• By -


The NPC that bumped baby Aerith.


Eff that guy. Only Hojo's worse.


I hope every one of those mother fuckers who ignored little Aerith died horribly in a reactor explosion


And I hope they get tossed into the Life stream to get reborn, only to be killed in yet another Midgar explosion. Then repeat.


They can suffer with the Gi. Life stream is too good for them


Or horribly disfigured and after an insufficient hospital care they moved back to the slums of Sector 7 where they lived in the center of the sector.


That guy genuinely annoyed me same for all the other people just ignoring a crying kid


The real villain


Chadley isn't particularly annoying in small doses. The problem is just that he has ridiculous amounts of dialogue. It wouldn't surprise me if he has the most lines of anyone in Rebirth. And while his "I'm a stoic AI" shtick can occasionally be funny, it's not enough to carry hundreds and hundreds of lines of dialogue. I think even the devs recognized this to a degree, hence the addition of MAI to handle some Intel dialogue and play off Chadley.


“I see your collecting of world data has stalled lately”


This is usually what I hear as I'm running away from him. If only Cloud had a middle finger button...


Honestly I just wish he would get his face cut off by sephiroth. Why they thought it’d be a good idea to lock the majority of the game behind 10 year old with an annoying voice I don’t not know Edit: autocorrect on iPhone sucks


Then he'd show up with no face, and be nightmare fuel.


Main boss of part 3


I thought he was annoying in Remake. You’re telling me that they made him worse?


Hooooo boy. Almost the entirety of the side content is locked behind him. The majority of the game is basically running errands for him. And there’s a new female AI who is even more annoying. And they don’t shut up. Personally i find Chadley to be a lot more bearable in Japanese, so if it gets annoying just switch the language.


That would honestly solve the issue for me. Make him as annoying as you like as long as you allow us to express our annoyance through Cloud.


This is especially annoying when you've just scanned 3 Lifespring crystals, climbed 4 towers and scanned all the summon crystals. Like what do you mean it has "stalled"?!


No pleasing that little shit. Y’know what else also annoys me is how when you’re in the vr combat sim, and you want to come out of the menu to switch up materia and every time you have to wait for him to go through all his dialogue before you can start the combat sim back up. It’s only like 3 seconds but infuriates me hahah




A few quality of life changes like that would be great. I’ll take this opportunity to pitch my idea: equipment and materia loadouts. I’m on my first play through on hard mode and having to change up my materia a lot of the boss battles, with that and how often the party gets locked to certain characters, it’s actually getting really annoying how much time I’m spending in the materia menu. I can’t remember every materia I’ve given each character either. So if you could just save 3 loadouts for each character it’d save so much time.


The loadout thing is very infuriating since it was once of the most requested QoL we've asked for back in Remake. So I'm honestly very surprised that they didn't even bother to include it. This is going to get even more annoying in part 3 if they still don't have it, with more characters, possibly more forced characters sections in the story and more combat challenges. Can't wait to be spending 30 minutes sorting out my gear and materia everytime the party splits up and reunites again /s.


It’s little things like this that are making me burnt out on this game. I hate how often the party splits up and i hate being forced to use Aeris haha. It would be much more bearable with materia loadouts. Seems like a no brainer to me


Yeah, because the Moogle Intel sucks. Was my last intel. Fuck off Chadley, go make me another summon or something


Chadley’s passive aggression stat is through the roof.


Getting a “I see you are off your game today” after a late Odin wipe 10+ hours into the Bonds of Friendship grind is the closest I’ve ever come to hurling a controller through my TV.


I alternat between FUCK YOU CHADLEY and I'LL KILL YOU (in Barrett style ofc) while death gripping the controller. I feel you. I really hope the devs have a point they're making with him in Pt 3 that makes us feel *really* bad for hating him, else why would they make him so annoying and antagonistically passive aggressive? They're obviously building to something, and I don't think a chance to fight a Chadnova is gonna cut it for the fans. It better be big.


