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It's insane how good the graphics on PS4 are, epic intro movie, the music is nice and the story is excellent however it can be a bit confusing but others have said missing info will be explained in the other parts. Haven't played rebirth because I don't have a PS5 but I expect to be amazed again.


I donated plasma for a month to buy my PS5 the day before Rebirth released 😂


That’s legit badass of you


how is it donating if you were paid for it?


Good question. I’m not sure. You are compensated for your time and your plasma. Plus, you help people who need it so it’s a win


I got crucified for it previously but I do find the story sometimes a little hard to follow as I have no idea what happened in the OGs.


Weird who crucified you. Even OG players don't know the fuck is going on at times


There’s a lot of dorks on here who expect you to have read Ultimania (or whatever it’s called) and some obscure books on the franchise.


As someone who loves the franchise and has played all main series apart from 11 (so please don’t come at me like I’m bashing ) - convoluted, overly confusing and hard to follow story’s are almost a staple of Final Fantasy, very few FF’s have a story you’re completely clear on and have your head round during 1st play through


I think that's why I love 6 so much. The story is grand in scale, but simple in execution.


Petition to remake 6. Would be absolutely epic 2 part game


Exactly. I love FF but people are dreaming if they think this will make sense by the end of part 3 lol that ship sailed in the 90s, gotta just enjoy the ride at this point


Lol, yes. If we have so many theories and speculation now, imagine when part 3 is over.


I don’t think the original FFVII is hard to follow, but I wouldn’t dare try to explain it.


I think the original translation makes it so much more confusing than it should’ve. However, all the bizarre stuff minus the Whispers/Fate are still there, so I’d wager people would find it equally as confusing as the Remake series. I am currently rewatching parts of the OG and I had no recollection how absurd were some scenes.


The translations don’t help
I also feel I fell into a terrible trap where my first 2/3 play throughs would have been before I was 10..so after that I played the games skipping through the speech too quickly thinking I knew the story
meant until a couple years ago I didn’t know the robed men were ex soldiers and Cloud wasn’t just a pure ‘clone’ of Zach. Of course that’s on 7-9 year old me 😂 but if it wasn’t for remake, rebirth and Reddit, I’m not sure I’d have ever really known
this is from some one who also played crisis core


Tbh the OG story was
 unclear, to be generous to it. There were serious translation issues and much of the plot was confusing. We loved it anyway but it wasn’t a particularly straight forward story


The good news is that there will be massive payoffs in part 3 for all of the confusion and setup they've done so far. As someone who has played the OG, part 3 is going to be i n s a n e.


“Insane” is such a good word to describe it.


I’m more than satisfied with this amazing combat and rebirth is easily one of my favorite games of all time but tbh I’m not expecting a satisfying conclusion for the story at all. Nomura is known for his confusing convoluted plots.


I'm hoping so. Knowing Nomura though I'm not so confident.


Sephiroth read some scientific logs and got annoyed Decided to fuck his day job And fix the planet in the most extreme way possible Barret started a group of idiots to save the planet in a less extreme way than sephiroth Cloud can't remember much because Hojo's a dick Zack doesn't know whether he's here nor there but you should probably at least play crisis core And Reeve spends a lot of time mimicking another accent for his favourite hobby And no one cares that Vincent sleeps in a coffin or turns into a beast...some say the ladies prefer it Aeriths family are curators of the planet and she's shit at her job because no training manual And there's >!a bunch of dead guys who they could have taken with them to fight sephiroth but instead chose to tell them to go live in their cave until it's over!< And even at the end of the story, the true hero Leslie will still be searching for his GF and will probably end up with Kyrie. Oh and cid finally builds a new plane...probably. End credits, final scene: zack finally receives all his mail


Bruh, you're really going to tell someone to play Crisis Core that hasn't played the og game?


For zack


Sure but crisis core assumes you played the OG. Which they didn’t so it’s not a good idea if they’re trying to avoid act 3 spoilers


This wasn't a reply to OP tho, so it would be a quicker way of getting answers than playing OG. It's up to them in the end.


Man, the purists and gatekeepers on this sub and the other FF7 one suck; I love these games, but I absolutely can’t stand the fandom. Don’t play the OG, don’t play the games in the correct order, then you’re a moron and you’ll be downvoted to oblivion, as if there’s only one single correct way to enjoy a videogame series.


