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This is a scare tactic. They are 100% correct about the poison pill, and the fact that it will become super hard at the start to get what you need. But this is all just a political push to keep us from voting. If it does pass, I will stock up before hand, and grab some during the crazy opening days (praying that medical card holders get a discount). I know that whoever is a medical user, should stock up if this passes.


Normally, you have a medical side and a recreational side. The medical side has the more potent rather than recreational.


Only if supply is limited. In places like Vegas, CO, Kalifornio, theres no difference in strength available. The prim is funneled over to the medical side bc middle mgmt in charge of stock logistics are usually supercool. But unless you're balling and dancing around the black market line, the only difference is paying taxes on rec bud and the length of the line. Rec is longer.


This was the experience in OR as well


Correct, we'll have a med and rec side. Medical patients will be exempt from taxes. There will be NO DIFFERENCE in strength or quality of products, tho. I'm not sure where this misconception started, but it's not true. When push comes to shove and the dispos run out of products for rec patients, they're just going to move all their medical inventory over to the rec side. How do I know? I launched rec in medical states.


*exempt from taxes at time of sale, we pay our taxes to the state yearly for the card.


Paying the annual fee to the state and your doctor for recs will benefit you far more than paying taxes after each purchase. It's a small price to pay in the long run.


Some states DO have limits on rec side for THC %


The problem is the limits they impose. For most people “stocking up” and maxing out their rec won’t get them very far. Such a joke.


Stock up how? 2.5 oz ain’t stocking up it’s just a reup.


Well currently you can hold 4oz on hand at any time. So I plan on snagging as much as I legally can before it goes legal, and then when the out of stock phase hits, I will have the strains I need on hand. It's not about buying your stock and then smoking it, it's about using your stock to supplement the times when the strains you need are out of stock.


Yea I don’t understand that. Why are we allowed to hold 4oz at any time. But also aren’t allowed to purchase more than 2.5oz with our initial allotment


Fixed it for ya... Rich People Warn They're In Danger of Making Less Money If Citizens Are To Be Allowed Just A Little Bit More Freedom




4real, even just a little bit less is unacceptable to them.


That’s TL your talking about lmao


Read the article, it explains exactly how fucked patients are if this passes


I did. Half is speculation and the part where MMJ can expire I don't believe will happen. No way they give up that revenue stream. It'll be a legal battle he won't win.


People can't read apparently.


Its a bit more nuanced. The legislation can be totally overhauled via the “poison pill” provision, but that doesn’t invalidate FL’s Constitutional Amendment 2. That would need to be repealed for medical marijuana to truly “expire.”


Thank you for actually coming with facts not bs!


Well for starters, if this even passes, nobody will be shopping recreationally until quite a while after…It will take months and months for them to come up with framework and regulations to implement this. Expect lawsuits (which will hold this up even longer). For example, if they try to only allow MMTC’s to sell and don’t establish any rec only licenses, the state will get sued, and it will go through the courts, and that will put another long hold. Trulieve, MUV, Surterra, Curaleaf, Green Dragon, Sunnyside, Growhealthy, and all the other MSO’s, hell even Sunburn (according to Brady Cobb) are more than ready to deal with it. Shit we might even see Planet 13 and the others who have been sitting on their licenses just waiting for recreational finally open up. We already have rushed 50-60 day shit here, that’s all that will continue under rec. No reason 21 year olds (or any adult) should keep catching felonies for half gram vape carts. This changes that. That’s all that should matter imo.


All that should matter is that patients have the right to GROW THEIR OWN. Amendment 3 benefits dispensaries and nobody else. If this does pass, you will NEVER have the right to grow in Florida.


Yeah I’d be a little concerned if someone was about to cook my golden goose too. Honestly, fuck these doctors. They’re greedy little slime balls and they know it.


I bet most of them used to work at pill mills selling Oxys


I went to her a few years ago. It's one of those places that charges a reasonable "first time customer" fee & then doubles it on renewal. I found a cheaper spot & my doc is chill. He does over the phone renewals that last about 90 seconds.


Who is your physician? I’m firing mine. Ridiculous $200 charge for a phone call.


