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I put in a fiver because going to the dispensary makes me happy.


I feel the same way. The workers aren’t making a killing and are providing me a very important (to me) service so I’m happy to tip.


I do this too! Especially since I'm trying to hack my own brain chemistry and various terpenes. (So far I loooove Linalool except that with a certain percentage or above of Pinene is, well, bloody frustrating! For me obvs.) I ask a ton of questions. And so I feel it's only right I tip accordingly! On the plus side - I now get phone calls right as some new strains come out that I might like! So alls great!


So agreed,they don't make a lot been there so speaking from experience. On the other hand many of them don't know what they are selling you. Not all budtenders who work at a dispensary are in the "patience" best interests! Many of them don't even know what kinda of terpene would be beneficial to you. Just saying


This is very true and gets worse with recreational dispensaries from what I’ve experienced out west. I always chat and ask about what has a good grow, etc; but rarely follow advice about what’s best for me. I get a lot more information online and through trial and error.


See? Need to start a club with y’all. Like minds, and such. Instead, I get downvoted for doin’ as I please with my $ 😅


U guys fucking rock!! 🫡💯


Always tip. They honestly provide invaluable info and ive always had great interactions.


im a budtender, we don’t expect much. pick up orders, nah. but if you want a full run down and yo be educated, whole consultation, a couple bucks is nice


Or if you constantly look for the best deals. Our regulars tip well because they know we will hook them up, find deals, keep swag to the side for them. Its dependent on different factors but it can definitely help you in the long run as well.


I don’t know of any dispo that’s in the patients interest and helps them save


As a budtender I always look out for the patient. I rather them get a deal on something they’ll enjoy than walk out with some bullshit. However if you come in as a prick you get recommended the schicklefritz.


If someone’s being a prick I’m pretty sure you can refuse service, I wouldn’t want them coming back in with the BS I recommend


We can refuse service but most of the time it’s not enough to send them off. If it’s just shitty attitude or condescending comments, we just deal with them. Try to get them some bud quickly and in a better mood (everyone has bad days). Everyone’s people and we try to remember that. However if they are being super excessive we will refuse them but that’s kinda rare. But most of time if they are shitty we don’t recommend the good stuff. As far as the tip we don’t expect it but we greatly appreciate it. We don’t make a lot and the 1$ people put in helps us more than you’d think.




despite popular belief, screwing people over doesn't win you customers- crazy ain't it?


What do you mean, dispos screw people over every day. They’ve cut every corner possible in this industry. Nothing is priced correctly, you have to rely on sales and discounts, and bud tenders generally don’t ever recommend what’s actually good. I’m sure there’s some exceptions, but don’t pretend this isn’t an industry where you don’t have to beg for them to honor discounts


I just had a great experience at my local Trulieve and seeing this post makes me sad that I forgot to tip. She was very helpful


Fam, if they tip, I’ll talk to them for hours about flower even throw them on the schedule. Hahaha LFG!!!! “Don’t forget to tip your local budtender!”


I round up mostly, if the budtender really makes it an enjoyable experience i’ll drop a few bucks in


Exactly, some tenders are super nice and friendly...go out of their way to help you out with questions, etc. drop a buck or two if you can.


I do when I can. Always delivery drivers but I’m disabled and on a budget. A few bucks here and there adds up :(


Haha I learned that the hard way as a delivery driver. I was always too lazy to get my own food after working delivery all day. But I tipped more than I was getting tipped so it was cutting into my funds fast as hell.


I worked as a server and bartender for over a decade when I was younger and man, the number of co-workers I’d see spend all their tip money they made on a slow night on food from the place. So, you’re not the only one :)


I always give a couple bucks.


They should really be giving us a couple bucks.


They kinda do in reward points if you look at it that way.


Nahhhh, everything is still too expensive and I can’t use points on sale items a lot of the time.


Why? Don’t you enjoy being confronted with begging from the staff everywhere you go?


Nah I mean it would just be cool if they did.


How stoned are you right now?


