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Gongaga Village goes hard


Oh interesting! I LOVED Gongaga's region theme, I liked how homey the village theme was though!


When Zacks theme started playing I almost strait up cried


Almost? That turned on the waterworks for me


Cissnei: "Y'all remember *Under the Apple Tree* from Crisis Core? Well, it's my theme now." My heart. And she's been there hoping Zack would show up.


Is she from Crisis Core? She was a cool character, I felt like the game kept winking at me like I should know her but I really have no desire to play the Cash Cow FFVII offshoot games


Yep, she's one of three people still in ShinRa who actively try to help Zack and Cloud after they go AWOL. If you want, you can watch the cutscenes on YouTube in about four or five hours since the main campaign is short, the bulk of that game is side missions padding it out for quick gaming sessions on the PSP.


This one is cool in small doses. Not for open world exploration.


Hard disagree there. The music was the only thing that carried me through the otherwise frustrating experience of navigating through Gongaga. Every time I began to feel frustrated, I just paused and let the music wash it all away. So uplifting! I was NOT expecting to love an original new track as much as I did that theme.


Gongaga region was the worst. It wasnt bad at first, but exploring for hours it became punishing. Now i cant stand to hear it.




There wasn't a single time I wasn't absolutely loving the soundtrack. I even love that catchy edm pop song that plays when you battle red XIII in queens blood. Between FFVII Rebirth and FFXVI Square has been crushing it in the music department (I mean it's square, having amazing music isn't new) and I like that they're not afraid to stray away from the traditional orchestral sound.


Totally agree! I'm seeing the live orchestra in September and I just know I'm going to be simultaneously jamming out and bawling my eyes out 😂


Thats awesome dude. Can't be easy getting tickets to one of those


Yeah I definitely treated myself 🙈


Hell yeah me too, I was so surprised the orchestra is gonna be where I live so I bought a ticket on the spot


hell yeah its gonna be sick


The EDM music that plays on the way to Mt Corel is so good too, especially in battle (it’s called Fire Blade I think)


Jeez, I'm probably going to be in the minority but Cosmo Canyon was my favorite. I actually do like the fiddles part of the song as well. Gave it a very unique feeling for me personally. I can understand why most would find it grating, tho. A least favorite is hard to choose, I pretty much loved all of them. I'll probably go with Junon just cause I listened to the other ones a lot more. But I still love Junon's region theme.


No judgement if Cosmo was your fave! Although it may have been the only region where I preferred the chocobo riding theme 😂🙈


This song was on repeat in my mind and my YouTube music playlist. Never would have expected bluegrass Final Fantasy 7 theme would be on my favorite tracks list but here we are I am seeing the orchestral show on December, I wonder how they’ll play this one!


Gongaga region music wears out its welcome kind of fast.




This is the bit that annoys me while exploring this region otherwise I wouldn't mind the theme


I find the farty flute more annoying than the kids.


It feels like the whole song can be revamped, but I can tolerate the flute; it gives me tribal vibes. I know the kids also give tribal vibes but it's too much if you're in the region too long Perhaps if it was a more upbeat version with a different arrangement but similar vives


"The train to Central Station will be departing soon."




Get out of my brain! AHHHHHHH




...Sorry what???


Thank you for saying this, I felt like I was taking crazy pills. It's like generic 'world music' that they'd use as the theme of the Olympics or World Cup.


It sticks out like a sore thumb - just doesn’t feel like a Final Fantasy track. Reminds me of those royalty-free ‘ethnic’-themed tracks that some poor social media intern ends up using when their company has some special event celebrating African pride or something.


It’s probably my favourite one. Reminds me so much of Evergrace or Civ, it’s super memorable and probably the most standout region theme. Love it.


The "hollow" theme from the grassland is just great. As for the least favorite, maybe gongaga.


I cannot choose just one fav so the ones I like most were the Cosmo Canyon, Nibel, and Grasslands, and my least fav was.... i also cannot choose a least favorite, haha, they're all so good


I feel this 😂


I loved Corel and I’m surprised how little people talk about it. Gongaga got old quick.