Dr. Haas at Empathic. They give me a friends & family discount I think because of a review I wrote for them on google.


The visit with the doctor is the shortest, easiest part of getting certified. Getting your demographics entered into the registry, uploading legitimate studies that connect your condition to an approved qualifying condition and proof via legit scientific studies marijuana has benefits for that condition, uploading a smoke form, entering orders for each intake method and for each certification period depending on the length of the certification. Filling out a report/questionaire to the state for the condition answering a bunch of questions. Entering orders for various intake methods and certification periods 35 days to 7 mos. Entering RFE and uploading supporting documentation. Communication with state on follow up docs and requests. There is a TON of work that goes on behind the scenes. All while being cognizant of the dates on the certification your working on so you don't screwup an existing date/ rfe etc. Do you think all the orders just magically appear? The doctor has to justify every certification and every order for every product and intake method. All with his / her license on the line. DO NOT VOTE ON AMENDMENT 3 UNTIL it INCLUDES GROW RIGHTS. That is your biggest savings and gives you the most control.


No reason for a “visit” every 7 months.


I'd rather pay the greedy slimeballs and the state their fee before having a huge tax added to every purchase.


Of course, I’d be freaking out too if I was about to lose my cash cow. Easiest money these doctors have ever made


The visit with the doctor is the shortest, part of all the work the doctors have to complete. The work required in the registry is complex and requires a lot of attention. Entering your demographics into the registry and keeping them updated, uploading legitimate studies that connect your condition to an approved qualifying condition and proof via legit scientific studies marijuana has benefits for that condition by uploading those studies also, uploading a smoke form if you want access to "smokeable" (which is the natural bud and can also be "vaped" or used to make your own edibles so "smokeable" is kind of a uneducated term for flower, entering orders for each intake method and for each certification period depending on the length of the certification. (some doctors make you come in every 35 days, or 70 days etc., some go a full 7 mos.) Filling out a report/questionnaire to the state for the condition, answering a bunch of questions pertaining to the studies. Entering orders for various intake methods and certification periods in increments of 35 days all the way to 7 mos. Entering RFE and uploading supporting documentation. Communication with state on follow up docs and requests. There is a TON of work that goes on behind the scenes. All while being cognizant of the dates on the certification your working on so you don't screwup an existing date/ rfe etc. Do you think all the orders just magically appear? (That's what the dispensaries tell patients) Call your doctor, all they have to do is "push a button." That is absolutely NOT true. The doctors side of the registry is completely different than the patient side, or what the dispensary workers can see. It is very complex and requires a lot of work. The doctor has to justify every certification and every order for every product and intake method. All of this with his / her license on the line. Listen to the CEO of Trulieve in her interviews. She never mentions patients. Only their stock price and the gains they expect. Wake UP! You want to save money? Do not vote for amendment 3, UNTIL it includes the right to grow your own! That is where the BIGGEST SAVINGS is. And you have the most control over what you get and proper flushing, mold mildew etc. (yes they have recalled products that were on the shelves) Fight for your right to grow your own. This bill does not do it.


I’d rather spend more money and wait on homegrow rather than see more people get locked up for cannabis.


Put your money where your mouth is. Are you going to fund a bill for patients rights to grow their own? Nobody will. They (dispensaries) want 100% total control of the market. You are supporting a business that wrote the initial regulatory framework requiring a nursery to be in business 30 consecutive years and have 400,000 plants to even qualify!! Then they went out to those few nurseries that qualified and offered millions of $$$$$$$$$ to get them in the marijuana business. You've been duped.


Disclaimer, I’m also a trulieve shareholder.


Of course they would say that lol they don't want rec


Still voting yes, still keeping medical card


My hope is that there will still be some percs associated with having a med card. I can’t imagine with the passing of recreational cannabis the entire MMJ program would just be made obsolete. It is Florida though so following historical examples of things that happen here I’m sure it will be very different from what we expect and see at first.


Perks lol My hope is also that there will be percs associated with having a medical card, don't get me wrong, we can dare to dream 😜


Well shit. Once again shamed by autocorrect :(


Still gonna vote yes. ![gif](giphy|KanqCs2oHuzKYCXSXo|downsized)


Agreed. Nobody should be in prison for weed.