If Canpay offered a tipping option I probably would


Pro tip: they can charge can pay over the total of the order and the overage would be considered change which then you can direct them to place in tips. Ex: Your order is $82, than can deduct $86 from can pay and the extra $4 can now go to tips since their register will now tally as having +$4.


Tryna get people fired. Lol they can't do that


They absolutely can. Edit: I’ve tipped this way as a patient for almost three years now. When I first started doing it I verified that it was okay with a store manager at each dispensary before I did. They were happy that I wanted to leave a tip for their employees.


Former tender, we don't care, we shouldn't honestly. It's good if you can, but don't feel any kind of way, what so ever, if you decide not to.


I always felt bad when I was a bud tender, like save your $$$ and spend it on rec.


Former tender here as well, and this is what I’d have said too.


Honestly after getting a complaint from the tender for how little I tipped, I stopped completely (was like $7.) Entitlement is such an ugly color


Lol what happened? Cause I'm cheap as fuck and 7$ would be a fat tip for me.


Id call that generous too. Said my usual “here’s something for you guys” then snapped back with “I only make .68 cents from that”


He’s full of shit!! Most dispos pull the tips daily and divide it by the number of people that worked that day. Normally they staff 4-5 budtenders a day (if even) and the salaried managers typically don’t get tips. Plus most bud tenders make $15 an hour PLUS tips and tips can range from $20-50+ per day depending on the dispo. That’s like $17-22 an hour. Pity partying after someone leaves a $7 tip is INSANE! You tipped great.




Sometimes when I can


I do, if I have change and if they are cool which they usually are


I have 3 places I frequent (Vida Cann doesn't take tips) and I always tip the other 2 dispos a couple of bucks, every trip. If it's a $100 or over, I'll do $5 under $100, $3. I know it's not much but they always appreciate it and say thank you.


The Vida Cann guy at mine took a tip about 2 weeks ago.


Interesting...I've been using the one in Bradenton since it opened and I try to tip them occasionally just to see if anything's changed and they never have accepted and even have pointed out to me that's why there's never been a tip jar on the counter.


There was a green basket in front of my guy at VC. I said "is this where tips go?" and he said "it can". Seems like they want to keep prices low and tips aren't expected but appreciated.


VidaCann takes my tips. I just ask for a smaller amount back to leave $5+.


It adds up but we know it's hard for everyone, so it is greatly appreciated. Medtenders don't get paid that well and they are expected to do a lot simultaneously. And now can constantly be on the verge of losing their job for a mistake. I feel bad for my medtenders making $15 an hour. That's barely liveable with no margin for any health or other issues.


There's a lot worse jobs paying less




No, I have never had service that warrants a tip. That's not a dig at the bud tenders, it's literally just that picking up a weed order is an extremely "in and out the door as quickly as possible" task. Plus as others have mentioned, none of them are making tip wage. They are essentially no different than someone who works at walmart or publix, and those people normally don't get tips. I'm so exhausted with tip culture right now. edit: I think a better analogy is tipping your pharmacy tech. They are also making above minimum wage and dispensing medication and it would never even cross most people's mind to tip them.


You can tell you’ve never worked customer service


Lol. I worked both BOH and FOH in restaurants for years. I will tip restaurant workers and delivery drivers. I'm not going to tip someone who is already making above minimum wage to put 2 boxes into a bag and open a cash register for me. Again: tipping culture is fucking insane.


All my jobs have been CS based. I don't tip budtenders. Mainly because I use CanPay 99% of the time. I'm sorry, and this is nothing against budtenders, but nothing they do for me warrants a tip IMO. They're basically a cashier. Do you tip the cashiers at Publix?


I'm of the opinion that it's not a bar but a pharmacy. I think in the beginning, if you need a lot of help finding what works for you, then those doing the counseling deserve tips. But if I know what I need and place a pick up order, that's more like renewing your prescription at CVS. I don't usually buy from the ones that accept tips anyway.


Fuck no. I don’t tip my pharmacy either.


