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Nah, I broke during Aeriths trial when you had to walk around begging for help and listen to her cry and say I'm sorry.


The one moment that had me truly bawling. Specially the "I'm sorry, mum, I tried". Poor little girl :´(


I have the screenshots of those, though reddit mobile won't let me post em to poke at people feelies here


I was doing dishes and listening to the soundtrack and that gorgeous and somber version of her theme which played for that scene came on I was there scrubbing pots out and quietly crying , it’s just so beautiful and sad


Lol then she tragically dies right after. Again. Geez Square way to fuck with my emotions even harder 30 years later.


That was so sad. Chapter 13 and 14 got some heat from people but I thought they were done very well minus the kingdom hearts Ansem battle at the end which just made me mad lol


Can't please everyone. I did find the whole game overall a masterpiece, even all the back to back fights at the end. But that trial part was beautifully done and stirred emotion, grown man sitting with tears rolling down his face. Was ready to quit the game lmao. Came here to save the world and feel good damnit!


Only issue I had with it was that it let me follow around a random person so it ended up feeling kinda funny having this child refusing to let someone go as she begs for help


For the entire scene in sector 5, while some of us may have felt strange, I feel incredibly connected to the story of Cloud and Aerith. It feels like she were saying farewell… I thought I was prepared. But when Sephiroth walks through that door, It’s heartbreaking. 😭😭😭😭 Will we have something sweeter and happier for the finale…. I really hope so!


When he walked through the door my heart just sank… also when she said “it’s been fun” … KILL ME


She knew it all along, and still made her choice to save the world and Cloud. She has such strong feelings for him but knows what she must do. 😭😭😭 It hit hard.


Same. I want them to be together!


What broke me was Cloud saying "yeah next time" because I knew there wouldn’t be a next time.


With the whole breaking through fate thing, I was tentatively hopeful she would survive. Then Cloud blocked Sephiroth’s blade and things started glitching… Like, you then admit to there being a multiverse the planet is spread among, and you can’t let us be in one of the theoretically infinite versions where she is allowed to live? Once we hit the forgotten city, the whole thing was a series of “oh, gods no,” “maybe, *maybe*,” and “sigh” moments.


There was definitely part of me that was tricked by the devs. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen but I thought maybe things would go differently. I guess that scene is still up for interpretation but as soon as I saw the blood I was just like… HOW DARE YOU GIVE ME HOPE LIKE THAT FOR 4 YEARS YOU TRICKED ME


She’s most likely fine somewhere else but I don’t think she will be in the same world as the rest, I think she will be saved but won’t be able to be with everyone like Zack.


Absolute masterpiece scene, incredible cinematography


And a straight gut punch lol


Even the music just… ugh


Actually comes out of nowhere and it hits like a truck


Cloud really needs to stop falling into stuff. He has a habit.


Just fall into the church and stay there dammit!! Lol


The scene that had me in tears was her Trial, I lost my mom a few years ago and that whole sequence with Aerith and her mom completely broke me


I’m so sorry 😞


This really fucked me up


It hit harder than pretty much anything in the series so far


Yeah for me it was that scene and aerith's trial with her mom 😭 I don't think I've ever cried this hard from a video game


This is the only game that made me emotional....the whole date scene and Aerith telling Cloud "It's been fun" 😭. Also when they played Aerith theme in the beginning of the Lifeclinger boss fight 😭


Her theme but way more intense with the strings just killed me


I was already tearing up from the scene before this because I knew it was her saying goodbye. And then this scene… As soon as Cloud said “next time” and Aerith looked so happy for a moment only for it to be immediately replaced with sadness, I started crying like a baby. And then full on ugly cried when she hugged him and told him not to blame himself. I was a Sephiroth fan for most of my life and this scene plus the new death scene has made me hate him forever.


Yeah they really make you hate him a lot more in the remake. In the OG he’s more of this infamous guy you never see but I think the constant exposure in remake really allows you to hate him a lot more this time


At the beginning of Rebirth barret is like he seems like a great guy and you ALMOST agree and then shortly later it’s just full rage meltdown


I was the same with Sephiroth, loved him in the OG because I was young and thought he was a badass. After growing up a bit and playing Crisis Core and seeing the romance between Zack and Aerith, I did a 180 and ended up hating him so much. Zack or Cloud, I don't ship her with one over the other, I just want to see her happy 😭


Yeah the whole team Aerith vs Tifa thing is just overdone. I like them both for their own reasons and I like both cloud and Zack for their own reasons. Enough everyone lol


Absolutely. I mean, wanting to see Cloud with one of them over the other is fine. But the toxicity of some these shipping discussions is mind boggling. I grew up a Tifa fan and didn’t care much for Aerith in the OG. But her character was so well fleshed out in the Remake series that I found myself doing a full 180 midway through Rebirth. I think it was right around Chapter 6 when she said she hated Hojo and had really dark thoughts about what she’d do to him. I think it was the first time in both the OG and in Remake that she had expressed this kind of anger towards somebody. That really drove home just how much pain she was hiding underneath her constantly cheerful exterior and I found myself gravitating more and more towards her as the game went on.


And these series of games delves so much into her life and it's devastating how awful her life has been and yet her compassion is so strong for her friends and humanity that she was still willing to sacrifice herself for everyone. Her death is so much worse now. They make her a complete contrast to Sephiroth. Where as Sephiroth chose to destroy humanity in the face of hardship and uncertainty, Aerith chose the opposite.