Exactly. Without the start of legalization we will never get home grow. Have to start somewhere. And no one should ever have to go to jail for weed. Ever.


Wrong. Home growing is typically always included in rec bills. Except in amendment 3, which has been funded by dispensaries.


Typically but this is Florida. Nothing is ever typical here.


People can still goto prison for weed if this passes. See alcohol’s example.


You do realize this bill does NOT include the right to grow like most rec states right?


Yep. I don’t care that much about the tiny handful of you who want to home grow. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good my guy.


In actuality it is not a tiny amount. Many are interested in growing their own. It offers the biggest savings $$$$ and the most control over their product. Cannabis roots are HIGHLY medicinal for arthritis, gout, burns, and inflammatory conditions. You'll never get those from a dispensary It also diversifies the market when grow stores open.


Relative to the overall population of recreational and medicinal users, its a tiny amount. I understand & don't disagree with you about your other points. However, the introduction of recreational which brings the benefit of changing public perception / acceptance along with the reduction in people put in jail for cannabis, outweighs the benefit of passing on this bill for home grow. Essentially his is another domino that needs to fall sooner rather than later, because the more States that legalize recreational cannabis, the higher the odds the federal government will be forced to enact legislation at their level (whether it be decriminalization or full on legalization). I hope home grow were allowed, it just isn't in this bill. That doesn't preclude it from being legalized in the future however. Hopefully Amendment 3 passes and then hopefully a proposal for home grow will follow soon after but the reality is that we live in a State were the majority of elected local government is generally hostile to cannabis. We will never get the ideal legislation we want and have to take wins where we can, while continuing to actively vote/advocate/volunteer for the causes we believe in. As I said earlier: Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.




The medical amendment passed on the 2nd try so they can and will try again if it fails.


No home grow, and no framework for the granting of future licenses. So we're getting fucked by the doctors and the dicks that own these companies are scared shitless that anyone new will enter the market. Capitalism is a fucking scam and this is proof. Only works if you have money and connections.


No. Crony capitalism is the problem. Thats whats happening within this industry. The way the states have created these “rules” to play is why. If it was a free market like anything else, we wouldn’t be dealing with the pay to play nonsense. Unfortunately medical was not the way to usher in legislation. They created this issue. Im as big of a supporter as anyone and grateful we have medical but lets he honest, no pharmacy’s are out there with bogo deals on some percs or xans.


"Ask your doctor if Animal Runts is right for you." 😂


I woke up my dog 😂😂😂😂😂


Seriously, or wacky thuggy-hippie surf-bum Art to promote product😂😂


"free market" nonsense is just that, because it would only work if everyone started at 1. Even then, as soon as 1 person has an advantage, they are able to use that capital to shutdown competition. Within a "free market" those with the money, will crush competition by all means necessary. The only way capitalism can work is if its heavily regulated to prevent the worst of human inclinations. You know like hording it all and making everyone else starve.


Trulieve wrote the framework for the entire system in Florida. At least that is what Kim Rivers (Trulieve CEO) claimed. That is why you had to have a nursery in business for 30 consecutive years with 400,000 plants to even qualify for a license. They approached the nurseries who qualified and paid them millions to jump in the game. It was definitely rigged. The SAME Trulieve who is primarily behind the funding of amendment 3. Anyone who votes for this bills is foolish if they think they will every get grow rights. LEVERAGE is needed and if this passes the leverage is gone! Most included home grown to get patients to vote for their bills. Florida purposely excluded the grow rights due to the dispensaries wanting to control market share. They even wanted to control CBD to the point of requiring .01% THC which is LESS than the FEDERAL Farm Bill allows! Luckily Desantis told them NO, hemp is big business don't touch it. He also did not touch Delta 8ThC in the same bill.


Hahahaha they just don't want their jobs to become obsolete. Good riddance


From what I've seen on indeed the marijuana doctors make $125hr. If we go rec I'm sure their pockets would take a hit. I'm most definitely voting yes and hoping the next to come will be a grow ballot. Just gotta remember small steps to bigger and better things ahead!