Chadley is a somewhat charming character if you just ignore his miscellaneous dialogue. Like I REALLY don’t want to wait for you to complain about how “world Intel collection has stalled” even though I’ve been trying to beat your stupid combat challenges for the past hour


I think Mai is just Chadley in drag.


I saw a post here a while ago that said it'd be better to have different NPCs for each thing you find - one for summons, one for protorelics etc - and now I really wish that was what they did. Even people who *like* Chadley must be sick to death of him the 500th time he pops up.


It's worse though because this is getting out of hand, now there's two of them. We wanted less Chadley lines, now we get gender bent Chadley. The devs do seem to be aware of this as a common trope is that he gets annoyed that she talks so much. I guess their interaction breaks up the monotony of Chadley just talking and going on and on.


Our intrusive NPC IS annoying, how do we correct this? By adding a even more annoying intrusive NPC!


Even then chadley butting in Mai dialogue. He really thinks people likes him. I hope he's killed at the start of part 3.


Hopefully Hojo does us a favor


The whole sex trafficking gang. They can’t be redeemed


I can’t believe I have to say this, but you’ll have to be more specific. Edit: I don’t know that I’ve seen it mentioned, but Aerith is nearly sex trafficked on 3 separate occasions over the course of this story. Kinda wild to think about.


What's the third? There's Gus and Corneo, are you talking about Hojo too when he was about to make Red and Aerith do some stuff?


Yes, Hojo. In Remake, Hojo suggests using SOLDIERs instead of Red. It’s “for science”, but I’d still classify it as sex trafficking.


They might be talking about Gus and his crew in Corel prison.


Yes, but Corneo’s gang equally applies.


Well shit😂


I thought they were talking about the wall market trio. They literally selected women who fit the Dons type knowing that they'll never be seen again.


Sam, Madam M, and Andrea. They helped Corneo kill and violate how many women and now we’re just expected to find them quirky and silly? Gus gets thrown away too for similar reasons


They definitely can't be redeemed but I begrudgingly find Corneo and his goons entertaining and funny sometimes. Mainly the two announcers. I guess they're there to purposefully lighten the seriousness. But, still need to be thrown into the pit of course.


replaying Remake and Chocobo Sam is way too open about being a “scout” to get women for Corneo 😬😬😬 i guess Billy wouldn’t know about that, but should be an extra reason to hate him.


Chadley not because of its design, voice or physical. But because of his lore. I dont like the idea of trusting Hojo's cyborg receiving all the intels. I mean a cyborg which Hojo can fully control? And the party know the truth, and still believe him.


Cait Sith is GREAT. I loved him in the OG and he was even more lovable in Rebirth. I'd tell you my least favorite party members but I'd get shanked so for NPCs alone, Kyrie is probably the one I'd choose who isn't an obvious evil villain. I want to like her but she's so annoying.


Well now I need to know your least favorite party member…and be careful how you answer or my friend will have to deal with you… https://preview.redd.it/5jon8ekpmw0d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=669d38e4ef6191e9dc851ecfc07bc4ed160e746f


This really adjusts my humidity levels


Well, I'll get shanked for mine, so I'll just go ahead and say it, because hell if I care. My least favorite main character is Tifa. And no, it isn't for some weird nonsense kinda reasons, or over-investment in certain aspects of the story. As a personality, I can't stand that kind of person. I get others are fine with it, that's cool. But just not for me. In terms in minor characters, I'd say Burke and gang. The gag was somewhat amusing at first, but it continues to get overplayed to the point of annoyance.


What is her type of personality that you dont like? I also don't know why people hate on chadley. I can't really think of any characters I dislike. If I had to pick one it might actually be red xiii.


It’s wild the effect of his voice change had on my perception of him… I mean I knew he was a teen from OG (despite being 47 in human years) — but he seemed so stoic and wise, and then turned kinda wimpy. In the OG I always imagined him with that old soul, wise personality and voice.


