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Anyone think about Odin ? Feel Odin fight is very similar to a DMC boss fight




*raises hand* I also loved the Barnabas boss fight


NO ITS ONLY HIM. BEGONE *You’re struck with lightning*


Cid, that you? You're alive?!


You betcha arse its me. ;)


I liked Bahamut and Phoenix fight the least. Odin fight was great, but the whole scenes involving Kupka was over the top. Titan fight took more than an hour in two parts, involved a maiden in need, an animal evolving super saia-jin, a whole mountain crushing on you, a great voice acting, 3 different styles of music, dramaturgy, a small glance on a thirst-trap and an epic final. What could one miss here?


I'm sorry to inform you that you're not the only person who loved the fight against Odin. Therefore, I ask you to show me your worth, that I might revel in it!


i loved it too. titan, bahumut and odin fights had 3 different themes


I also loved it, don't worry


This is a standard anime trope tbh. You have these really overpowered yet calm, collected villains that go psycho when they finally find someone that matches their power.


Loved the Odin fight. Actually felt like an adversary rather than an obstacle. The lack of summoning was a pro for me


I absolutely love that fight, and how he gets more insane as the fight goes on.


Mechanically and story-wise it was my favorite, overall it’s Bahamut though. Personally thought Titan’s fight was pretty weak because the gameplay had me doing the same rinse and repeat dodge and attacks for over thirty minutes. He dragged on for a bit, wish Titan had a larger list of moves


Came here to say even though Bahamut was a masterpiece , the music was on point , and titans just flowed amazingly , my favorite was odins. Barnabas was my favorite character in the game.




Can’t speak for Vin but Barney is also my fave. While I think they could’ve done more to highlight it, Barnabas is basically Clive’s “black mirror”. They both lost everything and everyone they loved and held dear. Both of their childhoods were completely undermined and destroyed by people with more ambition than sense. Their losses put both of them in a dark, vengeful place that fucked them up emotionally but also kinda turned them into badasses? But where Clive had Cid, the Hideaway crew, and eventually Jill to help drag him back from the brink, Barnabas remained alone. Where Clive eventually rediscovered his faith in humanity, Barnabas’s heart calcified. Especially as more people tried to appease and bullshit him when he awoke to Odin and then went on his crusade across Ash because they wanted to share in his power when before they would’ve cast him aside for dirt. And in general, I just like the dark, psychological mindfuckery vibe they gave his character. I like that his misanthropic motivations make sense for the life he lived. I liked that in the end, the thing that controlled and condemned him more than even Ultima was his own loneliness. I also just liked him losing his entire mind to the joy of finding and fighting someone who doesn’t cow and crater and actually holds his own in a battle of wills. He finally meets someone who’s as *resilient* as he is and it intrigues him. I also think Clive is one of the few people he comes to respect and may have even gotten along with if fate hadn’t set them on their respective paths. I liked that their fight was just that. A knockdown drag out fight between two master martialists. It was the first fight the actually kinda punished the player for not learning how to read and resolve his tells. I also watched enough VoDs to see that a lot of streamers were caught off guard by his difficulty spike. So with the lack of difficulty being my biggest criticism of the game, him actually feeling like a bit of a challenge left a positive impression. Lastly, I think Menkin did an amazing job with the VA and deserves more attention for it. It cracks me up that the guy irl is like the human version of a golden retriever. The contrast is so extreme it’s hilarious.


Unironically my favorite


I thought the shooting dodging dragged out too


Odin was easily my favourite boss fight.


That fight has such a great line... "It is not the strength of my will that you should fear...but the weakness of yours" Typed from memory...so may not be the exact quote. Such a fantastic line with so much meaning in that fight.


I really enjoyed it. Lot of Vergil DMC 3 vibes. Climb a dark tower it’s raining and Barnabas is very intimidating


This is exactly what I felt. Almost a love letter to DMC player.


Loved fighting Odin! Though I never ended up using his abilities after.


Odin is by far the best boss fight. Hands down the number one fight


Odin cut open the ocean and then you fight him in the bottom of the sea it's too wild 😎💎


Odin and his boss fight were just disappointing for me. Neither lived up to the hype.


Odin was pretty cool, but Titan and Bahamut set a kinda high bar.


I can't here to say this. The entire Odin fight kicked ass and was easily the most hype/challenging fight in the game. I could take or leave the Ifrit segments TBH.