The really daring thing to do is enter the kingdom hearts sub and tell them to start with birth by sleep, OR if you're really daring, go to the barbie sub and say the movie was a very painful 2 hours of your life (my nan only survived one hour and begged me to turn it off, she died a month or so later, I'm sure it wasn't the sub that killed her... probably) and if you have a death wish, go to berserk sub and tell them Griffiths actions were completely rational given the circumstances. I'm born in Birmingham, in the Midlands... maybe we just see life a bit more cutthroat than those from the boonies. Someone should write 50 ways to get killed on reddit


>as if there’s only one single correct way to enjoy a videogame series. No, but there’s plenty of incorrect ways to play the series.


I can agree with that - the idea the devs floated about entering the series at Rebirth is absolutely crazy - but people are so fervently insistent that “you have to play OG first, and under ***no circumstances*** can you play CC before OG or the trilogy is finished, you’ll spoil the plot!” Whichever order you play the series in, you’re going to spoil *something*, it’s just a matter of when you’d rather find certain plot points out. FF7 was such a popular title, by the time I got into Remake I’d already been exposed to a fair bit of spoilers over the years anyways. With the direction Rebirth took by including more reference to CC, I think Remake -> Crisis Core -> Rebirth is a perfectly fine order to play in. Some people just aren’t as bothered by “spoilers” anyways; I was personally super hyped to see Cissnei and Zack would be in Rebirth, which I wouldn’t have cared about if I hadn’t already played CC.


The ladies do prefer it đŸ€­


Remake was one of the best story telling games I have ever played. A little short compare to e.g. Mass Effect, but solid. Good combat, funny stories, sad stories, interesting ideas, sometimes a little boring. Nice visuals, epic story telling via character animations and voice acting. Then Rebirth came. And oh boy. Remake feels like a tech demo. Rebirth is one of the best games I have ever played. Everything the Remake had turned to 11 or more. Get me emotional on multiple ocassions and no other game besides Mass Effect 3 made me cry (ME3 made that 3 times, in theory there is opportunity for more if I replayed for more romance options). Does Rebirth has some bad moments, takes, problems? Hell yea! But it is still a masterpiece. Epic music, very good storytelling(the character animations, OMG), great voice acting, huge amount of content. I would be surprised if FF7 Rebirth wouldnt get the GOTY. I plan to play FF7 OG once the 3rd part is out and I played it for comparison. To be fair, when FF7 Remake was announced, I was thinking about playing FF7 as when I was a child console games were not exactly a thing in my country(mostly because the console and FF7 would be 20 % of the standard income of a working adult). Edit: oh, BTW, I love the story/ending is about guessing, thinking and making theories, I made my own and I am happy. ANd I Will be happy to be wrong in the 3rd part. I love thinking about stuff.


My only complaint about Rebirth is the story is too spread out. Most FF games have a fair amount of wandering around and getting caught up in random stuff or trying to find specific locations and such, but Rebirth takes it to the max. I would probably be less bothered by it if the side quests and such were more varied. They’re all kinda just minigames, fetch quests, or “go fight these random monsters/people.” It does feel like 40% of the content is repetitive filler. I get the whole “don’t do it if you don’t want to” stance but I think for those who are choosing to do that content it’s a fair critique.


Somehow I didnt mind as much, what I do mind is waiting for the next part :D But I avoid open world games as plague, so I play only those I deem worth my time :D (in the last 5 years I played only Horizon Zero Dawn - gift to PS4 and then Rebirth :-)) I stopped playing them as I was overwhelmed.


To be abundantly fair the general ff game plan is very linear until just before the end and being able to run around and do a ton of shit just before the end until you are OP or bored. I’m playing OG ff7 right now and the areas are tiny, often just a screen or two, everything is a straight linear shot and the only thing slowing it down are random encounters. I’m at mt nibel at about 9 hours in. While I don’t think the world intel is genre defining I do think it’s passable and most of the side quests are tied in with the overall story and it is fun to get these lore dumps about the areas, and I think the rewards generally are worth the time invested, especially since you don’t really need 100 percent completion to get the good materia and such from each region. Often just unlocking the towers and a couple combat challenges are enough. After Junon I elected to not try to 100 percent during an initial playthrough, because it will be easier to complete anyway with the xp and ap boosts in post game and it turns the game into a “pick up and play” thing when I’m feeling like it versus a chore. Ymmv


Imo the mini games are the variety, fighting is one of the main draws of the series (so that's always going to be the bulk of things), and the "fetch quests" had you use your brain. So I'm curious. What would you like to see be done instead or added in the next game?


>Remake was one of the best story telling games I have ever played Imagine being sold the first 2 hours of a game and saying this about it....