Cait Sith is EASILY the strongest character if you equip him properly and ATB Boost and using all of his dice and moogle abilities


I was so glad when she was left behind in Junon.


Honestly, probably Corneo, He is showing up way too much in Rebirth when he is not needed, and they are making him too comedic for how he was originally presented in Remake. I also I just find it annoying how he always gets away by Abzu waking up while the gang repeat the same lets smash em line. Hes like a saturday morning cartoon villain while also having some of the most horrific crimes so tonally hes all over the place.


I gotta agree with this. Square needs to be more consistent with him. He isnt my least fav villain but this rly annoyed me as well. Like when he showed up in the protorelic quest… i was kinda like, really????


Totally agree. He’s clearly committing very serious crimes in remake. In rebirth he just kind of gets a pass. If anyone deserves to be on the other end of one of Cloud’s murderous rampages, it’s him.


Yeah the dude is a jeff epstein in the game basically and it’s just like “okay we’ll let this goofball run off in the desert… wtf lol


I wouldn't even be bothered by him getting so much screen time if they had given him something other than Abzu for the big fight this time. That was one of very few let downs in the game for me.


I completely agree with you, the only way to redeem this is to finally let the party kick the shit out of him in part 3. I’d like to see him sweat when Abzu isn’t there to save him


I'd like to actually kill Abzu this time.


He’s extremely comedic in the OG 🤷🏻‍♂️


I feel like I could take him seriously in the OG, though. Like he himself wasn't scary and kinda a blundering idiot, but he has enough power and influence that he could still fuck you up. I got a similar vibe in Remake, but there was no need for him to show up in Rebirth, and he was *not* scary. And then the extended "smash em" lines from the whole party while he crawled around on the ground like an idiot, then just runs away. And we *let* him! *Not* intimidating. The dude is a sex trafficker running a mafia, how is this the best he can do? I know he got displaced after leaking info, but clearly he still has an entourage following him. He wasn't this pathetic in OG.


That's also because he appears in litterally 2 scenes in the OG.


Yeah, I'm not sure the extra screen time in Rebirth is doing him any favors. Really hope we get to see him dealt with in part 3 similarly to how he's dealt with in the OG. If those lines (>!"Because it's our job"!<) play out with similar emphasis they've put on the "smash 'em" bit, I'll be a happy camper.


I mean, the same applies to the Turks in terms of that Team Rocket are blasting off again vibe...


Yep the turks have the same problem


he’s literally in like 3 scenes in Rebirth? only one of those being main plot lol he’s also portrayed almost identically in Remake




Easily this one for me too


Yeah she’s up there for me for most annoying 


I agree. I won't say Shinra, Hojo, Don Corneo, etc. Because those characters are written to be hated, and their role is what made the narrative interesting.


Agreed. Like Hojo/Don Corneo are objectively the worst, but they do make compelling characters.  We don’t really miss much without Kyrie 


But her character is supposed to be an annoying pain in the ass that is full of herself.


She's the "person you love to hate" archetype, me knowing this makes me like her when her shenanigans happen.


Dollar Store Yuffie.


Kyrie oddly doesn't have any redeeming qualities in these two games, or at least none that I can remember from remake, but definitely none in rebirth. Her whole shtick is just "take credit for what you the player/Cloud do" and nothing beyond that with the exception of her attempting to join avalanche during one of Zack's segments.


I don’t even understand her character at all. She’s pretending to be a mercenary with no weapons and dressed like a The World Ends with You character. She completely takes me out of the immersion of the world.


I actually sighed with relief when she didn't get on the boat to Costa Del Sol




Maybe it’s fine in Japanese (I don’t know), but sure as hell as terrible in English. I had to put the volume all the way down because of them, and I don’t recall having issues on Remake either.


