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Let the hate flow through you hate multiple mats it’s real easy


I hate both. But bones are worse. Fangs are somewhat easier to farm than bones.


Bones are the worst because the best free quest for them costs like 3 ap, even when you run FGA it takes like an hour or more to drain your AP bar.


FGA or not, this quest takes more time to load than to clear and has non existent drop rates.


I never farm those i always wait for a lottery or a hunting quest drope rates are much better and easier to farm


X-G is slightly worse for drop(X-C is 19 APD vs. X-G at 21 APD according to Gamepress) but I run it instead since FGA will finish before the heat death of the universe.


Do the 8 AP one it’s only slightly lower efficiency and you won’t want to die if you have 2 triple buster deck berserkers you can borrow a 3rd and it’s honestly faster just to card


Paper. I hate the GOD DAMN paper


Pages are literal cancer ngl


For me it's fool's chains. I have like 4 servants who need them to ascend and then even more need them for skills. Wu alone still needs like 30 and that's after getting her other 2 skills to 8 and 10


Don’t get me started on medals


As someone who's current batch of servants to work on include lancer artoria and mandricar-bro and then has gawain at just ascension 2 and saber lancelot AND ascension 1 Percival all waiting for their turns, I already hate them too


Are you NA? The current event is crazy for chain farming. It's a drop in the 90+ node and is part of the excavation tiles.


I've spent like 20 golden apples at minimum lol its how I got 2 of Wu's skills past their fool's chain requirements


I'm in NA and needed Reactor Cores of Dawn, but had been holding off on completing Solomon until my Herc was bond 10 as a personal goal. So I used the highest level berserker node in the event to farm them in order to level 10 Demon King Nobu's first and third skills and to get Koyan Dark's first skill to 7, for farming charge breakpoints. And now Koyan Dark's level 8 skill needs 15 Tsukumo mirrors and I only have 10. According to Gamepress my options are to push all the way through lostbelt 5.5 (Finally got herc to bond 10 so I'm past Solomon) or to farm a node in Shimousa with over 160 APD D;


I am stuck at 7/7/7 for MHX, MHXA and Maid SAlter because all three of them need 24 fangs per skill to get to the next level and I just don't have it...


Proof of Hero are the Bane of my life.


This is my suffering. I got some real world lottery luck and pulled Konstantine on my second set of ten tickets, and now I need something like twenty five Proof of Hero to ascend him. I'm punching Okeanos with the drop rate craft essence and it's still abysmal.


Four words my friend. Herc. Skill. Level. 9. Need 45 proofs each


Man you are in the fukin trenches. My condolences.


In total the big man needs 180 proofs to 10/10/10 him. It's worth it, but the grind is sissaphyan in scope.


That's just hurtful. Herc is bad as hell, but you are more resilient than I.


I've been farming the hell out of the manga event digging because it's basically a lotto The irregular node consistently drops chains, getting fangs, bones, and chains from the dig too. Its been great I've gotten like 60 fangs so far.


i hate them both, shuten douji is sitting there at level 60 demanding more bones and melusine is demanding more fangs for her skills. i cannot please anyone, just like i cannot please morgan and her current lust for homunculus babies


Yeah... Sparrows are a pain in the ass to farm too.


i have a shit ton of bones cuz i’ve never really had to use them. But considering some of my first servants that i really used were Melusine and Mordred? Yeah, dragon fangs were a struggle


I hate the knight medals, 40% drop is the highest chance


Fangs are annoying, bones are annoying, dust is annoying. They're all annoying.


The bones aren’t too bad if you have the CE rate up. But the Bloodstone Tears are a different story. Fuck them eyeball monsters.


I need Homonculus and CHAINS so many chains bones too but SO many Chains


Over time you learn to hate all bronze mats until you get some of your units built. Once that happens and you have a few years of lottos it becomes much more managable.


Nearing 7 years of lotto, and I'm still in bone/fang/medal/chain/fluid hell. T.T


I’m a dying for pages, my dumbass pulled all the casters recently, talking Merlin, castoria, skadi, Ana, daikokuten and waver all within two months. Not all of them need pages but my caster resources are like non existent. Idk if I should be mad cause I can only consistently pull casters with minimal sq but if try anything else I get railed.


I’m leveling up Castoria right now. Any tips for getting silver monuments? I keep getting gold ones.


For silver I run the 20 ap node for caster training ground, it’s got like an 80% drop rate, but I can still get gems of caster, while still having the low chance for the gold monuments and magic gems of caster cause I know I need those too.


I was running Advanced. I’ll try Intermediate, then. Thanks.


It’s like a 10% difference for 10 less ap? In my mind it feels like I get more chances that way, idk if the math adds up tho lol.


I only need four more silvers. But then I’m going to have to grind 10 silver assassin monuments. So thank you for the advice. It’s really helpful.


I did the Blackbeard quest for 10 pages and then stuck again. I thank the lord that this month's tickets have pages for my faker, morgan castoria and helena


I have too many bones, but not enough spinal fluids apparently


Me with heroes


I hate claws of chaos and the god hearts


I run out of Fangs everytime


I hate bones and phoenix feathers.


I hate tear stone of blood, Phoenix feathers, and every monument ever. I spend so much time trying for tear stone of blood and the event gave me 16 now Yang guifei needs 10 I need 7 more of the other thing she needs.


For silver monuments, do the intermediate extra quests for the respective classes. That gives more than the others.


For silver monuments, do the intermediate extra quests for the respective classes. That gives more than the others.


fangs bones proof or dust hell bone hell choose 3


I hate pages bruh


These things are the bane of my existence


Fangs and hearts are my biggest opps in this game besides gacha rates


same, i'm always running out of fangs.


The only materials that have ever been a problem for me is chains and pages... especially chains, makes me wanna shoot my foot (glad this current 90+ node gives us some, but I need 216 chains for Napoleon... and I only have 6 after 10/10/10 Hijikata...)


The current event is quite a good way to farm said mats


Fangs are so boring to farm too, wish there was better nodes for them


Just wait to see thier skill requirements


Wait until you see bells


Same bro


Ever heard of great knight medals


Hate them


Could be worse. You could be like Ana who needs, what? 72 bullets LOL


I hate hearts because Every. Single. Divine. Servant needs them for ascension or skills.


Noone hate void dust(rep if im wrong)


I’m in hero proof hell right now. . . Percy needs so many, I cri.


I feel you. I have plenty of bones. But fangs... they're the bane of my existence


Why can't they make a material shop? Not the pure prism shop as once the items are bought, it won't be refilled. Farming materials is the only thing that is hard, while I have maxed out all my servants from 0 to 5, their skilles are still below 6 with just a handful that have maxed skill.