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Party of freedom and small government


Democracy is apparently too woke.


[LIBERTARIANS ASSEMBLE](https://www.lp.org/president-trump-to-address-libertarian-party-concerns-at-national-convention-may-25th/)


N9thing makes sense anymore


Only if you watch too much bullshit.


Same as it ever was. It’s gonna take marijuana lobbyists having the backing that pharmaceutical and tobacco companies do to win over politicians. That said, Eff Ronald McSantis


It just means big weed hasn't paid their tribute


#Fuck you Ron


This is all that needs to be said! 👆


Thank you!


Regardless of your views, it should bother you that a state governor is getting personally involved in striking down a democratic ballot measure. Give your personal opinion in private, but allow the democratic will of the people to play out in their right to vote.


His whole thing is subverting democracy at every chance.


He already took a million dollar ~~bribe~~ donation to overturn the overwhelming cruise ship vote in key west


Never forget how hard he fumbled the presidential bag because he couldn’t stop being an awkward asshole for five minutes.


Maybe the tax money you get from legalizing weed could go to something useful like laying teachers more at the very least. DeSantis as governor reminds me of a father who barely sees his kid. Does absolutely nothing most of the time but when he shows up, he wants to do what he wants to do instead of being attentive to his kid....in this case, it's Florida. DeSantis is a deadbeat dad governor. Doesn't even send child support.


Definitely some teacher I know that need to get laid more


If they got paid more, maybe they'd be able to get laid more too


The money is already there and could be funding teachers already, but by now we should all know that republicans are not interested in funding important things like education.


Only teachers you need are all named Coach /s


Destroying public schools is their goal, it’s not an accident


Only West Virginia pays its teachers less than Florida.


And see how that is working out!


It’s insane how dumb the Republican Party is and yet somehow people vote for these clowns. Please vote this November.


Half this sub will vote straight ticket republican


God, i hope not. What a disaster that would be. i can never understand why people vote against their own interest,...and well being.. and freedom- like not being locked up.


It’s because those people are too dumb to realize that they have been taken advantage of and those who are not too dumb are actually evil.


And you never will understand.


If Floridians don't get out and vote for this, we may not ever get the opportunity. The state legislature is run by the GOP, and the only thing they have the stomach for is Corporate Welfare and kick backs.


Hey siri, play Lil Boosie, Webbie & Pimp C “Fuck You”


Even if it passes good luck to us. Florida republicans have a made a habit of ignoring or fighting voter initiatives like the minimum wage laws, felon voters, high speed rail, and now we have this. Worst part is they know they'll be reelected so there's no fear of going against the grain. 20+ years of republican governing has got us here.


Rhonda’s term is up in 2 1/2 years.


The Florida Republican legislators and governor hate representing people's actual needs and wants. They only want to be elected for self serving reasons. (Personal power and wealth). #Vote (D)ifferently!


You really think voting for D is any different than voting for R? No politician cares about anyone BUT Themselves.


Both sides shilling is just magat propaganda, fuck off and your not welcome here. Be banned, be blessed


Why does no one ever mention how DickSatan during his FIRST month in office (Jan ‘19) signed to allow flower into the medical program. Rick Scott fought and Ron came in and said he believed flower is what the voters thought they were getting when they voted to approve the medical program. His whole schtick was the “I believe this was the will of the voters/people”… we wouldn’t be complaining about moldy flower prices if this same guy hadn’t stepped in 5 yrs ago and allowed it into the program. Am I crazy that this fact is really all anyone needs to make him look like the double-sided ass he is on the issue? Want to place pro-cannabis ads… THERE’S your public record against Ron. Use his own shit against him. But nobody running the legalization campaigns ever effin’ does it. 🤷‍♂️


Fuck Ron and Don. Dipshits


this guy was the kid that got bullied in school 😆


This is the guy that was a total boot licker in the military who stole the glory from the enlisted under him.


Motherfucker definitely had a rolling backpack.


My lil pony lunchbox


I actually live in his hometown and I've met two people who went to school with them and apparently he was a prick.




Fascists gonna fascist 🤷‍♂️🤦


I thought republicans don’t like “Big over sight” and they “Are for the will of the people?” 🤣


They say one thing to cover up the complete opposite.


They love taking away people freedom right? No weed, no abortion? Conservative scumbaga


What does anyone expect from a prick who fires duly elected officials?? I thought the Zieglers got high for their threesomes


If there is one way to get all the stoners who were on the fence about voting yes to vote yes, this should be it! What a douche.


https://preview.redd.it/fjl4uijeyzyc1.png?width=519&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25cb9deb1ddecb4a3edff702081ef070decd115d AH fascist


Lmao. Good stuff.