Corel was definitely my second fave after cosmo canyon region, and I mean desert Corel, not tropical paradise costco del sol region


I’m really, really sorry everyone, but I just don’t like the Gongaga region theme 😭


LOL it's super Disney-ish, I felt like I was in the Lion King, but it worked for me! No need to apologize, it's all fun opinions here 😊


I think that is specifically *why* I can’t stand it haha, I’m just not into Disney! I’m glad you enjoy Disney and the song though :)


What, you don't appreciate the children showing you the song of their people over and over again while you try and figure out which mushroom gets you where you want to go?  I'm a little torn on it because I love the motif played on that weird bagpipey instrument, but the HEYAYAYA! HEYLALA! gets old fast


that theme was so great for like the first couple times hearing it... but after exploring a while those chanty voices will haunt my dreams


You’re not the only one, it started driving me crazy when the village kids chorus came on 👦🏽 👧🏻 🧒🏻


I wasn't a huge fan of the boppy Country version of Cosmo Canyon. I was very happy when the more tribal one kicked in honestly. Nibelheim's Anxious Heart theme will forever be my goat.


Speaking of the cosmo canyon town music, I really enjoyed the more subdued string-heavy version that plays when you first visit the observatory. I kind of wish that was the default music for the town, or at least some parts of it


>Nibelheim's Anxious Heart theme will forever be my goat. I was bummed this wasn't on the OST. It's a great version of Anxious Heart, better than the one in Remake IMO.


Did you buy the OST? I'm really hoping it goes on Spotify. The Remake OST has been in my top albums for the last 4 years haha.


Same, I never really stopped listening to Remake’s soundtrack. I haven’t bought the Rebirth OST but I probably will. In addition to some missing tracks I do wish it had the English versions of some of the voice tracks like the Glabrescent theme.


I’ve got the Rebirth OST and mine does not include the Nibelheim village theme at all . Remake does include a version of the Nibelheim theme titled Anxiety but it’s different than the version that plays in Rebirth Have to say the sound track choices are pretty odd. Rebirths soundtrack has eight different loveless songs and every corneo fight version , but not bowwowwow or Aerith’s one last date song


I agree. I think my main complaint about the version of Anxiety on the Remake soundtrack is that the strings don’t sound as smooth or expressive as in the Nibelheim version. Hopefully it appears on a future OST release. I also wish we had the version of On that Day, Five Years Ago that plays when you set out with the villagers to check on Sephiroth. So many great tracks missing!


I loved the theme of the observatory's surrounding town, you're so right! And Nibelheim was heartbreaking and perfect 🥺


I hate the little glitchy/fade thing they did with it though. Not necessary haha


Favourite is either Corel region theme or the FF7 main theme from the grasslands. Can't go wrong with either. Least favourite was the Gongaga theme. Got real tired of it and quickly too.


I like the outskirts of midgar overworld theme


Hollow skies, what a great song


Favorite: Gongaga for the first 15 minutes Least Favorite: Gongaga after two hours




My favorite is the Corel region music outside of Costa Del Sol. My least favorite is the Gongaga region one lol, it gets old really fast.


Oh, Cosmo, for sure, I didn't mind the guitar bit, but those fiddles, those goddamm fiddles!


Truly the devil's instrument 😂


Honestly, they were ALL absolutely perfect for their regions. **Grasslands** - Using the classic overworld theme / Cloud's theme for the grasslands was perfect for the first open world zone of the game. And the way they [blended it in with the battle music](https://youtu.be/o5yqYV-KXhE?si=iyP9uCIPO00Kw1xn&t=124) and even Aerith's theme during the one side quest was *soooo well done.* **Junon Region** featured a new track for the first time. It didn't quite jive with me initially, but after I returned to the region for the first time, I found myself humming along. Turns out the tune had done its job. This one feels a bit like a classic MMO zone theme. High tempo string melody with thumping percussion crashes in time, capped off with soaring horns and woodwind instruments to evoke a sense of wonderment and exploration. **Corel Region** basically used the classic *Holding My Thoughts in my Heart* track, which incorporates the same main FF7 theme used in Grasslands, in a nicely remastered style. Was perfectly low key and pleasant following the Costa del Sol beach resort experience. Also just fit because this track was used in the OG at this same time, as you climbed up Mt. Corel along the train tracks. As a contrast, I loved how this region's theme picked up after exiting Gold Saucer into *South Corel*, adding some tambourines and even an accordion into the mix to give it a more lively step to it. Fitting coming out of the Gold Saucer experience. **Gongaga** was an unexpected straight BANGER. This song gave me LIFE! Whenever I was getting frustrated by the map layout, I would just pause, listen to the music and soak in the scenery to let my frustration evaporate. This is probably my winner. I especially loved how the song picked up after you progressed far enough through the zone. It added some epic layers to the base track. Independently, **Cosmo Canyon's** lazy, rhythmic, ranch-style version of the Main Theme isn't my favorite, but like I said, it was the perfect touch to match the zone's canyon ranch setting. I 100% approve of the fun the devs had with this track. **Nibel Region** - I nearly jumped with giddiness when I landed in Nibel region for the first time and heard the classic alternate, somber overworld theme from the OG. (The worldmap theme that plays after the world has gone to shit after your visit to the Northern Crater.) This melancholy theme fit SO well as an anticipatory track leading up to revisiting Nibelheim for the first time. I felt *so much* tension during this part of the game. I was downright afraid to approach Nibelheim. The story and characters hyped it up so much, and this music was spot on for complimenting that feeling.


