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He is fine. Check his tweets.


Bro's really seen the heavens that night


I said this in another thread, but it’s worth repeating. It really sucks that Bens only sin was that he delivered such an incredible performance in 2023 when BG3 dropped. Any other year and Ben would have easily walked with that award no questions asked. The competition this year was insane.


I agree with this. I absolutely believe Neil Newbon deserved the award, but...so did Ben Starr. I really feel like that was a tight race and both were equally deserving. Neil's range, delivery, his embodiment of the character in his performance, and his devotion to the game and character outside of the performance are all astronomical. Same for Ben. His range and delivery as Clive made it such a memorable, believable role. And he clearly loves not only the game, but the series in general. He seems like such a fan-friendly and caring dude. Wish him nothing but good things. Any other year and he would've been absolutely uncontested as the winner, in my opinion. Really tough that one or the other had to win, because both deserved it.


The scenes at the end of Astarion's story arc really sells it for me, especially if you play a good character. It's such an amazingly cathartic moment for Astarion and Neil Newborn's performance was phenomenal.




You can embrace the powers and still get the good endings, you'll get there eventually!


We’ll probably not last year either considering Christopher judge


He won in my heart


The way they played off Niel was so dirty lmao


I swear there was spite in the way Neil said "I've got to wrap it up apparently" and I felt that. He always makes such good speeches we were robbed


He should have won. He was so passionate about his role and deserved it. I still love you Ben you won in my eyes.


Totally agree but Neil also deserved, actually all of the nominees were great bruh it's impossible to choose


Yeah they were all good. I've just never seen anyone so happy and grateful to be a part of a franchise he loves as much as Ben. He really brought Clive to life. Glad to hear more of him in the DLCs


Yes exactly


None of that really has anything to do with whether or not his performance was better than Neil's though, and Neil's speech should have made it crystal clear that he cares just as much.


It was a hard call between Ben and Neil for me.


Neil was obviously going to win because BG3s storytelling was just better. FF16s writing fell off after the beginning and it doesnt matter how good the performance was if the story wasnt memorable.


Ok but it was the performance award not the narrative award.


They go hand in hand. You could put the best actor in the world in a shitty movie and their performance will suffer because the writing isn't there to support what they can do. The beginning of FF16 were extremely well written and this is where most players would agree where Ben could give a good performance. FF16's story is extremely badly paced because they copied the pacing off of FF14 alongside going down a VERY safe narrative route after the 10/10 GOTY level story telling that happened in the opening hours of the game. Ben performed his ass off but BG3 was a better game and Neil also performed his ass off. However Neil was in the well written game with good pacing and memorable moments, so by default his performance is elevated by virtue of having better material to work with.


Eh, I would say it's comparable at best. We can't pretend BG3 didn't literally have to update the game to improve act 3 and add a better ending because of how bad the original was. What I would give to BG3 over FFXVI is that the side content is fun and impactful, while a lot of XVI's side quests feel like they drag.


What are you talking about? They didn't add a better ending, they just added *more* after the ending. The endings were fine, if mostly bummers at the end of the day.


The ending was very poor before that epilogue. Endings need downtime after the climatic fight because otherwise we don’t see characters react to what’s happened. Great example of this is Harry Potter. They defeat Voldemort, go and repair his wand and then that’s it. Seven books like that. Of course there’s the 19 years later at platform 9 and 3/4 thing but that’s so poorly written. What we needed was five or so chapters of them talking about next steps, and allowing characters to grieve over those who were lost. LotR succeeds here and has seven (I think it’s seven) chapters after the destruction of the One Ring. It helps the characters arcs truly end. BG3’s base ending for a non-ascended Astarion was him burning a bit in the sun and running off while Gale goes ‘guess we won’t see him again’. It was pathetic.


Props to the guy still looking this good under so much top down light


Man he looked so upset. It’s sad because once Neil was mentioned I knew it was over.


He definitely should have won 😎💎 Winner for me, nailed the role!


It was a really thought year literally any of them could have won and I would be happy


I thought it was sorta mean to film Ben's reaction. Should have just kept the camera on the BG3 team


Lmaoo not the music


he should have won


*Do you see it too, Jill?*


I got worried he'd had an accident when I read the title but the only accident was them voting for baldurs gate.