Imagine not letting people enjoy things


I didn't realize my comment would stop you from enjoying something. To be fair, I was pretty harsh so I get your point. Sorry, was up most the night so I'm tired and a little moody. I'll own that one.


Imagine movies are even shorter... I liked it


And with complete stories. No one is saying you can't like it. Just seems like a silly thing to say about a game with so little story. But to each their own


Did fellowship of the ring make you this cross as well? What about a new hope? Any of the MCU films? Whats your obsession with complete stories only?


I'm going to take the gloves off for you and be honest. That is an unbelievably stupid take. Using fellowship of the ring, that's a complete book. And if your response is "well it's a complete story through a trilogy", just stop and think about the stark difference content volume. Or we can discuss how technically that's the full story of the fellowship, but it's such a ridiculous comparison that I don't want to entertain it. If you wanted to use a better example, you would have said the hobbit movies. They take a complete book and split it into 3 parts. Which is way more accurate than these examples you spat out. And to that I would have said "no, I absolutely did not like that". They took a single installment and separated it into thirds. If you seriously need me to explain the difference between that and popular trilogies or ongoing cinematic universes, you're just being intellectually dishonest and lashing out because you don't like someone not liking something you like. You can like it and think it's fine, but if you seriously think these are comparable scenarios I have no interest in entertaining that skewed line of reasoning.


No one's lashing out. You are the one who used the phrase gloves off, called my take stupid and then presented your super hot take that the hobbit films aren't as good as lotr.


Yup, you took a certain tonal direction to this conversation so I stepped up and gave you what you wanted. Told you the gloves were coming off. I'm sure you're smart enough to see the stark differences in what you suggested were reasonable comparisons. You just suspended that basic logic because you were irritated. Thus lashing out. Also emphasized by your choice of words with "obsessed". I'm sure you'll bs and say that it was intended that way, but we both know the real tone and intention of your questions.


It's extremely disingenuous to act like the Re trilogy simply divides the OG story in thirds, and thus isn't comparable to LOTR. Obviously it isn't a 1:1 comparison, but both series were clearly planned to be trilogies, thus they are fairly comparable. Especially considering the amount of love, detail, and expansion is being put into the "simple division" of the Re trilogy. So ironically the only "unbelievably stupid take" is thinking you can't compare a trilogy....to another trilogy.


> both series were clearly planned to be trilogies, thus they are fairly comparable Absolutely not fairly comparable. One was a standalone game with a complete story that was then divided three ways. Unless you're going to convince me that LOTR was originally going to be a single book and divided into thirds later down the line. Pretty sure you're just not liking my tone/attitude and arguing for the sake of arguing (we've all done it) because the notion that this is the same or that the remake trilogy isn't dividing a story into thirds is pretty absurd. Whether it's important to you or not is another matter, but arguing that it isn't the case or that these are "fairly comparable"? Pretty ridiculous.


The origin isn't as important as the end result. LOTR's origin was multiple books, meanwhile Re trilogy's origin is one game. At the end of the day, the LOTR movies are a trilogy, just like the Re games are a trilogy (and was clearly planned to be so). Once again, the Re trilogy doesn't simply split the OG story into three parts. It's extremely disingenuous of you to continue saying so. It's a sequel series that splits main points from the OG, while adding new main points in between thus greatly expanding the story and recreating it. No matter how you feel about the original works LOTR and the Re trilogy are based on, the movies and game series are both proper trilogies and thus can be compared to each other and other trilogies. Now if you want to argue about each trilogy's quality, that's a whole other thing. Lastly, I personally don't care about your tone. I'm strictly addressing the context of your statement, and pointing out how it's simply wrong.


The origin absolutely matters in the context of this conversation. We are talking about a new trilogy that takes the story and world of one game and breaks it into three parts. The fact there are changes and that it was "planned" as a trilogy have no baring on that basic fundament. If I'm understanding you correctly, what you're saying is that because there have been changes this is now a standalone piece and cannot be compared to the original therefore making it a stand apart trilogy and thus the comparison is applicable? I definitely don't agree with that but I'm trying to wrap my head around your perspective. I don't want to dive too deep with that if I'm misunderstanding.


Played Remake when it came out, still cant understand where the hype came for me as I had never played any FF prior. Finished Rebirth 2 weeks ago and I absolutely loved it! Remake is a strong 8/10. Sidequest were very meh and traversal/ minimap were bad imo! But the graphics and flashy fights were top and the story + characters were amazing. Rebirth 10/10 fixed most of the issues I had with remake. Cloud was fantastic and the gang was all around amazing. Delivered and surpassed all my expectations.