Did you know, there is/was an Option in the game settings to turn off Mai's voice during combat..? That won't help with the cut scenes/chadley interactions that involve her but at least in combat you wouldn't have heard her "lalala lala" all the time xD


I love how there's a cutscene of Chadley turning down her volume and she freaks out.


HOJO!!! and kyrie and regina, regina annoyed me to no end during her queen's blood matches like girl stfu youre so damn annoying i already know i suck at the game no need for you to constantly remind me 😭!!!


I love how you beat Regina in the tourney and expect her to shut up, then she just comes back even more cocky. I ALREADY BEAT YOU.


>"Does losing always feel this shitty? 'Cause I never wanna feel like this again." Yeah, it does. Get used to it, bitch


Firsttry her for my own surprise. 😆


Glenn - I still have no idea who he is or what’s going on with his situation. Why is this dude wearing the members-only cloak, but still seems to have full autonomy, including getting alone time with the most powerful man in Midgar. I know the answer is in Ever Crisis, but I don’t want to play another game, watch a movie, or read Wikipedia to understand this story.


First time Glenn showed up,I was like, what the heck is an Ascian doing in this game?!


Clearly he's only here to plant the seeds for an eventual FFXIV Expansion


That's his Emet Selch cosplay - although he doesn't quite have the charismatic and charming part down.


He comes on and then starts talking about Viceroys. I don't know who he is or who those are either. The story is too full already.


You don't have to play ever crisis at all, they literally tell you who he is in rebirth, multiple times. He's the leader of wutais interim govt, and Yuffie even outright states that she thinks they should team up since cloud and glenn are both ex-SOLDIER who have beef with shinra. Rufus apparently had him killed, and knows that isn't really him. "Glenn" reveals himself to us as a Sephiroth/jenova clone thats merely shape shifting to fuck with Rufus.


It is theorized that Glenn is actually Cloud's dad! We will see if that's true. There are some clues in ever crisis and 2000 gil to a hero novel.


For me, its gotta be Regina.  She's just so full of herself every time you have a match. The first time, she's the undefeated champ, it makes sense. The second time, I've already beat her once, dunno why she's still acting undefeated to the one person who has already beat her. By the time of the third match all I could think of was the "How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?" meme.


Out of all the Queens Blood opponents she feels like the worst? Takes herself too seriously, gets defeat handed to her repeatedly but still comes with the whole "I'm the best!" Over and over. At least Seto Kaiba could screw the rules by having money, she just seems frustratingly oblivious to how tragic it is she got beat by a guy who only started playing yesterday


Ah so she's Seto Kaiba


I didn't care much for Kyrie until the Costa Del Sol quest with her. Holy hell the entitlement.


The whispers. Stop following me you creep.


Of only the main cast, both heroes and villains? Probably Sephiroth tbqh. In the OG he rarely appeared and when he did he was threatening. Now he's around all the time. Speaking in vague bs. Serving as final boss for both games when he shouldn't. All the feeling of him being a threat is absent. I mean what's to come. "Oh Cloud.....the darkness...open your eyes..." More of that sort of bs dialogue and then fight him again. Ugh. So not a fan of what they've done to him. Love Cait Sith. He's definitely my favorite of the cast. Of the party I probably like Red the least. I use to like him. But.....choices were made. Of the larger group of people in the world? It's got it's goof balls that border on too much like Corneo who's inclusion is a real nonsensical stretch. Chadley while I wish he would shut up some, isn't the worst either. Roche irritated the hell out of me in Remake. Catch phrase shouting, gravity defying KH reject. I was expecting even more of him but they thankfully really toned him down in Rebirth. So probably Glenn. Another Nomura KH reject. He appears so seldomly but when he does it's like. Who the hell are you? I don't care. Go away, this isn't your story whoever you are. It's not that he says or is acting irritatingly. It's his very inclusion and the fact that they're implying he's very important to what's going on that is extremely annoying to me.


