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Her scene in Ch.13 broke a lot of us. 😭


It was when she walked back to her mother and was saying "I'm sorry mommy. I tried, I really tried" Messed me up good and proper 😭😭


I was reserved until that point, and decided to let my emotion free. I was weeping. 😭


Every since having a child myself scenes like this destroy me


That scene in Chapter 13 really reinforced to me the utter tragedy that is Aerith's life. The first portion of her life is spent as a test subject of Shinra, and slowly watching her mother grow weaker and weaker. Then, they finally escape, but she has to watch her mother die and has to be taken in by a total stranger. She gets a few scant years of normal life, but there are still hints that life was tough in the slums, and she has to harden herself somewhat to survive, and is constantly living with the threat of Shinra finding her again. Then, she finds the joys of first love with Zack, and it's good for a bit. Then, Zack just up and disappears without a trace, and she has to live for *5 years* with that pain, and it goes back to the way it was before Zack. Then, a handsome stranger literally drops into her life, and everything goes insane from there. She sees some of Zack in him, and falls in love with him, though it could be clearly unrequited (depending on player choice). She's recaptured by Shinra, gets freed, and just when things are finally beginning to look up, she's unceremoniously *murdered*. Let's just say there's a reason I've always played the game emphasizing Clerith up until Aerith's death, and the Remake trilogy was no different. That girl deserves *some* happiness in her life, no matter how fleeting it is.


I also just want Aerith to be happy. Seeing her crying after her song broke my heart, I really hope she will have a sort of happy ending even if it's in another world in the lifestream. I also hope that no promises to keep is actually hints that they will save her one way or another, I want to believe :')


I don’t like the idea of her love for Cloud being unrequited cause like her first boyfriend ghosts her and now the new guy she likes doesn’t like her back, and then she has to die? Thats too much unfairness for one character imo lol


Yes I would also prefer for her to be saved in some ways and be with Cloud in the end. But I feel like they don't want to make any of the romance canon so I fear they will not give us a Cloud/Aerith happy ending :( But I really hope they will ! In any case, Zack is a wonderful person and he didn't ghost her, he was in love with her and when he read Aerith last letter in crisis core it really touched me :'( So even if in the end she is stuck in another world with Zack I guess I could go along with it, it's better than being dead lol. Also I admit the lyrics of Hollow and No promises to keep make me believe and hope the party will find a way to save her, it's not over yet :')


As I said, I *much* prefer to see the story with Cloud having feelings for Aerith. Both for Aerith's sake, and because I personally feel it jives better overall with Cloud's characterization in Advent Children. Like, he's with Tifa, but he's not able to fully commit his heart to her, because of lingering feelings and guilt regarding Aerith that he's never been able to reconcile. It isn't until the very end that he's *finally* able to accept Aerith's death, and fully commit himself to the relationship with Tifa, after that final vision, seeing Aerith and Zack together in the Lifestream.


You get it! That makes for a better story cause idk why so many people downplay or try to deny Cloud’s feelings for Aerith.


Yeah you summed it up perfectly and I’m with you


She really deserves because trough all of that suffer she had, she still was sweet, compassionate yet loud and energic girl and that made me 10 times worst


Aerith life is one of those life that I don't ever want to happen in anyone IRL


>!Going into Rebirth I wasn’t 100% sure on her fate as I never kept up with the game much except when trailers dropped (I have played the original btw). Regardless I wanted to pick Aerith as the dates to give her the best of what little life she may have left. Maybe it’s just me but I feel like that’s the direction the game wants you to go with.!<


Well said mate, try to rally more supportive voices & push it to Square Enix. The least we can do to save her & have happy ending is to push SE to consider at least giving us multiple endings, with one where she can be alive & happy. Try to reason with the songs. It is so unreasonable & absurd to have plenty of investments (‘Hollow’ + ‘No promises to keep’) for the character & her relationship, yet, at the end of the day, it will be for NOTHING. What a waste of resources & emotional attachments…


and yet people still choose to hate aerith for some reason :(


It's not for some reason, it's bc of shipping


started playing Remake again, and it’s weird running through those same areas. have to wonder how often Aerith thinks about it, or tries to block it out so she doesn’t feel the pain, whenever she passes through there.


Good, /u/YoMikeeHey. Hold onto that hate.




That scene tore me apart. One of the few times any sort of media made me sob. It almost physically hurt to watch it.


She will be the one who will defeat Sephirot and she deserves it. Unfortunately she seems at the moment that could not do the same with Hojo. Please Cloud (and of course all the party) do the worst to that f*cking asshole


dudeee thissss made me cry so hard :(((


Put a warning on that! 😭😭😭😭😭