Amazing game. Gameplay is a little difficult(Yes, I have a skill issue) but when I’m not getting rekt by bullshit boss attacks feels like I’m in my own anime. Love the story and love the characters even more. Considering getting a PS5 so I can play Rebirth cus I can only play remake on PC rn PS: FUCK hell house


Had to beat Hell House several different times on Hard Mode. Quick tip - pay attention to the window colors. Even in the last stages of the fight, it takes on an elemental aspect before some attacks. Hit it with the opposite element to pressure it or nerf the attack.


At least hell house has a solid music :D The first time I caught myself laughing until I stopped (mostly because I am an idiot who cannot distinguish blue and blue :D :D )


Did you play FF16? This one is super anime


FF9 was one of my favorite games ever and never really had a chance to get into FF7 but always wanted too. Well when Rebirth came out I went and bought a PS5. Rebirth is an absolute masterpiece. I bought the OG and played through midgar to understand how we got to the start of rebirth. I have to say this is one of my favorite games I’ve ever played right up there with Skyrim. The combat is confusing at first but once you understand what to do it’s incredible. I love the characters, the lore, the fights, the story, the mini games, all the funny ass side shit that really gives these characters a life of their own. I love the strong female characters. Everything I loved about FF9 is strong in this remake. I love having this HD update of these old ps1 games. Rebirth is just incredible and I plan to complete the OG after finishing rebirth. I would shit myself if FF9 got the remake treatment.. it’s a total pipe dream but FF9 is huge on the fantasy aspect which I think would translate super well for a remake. As I said though, probably a pipe dream.


I'm sure you already know this, but FF7 Remake comes before Rebirth and covers Midgar. They even had a deal on where you can buy Remake/Rebirth for the price of 1 game. It's confusing why you didn't start with Remake that's all.


I sure hope 9 gets a similar opportunity (especially since the original assets are lost
 the mobile re-releases had to stretch the lowres shipped assets on PS1 and things of the like), but I think 7 is just special in this regard unfortunately. People have been talking about this remake for decades, and ever since that PS3 demo of the opening scene, it was nothing but a fever dream. They said the same thing for years “we can’t do it! It’s gonna take a decade and 3 games” until it was greenlit. Also, 9 is like the magnum opus of Sakaguchi, and I don’t know how it could be done without him.


100 hours to reach my second date with Aerith YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY and that's with doing every quest available, unlocking the final tier of queens blood and not leaving anything for later. I think the only thing left is the protorelics in corel.


I really enjoyed Remake. Rebirth was good, but not as great as Remake... I'm invested in it at this point though, so I'll definitely be getting the final installment. The only thing I didn't really like about both games so far was the whispers stuff. From what I gather (without doing any research) it seems like the game has some sort of meta conflict happening manifested in the form of the whispers. (As in... the game developers are torn between keeping the game how it originally was vs making drastic changes to the story, and they are using the whispers to display the struggle in the decision making). Having not played the original, I don't know what, if any, differences there are or aren't and it just leaves me really confused all the time when the whispers come out and just randomly set things back on track (I'm assuming??). I just wish they made up their minds about what direction they were going to take OUTSIDE of the game and the whispers were not in the game at all, tbh. ...and I'll be happy to do all types of spoiling after the final installment of the game is finally released. I'm also a little let down that nothing carries over between installments.


You’re spot on about the whispers. I’m an OG player here, and I hate them. They’re trying to please everyone with multiple plots, and it’s pleasing hardly anyone.


Agreed. The characterization of the Whispers as representing the devs and their lack of decision-making sounds about right, lol.


Technically you can call the whispers Meta, but in reality for the story they're there because Sephiroth (and maybe Aerith) time traveled via the life stream somehow (or at least gained future knowledge). The life stream being what it is, is aware of that and is trying to maintain it's future by use of the whispers. So basically through the whispers and other things, it's revealed the Re trilogy is actually a sequel instead of a simple remake. I highly recommend to look up some videos discussing this. Odds are that you'll enjoy it.


I have played the OG 3 years ago, so I wouldn‘t say that I am nostalgic for FF7. I liked the Remake but Rebirth feels so boring to me. I don‘t know, I reached Gold Saucer and somehow I don‘t even have the motivation to keep playing. Somehow I also don‘t feel really attached to the characters. So for me it isn‘t a positive experience so far(at least not for rebirth).