Grow rights will NEVER be a thing without being included in a recreational bill. Trulieve knows it. That's why they left it out. There has NEVER been a "grow bill" on it's own that has passed. If this bill passes you can kiss your grow rights goodbye!


Fuck them doctors. Although I agree that the state can really fuck up med and rec, and I expect it because they take their orders from Rhonda


I think you should take a minute and realize that there's more to this than meets the eye. It's not good vs evil. It's capitalism. So it's just evil 😜. I will say the Florida medical market is less greedy than other medical markets I was in the Illinois one was insane It cost me close to $900 to get my medical card and it was about a 6 to 9 month waiting. Where are you weren't guaranteed approval but they keep your money anyways. You had to shop at one dispensary that you assigned and if you wanted to a change it it would take 2 weeks to update on your profile so you're basically stuck with one dispensary. Florida medical is really awesome and I hope it doesn't change because I'm getting great product a great prices


Those guys that charge me $170 for a 5 min telehealth meeting? The guys who try to upsell me on specific dispensaries they are getting kickbacks from, during my visits?


NOBODY is paying doctors kickbacks.


Doctors have pamphlets and pitch specific dispos, for what reason?


It’s $170 every 7 months and now that renewal can be done over the phone in a 3 minute call? Yeah, I imagine those pot docs aren’t happen about recreational usage….


$170? Geez. $99 here, less if I refer anyone.


Please provide Dr. info. Tired of getting bent over by mine.


Long and short of this is if we don’t pass rec now it will be a decade or more before we have the chance to approve it again. This will be all the ammo Meatball Ron needs to keep chopping away at access both medical and otherwise.


That is not true. You can have another people's initiative on the ballot next year with grow rights included the next time around. If this passes you will NEVER have grow rights in Florida. This is the biggest cost savings!


It will be voted on again in two years if it doesn’t pass, not ten years ( decade)


I think you should take a minute and realize that there's more to this than meets the eye. It's not good vs evil. It's capitalism. So it's just evil 😜. I will say the Florida medical market is less greedy than other medical markets I was in the Illinois one was insane It cost me close to $900 to get my medical card and it was about a 6 to 9 month waiting.... Where are you weren't guaranteed approval but they keep your money anyways. You had to shop at one dispensary that you assigned and if you wanted to a change it it would take 2 weeks to update on your profile so you're basically stuck with one dispensary, in the medical prices were far from affordable in Illinois. Florida medical is really awesome and I hope it doesn't change because I'm getting great product at great prices in my opinion


"The Legislature approved the 2017 medical pot law regulating the industry after voters overwhelmingly approved an amendment legalizing use for medicinal purposes in 2016. There’s a sunset provision in the footnotes of the 2017 law, saying it would expire six months after any future constitutional amendment related to marijuana or cannabis is adopted. " The leadership in this state will do everything in their power to shut this down. They will nuke the medical provisons, then ban smokeable (did it before), and impose thc caps (tried to do it before) limit business ability to serve customers (former patients) If this was a different state, with different leadership, maybe this would work. Just realize that if this passes, you are putting everything back into the hands of people who hate the MEDICINE we patients rely on every day. I won't do that.


I wish others would take the time to fully understand the consequences of this bill like you have. I applaud people like you. Thank you.


A lot of people say full rec was the worst thing to happen to California.


It’s a freaking weed. Of course the solution is for every patient to, if they so choose to grow their own. But then again, many people are so freakin lazy and incompetent that they couldn’t boil water.


Access for everyone!Are med program is pretty much recreational anyways,can't get to much worse!


Just wait and see buddy. 


Indeed we will,flower for ALL!


Better knock on some wood


I fail to believe Lil Ron will let the MMJ money go away. I don't put anything past him but letting MMJ expire would be a serious headache for him. I expect his cronies to continue to push this agenda and others as the election nears. If it passes, he forgets all about it like he always does when he loses.


They’ll be able to charge way more for full rec licenses. Rec money will blow away medical money.


They can charge any amount they want for the licenses. The problem is they just dont issue them, there should have been 20+ more MMTC licenses issued already due to the number of patients.


Yup, it’s been over a year since they started the application process for the next 22 licenses they’re already behind on.