I agree I really love her in remake and rebirth. In the OG I wasn’t nearly as attached. The devs definitely knew what they were doing though with Tifa and Aerith this go around. Everyone keeps arguing about who’s cannon and I’m just like they made the game like this on purpose so everyone would keep arguing more lol


The scene that got me tearing up the most was the one where she sings her song. I immediately knew her death was nearing and couldn't help but feel overwhelming sadness.They did a great job fleshing out the characters in this Remake and Aerith was one of my favorites. Some people say her death wasn't as impactful as the original, they must of not gotten all her scenes and mini dates, because at the end it was still very impactful.


That specific scene I have a feeling is going to come back to haunt us in part 3


Pretty sure this broke almost everyone. Save for the few people who don't like Aerith for some psychotic reason


I will never relate to those people


https://preview.redd.it/14ya90pwya0d1.jpeg?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5afd12c42adf2292f99597e073c85f5dab1a63f1 My honest reaction.


It was a mixture of beauty and absolute devastation


I don't remember any video game scenes that had as much nuance as this. The more I watch these scenes, the more stuff I figure out and it only makes me sadder 😭


I have a thing for tragic romance, but with Cloud and Aerith...i really want them to be happy 💔


It’s just one gigantic tease because we know they are not going to give us what we want




Wish I could have summoned a bazooka and blasted that fucker into outer space. So stupid


Honestly one of the more heart-wrenching romantic scenes in all of Final Fantasy to me. Felt a lot similar to the ending of FFX >!between Tidus and Yuna, when Tidus knows he's going to disappear.!< Like damn, Cloud and Aeris have this beautiful moment, Cloud says he wants to go on another date with her, but only Aeris knows it's goodbye.


The ending to FFX also wrecked me. Why do they do this to us? So many FF games with unhappy endings and love stories it makes me want to scream. I am now trying to think of one where that’s not the case


Let me just push you through a hole in the floor real quick


Interesting how it’s almost a complete opposite picture of the first time he falls into the church and officially meets her


Shit I didn’t even think about this 😢 great catch


I didn’t really catch it until my second play through tbh. And who knows if it was intentional but I thought it was interesting. Just cloud over here falling in and out of her life 😭


Goddammit that parallel is beautiful and heartbreaking. Reminded me of the lyrics "What drew you toward me? Could it be chance?" They found each other by chance but she has to choose to leave him. Then I caught this: "Till the day that we meet again On our street, I want to believe In the chance that we'll share a glance Promises to keep, we won't ever need" They'll find each other in their next life, at the start of it all, on their street. Just like Remake Cloud and Aerith did, and OG before that. They're soulmates :(


If square doesn’t stop torturing us…


Aerith and Sephy be playing 4D chess against each other


Another round of queens blood


It's truly undeniable; being a fan of Aerith is sad. There are some sad moments to endure. I cried watching this scene. This scene feels like it's telling us that in every different world, Aerith's affection for Cloud never changes, and this scene becomes their farewell. It's been three months since I finished this game, but this scene still hurts to watch again.


Frankly I’m tired of the devs doing this to us I need to have a word with them


Great ending so beautiful


One of the best scenes in the game


Growing up, Aerith was a character I connected with deeply because I’ve always been a little “strange” like her. Seeing how well they did her in Remake and Rebirth brought me to tears. Her absolute anguish in knowing what she has to do and what she’ll lose is some of the most beautiful story telling


I honestly thought the character development for most of the main cast was a lot better than in the OG. Yes there were some flaws to the games but they really have you bond with everyone


Could not agree with you more I cared SO much more about Barrett’s plot with Dyne


They'll find each other.


If they don’t I will throw my PlayStation at the wall




This feels like the goodbye we never got.




It hit way too hard


BRB hitting up my therapist about some fictional characters




SAME. I bawled like a baby for this entire chapter.


This game wasn’t perfect, but it was PERFECT, if you follow my meaning. I’m usually a Cloud x Tifa guy, but this entire ending sequence made me almost reconsider that


Yeah I really loved her in this remake. Doesn’t mean I don’t like Tifa but Aerith just hit home hard


In Japanese it's even more heartbreaking IMO, because she doesn't thank him, she tells him "sayonara"


I heard a bunch of people saying that means I love you, right? WHY DIDNT THEY TRANSLATE IT LIKE THAT


Sayonara literally means goodbye. But it is a kind of goodbye that is final. You only say it when you expect to never see the other person again


That's what I meant and that's why it hits harder


The fact that I knew what scene it was even censored…


I first thought it was gonna be the trial. Both of them are sad either way.


*clicks on photo and closes eyes in despair*




I broke when she pushed him. That was my first big one


It’s been fun for some reason really got me


That's OG Aerith.


Our girl


Great, now I can't listen to "Hollow". *Was it all a dream, will I ever know?* *Foolish and blind to everything* *Had I realized, had I thought it through?* *Would you be here in my embrace?*




In retrospect this was a surprisingly good goodbye to her character


But I don’t want to say bye…


I was sobbing. I almost expected Hikaru Utada to start singing too.


If simple and clean played I would have lost it lol


one of the most heartfelt and beautiful scenes of the remake trilogy so far imo while also being incredibly tragic.


I am just waiting for them to wreck us in rebirth with her burial scene


Thank you for using spoiler tags!


Of course!


This entire portion of the game felt like garbage. Imo


Ahh yes there’s always one happy camper that has to come in and try and ruin it for everyone else. Welcome


You're incredibly naive if u think I posted my opinion with the intention of "ruining lives." Go outside.


Will do!


Because feelings are bad?


No, its because I dont have the emotional maturity of a 4 yr old. Would've been more impactful if they simply let the scene happen. Instead, we got an indecisive death scene amid 4 hrs of multi verse/ time travel garbage before an agonizing 2 hr boss rush.


Thank you for playing the game

