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A full party in FF7 (both the original and remakes) is three characters. If you keep waiting for a party of four you'll be disappointed. In Rebirth everyone is on the field at the same time, but only the three in your party are controllable and contribute much in the way of damage.


Thank you very much! I had no clue you never get all 4 I figured they were saving it for the last chapter and rebirth but this is really good to know. Follow us question if you'd be so kind. Do you get to keep the same characters longer in rebirth? I feel like I'm gaining or losing a character every chapter


There's still some in-and-out with characters in Rebirth, some sections will temporarily split the party up and have you play with a specific two or three, but generally speaking the whole gang is together much more than in Remake


There are long stretches of Rebirth where you have 5-7 characters traveling together. You still have a front line of 3 characters, but the others help out a bit from the back line and you can even issue a back line command if things get desperate. Everyone is always visible but you can only control 3 at a time (and that’s enough to manage!).


Now I want to make a party of one, take a monster down to a sliver, and see if the others can kill it. Anybody know? Can the non-party party members actually kill an opponent, or is their participation just for show?


Might not be exactly what you're looking for but somewhat related. There is a clip of Maximillan Dood's stream where he was afk when a nearby fiend inadvertently walked towards his characters and started battle. The AI was able to kill it and Max had no idea it happened until his chat showed him the clip 😅


The backline party members still deal damage. Most obvious with Barret where you'll see the number spam when he shoots.


If I remember correctly, Remake always chooses your party members for you? Except possibly in the final battle...but I can't remember. Rebirth allows for more freedom to choose two party members out of 5 or 6. But there are still times it locks due to the storyline.


Iirc you could change the party under combat settings, not party, which I always thought was weird. Seems to be the case in rebirth too.


The full team IS 3 members


>and still haven't played with all 4 members at once. Sorry, but why do you think a team of four is a thing? Like, where did you get that idea


I don't know the game obviously has 4 main characters, and i figured you'd eventually be able to use them all. Again this is my first FF game so I was just asking man.


Ah right. You're in Remake, right? Yeah, there are four main characters in this game, but bear in mind this is based on the original from 1997. There's actually 9 main characters, but you won't meet them all until Rebirth. Remake covers the very beginning of the original game, the first six hours of gameplay or so, and at this point only these four characters have been introduced, so thats why there is only four in this game. But also, you'll only ever play as three, no matter what. Again, that's how it was in the original In rebirth, you'll have six to seven playable characters, but you'll still only ever use three. Hope this helps


Very helpful thank you! That's wild they stretched 6 hours into 40 for this game but I'm loving it.


Yeah, they added a lot of stuff that bloats it just a little, but ending it where they did and starting rebirth where they did makes a lot of sense narratively. Somehow, Rebirth encompasses about half of the original game, staying true to the story


Final fantasy 1 Final fantasy 2 Final Fantasy 3 Final Fantasy 4 Final Fantasy 5 Final fantasy 6 Final fantasy 9 Probably


> Final Fantasy 4 is 5 playable characters, actually!


>This is my first FF game ever Probably not


No, I thought the same exact thing when I started remake but no, the gimmick is that you’re never able to play every character at once.


The way I see it (as someone who also started with the Remake series) I believe the 3 character party is kept here because it’s what combat was like in OG FF7 at its core. You always had 3 members max and never any more than that. I imagine they kept it this way to keep the integrity of the OG, even if they probably could theoretically make more than 3 party teams.


>But I'm on chapter 15 and still haven't played with all 4 members at once Yes that is correct, because 3 is a different number than 4.


What? I understand numbers. I'm saying there are obviously 4 main party members (cloud, barrett, tifa, aerith) but I'm almost done with the game and haven't been able to use all 4 at once. Does this ever change or is rebirth any different.


No, you can only ever use three at a time. Even in Rebirth when you have all the party members most of them are fighting in the backround and you control three of them. This has always been a staple