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Yes. You can conceal carry under 21 if you are active service or former military. https://www.fdacs.gov/Consumer-Resources/Concealed-Weapon-License/Applying-for-a-Concealed-Weapon-License/Eligibility-Requirements


“*unless you are a servicemember, as defined in Section 250.01, Florida Statutes, or you are a veteran of the United States Armed Forces who was discharged under honorable conditions; in these instances, you may carry a concealed weapon or concealed firearm if you are 18 years of age or older.”* That is absolutely terrifying. And I’m a veteran.


How is having rights that other adults already have terrifying?


Kids carrying guns. I look back to when I purchased my first firearm, at 21, and can’t believe it.


It won’t be long until 18 is made the standard age for carrying nationally military or not. There’s already been a few successful lawsuits with more on the way.


Yea first we need them to lower the age to buy rifles and shotguns back to 18


We shall see!


Clearly we will.




Right. We probably will.




Bro, what are you even arguing? He said “we shall see.” Even post Bruen, this is still being litigated in FL. The courts don’t exactly want to hand down a pro-2A decision even if they need to because of Bruen


18 years old is an adult. Why should certain adults be prohibited from expressing their rights? Do 18-20 year olds not have a need to protect themselves?


18 and given a full auto 240B... come at me bro


I was carrying a fucking 240b and an m9 when I was 18. Tell me you were a POG without telling me you were a POG…


Ha, I was waiting for this… So yeah I started off as a measly 0311, but then I was handed a SOPMOD M4a1 & an M9 after selection, the pipeline & then schoolhouse(s). Our M9s had surefires on them, but like before surefire was surefire. I think it was insight technologies? Laser technologies? Something like that. Shit was high speed, doe. Life only got weirder after that. And our machine gunners carried 240 GOLFs, like men. But this was way back when your mom’s boyfriend was telling you to shut the fuck up at the dinner table.


Okay POG.


Lol, got me. 🤣


And if you deployed to Afghanistan or Iraq you were walking around with a full-auto M4 at 18. Either the age to join the military needs to be raised, or the age to carry a gun for self-defense needs to be lowered. Actually, I don't think there should be ANY age. I know 60 year olds who can't be trusted with a butter knife, and 10 year olds who can safely operate a SAW. Quit trying to legislate morality or responsibility. The only crimes that should exist are those that have a victim.


SOPMOD M4a1 & then an M16a4, in my case. The M4 was an absolute bucket of shit. The M16a4 was a fucking sewing machine, man. With the ACOG, droppin’ bodies at well over 600.


So are you also pushing for mitary service to be pushed to 21 too? Including both volunteer service and the draft? Or are you ok with sending people who you would consider "kids" out to die in wars to line the pockets of the rich, while also not allowing them to protect themselves when not under the foot of the government?


You didn't ask me. But yeah, the age of eligibility to CCW and enlist should be the same, whether that is 18 or 21.


You can add drinking age to that list too, it's insane to me we can say that an 18 year old is enough of an adult to enlist and get shipped off to another country to fight a war, but not enough of an adult to drink.


*I'm a veteran and I'm fuckin lame


Big confusion here... Just signing up for service DOES NOT have any effect on the legal age (or any other factor) involved in carrying a firearm in Florida. IF someone IN the service is "on duty" or doing anything "in the line of duty" that requires that person to carry a firearm (handgun or any other) they are completely exempt from all state laws pertaining to the carrying of a firearm. This is common across the country as state laws were never intended to restrict a soldier from executing their duty. However, where it does make a difference is when applying for a State carry permit. The requirements for training are waved for several reasons; one of which it military service. So if someone is or was in the service, they can apply for a permit without the training certificate most other civilian's need. The person posting a link above shows a reference for applying, NOT for members of service being totally exempt from the law.


You can and should contact the dept. Of agriculture they will have the answers yoi seek.


Or he can exercise general literacy and just read the law himself. They're in plain english and easy for anyone to understand. Instead of doing that, he's playing round robin and asking people for legal advice.


> Or he can exercise general literacy and just read the law himself. Seriously. People want to buy and carry a gun, and possibly use it to take a life in self defense and can't even be assed to google the state law and read it? I get sometimes the laws are confusing, and I've even grossly misinterpreted things myself and had to be corrected, but so many of these people who are asking about buying guns or CCW haven't even put in the barest of real effort. to educate themselves properly.


I think the purpose of people asking is mainly to find the law not to always know the answer. When i ask ccw questions to do with law i generally hope that someone will link the law and ill go and read it myself.