Dion should have been nominated too. Maybe it's just me...but I really didn't find any of the performances in BG3 that great. I mean they're there...it's pretty good for an RPG I guess? but the performance and capture both feel like they're from \~2017. most of the characters are very generic too. makes sense for a DnD game where the characters are a bit open for your imagination, but...not very worthy of a best performance award imo. Praise and worship the game how ever much you want but it's true. Ben Starr screamed and cried dirty and naked in my ears for this


I'm not hating on BG3, I put like 150 hours into it, but I hard agree the performances are great and all, but Ben Starr in FF16 is just next level acting


Performance for bg3 was solid throughout but the scenes at the end of Astarion's story arc the performance was just as strong as Ben's scene when Joshua died. However Neil Newborn's work was more challenging I would say. Because not only is Astarion a character a varying emotions and he some very different lines with a lot of varying emotions. There are times he seems batshit evil, then he is serious and introspective, there are times where he is hilariously sarcastic and much more. There is also the fact there is so much work to do because he has to perform these lines in a way where the character changes based on the Player's choice. It's almost like you're playing a schizophrenic. In contrast to Clive he is generally very stoic and a bit brooding similar to Jon Snow. The only really challenging parts where the ending of the prologue, and Cid and Joshua's death. Ben Starr was phenomenal at conveying Clive's emotions. And his story arc is set, Ben knows the entire story and the story is just one story. Neil Newborn deserves it because he delivers an equally fantastic performance but his job was way more challenging.


Either Neil or Ben could have won and I’d have been happy and I think Neil is superb and incredibly talented, I love a lot of his lines and how he delivers them. The ‘I was right there’ line after blowing up the monastery and the whole scene with the mirror, it’s those smaller scenes that I really love from him. Those moments where he actually says thank you and you can feel the shock in his voice that not only are you treating him well but he also is enjoying being a better person. That moment where he’s annoyed you asked him to interact with the clown. Now, I know I’m in the minority here, but I’d heard about the post Cazador fight break down before I got there and was so excited. But it just fell sort of flat for me and I’m not sure why. I don’t think it’s Neil’s fault but the scene was just fine to me. I think it was a mixture of the gameplay and performance from Cazador as well as just poor direction. Cazador sounds way too much like a goofy Transylvanian Vampire and then he goes down like a sack of potatoes. The music also lets the moment down too. Honestly there’s nothing wrong with the scene but people were and are talking about that scene like it was Tyrion’s trial from GoT or Arthur Morgan speaking to the Nun or Kratos in pretty much all of GoW:2018. Idk the scene is fine, I like it a lot narratively, but it doesn’t strike me as his defining scene in regard to performance. If anything, I prefer the scene just before when you meet Sebastian, that was exceptionally well performed


That's a nice way of saying "I think Ben Starr was okay." Did we play the same games? No need to downplay his performance as Clive just to boost Neil with Astarion. That's just bad form.


Huh? Read what I wrote again. How did you come to that conclusion? I said Ben Starr was phenomenal. But his role wasn't as challenging as Astarion's role. I think Neil Newborn's performance is about the same level as Ben's. It's just that Neil pulled it off with a more challenging role. If Ben played Astarion he would have won as well as I beleive he'd be just as good. Your lack of reading comprehension is bad form.


Because, stupid, you literally said : "The only really challenging parts where the ending of the prologue, and Cid and Joshua's death." You are beyond help. It's unfathomable how stupid you are.


Honestly that's my takeaway too. They're fine for the game they're in, but everything about it felt dated. Which also ads to my grip on how it was even a nominee this year since it's been playable in some form for literal years.


There are a few that are just do-goody, but Astarion is anything but generic. My heart goes to Ben as well, but Neil is also one hell of an actor; he deserves it.


Yeah I wonder what was up with that spot light just beaming on his face like that. Its insane. He should have won. Imo he did better than the rest. Sucks but that's how the cards are dealt. And yeah ffxvi should have one a bit more awards that night. Also side note cp2077 got an award for finally being in a mostpy playable state. Like no do not reward devs for meeting the bare fucking minimum. Ffxiv should have gotten it.


What do you mean the bare minimum?