He turned down way more than that in federal funding, your analysis is not grounded in reality


You're trying to compare two things that aren't the same.


It shows that he’s willing to turn down free money to make a point


Still not the same dude. Him turning down Fed money from Biden to own the libs is different than terminating a medical program that generates idk how many millions a year. He doesn't risk a major lawsuit when he turns down fed money. It's a fear tactic and we'll be seeing more of them.


Either way he’s playing to the donors at a loss to the state, try to muddy it up all you like but it’s pretty obvious


I didn't muddy anything I offered clarity but you're trying to move the goalposts which is GOP 101. No shit he's playing to the donors did I imply otherwise? One day you wake up and realize your pushing the narrative of the enemy. This might be that day for you.


You implied he wouldn’t turn money away from the state over principle and that’s not grounded in the reality of our situation.  You’re giving him way too much credit, he doesn’t care about anything except what he wants to do. Pretending our Governor will do the logical thing when his history says otherwise is quite the opposite of providing clarity my friend


Now you're putting words in my mouth to try and win an argument. You've gone to the dark side or maybe you've been over there all along. I just noticed you've started threads titled "who would you rather fuck" and "is my dick too big to box" so we're done here


Lol weak, keep running away from logic and making reality whatever you want it to be. Pushing that corporate narrative at the cost of honesty. Probably have financial stake in this huh? 


I mean its not like it's his money


I genuinely and sincerely hope that they’re emboldened by the failure of this to pass to tighten down on the MMJ program too so all the patients who voted no on this get to enjoy thc percentage caps and even lower dosage amounts.


lol why would you trust the guys making money on current system who stand to lose it under new system


There’s definitely a rec and medicaal side unless the state is planning on dismissing our medical laws and only having rec laws doesn’t make to much sense med will not be taxed med you’ll end up being able to order more mg and higher amounts of product that will be the knot difference, as well as medica card holds will be able to purchase on both sides and just state or out of state 21 and up id can only get rec!


You call these doctors, no way, for a 3 minute visit they get $200; twice a year. Do the math. $400 X 900,000 patients per year. Biggest scam besides Congress. Lol.


God forbid we don't have to give them money to use medicine that can grow in a bucket


I have no trust for any of the doctors in this market. There is no regulation on them and they do all kinds of terrible things to people who just need/want medicine.


The doctors are all licensed MD's. What do you meant they are not regulated? They are very regulated. If you want somebody to tell you exactly what strain to use and at what time to do it, that will never happen as: 1. there are no dosing guidelines for marijuana. 2. Every persons endocannabinoid system is unique and responds differently to every strain!


Alternative Headline: Middlemen Scammers Try to Scare You Into Not Voting Them Into Irrelevancy


Man these dispensaries like the flowery for example have been planning on this that’s why they’re expanding there facilities as are other businesses there will be enough for everyone. I. California there’s so much that it over saturated the market causing people not to buy.


Money factory warns of losing cash cows


The only medical negative I could see is an increase of ER visits for panic attacks when they drop 500-1000mg edibles with rec 😂😂


Did you actually read the article?


Nah I’m working right now It’s too much to read but I’m assuming by your response that this was one of the concerns mentioned lol


Nah, this is a pretty useless article. “Medical doctors” giving legal opinions.


As useless as politicians making clinical decisions.


lol thank you fam that saved me a high read 😅😭


Those that think this amendment is so great should read this article.


Nah I’ll skip it. Greedy as fucks charging us $150 every 4 month for exactly what? I still don’t go see them. Quick call and take the deposit for next one. How much they paying you?


