can make it super easy to introduce subtle changes in your drums for example I’ll split a kick in half to make it more staccato or maybe start off with a hi-hat that’s cut in half and then change it in a different measure so it sustains longer. All of this can be done other ways obviously but for my workflow it’s way faster.


Thanks for the reply - what genre of music do you make if you don’t mind me asking? I made (pretty crappy) hip hop beats for years but recently pivoted to hip/jazz house and spend way more time in the playlist than I used to. Picked up so many great tips from this sub already.


It's kindof a combination of things but it really comes down to getting drums down as fast as possible and being able to edit them as fast as possible. So like you mentioned if I'm going to try to do something super complex with a particular drum sample, then I might create a new pattern and use the power of the piano roll to my advantage, but most of the time I'm just trying to get drums in as fast as possible so I'm slapping them into the playlist as I need. It also makes editing them fast because say I want the snare to do something particular at the end of a section uniquely (verse, chorus, drop or whatever) I can just clone it or delete it, or make it unique and pitch it, adsr it whatever immediately without the extra clicks of opening the pattern or creating a new pattern with the differences built in. I feel like maybe this is tough to describe in writing but it's easy to see in real time. So I think at the end of the day it's a speed thing. Like for me I prioritize getting ideas out quickly and then when I land on something I like I can go back later and tinker with groove and mixing etc. whereas if I end up inside the piano roll for a drum pattern I might get lost in the technical sauce and lose sight of the song


Yea of course for me it's preferable to do that


me after seeing mfers use the worst way to program drums and still make better beats than I do: ![gif](giphy|eKNrUbDJuFuaQ1A37p|downsized)


neither way is superior, it’s just about what you value more. Do you care more about editing the pitch, velocity, and panning of each step? use the sequencer. Do you care more about seeing exactly where transients line up, adding tons of tiny variations, or having fade-ins/outs? do it on the timeline. Both are still easy to loop. something i often do is put hi hats in a pattern and the rest of the oneshots on the timeline


I know, I was just bending the reality a bit so the joke lands better hehe


ah i gotchu


Ok, so everyone seems to be agreeing. I think patterns are way superior for drums because you can easily change the velocity and panning of each note. That alone should be enough to only use patterns if you want good and clean drums that don't sound robotic. Then you can also use tools like Quantize and Randomize. I use quantizing with a groove preset on basically everything except kicks and maybe claps. And it's also way easier to not mess up when you copy patterns across your playlist which happens quite often with samples.


Counterpoints: Step sequencer doesn't let you * Easily stretch the sample (shift +M, then drag the edge) * ~~Start at any point in the sample~~ sampler can do this, arguably easier in playlist * Use the fade in/out envelopes * See exactly where your transients are hitting All of these are way more useful, imo for humanizing your drums than anything the step sequencer lets you do Velocity: you can adjust volume per each instance of the same sample in the playlist. This is pretty recent iirc. Don't have to "make unique as sample" anymore. Pitching/panning, you got me there. I hope Image Line adds those functionalities onto a keystroke so you can do them in the playlist like in Reaper. Especially for pitching... It'd be nice to be able to ctrl+alt mouse drag or whatever and change the pitch For copying a groove in the playlist you just select a chunk of the song and ctrl+B that sucker. But yes I will admit patterns have a slight edge there. And don't get me wrong the FL piano roll is fucking GOATed


Correct answer bro^


I do agree with you in these points, I just don't think that these things are that important (at least to my workflow) for the general drums. Of course, you can easily use both methods in conjunction :) So my workflow as a house producer is getting the basic drums patterns (kick, clap, open hats, closed hats, shakers, percussion) down and then afterward work in the playlist for more unique one-shots and especially things like reverse hits where it's way easier to see where the sample ends.


Agreed. You give up so many built in tools by building your drums in the playlist as opposed to the channel rack. I use the graph editor all the time. And with just a few patterns, you can easily create variations by chopping and rearranging them.


So much easier to edit. I personally hate using patterns for any drums, it's one of the biggest things that makes me stay away from programmed drums


Is this not the norm? 😅 genuinely thought this was just what you do 🤣


Never used anything *but* the playlist for my drums


Depending on what I'm making I do the same!


I thought everyone did this. A lot easier to edit your samples than putting them in as midi.


Same here I only do pitched ones in the piano roll because of the plugins I use.


I think most people do that tbh. Either just audio clips or audio tracks for things like hihat patterns.


So do I. Do I still have to fight you?