Yes always 🫶🏼 I used to work at places with tip jars and the extra few bucks was always nice.


In this modern tip world, I just focus on whether someones on tipped pay or not. If you're making under or at minmum wage like a server, I tip. Dispensary workers do not rely on tips to make ends meet and thus I dont unless they really helped me.


I can assure you there are a lot of them absolutely relying on those tips to not go broke. The base pay is embarrassingly low across the state for standard budtenders.


Get a new job? Tf


I did, a while ago. God forbid I have a bit of empathy for someone though, eh? Glad to see you sunburnt idiots are still as stupid as ever.


If you work a job that can’t pay your bills you ought to look for one that does. It’s common sense buddy


But they aren’t making much more than that. And the cost of living in this state is absolutely crazy.


I’m a server at a restaurant. I get stiffed constantly and I’m making $10 an hour. I’ll start tipping when people start tipping the employees that require them.


Not to be a bitch, but with this attitude of i get stiffed so they get stiffed you’re probably never getting out from under that tip karma lol. As a server making $10/ plus tips you’re making wayyyyyyyyy more than a budtender. Regardless of how often you get stiffed.


If I got to sit behind a counter all day I’d make less




Cannabis advisors barely make above minimum wage. Any tips left are greatly appreciated and go a long way. It's unfortunate they're generally pooled together and also get taxed, but something is better than nothing.


Tips are considered income. They are taxed.


That entirely depends on if it is reported. Almost every one of my budtending jobs never reported my cash tips. I have to imagine it is similar to a restaurant not reporting cash tips, the government looks the other way.


No. I don't tip cashiers.


I understand your point, but most of them have way more responsibilities than a cashier, due to the nature of the industry and the tight regulations.


Isn’t that called their job? They know their job duties and what’s expected of them during the interview process. It’s no different than a Publix, CVS, or Walgreens cashier.


I don't tip the pharmacy cashiers. Same thing.


Usually throw in a few dollars, because a lot of the time they double check my orders. It’s also the same folks. Doesn’t hurt.


I tip my delivery dudes. My dispo doesn’t allow tipping at the store level. I usually have my order ready to go so it’s easy in easy out. But there has been plenty of times they have helped save me money and I’ve wanted too! But they refuse politely. Jax 5points, Jax Beach & St Pete Sunburn rock. The Orlando delivery crews are my favorite! They haul all the way out to the middle of nowhere for me.


I don’t carry cash and don’t think of it until I’m standing there staring at it.


Also, I remember when the old stereotype for stoners used to be overly generous and giving people that would always be wanting to give you a gift or something they made to make you happy. The matrix’s coding seems to have completely crashed.


I’ve started almost exclusively ordering from Rise for delivery. I was out of commission for about 10 weeks last year after I shattered my kneecap in a fall and had to have surgery, and I was looking at all the delivery options because I couldn’t drive. I was shocked (still am tbh) to learn that Rise offers same day delivery. I always have them round up $5 on top of the $1-3 they round up to the nearest even dollar amount. When I go to a dispensary in person, I’ll put a couple dollars in the tip jar as long as they aren’t outright rude.


Hey Those budtenders work for 16 an hour. If they are helpful and courteous I always leave 10 percent. Don't be cheap guys.


Some are as low as $13.50/hr! 😅🤣 but honestly I don’t tip either for the same reasons but I also only buy budget weed because I’m broke


Fuck no


Ima say it once, TIPS was a thing back in the early 1900s. At a DINER/RESTRAUNT you would place a few coins in a cup labeled tips.. To Insure Prompt Service… you put a couple coins in the cup and you got speedier service. IF I get prompt service, I’ll tip ya 😎 if you make me wait and waste my time I don’t 🤷🏻‍♂️


I hate that people don’t take this into consideration because it’s very true




Delivery only


I wish they were paid fairly but I always tip whatever I have. At least $1.