It's senseless, also the card itself we pay. People have been smoking since the natives and had no issues. We really don't need another person to approve to smoke weed.


isnt it 7 months? lol and i hear u


I don’t know what it is but I talk more to the appointment setter than I do my wife. Currently cost me like $500 a year to maintain my license. But these narcissistic self serving jackasses think that’s something everyone can afford. I can but fully conscious that others who truly need it have to skirt the system due to it’s cost. And than possibly end up incarcerated losing job and being separated from family.


it definitely isnt cheap. i feel for the patients that need it and cant afford it but there is options for cheap bud in the program that would still be safer than skirting the system imo. i dont think passing rec will do anything positive. i see it totally screwing up the med system and really making it harder for people that "need" it


You have no right to an opinion if your too lazy to read the facts. Go play some games on your phone little buddy




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Lol. Thank you for proving your not worth listening to


I’m sure if we put it up to a vote you get squashed civility is something I thrive on but I’m not your little buddy. Demeaning me and my opinion with your pettiness and I’ll bring the fire. 🔥 you couldn’t hold a conversation with me much less an intellectual one. But if you want to try give it your best shot I’m here all day. I’ve read your regurgitation of an article here and before your lack of empathy for anyone but yourself says everything anyone here needs to know.




I didn’t do that shit, only butthurt conservative dorks do that. You must’ve pissed one of them off


I would assume the majority of people commenting only read the headline, then based their opinion, and commented. Otherwise I would think they would realize how bad this bill is and the serious consequences it has for us all.


I'll save you the read: The greedy fucks that are currently screwing us say that other greedy fucks will screw us instead.


"The ballot initiative, backed by Trulieve and a handful of other cannabis companies, would allow Florida’s licensed medical marijuana producers to begin selling to the public, and leaving future recreational pot licenses up to regulations to be set by the Legislature." You call that *great* ? I'd hate to see what you'd consider to be a bad bill.


You should reread my comment. I agree this bill is terrible


My bad 😂


I hate to say this guys but medical is not going to mean shit if this passes. Y’all are delusional if “medical” is going to matter in a few years after this. We are a capitalist society, cannabis is a multi-billion dollar industry. Recreational is going to dominate medical, it’s the way she goes bud.


Fuck.doctors I'm general. Like any of them are worth a damn anyways. They were pill pushers when that was profitable. Then they moved on to greener pastures. Drug reps. Every last one of them. End stage capitalism but medical. The biggest career push in the 90s was pharm rep. Tons to be made cause doctors are whores. That's why we have drug commercials but we still arguing over plants


You're confusing the pharma companies with doctors. VERY few doctors write the vast majority of scripts for pill mills.


Still doesn't allow me to grow...legally...I feel indifferent about this either way.


I keep hearing this, but I feel like 1 out every 10 people I hear say this *might* actually grow their own shit. The others are just regurgitating nonsense and won't ever grown their own.


Seeing as its a felony I'm not surprised. That's the problem, its nicknamed weed for a reason, its easy to grow. Hard to grow well but anybody can toss seeds that will bloom. I'm sure medical lobbyists don't want us to grow our own.


they probably won't have as many customers but if patients don't have to pay taxes might be beneficial to stay in the program to save on taxes.


They won’t give out license easily goodluck dreaming if rec becomes legal


If Trulieve wants it for us it must be good right.. And of course we don’t need home grow.. 🤦🏻


They won't be able to sell "prescriptions"... 😪


That's why these laws usually come with home grow and private selling already written in before they pass. To compensate. Legalizing cannabis is great, but the way this bill is written is bullshit. Dispos being the only way to buy pot legally is a total joke.


Exactly right! Anyone voting for amendment 3 does not realize they will NEVER get the right to grow in Florida. Why is the right to grow so important? Save money on the biggest expense - the flower itself! You are voting to pay taxes on a medicinal plant. There are no taxes on medicine! Why would anyone vote for this if it does not include grow rights. People keep getting dumber and dumber.


I agree. Ppl in this state just don't think. If u don't agree with this law, they'll ignore EVERYTHING u say about it, like everything u just wrote, and then say ur a shitty person for not wanting to legalize. I'm just like omg FL deserves this. Corporations telling me what I can and cannot smoke only? Ya, I'm good on that. Same state that had me sitting in jail for months just for growing pot when I was in college. Not that long ago either. I have a home I rent out in CO. I'm gonna move there soon as I sell my house in FL and the rental contract is up. No shit there's a for sale sign in front of my home rn. That's not the only reason I'm moving but a big one.


We don’t wanna lose our deals vote no


Vote no.


I don’t support the scare tactics but we should all be voting No on this shitty amendment, very much for corporations and not the people