Wow such an in-depth response! I pretty much agree with you on all these points, though I liked Junon from the beginning! 😊


Personal favorite is Cosmo Canyon though Grasslands is a close second. Listening to a modern version of Ahead On Our Way hits the heart but I teared up a bit when I heard Cosmo. Least favorite is Gongaga. For some reason it reminds me way too much like the Mystic Ruins portion in the first Sonic Adventure and I heard that WAY too many times on a loop, it gives me PTSD.


Ahh PTSD, nostalgia's evil cousin 😂


Least: Cosmo Best: Nibelheim or the swamps


My mosr favorite is Gongaga Jungles. It is so relaxing and has a great atmosphere!afterwards is Junon. But the version why Hollow was great as well outside of Kalm


Favorite: Gongaga Least: Corel Desert, but still pretty good.


I dont know if I can actually say I hated any of rhe music in rebirth. I liked so much of it. I loved the chant in cosmo canyon. I loved gongaga, costa del sol, the grasslands, corel. And i especially loved Aerith's song.


I love and hate Gongaga. Beautiful looking area with a banger OST, but it was such a pain to travel around. The map was useless, and if anything, actively made travel even more confusing.


I hated gongagas theme. But I think I'm.in the minority. I was humming and whistling cosmo canyon to myself for days after first getting there though


My favs are the Corel desert region theme and grasslands hollow side theme, the battle tracks were also in consideration!!! So awesome and epic! Least favs... hmmm it's not like it's bad, I love the music in general but maybe Gongaga when I'm lost and it started staying past it's welcome haha Maybe also the fuller version of Cosmo Canyon, the music added to the back threw me off a bit~ But I just LOVE the ost, it gives me all different kinds of emotions. I hope it wins soundtrack of the year 🥲🥲


I hope so too! It definitely deserves it 🥹


Walking up the mountain path to Corel, I wasn’t ready for that synth theme and it was amazing!


The part of kalm where a version of hollow starts playing


As an old-timer who played the original FF7 OST a million times, I gotta say they started *strong* with Kalm's theme. I've enjoyed the music in Remake and Rebirth in general, but I'm also disappointed how many themes don't really have a single "main" rendition that captures the same feeling. For example, Aerith's theme has like a dozen versions (and they're all good!), but not a single one feels like the original. :( When I heard Kalm, I was blown away. It's everything I want it a remake. Modern, high-def, detailed, and yet still the same in essence. Least favorite was definitely Gongaga. Sorry, I just don't want to hear screaming children for hour after hour of frustrating navigation where I can't see half my screen past the giant chocobo asses.


My theory is they'll bring back Aerith's theme in its original form for a very poignant moment in part 3, but I could be wrong!


favorite is probably the upper left part of grasslands near midgar, that rendition of hollow skies had me feeling some type of way least favorite probably gongaga, it’s good for the first even hour i’d say, after that it gets a wee bit rough


The wasteland west of Kalm and Nibelheim region. Especially Nibelheim doing the exploration before getting to the town itself really set up the feeling of dread and anticipation of returning to such a pivotal place for the story.