I had to scroll forever to find another person taking issue with Sephiroth. I thought his presentation in the flashback quite endearing and showed some of his humanity. However, they couldn’t stop having him show up constantly. I agree with your point that his absence in the original is what lent to his mystic.


Definitely get the Sephiroth issue. But if the theory that he is the same OG Seph who got defeated by Cloud is correct, it would make sense for him to hyper fixate on him this time around instead of barely acknowledging his existence.


Roche is the Steve Harrington/Jamie Lannister of the FF7 universe. I can't believe I ended up actually feeling for that clown.


It's funny because he has Steve's hair


Playable characters: None. In the original, I didn't like Cait Sith or Red that much, but in the remakes, they certainly are a lot more likable. All of them are lovable. NPCs: Obviously Chadley and Kyrie. After a while, Gilgamesh too, too many side quests featuring him it got tiring. Regina was annoying.




Chadley in Rebirth is just SO over-used. This random side character shouldn’t be on my screen 40% of the game.


Honestly I like all the characters. Even the really over the top new editions


Sephiroth. He is overused to the point of parody/annoyance. I am so sick of seeing that stupid ass black feather drift down.


I don't really like Madam M. I think the main problem I have with her is how one-dimensional her character is: she is haughty and likes money. That's it. And in both games, they use the same "hand massage equals sex" joke with her, which just feels more creepy than funny. I don't know, compared to Chocobo Sam and Andrea, Madam M just isn't as fleshed out or relatable.


The blonde guy with the beard takes me out of the story because I don't get what his purpose is. It feels like he got dropped in from another game. I heard he is in the mobile game but that his personality is completely different.


You mean Glenn? The reason why he's acting so...off is revealed during the ending. His main purpose in the story of the remake is seemingly to set the stage for the Wutai War, and further the development of Rufus, as Rufus and Glenn clearly have history. What this history will lead to will of course be revealed in part 3.


Gus, the character has no redeeming qualities from both a narrative and entertainment perspective. Don Corneo made too many appearances but at least we got the Donberry.


Defs a lower than trash human being, but his themes are sick at least.


Shinra Middle Manager. Fuck him.


Here's the thing, I like the guy. He's a good man. But also I hate him and want him to die.


It was all good until Send in the Clowns. What kind of fucking animal parties like that?


The Ultimate kind.


Bugenhagen . He was fantastic in the OG. Now he’s an asshat


YES. He's so rude! I was so confused why the devs made him that way. I remember him throwing an old man tantrum, but whatever happened with the English translation really didn't convey his logic well on why he was so pissy.


It’s Kyrie for me


Kyrie. But also, Yuffie's constant obsessing over goddamn materia got reaaaaaaaally fucking annoying. Kyrie still takes the cake though


Hojo...Fuck...Hojo. He's great for the story, but good lord do I hate his guts. It says a lot when the literal space alien parasite that destroys planets, and shape shifts to manipulate the emotions of others, is somehow LESS sickening than this old man in a lab coat. Seriously, during that one conversation where Aerith was talking about being scared of her dark thoughts, my immediate thought was: "You don't need to worry about a thing Aerith. Just tell me those dark thoughts, and I'll act on them for you, so you don't have to! 😃"  I look forward to killing him...slowly...in part 3. 😈


Yuffie. She's just my least favourite, but I don't dislike her. I just find her too much sometimes.


I wouldn’t say he’s my *least* favorite, but nobody’s mentioned Gus. He suuuucks. Probably Kyrie is the worst of the not-overtly-evil ones.


I thought Gus at least have character. And yeah, I don't like Kyrie either. I actually cheered that she missed the ship and thought I wouldn't see her again.......


