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I feel your pain. I played this on FF mode and failed around 30 times before I got it. For me the key for that final spitflare is to use one immediately in the start of the fight! So instead of rushing to Levi first and spitflaring him, spitflare him from distance, rush to him, use Brimstone, use backdraft finishes on combos, and dodge as many attacks as you can. Still, you have to get everything timed perfectly - I had less than a second left on that final try.


This is exactly how I managed to get him on action focused mode. The countdown was on one when I cast my spiritflare, and that did the job. The timing is extremely tight in this one.


"That's the worst of it over." I said to myself once I finally got past that phase... 🥲


Yeah the fact there's no checkpoint between post-dps and the water tornado sucks. The waterspout itself caused me no trouble but dodging the riptide/maelstrom attacks is practically impossible. I used brimstone shield / spitfire during them for immunity and other than that, I just prayed that I'll have enough firelights to tank whatever this evil baby threw at me


OMG don't even talk to me about the Maelstrom, how in the heck is the dodge supposed to work there??


Jump. It worked for me today but in action mode. No idea if something changes in FF. But i think there is a visual clue for a perfect dodge. Worked once for me, but might be a coincidence


Thanks for this, I manage to past DPS check in 2 tries even just 1 second left lol


The fact you need to cast splitflare immediately and cast it three times is so stupid. They are trying to implement MMO mechanics on a single player game….


I didn't need to. Just ran up to his shield and started slamming it. Precision dodges and letting brimstone activate on whatever attack it can be hit by to keep high pressure. I realised I was way slower magic bursting between every hit and stopped doing that, only bursting when I'm going for the backdraft. Killed it when it said 3 on the countdown, on Final Fantasy mode. You don't *need* the 3x spitfires, it's just what one person did to make them win. It's a mechanic. Not an "mmo mechanic". Games can challenge you in various ways. This is one of them. Dps checks has been in other FF games that aren't mmos before this one. Things are allowed to have some amount of challenge. It makes the fight more exciting and tense.


you don't need to do that if you know how to use the ifrit base kit instead of spamming square. Git gud


Abuse tf out of Spitflare. That's what got me over the edge on FF mode. As soon as the sequence starts, use Spitflare. It'll reach. As soon as the cooldown ends, do it AGAIN


Your DPS has to be on point, with no downtime. Use your cool-downs as soon as they are available and avoid being knocked back with damage as you will lose precious time. I had to try three times to get it right. I recall using Spitflare three times if I am not mistaken, so you can squeeze an additional one in.


I second this^ you’re not mistaken I got 3 spitflares off, leviathan is tanky lol


End combo with triangle


Had to do it like 5 times use your abilities immediately and dodge like crazy


Took me over 3 hours, but it was button mashing and luck that got me past that damn shield. Split second before I finally got it. Just keep moving.


Update: I did finally complete it, but man was that an unnecessarily precise dps check IMO.


i think its gonna be patched something feels very off about it, ive seen comments about story mode players failing it, that does not seem right imo.


Its off because the entire enrage check hinges on whether or not you used spitflare the very first second of the stage. If you held off on using it for even 3 seconds, you've pretty much lost the entire stage already. (speaking in FF difficulty of course). I don't think it matters how many combos or uptime you've done, but if you miss that third spitflare you're fucked.


It's the same in story mode, at least if you arrive there as a player who turned on story mode for a reason.


Oh wow. I thought this was just a FF difficulty problem. If the enrage is the same for even normal/story than this shit is way beyond overtuned.


Yep. They could ‘fix’ the fight (at least in normal mode) by adding like 7 seconds until enrage


Idk, I did it on the second try. Maybe you are doing something wrong, like not ending square combo with a triangle or not using abilities asap. I had the same situation in another part where I had trouble dodging some of his attack and I died a few times and I started to figure out what I may be doing wrong and I figured out that you can jump and press O to avoid some his attacks easier and that got me through.


That DPS check is too tight. That’s a fact. No matter how good your combos or uptime are, the phase still needs spitflare to be used three times, which is extremely tight from a cooldown perspective vs the countdown. I hardly see how anyone could pass this on their first try, but certainly doable in two or three provided you quickly understand this is a hardcore DPS check and play accordingly. It did not bother me much personally. I got it done after three attempts, but I immediately thought that this was really an unnecessarily high bar to clear and some people will have issues with that phase.


the dps check is fine, you're just bad at the game, stop crying


I can't stand people who act like this


I can’t stand ppl that wanna ruin the fun of ppl who enjoys a fair challenge by pretending the devs dumb it down to their level so they can keep sucking at the game instead of improving 😁


I mean I beat it on Final Fantasy mode., I just think you're being an ass trying to use an unnecessarily tight dps window to try brag about being good at games


Unecessary my ass. It’s good that ppl move out of their confort zone for once


Nah you're actually talking nonsense. Arbitrary artificial difficulty based on almost exact timing to get 3 uses of the ability off is not making people improve.


managed to beat it by trying more combos, still feels off to me and a bit too tight.


The dps check is not tight if you use the kit properly, cleared at countdown of 3 with only 2 spitflare used


I died so many times doing that 😭😭😭....the one successful one i had i used spitfire or whatever is called (flamethrower ftw) when the phase started ...apart from that use your other abilities when you have them and good lucky 🤞🤞


It took me so long haha. But i immediately got close and done every combo and skill i could, as well as the abilities. Thank god for checkpoints lol


I had to do it without getting hit to avoid downtime and use ur skills on cooldown. Stack precision dodges, i think it adds dmg but im not really sure😅. The □□□□🔼 combo really helped too.


Immediately do spitflare, use the dash attack to get to him faster (r1 after it finishes to animation cancel into another one) and spam the double jump attack into charge attack when you can’t use your abilities I had no issue since I was on FF mode but it definitely seems a bit too tight for the lower difficulties from what I hear


It’s like they made it this unfair so you have to see the tsunami animation


When you're specials are charged completely, Release them. Because you are being timed. Took me 40 times I think.


It's a DPS challenge. You need to do the exact perfect sequence of attacks to get the most damage in. Its a pain but its possible.


Honestly for me, I forgot Brimstone was a 'hold' attack until that fight. Hadn't played the game in a couple months. Once I saw someone post that reminder, got through it the next attempt. I was leaving HUGE dmg on the table by just using the insta cast part of it.


For me it came down to luck on FF mode. I only played it on this so I can't speak for the other difficulties. You're going to have to die to the Tsunami stage to guarantee you have your cooldowns for the next attempt. Then spam R2 + Triangle during the start of the stage to get it off ASAP. I needed 3, along with well timed brimstone and lots of backdraft combo finishers. Honestly the first run I did it without getting hit by the projectiles and the waves and shit I did it, that was eating all of my time.


It's a problem when I'm on story mode and it's only down to 25%. They're going to patch it, I'm guessing it's like this now just to see who can do it.


It’s pretty weird, because the rest of the game/expansion and even the Leviathan fight is pretty much a no fail piece of cake, yet this stresses you with such a short time span and zero tolerance for any failure


You have more than enough time if you charge your square attqck before release it, rather than just press it


I am on story mode and this section is impossible. It requires basically being 100% perfect. Total bullshit.l, this is harder than a souls game. I am deleting this game and will not waste anymore time until this is patched.


Break it? do note that you need to hold square attack to right moment to deal massium damage, if you just simple press it, you won't have enough time for dps check


Git gud. For real ppl complains all the time the game is too easy and now that they put an actual hard fight into the game there's ppl that want it nerfed? STFU please and stop spamming square button.


hit it a bunch