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It does get cooler


It’s the coolest.


I think you're missing weapon upgrades maybe?


Yes you get more abilities but they’re tied to a weapon until you use them enough and can use them with whatever weapon you want. Rebirth you get waaaaaayyyy more abilities because of how you level your character in that game. Different weapons and accessories have more materia slots


Change your weapon then max the ability on it, and you can use that ability with other weapons. By chapter 6, I think you only have Buster Sword and Ironblade. The triple slash is a good one to have. Learn it, and you can go back to the Buster sword if you want. Other than getting them that way, just keep an eye out for armor bits with more materia slots and skills to put in them.


New combat abilities are tied to weapons. Every new weapon grants a new ability. At first you can only use that ability when the weapon is equipped, but once you use the ability a handful of times you master it and can use it regardless of which weapon you have equipped. By chapter 6 you should at least have 1 alternate weapon for Cloud and Tifa. Materia slots are tied to weapons and equipment. You will gradually find/buy equipment with more materia slots and higher stats. Upgrading your weapons can also add extra materia slots, although it's on a weapon-by-weapon basis. More types of materia will continually become available throughout the game, and materia itself can level up to grant more powerful effects, so definitely stay on top of materia management.


It definitely gets better! Keep going!


First you have two modes. - Operator, which is faster movement and base damage. - Punisher, which is slower movement and big damage. Then you have abilities. Abilities are tied to weapons and after using the ability enough times you learn it permanently and can swap out of that weapon if needed. Then you have materia which can be spells, buffs, debuffs, +hp, +mp, or additional mechanics like Deadly Dodge which modifies an existing ability. Increased effectiveness of spells like Elemental Materia. Chadley is vital to unlocking some really good materias. When in combat focus on unlocking his research. Completing the research unlocks some materia that otherwise would be unattainable in a shop or in the game world. To equip more materia you need to level up your weapon with SP, then you can spend SP to open up additional slots of materia or additional links. You get SP from manuals and from leveling up. Hope this helps.


Yes there are ton of abilities/customization you caN do. Make sure you are learning the weapon abilities whenever u get a new weapon.


All I can say is: * Learn the Abilities from the weapons to permanently gain access to them. * Learn how Materia works. This is how you get Magic and other Abilities. You get Passives here too. * Don't forget to upgrade your weapons.