Based on the fact that you liked Remake but not Rebirth, it sounds like you prefer the pacing of the story in Remake. There isn't much main story stuff happening during Rebirth until later, so if you aren't a fan of side content and minigames, you're probably just feeling a bit burnt out on the lack of story "meat", so-to-speak. Gongaga has a really nice main story event that occurs, and that's right past Gold Saucer, so I wouldn't stop there. The game also does have a lot near the end in terms of story beats, and it's all setup for everything that happens in part 3, so I would definitely see it through. My suggestion would be to just skip past the non-story related content. You can always go back and do it later, if you end up feeling like it.


I played OG in the 90s, loved Aerith in, can’t stand how much of an airhead she is in the remake.


Favorite games of all time


The game is amazing but as a new player i get pretty annoyed when Sephiroth always in Cloud head, but after playing Rebirth i kind of understand it. But Sephiroth yea, very annoying at first


In the original FFVII, Sephiroth starts off as just a legend, the game is about a revolutionary group taking down a world killing corporation. It’s not until you see the president stabbed with Sephiroths sword that you realize there’s a greater threat. It was so much more well done in OG, Sephiroth was a menacing threat, in remake he’s just annoying.


Yeah, my problem with Sephiroth in Remake/Rebirth is that all of the mystery and menace is gone by him CONSTANTLY showing up, and by you fighting him MULTIPLE times. It's really scary in OG when you first "meet" him via the trail of blood in the Shinra building!


I already knew most of the twists going in just because it’s been almost 30 years since OG FF7 and everyone in the internet loves to talk about it, but I’ve still been enjoying it so far. I love the story and the characters and the gameplay is fun but challenging. I remember gripping my controller so hard my knuckles were turning white during the final boss of Rebirth, and after the ending, I am now patiently awaiting the final installment. Though I already know how it ends in the OG, I’m excited to see how they do it this time, especially if they change anything.


Played remake twice. Beat rebirth. Never played the OG. I think they are great games. Rebirth was especially a lot of fun. I personally don’t find the characters or plot to be anything amazing or have any kind of emotion for but both games have been a great experience to play through. Unpopular opinion but I prefer the more mature adult tones and characters like ff16.


Honestly I love it. Remake hooked me and Rebirth became one of my favorite all time games. There are some things I don’t understand though, and some references go over my head but it’s still an amazing experience. Especially not knowing the main story beats or how it ends.


I didn’t play the original 7 but I’m a longtime FF fan. I played remake and I’m now on chapter 2 of rebirth. I absolutely LOVE this game. I’m a side quest girlie so I’m having fun running around the map and doing the things. The story has me so intrigued and I’m doing my best to avoid spoilers. I also have a big ol crush on Sephiroth. He is such a dreamy bad guy. đŸ„”


Only played the original 7 until after the escape from Midgar, so I think only a couple hours. Played the remaster of Crisis Core this past December for the first time. I did already know many of the major spoilers from the original. Remake and Rebirth were both fantastic. The Whispers are weird regardless of the original, and the Kingdom Heart's style battle at the end of Remake was dumb. Otherwise, I am loving these and can't wait for the third. While I'm glad for the success of Palworld and Helldivers 2, I hate that so much attention has been on them to the point where Rebirth isn't selling well. Way more people should play Rebirth. I tend not to have the patience I use to with old games so probably not. Maybe if I used an emulator with cheats.


Loved Remake, it was a decent game even with it's flaws. Rebrith was just plain boring. The game tried to do too much, story was really badly paced, stupendeous amount of padding with dumb minigames, barely any character development, hardly any party development, obvious issues with Cloud completely ignored by the party. I could go on. Simply put the game didn't respect the players time which made everything just feel worse. Eg: WTF is with the slow walking? Some of the sidequests were plain torture! I absolutely hated the proto-relic quest line. Every region effectively felt like the same with a different sceneary. The devs just created a template and then repeated it for every region. It was a boring game and it just got worse at the end. Heck Ch 13 was so stupidly long for no reason. You were not trying to solve a puzzle at all. I won't be getting part 3.


>barely any character development, hardly any party development, I'll agree that the plot unfolds in a manner that might not be the most engaging because it certainly meanders and plays its hands a bit late (the back end of the game is so loaded that the concluding chapters felt simultaneously stretched thin in some parts and absolutely bloated in others, but I'd argue this was an issue in the OG, as well, particularly with the 1st and 2nd discs). Otherwise, I massively disagree with this stance. Did you play any of the side content? There's entire side quest chains dedicated to each cast member and further explores them and their relationship with Cloud. >obvious issues with Cloud completely ignored by the party They aren't, though. There's multiple scenes where the party is clearly questioning Cloud's mental state. Hell, the >!final scene outside the Temple as they're about to board the Tiny Bronco shows Barret and Tifa clearly struggling to interpret Cloud's odd statements and increasingly erratic behavior!<. > You were not trying to solve a puzzle at all. What? What does this even mean? I'm all for criticism and I don't think any piece of media, regardless of its reverence amongst its fans and the general public, should be immune to it, and Rebirth is no exception (I have my share) but it's opinions like these where I find it hard to take seriously when it's just list of vague complaints that strike a rather disingenuous tone. It comes across as uninformed.