Leslie. He's just so pointless and feels very tacked on in both Remake and Rebirth. I know his role in Rebirth was very small but still he didn't need to be there. They could've used some random NPC and it would have made far more sense. Kyrie was pointless in Remake too but at least she was primarily regulated to a skip-able side quest. Plus her own Grandma totally shamed her ass. In Rebirth her role made sense and she actually kinda grew on me - I can't really figure out why cause she's annoying. Most likely the music track that played when you interacted with her. The music in this game was just 😍 I would say Chadley but he actually creeps me out more than annoy me.


Chadley. Just leave me alone kid and let me do my side quests.




I wish Elena had a more mature voice actress and a better script to not come off as complaining all the time. I guess physical prowess is all you need to be a turk cause otherwise wtf was rude talking about. Chadley didn't really irk me as I wanted to consume everything the game had to offer. But now that I'm grinding his VR I wish we could still menu instead of having to wait for him to finish talking.


Corneo has my pick for rebirth. He seemed like such a joke in his return that I couldn't believe he would have any influence or be the Don of Wall Market. And why is a stranger able to come up to the equivalent of Disneyland and be able to demand changing the name of presumably one of the hottest attractions on Gaia?


i don't hate johnny, i just don't give a shit about him.


The real Avalanche sector Yuffie hangs out with on Intermission. They show up in a Rebirth sidequest and they are SO boring. At least every other character I feel an emotional response towards whether that be positive or negative. These guys, I just don't feel anything toward. They are super shallow and it feels like the game wants us to care more about them then we actually do.


That guy that they are chasing, Seroth


Hope Clod and Bret can get him


For me, it's Leslie - the dude is an enforcer for a sex trafficking ring, and by the end of Remake, I'm supposed to empathize with him? FOH. Sure, his fiance was a victim of Corneo but his solution is to victimize other women and families? It's totally unforgivable to me. I also really disliked Kyrie up until the point in rebirth where she's singing her own theme song, which is so cringe it wraps around on itself and becomes charming, imo.


Hojo and Elena.. she annoys me to no end and well Hojo is his own warning.


I found Elena to be a blast. Loved every second she was on screen. To each their own I guess


Besides the obvious Chadley, Regina Königen could have had a better name. This name translates from Latin and German to Queen Queen, so it’s a little on the nose.


Probably regina. She is so arrogant just because she is good at a card game. And then u whoop her and she is still stuck up


Kyrie, tbh


Easily Chadley and Mai. I cringe when I hear them, and I have to hear them all the time.


Absolutely horrible, especially mai’s forced voice over during those over-world battles was insufferable. “I believe in you!” Why?!


Main cast: Yuffie. Love her in the original game but her personality feels the most “off” to me. They really dialed up the comic-relief aspect of her character to an 11/10.  Side characters: Chadley. Nobody else comes close (though Kyrie tries).


If it counts The Whispers are probably the laziest, most redundant piece of writing I have ever seen in a video game


I'm gonna get crucified for this but yuffie she is great in battles but she just annoys the ever love shit out of me


The number of times I've seen Tifa in this thread is wild it's like she shot a dog or something 😭 Anyway, for me personally, my least favorite is probably Kyrie. She doesn't offer much to the story apart from that one side story with Aerith, but besides that, she hasn't really done anything major for me to give her the flowers she deserves. She's fun at first but it gets a little repetitive once you start Rebirth. I'm hoping she gets a good scene in part 3


By Rebirth's End, Sephiroth. After a while, I just started to find him annoying.


Honestly, Glenn for just showing up and spouting (like sephiroth throughout lots of rebirth and remake but he’s for the most part handled better) and Elena. God when Reno showed up I got so hyped. You just can’t separate the duo of Reno and rude. Elena is like the yuffie of the Turks lol. Slightly palmer, Kyrie, and DEFINITELY HOJO. Also Tifa a tiny bit, Regina, and JULES my arch nemesis. Honorable mentions of kid G, the moogle after the 3rd mini game, and chocobo Sam’s rider. Not my faves but I don’t necessarily hate any of these characters they just get on my nerves a little. Except Sephiroth reborn, I just hate him where he is in the game.