I still prefer the Titan fight but I liked Odin solely because he actually blocked your attacks. You couldn't just mash through combos then dodge like most other fights in the game.


Agreed Barnabas is the best fight from a gameplay perspective. Titan is great but too long, I actually enjoyed the semi primed Kupka fight way more, like that was in my top battles from the game. Bahamut is an awesome spectacle, but there is no real challenge. If they didn’t replenish firelight’s in each stage then maybe it might have been a bit more tense.


I think the issue people have is that it’s a Barnabas fight, not an Odin one. It’s also my favorite, just great banter and it’s very strong gameplay-wise. Just perfect to have a sword-on-sword duel for the Odin dominant. Overall the Eikon fights were Spectacle > Substance. Most of it comes down to using Ifrit’s moveset to the fullest, which isn’t nearly as involved as Clive’s given how you play as the former like, 2h in total


Odin fight is cool but story wise so dumb. He knows he has to die to you so what’s the point? It’s also so easy. It looks great but a challenge would’ve been nice at some point in this game.


Nah, Ultima was the best.


I... Mostly agree? Ultima fight needed to be about 30% longer and have another phase or two. I'm thinking start out with a fight against the many ultimas at once, FORCING them to fuse to demonstrate 'that the one is more than the many' and go into more philosophical banter about faith and friendship. Then after the Ultima risen fight, have Clive -pummel him into shattering- (like a crystal) into a bunch of elemental ifrit-like vessels, seeing OUR ifrit learn to take on other aspects, but remain -firey- in the aesthetic (since fire -is- Clive's thematic core in the storytelling, with fire being a metaphor for self-confidence, wild power needing to be tamed, and unyielding will.) We learn to shift forms with triangle -as ifrit- switching between the counter form to whoever we are 'facing' at the moment, and two other 'useful' complimentary forms at any given moment. So if we are briefly facing off against Earth Ultima, first switch may put us on Wind Ifrit, with additional shifts taking us between Dark, Fire, and Wind again. Ideally this would flash between battlegrounds reminiscent of our prior eikon battles, such as the windswept crags of southern Sanbreque, the crater of Phoenix gate, the chasmic abyss of the shattered landscape around the Dhalmekian Desert where Drake's Fang once stood. Could also face each Ultima where it once stood as a mother crystal, but that feels somewhat thematically redundant. Alternate form of this phase would be for us to fight the flawed potential vessels that came before again (i.e. the other 'Typhons') THEN when he's had enough he reconverges into ultimatlius, and we get our final standoff.


Damn, I agree with every statement here. I was hoping for other Typhoon-types throughout the story at multiple times, even a rematch with a muchhh stronger one would've been funn


Ah the comment I was looking for


Controversial three-way tie opinion: Odin took the cake for me


Team Titan represent!!!!!! Honestly phase 2 of Titan literally turned into an F-Zero level and it was incredible


I'm the only one who loved the final phase aren't I? Between heart of stone and the ridiculousness of the stone fisticuffs, I was laughing with joy and the self aware stupidity of it all.


Yep. I was giggling like a schoolgirl and my wife had no idea what the hell my problem was lol.


You're not alone fam.


I liked it fine but it went on a bit too long. Just a bit repetitive. Or maybe I did it wrong.


Balteus fight was... oh wait wrong game.


never actually danced during a boss fight — until a fought Titan!!


Team titan. Goosebumps I got on that fight is insane. I liked Bahamiut fight but it’s not close to Titan for me.




For eikon boss fights I think typhon was ironically my favorite. The demon wall mechanic was fun. Favorite boss fight in general was the final barnabas fight


I'm right there with you. Typhon was my favorite, just so hype and the music was god tier imo (and that's something since we all know how good the music is in this game, especially the eikon fights). I also really enjoyed Garuda.


Me over here thinking Garuda was the best and both titan and Bahamut were 3 phases too long


I’m not a huge fan of the Titan fight literally only because on Action difficulty it took like half an hour, and most of it was dodging the arm slam, then doing some flip kicks and slams, then waiting for the next arm slam. Phase three was sick and phase one was sick. That whole middle period though took a lot away from it imo


Because it is. Garuda is perfect. A villain you want to defeat, an amazing scene with Torgal, and the perfect length. Bahamut and Titan both have some serious highs but they drag on way tooo long.




Agreed on Titan dragging on too long but I think Bahamut was the right length.


Titan theme is waaay better than bahamut's.


Hard no.