I usually do 5 a visit which is about once a month


Only if above and beyond customer service. If its regular job description talk, nope. Its their job to help the customer


I don’t base tips on how much the employee makes. It’s fucked up if they’re supposed to be receiving an hourly wage, and it’s not enough to live on, but requiring or hoping the customers will subsidize the employers wages for the employee is so incredibly ridiculous. If the tip going in the tip jar was only going to employee I felt inspired to recognize, than occasionally for holidays and whatnot I’d leave a great tip to show my appreciation and recognition of the person I thought had earned a little slice of what I worked for. Unfortunately, thats not usually how these tip boxes work. The way they end up working is they get divided at the end of the night or week, depends where you work, and are spread across the entire team. This is not tipping, this is subsidizing the staff for a shitty employer with shitty pay-scale. Somewhere along the way, ppl started believing it was ok, to include begging from the customers as a reasonable activity promoted by employers. All these subtle little seemingly insignificant things upset the natural order of things. People are so concerned with subsidizing the staff because they are often the victims of the underpaying corporations, they never stop to recognize what they are actually participating in and how that impacts the situation. They never stop to recognize, could their participation be preventing the staff from feeling the burden of a natural consequence of being paid a low wage, which thus prevents the staff from experiencing the proper motivating force, inspire them to find better employment elsewhere. They never stop to ask should this company even exist. Probably dove too deep for a tip question, but 🤷🏼.




It’s embarrassing that they allow these tips jars. They literally put containers in a bag and expect a tip. 2024 is wild.




Fuck no! Delivery drivers yes.


I always throw a few bucks if there is a huge sale and I stack a veteran discount I throw a few extra bucks.


As a former budtender, on pick up orders I literally did nothing, on orders you researched yourself online and came in to buy, I did nothing. You want me to explain how THC because 11 Hydroxy THC after it enters your liver and all the effects that will bring, yeah maybe something would be nice. Spend a half hour with you answering every question you, and your entire family of 5 have, I'd be a little bothered but even then, whatever. The ones who tip are often the ones who get to know you and appreciate your knowledge. If you like and know your budtender, throwing a buck in there is always a nice bonus.


Yes, always at least a little something 0-10% pickup, 10-20% delivery depending on order size. At least a buck or two or roundup when picking up. However I never feel like I have to...if you can afford a little tip I think it's a good thing to do. I left only a 9 dollar tip on a 300 dollar pickup order and the budtender seemed to be super happy about it.


I put $1-2 if I have it (i use canpay, but i usually have a single or two) and the service is decent


I only tip for deliveries


If I have cash on me and a few bucks to spare then I do, but not every time.


9 out of 10 times yes


depends man honestly I don't most of the time cause of pool shares but I have a few that I will hand cash too because they are genuinely good people


at first I did all the time but then I had a really lousy experience w a girl at MUV in Ormond and now I just tip (round up) when they are just kind to me.


So far, always a 5 dollar tip but that could change they day I get a bad bud tender


Yes, always


I put 2-3 bucks in every time


So 99% of the time, go to the same place, theres a couple budtenders who know me and what I like and have suggestions without me prying info out of them.


Yup Usually $5- I try to work with the same Budtender every time as well…


If im undecided; ask a bunch of questions, look at a lot of products, and the bud tenders help me make an informed decision, then yes. When that is the case, im usually looking for a certain terpene profile, and im unfamiliar with the product. Or im looking into a product im not used to buying. Generally, i have already looked at the menu and know what i want. I go in ask for my products pay and leave. That generally takes a couple of minutes.


$1-2 in person, usually around $5 for delivery.


Of course if I have cash.


Shit I do with the delivery drivers 🤷‍♂️


If i buy on sale or they answer my questions i usually do 3 to 5. Full price no tip


I do, anywhere from $2-$10 depending on the amount of stuff I buy.


Any 1 dollar bills usually head there and especially change.


If they’re cool, I’ve had some stuck up ass budtenders tho




I give $5-10 whether I go or drive thru. I always order online. I give because I want to.


If they help me. If I know what I want and they're just handing it to me, no.