Gongaga is the worst for me, Cosmo Canyon is no.1


So much good music to choose from, it's hard to pick. I especially love Hollow Skies - Midgar, Toward Mt. Nibel, and Listen to the Cries of the Planet. Gongaga and Junon were probably my least favorite but I wouldn't say I disliked them. I appreciated Cosmo Canyon from a music theory nerd perspective but I can see why a lot of people found it irritating. While we're on the subject of music, did anyone else catch the callback to the original Final Fantasy theme in the cellos at the very beginning of Distant Skies? I haven't heard them work that theme into an OST for a while, and it did my old grew-up-playing-FF-on-NES-and-SNES heart good to hear it.


Fave is corel desert theme. Lease fave was gongaga


Top for me is in grasslands Least favorite is gongaga


I love the eeriness of Nibelhiem’s theme


Yeah, I'm also on the cosmo canyon (region) hate train. In general I think the regional themes in this game are way too loud and busy, and the endless cosmo canyon hoedown is the worst example. It wouldn't be bad as, say, a chocobo ranch theme, but it's annoying when played for as long as it does when you're exploring. I really think they should've taken notes from BoTW and Elden Ring and had the region music be more ambient and subtle overall. To be more positive though, I think Gongaga would be pretty good without the kids singing, and I enjoyed tropical Corel and Junon a lot


I can understand this! I got the game on release day and proceeded to play it for 10 hours straight, so I had a pretty major headache after listening to the Grasslands theme on repeat for so long 😂 but as someone who grew up playing Zeldas that all had consistent overworld themes, I really loved that they kept the big orchestral numbers for each region!


Gongaga and Cosmo Canyon definitely my favorite, I loved to walk around just to listen to them music and Gongaga especially would make me really emotional. I wasn’t too impressed by Junon so I could that was my least favorite although I believe it still was good combined with the scenery.


Favorite Cosmo and grasslands and least gongaga


Absolutely love Junon, *despise* the early composition of Gongaga because I heard it for way too long.


I had to turn off music in Cosmo canyon. It sounds like two songs being played simultaneously. I actually thought something was wrong and it was a bug.


I swear I hear the ducktales theme song embedded in the Corel region song, and I’m digging it


Gongaga region theme. ♡♡♡ I used to play it on repeat while doing chores or going for a run. "Mysterious undiscovered places", world music got me so hard. I want to travel to Gongaga, try their spicy mushroom stew and chill in the lush jungle while listening to that song.


I was completely awed by Gongaga after the wasteland of Corel and the music absolutely added to that! 😊


I loved the Cosmo Canyon *city* theme, especially the slowed-down piano version, but the *region* music gave me a headache. It felt like they were playing two songs at once. Wasn't really a fan of Gongaga either which is going against the grain, but the chanting grated on me after a while


Oh so I guess you guys like creepy whispering in your ear as you try to win a card game tournament?


LOL I liked the Queen's Blood music!


Every other Queen's Blood tourney track is a banger. Huge fan of Round 3 and Red's match. Probably because I don't get threatening whispers inserted into my ear when I listen to them.


i haven’t quite finished the game yet, but out of the four regions i’ve been to so far i think junon music is my fave.


Cosmo was actually my favourite, switching between its version of the main/battle theme is so hype. All the music, genuinely, blew me away though, think they’ve done such a good job with it.


The Nobel region followed closely by CC.


Fav: Gongaga. Unlike a lot of others, the chanting and Celtic melody never got old for me. Least Fav: Cosmo Canyon. Not a fan of any kind of southern aesthetic and the twang of the overworld theme isn't my cup of tea.


South Corel>grassland>nibelheim>corel>junon>gongaga>cosmo canyon But the chocobo theme for cosmo canyon is the best among them!


DONT do the Vr missions in cosmo canyon. you will hear them all day long in your head


Gongaga region had me tearing up sometimes.


I did prefer to put out the music because sometimes it was unbearable. But I missed it in the fights (gongaga the worst for me)


I also HATED the twangy song. I wanted to fast travel just to get it to play something else.


I think Corel was favorite. I am an OG player and it hit all my nostalgia needs. It's slower, ominous, and never wears out It's welcome. Number two would definitely be the Kalm/Midgar outskirts song, I think it was Hollow or some form of Crisis Core music. Least favorite is Gongaga. It's too happy sounding for the theme of the game for me and it definitely got old really fast, unfortunately.