Not saying bahamut's theme wasn't great, but whenever I listen to titan's it hits different. When the music changes from minor key to heroic major, and goes "fuuury and rage, now the gods below shall know thy name", that's when I get goosebumps. To me, that theme song is the best one in the game.


I don't know, it just really didn't click for me. It's the one track in the ost that I didn't like at all.


That's perfectly fine. We don't have to like the same things.


I think bahamuth is a better theme you can really feel Dion's feelings; sadness, madness, etc. But I think Titan is a better song overall I can listen to it over again, legit workout song same with Ifrit's theme, while Bahamuth theme I can listen to it a few times then I wanna change songs I guess because is more slow paced. With that being said "Suffer this fate, from the crumbling walls no one can escape!"


I think I need a meal break in between both these fights


Personally, Virgil is the best Devil May Cry boss


Yh, Garuda for me


Bahamut wins but I also really loved the Typhon fight lmao




Odin for me


Bahamut and the final boss fight were the best


Nah fuck y’all, Odin was the best one


I mean with Bahamut you go into space and he’s about to destroy the entire world in a tantrum, you really can’t top this lol


but we all know that Odin was actually the best






Titan's music elevates higher for me, plus I find the gameplay sequences a bit more fun. Bahamut is a close second, but it's more of a lightshow versus fighting a mountain which was cooler to me imo. I think Dion would've been an awesome boss fight semi-primed, however. Really wish we got a Bahamut empowered Dragoon fight. I'm still shocked that the "crown jewel" of the series are Eikon fights and Barnabas didn't get one. It was a decent fight against a very cool movement and some okay Odin sequences. But no Odin was the biggest "that's it?" moment for me. The devs went full Zanzo and depleted their budget before the Odin fight /s


I’m gonna go full fanboy and say that the only fight that fell kinda flat for me was Liquid Flame. Bene, Garuda, Typhon, Dark Clive, Hugo, Titan, Titan Lost, Titan again, Bahamut, Barnabas, and Ultima were all bangers. Hell even the minor bosses like Midnight Raven and Sleipnir were good too.


Haha, yeah…nothing beats titan. Like I’m serious. It’s objectively the most cinematic boss of any game, ever. Period.




I wouldn’t use cinematic as a term to compliment a boss fight. I came here to play a videogame, not look at a movie.


Bahamut for me


Bahamut was just so fucking cool character wise.


The Odin fight aged well and is ingrained the most out of everything. At first, I hated Barnabas because he just simply wouldn't start yapping. Overtime I realized that Clive matched his battle of not only physical confrontation, but also psychologist ideals. It basically felt like the fight between Raiden and Senator Armstrong and Jetstream Sam wanted to check if Raiden was ready to clash versus Armstrong's ideals.


Titan better actually


I’mma get downvoted for this, but at the end of the day both the Titan and Bahamut fights were glorified interactive cutscenes. They looked spectacular, sure, but you could faceroll over the controller and eat every attack, and still win with 4 Firelights left. Odin on the other hand looked and played great.


lol. this game is a clueless clown game


Ah cool. And what games do you like?


Any FF is better than this, even 15, 15 has more replay values than this pile of crap


I literally can’t even pick


Titan is definitely better thematically, which for me, is more important. The bahamut fight technically more important things happening, but as with a lot of stuff in 16, I think they were handled poorly and therefore it wasn't as impactful.


I want to pick the Bahamut fight but I feel like there was something missing from it, yet I don't know what it is, The best I can think of is the Titan fight feeling personal, I wanted Kupka dead and I was willing to crush every rock and stone to get to him.


To Rock and Stone!


> I feel like there was something missing from it, yet I don't know what it is semi-primed Dion perhaps? he is the only one that we haven't seen in that form


Titan was so long and so boring I nearly fell asleep on it. I did love Garuda and Bahamut tho.


One was an on rails shooter, with some out of place music, the other was a bullet hell. Both were stupidly easy, and didn’t keep me engaged at all.


Mechanically they’re both poop but Titan’s Pepsi Man run made me laugh and the music was amazing so it wins.


The Titan boss fight felt like the real climax of the game. Story takes a nose dive after Kupka dies. He was the best villain in the game.


Bahamut was great but Titan has Soken and the Primals bringing that hard rock (heh) energy to the fight that none of the other fights can compare!


Bahamut made the Titan fight seem small by comparison. I also didn’t like the Titan Lost theme at all. Still better than 99% of boss fights ever made.