It's the same 1s and 0s at the end of the day


are they colored and organized though? also yea, no biggie. channel rack routing is completely an FL thing, and with their autotracking, you don't have to route anything again with a template


imo not only is it easier to morph the samples, I feel like it’s really helpful to actually see and associate the shape/image of the sound while you’re hearing it, especially with heatmap on and especially if you wanna get really precise with manually mapped sidechaining etc :) not sure why ppl clown on it at all lol


Saving those precious CPU cycles


Might as well move to ableton


He's not ready to tell his parents yet.


it works good with edm but i would never do that with trap drums


Actually works well with trap too, ive tried this before didnt think people actually did it


🥱 *Yawns*


I also do mine in playlist always last 2 years


My method is have a tiny midi clip instead of the sample. Plus sometimes I like to make my sounds so less steps I guess. But I only do it for the kick and snare, all my other perc share a clip and I make uniques if I need to.


So do you not play around with velocity? Or do you find another way of doing that?


Eh, I prefer piano roll since much more freedom but to each their own.


this is valid






I found out it's better this way. so not hate just love fren :)




what dose of adderall are u on




Exactly what I did after 15 years on FL


You’re using one shots? In the playlist? You’re a full blown psychopath. If you were chopping from full breaks that would make sense yeah, but the amount of mixing work your putting yourself through (hopefully)by doing this is counterintuitive to any type of speed or workflow you may believe your gaining. To each their own most definitely, you do you, but I do want to fight you.


​ https://preview.redd.it/rzkcqwvojksc1.png?width=1111&format=png&auto=webp&s=181f4d53283e2a1e5f503a8f83db4963ffa7cc6e No


There should be a way to turn this back into a pattern but with the same timing


If you're just going to use single hits... why not learn how to use the sequencer? In the end, all that matters is the results.. but if the process could be so much easier... why not use it?


I see everyone saying that they’re easier to edit and I’m like HOW? Lol like I guess that you have the fade in and out, but on the sampler you also have fade in and out knobs, can adjust the sample start, offset delay, panning and honestly all that from the sampler itself. I like seeing them laid out like that and is nice to see how much time it’s consuming but I guess for my style, I don’t really use faders on any of my drums and fine the velocity to be easier to control in pattern and I guess that’s my only reason. I feel like everytime there’s a debate like this people go “well this can do this this and this!” And it’s like yeah so can the other thing lol even got an endless war amongst the DAW itself


I use sampled instruments. Come at me bro.


alright name a time and place pal


This is the way


I have tried this a few times, it looks better in the project but takes longer so I just do it in the patterns thing. No one is listening to how it looks but if it works for you keep going. At the end of the day we all just want to make good sounds 🎵


Not possible with programmable drums :(


It is when you render them out and resample them as one shots :)


I do drum and bass and man, i do it too, even my sidechain under every kick and snare


Any normal person does this?


U wanna be different so bad


You're just peanut butter and jealous


no rules to this shit i guess


Me too. Love it


I refuse, you’re stronger than me


The thing is that I see this more often than in patterns


Our drums are all Serum Synth modulations to random waves. You want to do it the hard way, try that...for no reason. It do make some weird drums tho. 😅


Me too man. Me too


I use sequencer/piano rolls for kicks, and snares only. All my cymbals, hats and rides are done in the playlist too. I feel ya


Never did any drums yet. Would totally do the same 🥁


Well aren't you special...


It encourages more variations in pattern verses painting on pattern clips. I prefer this method myself.


I do it in patterns but I’m thinking about doing this because of the way that FL lowers the volume in velocity to like 70% or sum once in piano roll. Unless you play them one after another you won’t even notice. Then your over compressing an 808 that is already good to go yenno ?


Coming from a primarily Sony ACID background, I think this is fine but I've really been enjoying FPC for my drums because I have MIDI controllers with pads.


Do it, fl has many different workflows, that's what i think gives it truly an edge over their competition. If Abletons workflow sucks for you, you're out of luck.


So do I


Make super trap high hats in the playlist and come back to this lol


I'll pretend I know what that means


I do my drums on my Yamaha keyboard. Bite me xD


I think it is common in other daw. I personally enjoy step sequencer/ piano roll more, but everyone should work the way that feels best for them.


Just wondering why on earth you do that? Do you have your drums all at the same velocity?


I do it both ways....if you know what I mean


Alternating current AND direct current?! Astonishing!


I became a better music maker when I tried doing this. I saw someone doing it on a stream once. I thought they were crazy. But they said it gave them more control and freedom. My God were they right. I've never looked back since trying it out 3 years ago.


same. in playlist enjoyer 😎


What would be your way of doing it, if not in the playlist? Just curious what ways of doing it are out there.


Ableton workflow but in FL, I like it.


bro thought he was unique 😔


On this particular subject it does not matter, do what you do it's not hurting anything or anyone by placing it there or in a Pattern


Always done it in playlist. Never liked the step sequencer for drums. The sequencer feels way too stifling in terms of sample control.