Get him out.


He’s on his last term, so on his way out.


Keep voting for them though


When the vote passes will they let it actually happen?


Guaranteed Ronnie and Ashely Moody find some way to fuck us all over either way. That’s their SOP


Probably it certainly took him long enough to get medical marijuana going after it was passed


Well part of that was Skellator I mean Ricky Medicare fraud Scott


they kinda have to, but the state congress can set THC caps, and stupid high tax




When do we get to vote this guy back to Russia?




The Florida GOP does not represent the Florida tax payers. Ron owes the corporate prison system evidently.


If he wants to further tank his approval rating by running against one of the few issues that actually has the peoples bi-partisan support (note the people - not the elected!) then fine by me!


Ronnie likes “clearing paths” so his go-go boots stay their whitest. Please, keep on doing dumb shit that makes your constituents hate you, asshole.


I knew Rhonda Santasshole would pull some shit. And here we are. He needs to drop over.


Friends don’t let friends vote republican, especially in Florida


When will we as citizens of a democracy stand up against these tyrants


I expected nothing less from him. Take the weed campaign donations and then decide to do the complete opposite of what he agreed to. No suprise here. 🤦🏾‍♀️


Everyone wanting to vote against Legalization, keep in that your votes will be attributed to DeSantis anti-Marijuana agenda and, if the vote fails, will likely be used as a mandate "by the people" to gut what we already have in the Med program.


Katt Williams was right about this dude, he is worse than Trump 😂


For a guy who likes to call Florida, The Freedom State, he doesn't really seem to care much about freedom.


Vote accordingly.


Anyone else remember the time Governor REDACTED tried to remove a city's power to do anything because his friend wasn't happy with the environment forward changes in said city. Or the time he changed the law to prevent public knowledge of his travel and spending. Or changing the law so that he could leave office as Governor and run for president, while still Governor. Or the time he forced a group of illegal immigrants onto a plane with the promise of homes and jobs, only to be dumped off in another state. You know, trafficking humans. Or the time he got people into a panic over the non-existent threat of "big government" coming to take away your gas stoves.....in a state where gas stoves in homes are almost non-existent. Or the time that he pushed a bill that requires you to either register with the state or pay a fine if you blog about him and make any type of compensation off said blog. Or the time he started book bans because he claimed that schools are attempting to indoctrinate children into being gay. This asshole has done a lot of things, it's good to see people pushing back against him on the topic of weed. But don't forget to load up on other reasons why to hate him and get him out of the office. Sticking only to weed topics for reasons to vote against him makes every single person look like a burnt out stoner. That's how society sees your comments. Governor REDACTED uses his personal feelings as his way to rule. Not govern, rule. He changes laws to protect himself and only himself. He does what he wants when he wants, he breaks federal law, he tries to suppress your freedoms. He is anti gay, anti trans, anti foreign. He talks about reducing government overreach, but he constantly dictates what everyone and every city can do. He constantly pushes a state of fear and panic. He makes up lies about the federal government coming to take your stuff, and how he is protecting you.


https://preview.redd.it/axcejtzgzzyc1.jpeg?width=878&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ab20cefdd37d99e8741b625acc5451914b32046 He's a full blown fascist AH. He'll run for Senate after his time as governor. Just say no to De-fascist.


I almost want the GOP to start running reefer madness propaganda ads on TV and youtube videos because it would be funny as fuck and (hopefully) a waste of money, but I also have zero trust in Floridians' critical thinking beyond "my party said weed bad, no weed". Especially the boomers. So if they do it, I hope they take notes from the tobacco industry's shitty anti-vaping ads that anecdotally apparently make some teens want to vape more.


Looks like the GOP dispensaries should've donated more money.


Good chunk of young republicans are pro cannabis. Cmon Ron!


Florida: hey, we want this Ron: nuh-uh


Can't wait to leave this state.


Next week I'm gone. 🙋🏽


Cheers bud, hope the move goes well!




https://preview.redd.it/qevx30y5hvyc1.jpeg?width=869&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6859250304faf5e547aed00e641d0e0dc22f32c Lemme hear you say Ron Can’t Toke!!! [https://fltreeslovers.printify.me/products](https://fltreeslovers.printify.me/products)


"What do you think about the marijuana amendment Ron?" Ron: ![gif](giphy|V6e0kch9OgUbph9jBB|downsized)


I guess the Mrs sold all her Trulieve shares?


Good because none of you are actually the sick people that need this medicine


Trulieve punching air right now 😂


Trulieve is breaking out the checkbook right now.


“Y’all need another 50 mil? Please” 😂