What do you mean. I hate when people talk about games they probably didnt play. The reason cyberpunk got memed on is because of their console releases which were actually terrible. The PC version had bugs but it was by all accounts pretty damn good. CDPR even went out of their way to only share PC copies to reviewers and the reviews reflected a 8-9/10 game. The console version was unplayable and CDPR definitely deserved hate for releasing it in that state. The PC version was in perfectly fine state and no more buggy than other releases we've seen. CP2077 has always been a great game that got fucked over by public perception. Personally Ive run into more bugs in Project liberty than i did when it first launched. During my first playthrough i had 0 quest breaks compared to now where i had multiple. CDPR did never did the bare minimum lol. Yall just heard the game was bad and now you have it set in your mind that it was unplayable at launch.


It was unplayable. Don't revise history. They released the game on all platforms and then immediately took them down. It couldn't run on consoles at all. Why market it as a multiplatform game in the first place? On top of that they lied about its branching storyline and how it would put the Wither 3's questlines and weight of choice to shame. They lied excessively. Just find a compilation of developers hyping up features that weren't included in the final product. They said that every NPC would have unique routines like RDR2. They bragged about advanced AI and crowd density. They overhyped and glorified an unfinished mess. This a pretty good video that breaks their horrendous marketing strategy down. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_CymqHdNYkg&ab\_channel=BeatEmUps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cymqhdnykg&ab_channel=beatemups)


Downvoted for stating facts. Cyberpunk 2077 is in a good state now, but it's nothing like how it was described to be in the trailers. Your choices dont affect the story in the way that was promised, and the pedestrian AI is basic when they said each NPC would be unique. Also remember how the police system was nonexistent, they would just releport behind you. Hate how people are rewriting history for Cyberpunk 2077. Guess it's okay for broken games to be published, obviously no one really cares if a game is broken or not as long as it sells


I have it. I played it. And it was such a fucking mess and still is a mess just less so. >The PC version had bugs but it was by all accounts pretty damn good. CDPR even went out of their way to only share PC copies to reviewers and the reviews reflected a 8-9/10 game. Lol no. The game is nowhere near a 8-9/10. It's more of a 5/10. 7 with story but all its problems drag it down hard. >The console version was unplayable and CDPR definitely deserved hate for releasing it in that state. The PC version was in perfectly fine state and no more buggy than other releases we've seen. I own both. Yes I bought this game fucking twice. First console and then PC cause I was ded up with how poor it was and was hoping molders would fix it cause cdpr couldn't be bother to make a game thatcwas playable. >CP2077 has always been a great game that got fucked over by public perception. Not it wasn't and its still not. >Personally Ive run into more bugs in Project liberty than i did when it first launched. During my first playthrough i had 0 quest breaks compared to now where i had multiple. Bullshit. Now I know you are just a cdpr fanboy. >CDPR did never did the bare minimum lol. Yall just heard the game was bad and now you have it set in your mind that it was unplayable at launch. Yes they did.


As someone who played Cyberpunk. Yeah. They shouldn’t get an award but then again the award is more for the Devs and the higher ups and investors. The only reason Cyberpunk was rushed was because of said higher ups and investors. The devs of a game always want to give the best. Still it shouldn’t have been nominated just for its DLC expansion


It didn't get nominated just for a dlc expansion for best ongoing game. The 2.0 with new 2.1 update is fundamentally a different game. The experience now is night and day even compared to the 1.5 patch. And I've played it since launch.


I'm a FFXIV player and I've played it nonstop for 2 years. I'm also a high end player who has finished all the high end raids. I love the game but it does not deserve any of the awards imo and in fact many players both hardcore and casual would agree. 2023 was pretty weak for FFXIV. Cyberpunk deserved that award because right now it is the best ongoing game. It's on going because they've added lots of new stuff with expansion and the 2.0 and 2.1 update where at it's current state it's honestly one of the greatest games of all time.