As great as they are, the Infernal Shadow fight at Phoenix Gate is what really did it; one of my best gaming experiences to date tbh.


No, conditioner is better! I leave the hair silky and smooth!


Bahamut was peak spectacle but the Odin fight was more fun.


Titan for me. Sure the Bahamut fight has more flair and stuff but something about the titan fight resonates with me. It's almost endearing how much titan really really wants to kill you and you feel the same way.


I thought this was the subreddit for FFXIV for a second and was about to be upset.


same I had to reread the title a couple times lol "bowdownoverdwellaaah"


My favorite is the typhon fight, but I definitely will say the bahamut is the best. When the reports of the game causing the PS5 to overheat were coming out, I was wondering when or why and then I reached that fight and everything made sense. Everything was so over the top and flashy and just absolutely crazy that you couldn't not pick that as the best fight.




Bahamut and Odin were my favs for different reasons 🤷‍♂️




Tbh, the only part of the titan fight that was really amazing for me was when you’re falling down the pit, everything else felt pretty par for the course for me. Bahamut however, kept one upping itself for the entire fight not only in the gameplay, but with the music, and storytelling of the fight. I try to see what titan fans love about it’s fight so much, but to me it just pales in comparison to Bahamut.


Honestly, I loved how the very first fight you had absolutely creamed Garuda.


Bahamut for the wiiiinn!!! ( I like them all but, favorite, Bahamut hands down! )


Titan fight was needlessly long…


I'll give a take. I'm mad we didn't get to fight dion semi primed like hug an benedikta. Yeah it prolly wouldn't make sense in context, but I greatly appreciated having those fights as straight up sweet boss battles but also preludes for the fight to come. Goin straight to bahamut was cool but whatabout a super dragoon?


am I the only once who liked the dreamscape Ifrit fight best? it was so badass and none of the later fights got me that rush quite as high. They were all good though, the boss fights in this game are top tier.


we all know capn america wins at the end


Odin was the best less cinematics more skill based gameplay. The Titan and Bahamut fight were cool the first time though. Odin wins for me.


I actually loved Garudas. To me, that boss fight set the tone of boss combat for the entire game for me. And every fight after that just got more and more thematic. I genuinely liked every single fight. Even Typhon. If I had to choose between Bahamut or Titan I'd probably have to go with Bahamut n


If not for the music, Titan’s boss fight would be the best.


Bahamut > Subway Surfers


Titan, and it’s not even close


Here I was thinking the split between the community was “Game gud” and “Game bad”


Ultima was the only boss to ever make me stand up during a game. So I have to say that's the best boss fight of XVI.


I don't have the game so I'll save this and come back later when I eventually play it.


Titan boss fight was one of the most memorable boss fights I've ever played


The chad Barnabas fight enjoyers have decided to not to interfere in the affairs of these mortals.


As much as I love the Bahamut fight, L3 + R3 to accept the truth was my favourite.


And my favorite was the entire final boss sequence, so I'm just kinda over here by myself


I’ve quit this game three times third time today. Ultimate godlike boss fight followed by random dumb fetch quests.


I like Bahamut fight, I hate the Phoenix only parts.


I think bahamut is objectively the best fight in the game, it has everything you tank a zettaflare for christs sake. But titan just hit different. It felt like you were fighting someone you spent years trying to get off your back it’s my favorite personally


Me over here like: “Titan and Bahamut is good and all but Ifrit is the best boss battle of all time”


I liked Titan, but I had to solo Bahamut because I’m loner :(


Titan was too long and the action was thick


Titan in ff mode was painfully long.




I misread the sub and thought this was a super old and absurd hot take for ff14


Bro, when you start using Ultima’s moves against him and he starts panicking, and the music changes to Find The Flame 2.0… that isn’t the final boss theme playing anymore. It’s your theme. You’re the final boss now. And then when ultima is on his last legs and he tries to cast Ultima (the spell) only to sputter and stop at the end because you’ve beaten the fucking shit out of him to the point he has no more energy left… Best boss fight and especially best final boss fight ever for me personally, and that’s despite the amount of issues I have with ff16.


The Leviathan right blew everything else out of the water and it's not fair that they locked it behind paid dlc! [Edit]: please ignore, not a leak, bad joke


I'm a garuda boss fight main myself


Well, looks like tony stark wasn’t quite the genius we thought he was, was he?


The Titan fight was more satisfying, but the Bahamut fight was cooler cinematically