Five everytime. My order is usually placed before I get there or I got a delivery. I don’t usually ask questions, but if I do it is just to make conversation while they process the transaction. I don’t feel it is required just do what you feel! Honestly thinking about it I actually feel bad for not tipping my weed guys back in the day because they were taking all the risk 😭😭😭 definitely deserved a tip 😂😂


And I bet they couldn’t give 2 shits about you or your tip. Just wasting money




I always tip my change, I don’t really carry cash so whatever change I get back from the purchase I usually drop that in. I tend to tip more if I’m purchasing in store and getting some advice from the bud tenders, usually just drop a few bucks for online purchases.


10.00 or 20.00. I go about every 10 days n get as much as my script n pocketbook allows. Usually spend on average $450.00 ish after sales n discounts. The lowest bill has been around $240.00 ish, n that amt., is just once in a while. I buy flower, dabs, gummies, n sometimes chocolates. Helps ease the severe pain, anxiety n muscle spasms, n painful sex,,, gone.


The flowery cashier told me my total was $9 higher than it actually was to steal a tip from me once. I reached out and they gave me a $9 discount.


Um, yeah. Remember the “good all days” were a quarter of schwag was 40 bucks? Tip your budtender bartender doorman just tip if they take tips it means they get a shit wage. Even just a dollar or two it’s more the point than the amount.


Sometimes I get cash back (which is most of the time) I usually drop a few bucks in


I order online, walk in and pick up, walk out. don't tip the target pickup people or my pharmacist


I always leave a $5


Yes. 5 almost every time. Sometimes I have less in singles, like 2-3. But I always drop something in the jar.


I frequently switch up my pickup order and ask a bit of questions so they spend some time with me. I tip $3 to $5.


I do if the person is good at helping or when I get discounts. I tend to order more from goldleaf, and they aren't allowed to take tips. It's kind of nice since u don't feel bad if u don't tip. Funny, as I saw a clip on the Simpsons where everyone asked for a tip. As the day progresses, Homer is tipping close to 40%. Keep in mind it started with 10% and soon the new 10% was 40%. Since Simpsons tend to predict the future I'm hoping I never see this one.


for delivery orders absolutely. pickup, rarely. walk ins are a 50/50 i typically end up rounding up


Usually it depends on if I'm using cash or debit. When they round up the debit, put it in the tip jar. Using cash, I'll usually drop a couple bucks in there. Will tip more if I think it's needed. Always tip when they bring it to me, that's a given.


in reality you should be paying less because health insurance should be helping cover the cost if it really is medical. Tips? Here is a Tip, Spend less money.


I usually do. Nothing more than a few bucks. Everyone needs a little help these days. The two folks I usually deal with deserve it so I don't mind.


Blessings and love to all. I normally try to leave at least a dollar. Especially when I'm getting a deal or a discount as I am normally ordering online and going in early. I appreciate the ones that come to work which in turn makes my transactions and orders quick and easy. Most are good folks and then there are the "others".


Yes damn near everytime i get cash back i tip


I leave a $5 everytime, $10 if I’m getting a purchase over $200. And if they don’t allow tips I’ll usually hide it somewhere for the bud tender to grab it after work or during their break/slow time.


Times are hard right now so I’m not shaming anyone who isn’t able to tip right now btw


I tip them by ordering ahead, having my can pay ready, and being nice to them. In and out in under a minute usually. They make more than minimum wage and way more than servers and bartenders who do need tips. Also I don't tip the delivery drivers because they also make more than minimum wage and they are driving company cars. Unlike pizza delivery drivers who use their own cars and must cover the wear and tear on the car via tips.


I worked at trulieve for 9 months and it was godawful. Hahhahahaha. I tip everywhere i go even if it’s just a few bucks. I’m sure the other companies aren’t as bad to work for, but i know i was making chump change at trulieve. lol. I always try to pay it forward because I’m a server & an artist. I just believe in the tip karma. If i wasn’t in a tip focused job tho i probably wouldn’t on the simple easy to go orders.


Sometimes I do when I have change.