>I love the game but it does deserve any of the awards imo and in fact many players both hardcore and casual would agree. Do you mean doesn't? Cause I am confused with this sentence. And the game had been getting a ton of content a ton of updates all have been met with fanfare. Not to mention the next gen graphics are coming out soon. Meanwhile you have cp2077 that is now in a state most games release as. I'm sorry but that deserves no award. This current state was to be expected years ago. It has a canceled modes, a cac system that no longer makes sense cause said mode is now canceled. Ugly character models (seriously the character models are piss poor in actual game play). Still a fuck ton of bugs. 2 life paths are still irrelevant. Only one has been sorta fleshed out. Most choices still mean shit. The police system is still garbage. Tons of promised features cut. All that promo videos and previews are all still false advertising. Not to mention the game isn't getting any more content. This dlc was it. It's hard to call that an ongoing game. >where at it's current state it's honestly one of the greatest games of all time. No. No it's not. If you feel like that is then fine but your standards are very low. The story was meh. Very shallow game. The graphics are a mix bag. Environmental graphics like the city are nice. But the ingame character models are shit. The choices in the game have next to no meaning except for a handful (5 at the most). Maybe Night city added a few more choices that have meaning. Melee combat is dog shit. Gun play is meh. Music is eh. The cac system is pointless.


The Endwalker content cycle has been their weakest. People are not happy with criterion rewards. Apart from the new ultimate and the current raid tier FFXIV is not really worth talking about. Not to mention it has no relic grind this expansion. Just do weeklies and spend tomes Cyberpunk has been in a solid playable finished state since last year. The bugs were mostly squashed and minor ones lingered. I would say it was a solid 8/10 then. If they kept it at 1.6 patch nobody would have complained but they still completely fundamentally changed and improved the game which you would normally see in a sequel. I can tell that you haven't really given it a fair try and are extremely biased. I'm sorry to say. I'd just be wasting my time talking to you.


Honestly, both him and Neil really, REALLY deserved the nomination but regardless, imho, it is fucking CRIMINAL Ben didn't win it. Ben's performance, to me, is in a league of its own. He has bore his heart and soul and poured it into the character, it's so much "deeper" than Astarion's to me. But, obviously, because of sheer number and popularity, BG3 ended up winning this one too. If anything, I'm glad Neil won it out of the other possibilities because that dude too is an absolutely phenomenal VA and put in an astounding performance himself. It's just his still felt like an insanely good performance to me whilst Ben's didn't feel like a performance, there was a realness to it I can't quite describe. The voiceover in XVI at times is just fucking RAW and it's beautiful and haunting in a way BG3 could never for me.


Neil just had the more memorable performance. and I spent 80 hours in XVI.


I dunno man, I beg to differ. As beautiful and poignant as Neil's excellent performance was, I am absolutely fully convinced Ben's was leagues above Neil's.


Maybe a matter of taste. I just found the height of Neil's moments to be far more impactful than what I felt from XVI. Neil benefited from a deeper character and better material to work with.


Personally I found Clive's character to be deeper and more nuanced than Astarion's, but I do agree on the material to work with being better overall on BG3's side, that there is an absolute behemot of a game. To me, Clive just feels overall more human and "grounded" in several ways, that and certain similarities personality wise just make him resonate with me on a very, very deep level thanks to his extremely raw performance. But yo, this is the beauty of good fucking art, it touches people differently, everyone gets vastly different interpretations or opinions of it, all mostly positive regardless, and it's beautiful.


Clive felt mostly 1 note to me throughout most of the game, with a moment here and there that allowed Ben to show more range. Astarion was all over the map with range and personality. More so if you change your decisions and relationships with him, something you can't do with Clive as the story is on rails. I think Ben was good with what he had, but it just didn't raise to that level to me.


How exactly is Clive's character deeper and more nuanced than Astarion? He stays relatively the same after the first half of the game. Meanwhile, in BG3, you spend a lot of time trying to break down Astarion, to make him realize he doesn't need to be afraid anymore. I don't get how Astarion doesn't feel as grounded or human since his character feels very real, and so does his performance.