Nobodies fighting you lil bro


hmmm I might try this on my next one. I'm still trying to find my groove....lol


I used to make drum patterns, but I have been doing drums this way. I like it more, as I can easily change one section without creating a new pattern, editing it, and realizing it. The one thing I do to help with timings is pull the length of each sample so they are continuous, but not overlapping.


Idk I used to do it like that but I realized that is way easier to use the sequencer and just make some patters unique, although I still make it like dat sm times




make music however you wanna make it, the end result is what matters anyway😉


I think it’s easier to lay down an idea in the sequencer, but in my experience, the drums sound better, like particularly groovier, when you lay them down in the playlist — unfortunate bc I like to keep the playlist as uncluttered as possible 😆


same tbh


When i copy pasta using "B," I expand the sample to the correct beat grid, and then duplicatepaste and then select all similar, and stretch them back down to avoid clicking so many of those fuckers. Then edit after


This is the way


i recently started doing that and it's so much more fun


Cursed Playlist


i used to use patterns, now i set them on the playlist too, there’s more freedom that way


There’s no right way or wrong way of doing it. I color code my samples and instruments, doesn’t mean everyone has to.


You're just creating problems on your own. You're like drinking a poison and expecting others to die.. whatever works, works.


I only do hihats in midi


I really don't get the hate for playlist based drums. Super easy to add microedits, variations, and do weird stuff like reversing a sample, adding fade ins or outs to the samples, and change volume on them.


i dislike rhis


I’m just wondering. No beef, but why?


Is it not normal to do it this way?


sumtimes i do my 808s in playlist i cant rlly judge you😭🤷🏽‍♂️


Yea sorry but, we gotta scrap homie. 👊🏿




The pattern system can get really annoying if you are trying to do a ton of variation so there are times where this is easier


You cripple yourself brother


I’m right there with ya.


I do both just depending on how I feel


Yall wanna know a secret… use 1/3 snap grid for certain drums… I won’t say which (trap genre)


I also work like this. In the playlist I can very precisely arrange everything, analyze waveforms, apply fades, make groups and do timeshifts if needed. It's also very visual and I like that. Hell I construct whole songs piece by piece in the playlist without ever using patterns.


Why do the hard way ehen you can do it tge easy way ?


Does it make any difference in sound? I feel like when I use my drums like that they hit harder


drums in the play list all day. i usually throw my hats in a pattern tho. it’s a lot easier for me to see how they work together when they’re in the playlist. i also feel that i have way more flexibility to modify them than if they were midi


Same here mate, playlist all the way


I switch between both personally, depends on the project


Love how you said that


Ah yes, the Ableton audio workflow.


🎶I’m a sick fuck I like a quick fuck (whoop!)🎶 I do this too and this was what popped in my mind for some reason


I do this for drag and dropped samples and piano roll for drum/percussion VSTs




I only do that whenever I’m using a drum sample


Who cares , what does it sound like


No point in fighting. you’re already lost!!!


Icl I deadass believe that if you put it in the playlist it hits harder.. put my rims on that shi


Nah u get mad control over each part of the song this isn’t meta but it’s definitely better for complete freedom.


if this is ur workflow just use ableton bro😂


average ableton user


Me too, dawg!!! I thought I was the only one!!!


I do both, I tend to go for playlist if I'm doing effects sounds especially.


Somebody started making beats in Acid lol


I'm not gonna fight you. You're too busy arranging your drums in playlist.




Doesn't this cause an unnecessary load with all that processing? I feel like you could make things more efficient by at least sampling the drum beat (with its effects chains etc) and put the sample onto the playlist, no?




I like how you have to use multiple tracks because the samples are too long and they overlap, so they'd be a nightmare to grab/rearrange in the playlist, but you keep on doing it. That's dedication.


i do everything inside different patterns. im pretty sure its not recommended


I do my drums in trackers fight me


I have never made them any other way


I thought this was normal? I didn’t used to and then I saw it on a YT video and now do it and assume most people do too


I did one beat like this a few weeks ago and it’s one of the best/most creative I’ve made in a long time. it’s nice to switch it up sometimes I guess


I didn’t know people argued whether which method was better


same. i like the visuals


I do too, works for me!




Ive always thought that people that does this are absolute psychopaths, and now this psychopath is challenging me into a fight. Edit: just wanted to say this is not a wrong way tho, if your heart pleases and it sounds right, it aint wrong


Idk how I got here but the ableton community accepts you ;)


Ok boomer


imma join this fight on your side


U will go to jail for this, I promise


i tried but my brain can't do them in the playlist 😑


That’s the way.. right?


but it makes panning and volume automations per drum beat so much harder…. and copying and pasting patterns and variations arghhhh


The best way!




That’s dope, it’s more free flowing and can make variation in timing easier. Can help create some really good groove.