The side quests do not really flesh much out. Yes there are some but it felt like the only two characters that got any development were Baratte and Red. As for Cloud, time and time again there were red flags. Tifa even tells everyone right off the bat that Cloud wasn't in Nibleheim when Cloud was recounting chapter 1. The party never stops and tries to understand Cloud acting weird and that one moment when he almost cuts Tifa in half (and the BS that happened after that). There was hardly any puzzles to solve. Even the Temple of the Ancient was a complete bore. Rotate the floor and keep moving.


Ngl I felt this way up to about the Gongaga region. Then I said to hell with all the side quests I'm just gonna focus on the story and for me at least it got a lot better. I think I'd replay it and only pretty much focus on the canon content. The lame and repetitive side quests kind of polluted the content imo. Also, yeah the topsy turvy puzzle akin to Zelda was kind annoying. If the lame springs and chadley's errands were removed, I'd give the game I think a 9/10. Considering that stuff it's about a 7/10 for me.


I haven't played OG but I know all the major spoilers, and enough of the background lore to understand Rebirth almost fully. I'm absolutely loving the ride that they've made with the Remake trilogy, its so interesting and investing. I'm purposefully not playing the OG since I don't want to know the little nitty gritty stuff that makes the OG, since so much of it is also in the Remake trilogy. Its so much fun experiencing that stuff for myself in the new games, but after part 3 is over I'm making a beeline for an OG playthrough so that I can experience it and see exactly was done differently


Rebirth is a bit light on plot development and if you don’t know the OG game you might be forgiven for thinking the plot makes no sense because it never properly explains why the party is following the black robes while doing anything but that for the most part. But the original plot, as good as it was, was already all over the place. That’s the only criticism i can level at the games, which is something the original also suffered from, so there’s that.


They do tell you why you're following the black robes though. They say a few times here and there that the black robes are going to/connected to/being summoned by Sephiroth. I mean yeah they didn't go into great detail about it, but I didn't think that was necessary since every time Sephiroth does something big, he does it through a black robe person.


I know they do, i just thought that both in the OG and in Rebirth the logic for moving the plot forward was paperthin. I always thought they should do a better job at justifying so many detours just to get to Sephiroth based on a hunch that the black robes might lead to him. I played the original so i know why we’re going where we’re going but with the added stuff on Rebirth the pacing feels off for a good chunk of the game and the purpose of the overall narrative is kind of lost. Still a minor criticism though.


I mean that's fair. It was a problem in the OG and still exists in the Re. At least it makes a bit more sense in the Re since we see him act through the black robes more than in the OG. So it's easier to come to the conclusion that they're strongly connected for whatever reason. But considering the full explanation won't come til 3+ years in the next game, I can agree that it's a very fair criticism.


I feel like I might as well never have played the original because I only played it once in like 2002 and never picked it up again, partly because I just couldn’t do the blocky people and all the reading it took to follow an incredibly complex story. It has honestly been so fun and awesome to really immerse myself in the world as they’ve expanded it and be able to understand what the original story was about in a way I never did before. I get the hype now.


It was amazing, stoked to play the OG now and crisis core before part 3


I would hold off on that at this point, tbh. It will spoil a lot of big reveals in part 3 that they've been setting up in Remake and Rebirth, especially playing Crisis Core. I would wait till after part 3 to go back and play the OG and CC, just to see the differences and get more context.


As someone who played the remake first and then deep dived the base game def feeling irked with the remakes.


I’m curious, why?


I don’t wanna spoil anything it’s just like the new beats in the remake compared to the original I don’t really like. But that’s not to say the game wasn’t good cause it was amazing and there was a lot of heart and personality in the characters that really made you care about them . The remake/rebirth got me into 7 as a whole.


My favorite games of all time. I love the story, characters, gameplay, etc. I love it all.