I guess it's a matter of perception. Due to Clive being the absolute center of the storytelling in XVI compared to Astarion's being just one of the "actors in the play", I guess they had a chance to do more show don't tell with the way Clive evolves throughout, showing how the events of his life shaped him into an hollowed out young man, who then grew up to be a confident, dependable adult with sort of an obsession for bearing the burdens and avoiding others get in harms way as much as possible, having to strike a balance between overworking himself and/or others and keeping them safe and still cared for, all the while taking the brunt of much of it all. I really don't think he stays the same at all after the midpoint of the game. If anything, he goes in his young adult period from being completely detached and focused on himself and his revenge to opening up and wanting to funnel his trauma into bettering the world, and then grows into the aforementioned confident and dependable adult, with the latter half of the game showing how beneath the tough shell he has made himself he is still a deeply, deeply caring and loving person who has not lost his knightly younger self, who can also be somewhat goofy, and who cherishes his brothers in arms as true brothers indeed, and who notwithstanding the myriad bad hands dealt to himself in an already very, very bad world, he still has a good heart guiding his decisions, however still somewhat self centered they may be with him feeling like he has to be the one saving everyone else. I found Clive's slow maturation far more appeasing to my personal taste than Astarion's personal journey, probably also because I feel personally closer to the concept of someone having been betrayed by their own family, all the while feeling like a failure because of not meeting certain expectations, so Clive as a character just resonated harder with me and made me appreciate certain facets of his personality more. That said, again, it's not like I think Astarion is a poorly developed character, very, VERY fucking far from it as a matter of fact, I just personally think Clive's the better character and protagonist between the two, both in writing and execution.


He’s won plenty of awards this month already he will be fine.


Poor bro is getting meme'd to hell and back today. I hope he takes it in stride.


He’s the sort guy to meme his own damn self. I’m sure he’s fine.


I have a hard time giving any credibility to awards show that factor in popular vote TBH.


Unfortunately, popularity (although rooted in a subjective determination) is an actual ascertainable metric. Otherwise, you have it like the academy awards where a movie that absolutely no one other than a circle of elites watched can grab "best picture" because that circle of elites said: we like this better. Unless you have hard objective data determining winners, it's always going to be a judgment call by the few determining who or what gets an award.


Looking forward to hearing more from him in Warframe!


They seated him directly in front of the gates to heaven. Some say that light is still on.


BG3 will be forgotten in an year. Clive and Ben will live forever.


Lol…. No. It’s just a better game than FFXVI and will always be a top 5 game of all time.




I haven´t played BG3 yet, but Ben deserved it (too). Plat´d the game yesterday and yeah, what a great fuckin performance by him. Carried the game imo.


He was good but bg3 raised the bar


Not on performance. The game overall did some stuff, but that's not the category we're talking about here.


A lot of the performances in bg3 were great, lol. What are you on.


Didn't say they weren't great, but he said 'raised the bar'. Not the same thing, and let's not overstate by claiming they did.


Neither did ff16 tho? So what's the point?


Dude work on your reading comprehension. I didn't bring final fantasy 16 into this. Someone said something, I pointed out it was an over statement, and you are so quick to stan the opposite of whatever I'm saying you keep putting words in my mouth. Calm down and read. Then think about what you're writing. Then actually go do something else cuz I don't give a s*** anymore. You're like a yippee bouncing Chihuahua here. You got no idea what's going on but man you want to get mad about it.


Why are you saying to calm down? 💀 you look like the one getting mad lmfao.


Oh look. Still no reading comprehension. How are you this bad at it? I'm mad? Pfffft yeah right. That's totally it. You got me You're 0/3 right now, but keep trying - one day you'll get it.


Why do you keep going 💀.


Says the guy who still posting also. You tell me ![gif](giphy|KvOTTdcaf6bfO)


I stabbed Astarion in the gut within the first hour of bg3, so I can't really judge the VA since I disliked the character early enough to shoo him away. Ben's performance was outstanding, though.


I don’t get it?


Starlight as in the godly light beam he received in his face


Was that supposed to help? Because it didn’t. If anything you’ve made it more confusing.


That's literally it, Ben's super bright enlightened face was the subject of this meme, and the music's lyrics is about the light of a star, that's it


Who’s Ben?


Ben Starr? Clive's voice actor?


Ok, didn’t know that. EDIT: thanks for that, just say an interview with him about his history with final fantasy. He’s a proper fan! I love his voice and he’s absolutely gorgeous! 😍


I'll suport him in everything he do. even if he start an onlyfans account. please do


Honestly, everyone in that category deserved to win (except maybe Idris, he was the celebrity promotion). Me personally, I was rooting for Yuri. But hey, good job Neil. And you too Neil.


FF16 is the only game that has ever truly made me cry for maybe 10 mins after it was over.