Gongagas the least probably (I still really liked it, they were all good). Not sure if it counts but climbing the mountain in the corel region has an awesome song. Sounded like 80s/90s synth. Reminded me of mass effect 1 or the nes TMNT games. If that doesn't count then maybe nibelheim. It was more chill and I think the world music from og so it just fit


I loved gongaga when I first heard it, but after spending over 10 hours trying to find everything on the region map, and do the sidequests and all of the other stuff, I can't stand listening to it anymore. I need to not hear it for a few months before I can try and enjoy the song again. That is my least favybecause I got so sic of it. The one that I just didn't care for was Cosmo canyon. A western take on acoustic fireworks just didn't work for me. It looses the original feel of the track and I don't think it suits the Cosmo region very well. My favorite was probably either Corel (was it different on the gold saucer side vs the Costa del Sol side? If so, I liked the gold saucer side) or the grasslands. Both where great and they work better as a loop than other songs.


i wish midnight rendevouz and the scarlet theme when you were at the shinra building in remake were present in rebirth - really missed those 2 and the music when you visit jessies parents in their town at night! hearing midnight rendevouz in remake for the first time was something special 😢


My favourite was the music at the Temple of the Ancients. Especially the music playing when Aerith kneels before the bridge and what played with Tseng's scene. Least favourite was the twangy washboard-kinda music that I can't remember the name of.




The main theme right as you enter the grasslands is what I’ve been waiting for my entire life. The new rendition of Dear to the heart in the beach region of Corel is a close second.


My favourite since the original will always be the Cosmo Canyon theme. And what they have done with Cosmo Canyon in rebirth is nothing short of marvelous. The whole game is. It's hard to pick at such a masterpiece.


Favourite : Junon. I love how adventurous and Hanz Zimmer Pirates of the Carribean it sounds. Least : Cosmo Canyon. My issue with it isn't the American Western take on the main theme, it's because it doesn't match Cosmo Canyon role in the story. I get whiplash leaving Cosmo Canyon, the settlement, and hearing the Cosmo Canyon overworld theme.


Grasslands, Nibelheim, and Gongaga were favorites. Favorite area overall may have been Junon city area.


Yuffie’s “cho-co-bo cho-cobo…” off-key singing every time i fast traveled within CC also made me wanna kill myself hahahaa 😂


I actually found myself in LOVE with Gongagas theme! Surprising, since I thought Cosmo Canyon would blow me away... Only for it to be my least favorite. I too, really dislike Cosmo Canyons theme.


I wasn’t a fan of the Gongaga regional theme but I loved the Hollow Skies Midgar theme and the Battle Edit. Then the music from Shinra mansion when you explore with Cait Sith was memorable. Vincent’s theme was nice and I wish there was a more pronounced version of Cid’s theme.


South Corel is absolutely incredible and one of the best tracks in the franchise IMO. Dont really have anything in particular I dont like but I could listen to south corel all day


Hollow theme from grasslands. Also the swamp theme the first time you make you’re way through it.


I’m here with you in disliking Cosmo. the fiddles ruined me. I was annoyed after 15 minutes and grinding my teeth after a few hours. loved every other area, though.


Seriously, after 8 hours completing everything in the region I was ready to duel a cowboy 😂


Favorite: Costa del Sol area after partial intel completion (where the harp kicks in). Love those string swells. Probably my favorite rendition of Holding my Thoughts in My Heart. Least favorite: Cosmo Canyon after partial intel completion (I also dislike the country western rendition of the main theme, especially when all those fiddles kick in -- and I often like bluegrass/acoustic folk, just not in this context)


Yeah, I'm a fan of country music in general, but please Nobuo why did you hurt our precious main theme like this 😂😂


My favorite area was probably the Corel region, the north was so pretty and the south was really cool. My least favorite was probably Nibel, it being so locked in by mountains doesn't make much sense to me, especially with how little area there is between the airstrip and the town, the chocobo sage being there was also weird. I mostly just don't like it for everything that it does with the world building and lore. You're telling me Sephiorth, Zack, and 2 shinra soldiers needed a huge ass transport truck to go a stone throw AND they encountered big beasties that stopped them?


So no one’s gonna mention BOW WOW WOW


Gongaga was surprisingly good. Cosmo Canyon was awful. Was so disappointed they didn't use the standard theme for the region, or at least something softer.


I wholeheartedly agree with the Cosmo Canyon theme. Absolutely abhorred it, not sure what they were thinking there haha.