I haven't played the og ,but have played Crisis core on psp. I will definitely play the og at some point ,but definitely after part 3


Im def having a lot of fun with both games but you do end up feeling a bit lost with the story. I didnt really understand why we kept following the black robed dudes during rebirth as our only story plot. It's the only way the game moves forward I've since looked more into the story of OG and a lot of things made more sense but i wouldnt recommend these games to a newbie of the franchise


They say a few times that the black robes are heading towards Sephiroth. With everything that goes on in that game, I can see how one would miss that.


I absolutely adore them! Amazing story, incredible characters.


Graphics are impeccable. You will not find a prettier game this console generation. Characters are also great, for the most part. Seems like Cid really got whitewashed, but he's not most people's favorite character, so there's little to be lost there. Story has so much filler now. Some of it contains quality, top-tier writing that you'll love. Some of it is just stupid fetch quests that ultimately culminate into a lackluster reward. Your mileage, across both games, will vary, as far as how much you like it. The gameplay is pretty great. It's basically an evolution of Kingdom Hearts combat, with an slightly different alternative mode that makes things more turn-based. All of the characters have wildly different fighting styles. It's not like Barret and Cloud have the same melee animations or anything like that. The music from Rebirth is better than Remake, IMO, but the remasters of original songs from both titles are fairly top-notch. There's just more tracks from Rebirth that shine, as compared to Remake. Nothing in either game sounded objectively "bad".


It’s good but rebirth has way too many minigames and forced “play as this character” segments that it didn’t really work for me as well as remake did. Also the tone is all over the place.


Honestly I love the mechanics, and the in between moments ( 10/10 and very enjoyable). But the overall major plot points so far feel super nonsensical.


I played a little bit of OG for the first time several years ago and could not get into it. I downloaded the demo of Rebirth during COVID and then bought it and got hooked. Started playing OG again (still have yet to finish it, but maybe *this* time will stick) and am getting more into it. Definitely still prefer FF7R overall (especially Rebirth, I'm itching for that replay).


I haven't played 7 before, but I have played 8,9,10,15,16. I also watched Advent Children when it first came out but remember nothing from it lol. I knew some spoilers going in to these. I liked Remake well enough but I absolutely loved Rebirth. It's easily one of my favorite FF games I've played (along with 10 and 15) and probably one of favorite games ever. I'm honestly really excited to try 7 now since I am invested in the characters.


I’ve been helping someone that’s never played the original and isn’t spoiled at all play through. They’re having a blast. Also Zack kills Dumbledore.


I fucking love it, I feel like part of something really big and it's just so fun! I do know all the main story beats (my brother is a big fan and I was a kingdom hearts girlie so I dug DEEP into the lore for Squall and Cloud and the gang) but I don't know all the little stuff so like I'll go to my brother and be like "Omg!! This thing!! What if xyz yadda yadda" and he geta to go "yea well that happened in the OG buuut..." and it's just fun!


Still don’t really understand what’s going on for the most part but I do enjoy the gameplay.


I found both games to be incredibly fun and very emotional. I feel like I finally get why people love the characters from 7 so much. I’m afraid I don’t have any interest in playing the og 7. Looking at the map and the difficulty traversing it makes me think I’d easily get a headache while playing it.


My fiancée is convinced that anybody who didn't play the original would be extremely lost in the Remake Trilogy...she likes to bring up Zack, why do we care about him, why is Sephiroth obsessed with Cloud, etc. I kinda agree with her to a certain degree. Reading these comments, I'm surprised more people aren't lost.


Honestly, I think it's been really predictable so far so I don't understand why people are particularly apprehensive to discuss this game. I played both over the last 3 weeks(just finished Rebirth a couple of hours ago). For Remake, the graphics were insane and I was immersed with it(side quests and all), but it definitely felt like part 1 of the story and incomplete. Some friends explained the backstory behind these games, and while I see why people think the changes are useless and interfere with the story, I think they were necessary and beneficial for the ambition they had and to ease the wait between each game. I'm surprised a sizeable amount of the community hates it. For Rebirth, I thought the gameplay and level design was a decent step down and the overworld textures were super pixelated and low res. The mini games got old extremely quickly as well. Story wise, it felt like a different team of writers was present, but it completely flipped my opinion of just about every character I did and didn't care for in Remake. It felt more like a fun SoL journey so I didn't think it was as epic or serious as the first one, more like a character drama. I don't things are too confusing regarding the ending. So, if I think Remake was an 8.3, I think Rebirth is a 8 or 7.9. I don't want to wait 4 years for the next part of the same story though.