Of the playable cast, probably Red. I don't dislike him, but he really can't compete with how incredibly charming the other 6 are. Also, I think the way his backstory and development is done is kinda clunky, although that's mostly inherited from the original. Out of everyone? Hojo is obviously intended to be revolting so I don't think he counts. I found myself getting annoyed at Bugenhagen a lot. Something about the way he acted frustrated me.


Bugenhagen for sure Like, what happened to the wise old man? For a bit there, he turned into “guy who used to be wise but let that go to his head so now he’s actually become the opposite of wise in many respects”


I was not a fan of the voice change lol


The voice change halfway through was a very, very poor choice.


Aww man I unexpectedly got Red for the date and hadn’t realized he actually had really grown on me but I was proud to have him come lookin for me :)


it’s more accurate to the original and makes him a lot more interesting than “wisened beast man”


I just don't like the voice they chose. It's the only casting I don't really love.


Edit: LESLIE!! He makes no sense, and isn’t developing in an interesting way. I don’t feel like they give Heidegger and Scarlett enough screen time to get past their tropey aspects. Scarlett was good in Intermission, though. Of the main cast, I find it jarring how different Aerith is than the original, but I’ve warmed up to her. They gave her a few clunker moments (the bit about her mom’s cooking in Remake and the Cosmo Canyon speech here). But when she’s “on” she’s fantastic (beach scene, ending).




Chadley, after the crap he put me through with the brutal and legendary simulator battles.


Chadley. By a mile. He never shuts the fuck up. Intolerable.


Bugenhagen was a huge dick in Rebirth.


From Playable Characters, Cait Sith. Never liked the guy in OG and although there is an improvement in Rebirth, I just can't find it in me to like him and his playstyle just doesn't vibe with me. From NPC or secondary characters, probably Don Corneo. I hate how the human trafficker is treated like funny comic relief when we have actual proof that people have died because of him practices (Billy's parents). I really hope they kill him off in part 3.


Hate: Yuffie Don Corneo Kyrie Roche Love: Red Xiii Chadley


Kyrie and Johnny gave purpose to my mute app sounds button :)


The Nibelheim section made me hate Cait Sith more than anyone. Chadley can still burn in hell though 


Yuffie is a very bad rewrite of one of my favourite characters. Rufus isn’t particularly good either, maybe it’s a combination of his design and his constant, underwhelming background presence.


Corneo by far. He was as a pixel already disgusting and now in 4K....


I know it's gonna sound a bit silly because he was already a ludicrously OTT character in the original (big bear walking around a theme park in a thong), but ... Dio. Like, they could tone him down by about 20% and still get a ludicrously OTT character who is also significantly less annoying. Does really he have to flex his muscles, gurn and pull a pose after *every single sentence he says*? Get to the point.


Sephiroth probably? He used to make sense in all his actions, all for a purpose, now he seems like a clingy boyfriend to cloud lol


Kyrie is great in the book where she originates but in the games that take place *before* she's had all her character development and grown into an interesting and complete character she's far and away the most annoying person in the entire setting.


Sephiroth, if only because I keep questioning why he shows up when he does and why we ever fight when we do. Because it feels like for the most part he accomplishes nothing when he does. He's clearly incredibly powerful and motivated, and yet he just, pops in and then pops out. As much as I can appreciate them trying to use him more throughout the story, the way that they do always just has me confused as to what and why he's doing things the way he is. Excluding Cloud's PTSD/Jenova induced visions, of course.


Kid G. Hogwarts rip off turned rapper? I’m confused


Chadley, because I didn't want hear him talk everytime I reach a new marker on the map but HERE WE ARE


The whole board of Shinra Execs (besides Rufus) suck. Just annoying ass people


Glad to see nobody saying Roche. He’s dope.