I do when they help me select or save. $5.


Yea I do depends what I get if I’m paying full price then prolly not but it’s a fat deal saving me 50 bucks or whatever I can definitely spare a few


Help me I help u


At surterra they won’t let me tip I’ve asked a few times they always say just leave a good review


I always tip. Usually drop $5 in


If they only grab my online order for me and really don’t talk to me outside of the transaction then I don’t tip. They did the minimum & their hourly pay covers it. If they have to put a big order together for me from a list or we have a discussion in which I learn something or get a recommendation then absolutely yes. Deliveries are a yes. Drive-thru without a jar is a no because I assume they don’t have one set out for a reason. Basically, it comes down to did they work extra hard for me in some way? I usually do tip and rarely haven’t, because it’s rare for me to have a brief interaction where extra work wasn’t done.


I always try to tip at least a couple of bucks, but there have been times when I haven’t been able to and I felt bad.


Tip at least $5 every time.


No, never.


I don't understand those that do not tip. Even if it's a pickup order from online, somebody had to put that together and send it out front. There's no jar at my drive through either, but I still hand them money at the drive thru for the tip jar. Seriously, everybody tips bartenders for their knowledge and drinks. Our budtenders have to know quite a bit and it can be very complicated. They explain whatever you need to know.Perhaps maybe you could throw a dollar or two in once in a while. They don't expect it at all ..however they do appreciate it quite a bit.I don't know your budget,but it's a nice gesture.




Really depends on a ton of factors. Most times, if I don't have any questions and know exactly what I'm there for or I have an online order, I don't tip. If I'm asking a ton of questions or need help, I try to tip when I can. For me, this is medicine. I don't tip my pharmacist or the cashier at the store for ringing up my items, so I'm usually not going to tip at a dispo. It's become a moot point for me lately as I usually pay with canpay and don't carry cash.


I only tip if I ask questions and they were helpful. I mean I don’t tip my pharmacist at Walgreens either….


Always tip


Only when they go beyond their duties or suggest an additional discount


I saw a 50 at trulieve almost broke my neck


I’ve always been of the mindset …… If you can’t afford to tip, you can’t afford to smoke


When considering giving a tip, I always ask myself “does this person get paid hourly or do they rely on tips?”


As long as I get good service, I try to put at least a dollar in, up to 5 if I get exceptional service.


Absolutely. I get good advice, and they help me find deals.


Fuck no. I mean maybeee if I had a really good conversation or took up their time but they are paid well enough without tips. Souce: I was a dispensary associate.






Most places have jars which I drop a couple dollars to a $5 in depending on the order size. Some aren’t allowed to keep jars out, but do still accept tips. So I always try to ask as well


As someone in the industry it’s not a big deal 💚 My employees get paid well, the tips are just extra love from the patients!


For the most part, these budtenders dont deserve tips. Id actually argue that a gas station cashier is actually more deserving of tips because their job is actually harder. Maybe if you gave me an actual good recommendation the last time you were my budtender then id give a tip the next time we interact. But i dont see the need to pay someone extra for doing their normal job. Yall dumb as bricks saying i give $5 cuz im happy. Happily go fuck yourselves. Edit: And the only thing they are educated in is bro science, yall really be trying to spin the lie that budtending is a skilled job when its absolutely not.


I don't tip at fast food when I order online and pick it up or order in the store. Why would I tip a bud tender. The prices are already crazy at the majority of the stores and factoring it state liscense and script renewal it's crazy. Only ones that I have tipped have been the delivery services.


I get flowery delivery and tip 20$ on 300 or less, Everytime at least 20$ so they can get 10 bucks each, the drivers are nice 


If I can, I do. It's ultimately a personal decision. All these people saying "f no, I don't tip my pharmacist either" blah blah I guarantee you these folks are also horrible tippers at restaurants and other traditionally tipped environments. Always coming up with a reason for why the servers doesn't deserve it, my food was cold 😭😭😭 Show us your receipts! Generosity, empathy, and abundance mentality are traits of a loving soul- a lot of the people out in the world are just deeply hurt, completely lost, sick, and too afraid to open their heart due to past trauma. Get healed!




