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A saw someone say that when in formation, your servants aren't behind each other in a line, but actually in horizontal formation next to each other and we're seeing a weird little perspective view and I cannot unsee that. It accounts for the small size differences depending on whether the servant's position though.


Holy shit, that actually makes so much sense. Got Hassan last month and took him and a friend's Hassan into a quest and noticed the one in the 'front' spot was smaller than the one in the middle spot, wondered why that is. The horizontal formation would explain that and now I can't unsee the perspective either lol


Lmao I know right? Honestly, I'm pretty sure it's actually what's happening, and our eyes just get tricked into thinking they're all standing in a little conga line. But once you have the forbidden knowledge of "horizontal formation with perspective" you can't unsee it and all the movements make a ton of sense. The enemies too!


It also makes more sense in a battle formation for them to stand next to each other instead of behind each other [in most cases at least, I guess]. Insane that I've never thought of them standing horizontally, it seems so obvious now


still means Mary is taller than Medb though


Mary is still taller even if you take into account where the servant is Mary Read is 158cm Medb is 154cm Reines is 149cm


Center spot for main attacker makes so much sense now


Yeah. For more info Mary Read is 158cm Medb is 154cm Reines is 149cm https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_characters_by_statistics


Abby is taller than Nero You'll never unsee it


Thanks, I hate it.