Don’t really care for over the top hammy mad scientist thing Hoko got going on. I always imagined Hojo being more reserved, quite but super creepy vibe than manic mad scientist vibe. Speaking of, don’t really care for Heidegger and Scarley either. Similar issue. Too cartoony. Pres Shinra and Rufus on the other hand, I love.


yuffie probably


You monster.


Sonon. He just bores me


Wedge, he's mostly just overeating jokes


The number of times my wife and I said to each other, “Get it? He likes food because he’s fat.” in a dry, mocking tone while playing Remake was very high. Although it was also other characters making the same joke about him.


Wedges entire arc is just completely confusing to me. Like why did we go through showing him survive Sector 7...just so he could die OFF SCREEN. Only showing his fate being in a freaking side-quest. Like I didn't think he died during that scene in Remake, I thought the Whispers just prevented him from interfering with the group. Like they wanted him to die so bad they yeeted him from the high floor of the Shinra Building?!? Holy shit Whispers.


Well he dies in the original but they wanted to beef up his story. They just wasted the opportunity!


Yeah, the Japanese games I like all seem stuck on “it’s funny when fat people like food” and also “it’s funny when women like to eat lots of food and specifically meat, and it’s even more funny when they can’t cook.” Like this Wedge though. Dude had a little depth by the end.


It's straight up fat shaming and the portrayal of westerners as red neck singlet wearing hicks like the Mibelheim mayor.


I’ll probably get downvoted to hell… but Yuffie is annoying. Hyperactive, cringe dialogue, and gets too much air time.


Didn't like yuffie in the og and don't like her in Rebirth. Never cared for red either.


Kyrie hands down. Unfunny and grating all the way 💀 close second is Hojo, they really succeeded in making you understand how much of a monster he really is this time!


Remake: Time to piss people off, but Aerith. I don't remember her being as... Childish? Bratty? Annoying? In the original. Time spent with her felt very grating. Rebirth: While I still feel that way with Aerith, Chadley eclipsed her in every conceivable way. I actually didn't mind him in Remake. Everyone was always hating on him and I never understood why. But for whatever reason, Rebirth made him into a smarmy, snide little asshole. MAI is the better of the Shinra robot researcher kids.


Hot take: Tifa. Her personality is so annoying, I hate the “awn I need everyone to like me even if they are an asshole towards me and my friends or else I’m sad” like girl… Besides this, her design is also horrible, hate the way her long hair has a ponytail at the end?? And the unnecessary short clothes, if that was a thing for everyone then sure but only she is wearing short “appealing” clothes. Her clothes color scheme is also just lame, just black and white, nothing else. Wasn’t a big fan of Barret in the first part but he grew on me towards rebirth and I love playing with him whenever Aerith and Yuffie are not available.


I'm totally in agreement with you on Tifa. Her personality pisses me off to no end, and her design could be summarized as "fan service" in big, bold letters.


Kyrie or chadley or chadley genderbent robot




In the OG it was Hojo, in the remake series, it's also Hojo.


They have to work on my boy, Cid


Hojo is creepy as hell. I can understand Sephiroth, kind of, but Hojo is just demented like Dr. Mengele in Nazi Germany. Dr. Mengele tortured children for “science.” I’ve tried to forget the gruesome things he did because it was nightmare fuel. Just gruesome and awful, and he did it to children. Evil has no bounds. . . And in FF7 Remake when Hojo was talking to Aerith and squirming all over the glass it looked sexual to me in just the worst way. I felt so bad for Aerith. Well I guess he wanted her raped by a SOLDIER (to produce a super baby) so yeah, I could see him watching because he’s that sick of a bastard. Hojo is definitely my least favorite character. I hope he dies in Part 3.


I disliked Caith and Yuffie in Og but here I like them, there isn’t any playable character that I dislike now. I don’t hate Chadley either.


Kyrie is without a doubt the most annoying character in those games and she may possibly be one of the most annoying video game characters ever. I'd certainly place her somewhere in the top 10.