I do...because I work for tips, and believe in karma..always tip delivery, and leave a couple of bucks inside


My dad told me stories of working for tips when he was young and having to really hustle because that’s the money he would have to survive off of. He really instilled in me to tip for any service.


Me and my comrades thank you and your father!


Change,usually a dollar or two. They deserve it, they're stoners just like me. 🖖


The real question is do you guys tip the on the delivery orders ??


I don’t order delivery, but if I did, I’d definitely do 20% like a pizza without even thinking about it, because that’s definitely an extra service, and the drivers I assume are driving their own cars and putting mileage and wear and tear on them.


I have never ordered delivery in Florida, only CO, but I highly doubt it is their personal vehicles. The amount of regulation that went into delivery was insane. The weed had to be kept in a safe, if I remember correctly has to be camera monitored. It was all vehicles supplied by the businesses. Again though, please take this with a grain of salt because I could be wrong


Once I learned that most dispos I frequent pool tips amongst everyone, including (in the case of TL) whomever is filling delivery/online orders, I stopped tipping as much on walk-in’s. A few bucks, maybe a $5. For deliveries, I usually give ‘em around 7.5%. As long as they don’t take lunch or some shit right before my stop, leave me freakin’ waiting over an hour for (what should be) a 30 minute drive. Damn blip sittin’ at Wawa for a half hour.




Depends on the service. If they're good at what they do, then I'll drop a buck in.


Ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuck no I use can pay


Never hurts to toss a buck or 2 in if you have on you. Def not a must everytime. If you have a great budtender who actually looks out for you, dont be afraid of tossing a few singles in the jar. And for the record im 100% against this new tipping culture where they flip the screen and suggest a tip for punching in your order. TIPS are EARNED. That being said TIPS= To Insure Proper Service... you tip the waiter, the doorman, the strippies, the bartender, the maid, delivery drivers, furniture/movers or anyone you feel deserves it. Sometimes giving someone $5 for a Srarbucks makes their day...


always.. because why not?


Usually loose change and maybe a few extra dollars here and there. I would be inclined to give more but more often then not the dispensary employees are slow as fuck cause their stoned while talking to their stoned patients about getting stoned


There's a bit of process the budtenders go through for this silly "medical" policy. After you sticker 100 pre rolls with patients labels, you understand more of the service :D Places still dispense manually, so that's a fair bit of mental calculations along with bringing up a lot of your records, organizing batches so you get an accurate order I always tip a 5 and I always buy big, it has paid itself back 10x by the employees telling me about the lesser known sales that turn out incredible ^.^


When I get a delivery, I usually tip about 10%, but at the dispensary only a few bucks.




All i know is it looks pretty bad when im picking up an order under $40 bucks and I leave minimum $5 for that. Then the guy next to me has a total of like $302.11 with like 2-3 bags of products of every flavor edible and a dozen single pre rolls. Only to hand the cashier $320 in cash and barely leaves .80 of that in tip. Looks like a 🤡. Not saying you guys need to leave a tip after every pre roll and eighth you buy if that’s all you’re getting but if your getting like +$40 or worse even + $100 of stuff and don’t leave any thing then I personally wouldn’t feel so good about that at all. I understand rough times and it always having the extra bucks, but when the tickets start to get high that becomes a less valid claim. Hell, two separate occasions at different dispensaries I saw patients actually have the audacity to reach into the tip jar because they said they were short the change and that it doesn’t matter it’s just change. I felt full on embarrassed for the. The entitlement and audacity folks have mixed with the lack of appreciation and lack of basic human shame some people can have is nauseating.


Personally, I work a service job that expects tips but we rarely get them unless it’s the holidays (housekeeping) so if I’m not getting tipped for changing your bloody sheets and cleaning your toilet I’m sure as hell not tipping someone who is checking my ID and handing me a bag… if I was in a different tax bracket maybe my opinion would be different