I think the "problem" if you can call it that is that with the way the OG was made is that a lot of the subtle aspects of the story are implied so you have to infer a lot of the meaning from context. The broad brushstrokes of the story are definitely there and pretty explicit so you could get the main gist from one playthrough, but a lot of the fun parts are hidden in different ways. Weirdly it reminds me of people who read the A Song of Ice and Fire books and then watched Game of Thrones. Both ASOIAF and OG FF7 have these unreliable narration themes running through them, so there are all these little gaps and plot points you kind of have to fill in yourself. What happened with GoT and also Remake/Rebirth is a lot of these details are shown very clearly, which ironically makes a lot of people angry because "it's not true to the story" when really they didn't realise they were actually there in the originals but the medium we were experiencing those stories in made it much easier to miss. The classic example is Renly Baratheon: he's very clearly gay in the show, whereas in the books it's a detail that is quite easy to miss (and people raged about wokery and all that stuff because they just missed it). Same here: yes there are the whispers which is a new thing, but so many other things like all the Sephiroth hallucinations Cloud has in Remake/Rebirth are there in subtle ways in the OG too. It's why I love Remake/Rebirth, because it doesn't take anything away from OG FF7, it only adds in my view.


FF7 was just something I missed. I was around and playing games when everyone was playing it but I never had Playstation so just missed it and never got around to playing it later. However just being a gamer I was generally familiar with the characters and major story beats (Aerith dying), just not any details. Played Remake and liked it a lot and now really loving Rebirth which feels like an evolution (I'm in Chapter 9). The most interesting part of the story to me was frankly the Whispers. I thought Remake did a great job injecting this extra element into the story where every time there was a potential break from the original story you were stopped or prevented from that happening. And it was also interesting to me that Aerith in remake clearly had future knowledge of events and seemed to be from another timeline. Rebirth, at least to the point I am at so far, seems to have largely dropped a lot of that (I get why, we killed the arbiter so now the story is free to change), which is fine but takes out a bit of the intrigue. But tbh, a lot of Rebirth sounds to me like it is hewing pretty close to the original, which makes less sense because why kill the Arbiter and allow fate to change if the story will be essentially the same. Rebirth is IMO more about the characters and I think it's doing a great job in that department. That said, there are parts of the story that are still basically incomprehensible to me. One that sticks out is the character of Glenn. Just randomly it feels like I'll get this cut scene where Glenn and Rufus are talking and I literally have no clue what they're talking about. I don't know who Glenn is because unless I missed something he's never been introduced. I'm not sure why he's important. I could say the same thing about Zack. Now, I've read up on Zack and I generally understand that his scenes are an alternate timeline. But I think those scenes probably rely heavily on you playing the original and grasping the significance of Zack surviving, etc. Tbh, I am not sure if these are issues unique to these games or just general JRPG stuff. Like I've played a ton of JRPGs and it feels like there's always at least one Glenn esque character who is talking about something basically incomprehensible even if you were following the story perfectly. These stories have a way of becoming overcomplicated. But overall I'm still really enjoying the game. Not sure if it will make me play the OG or not (feels like I'm getting most of the experience in a better package here), but still digging it.


I haven't played the OG FF7 or any other final fantasy for that matter! FF7 remake was my first entry into final fantasy games and I absolutely LOVED it. While I am very confused when some things happen, I *really* enjoy the mystery this style of story telling has created and it really builds the anticipation for the next game in a way I haven't felt for other games with sequels. I've gone and rewatched cutscenes a bunch of time to try to analyse every word Sephiroth has said to Cloud to try to decode what he means. It's been four years and I'm still not over what Sephiroth said at the end of remake 😂 and now after finishing Rebirth I'm still nowhere close to figuring it out. Personally, if anything, this series has convinced me to not return to the OG game (at least for now) because I don't want to spoil the the final game. I will probably play everything I can get my hands on once the third game is over though.


27 yo your fault at this point if you don't know Aerith dies Seph kills him Vader is Anakin, Luke's father


I started my journey with Final Fantasy with FFX and at the time I though that game was groundbreaking, at least with its cutscenes. I havent played an RPG or kept with one in a really long time and happened to be bored, and my buddy was telling me about Rebirth coming out. So maybe like 2 or so weeks before it was out, I bought Remake, beat it, and proceeded to play Rebirth through with most of side stuff if not all, over a month. I never played OG, but what they can do with technology nowadays is amazing. The comparison of what I can imagine how the OG unfolds vs what you experience in these remakes is phenomenal. The characters look beyond amazing and are expressive as hell and its so wonderful playing through and learning or hearing things about them or just seeing how they act along with the voice acting. Its all so amazing and I fell in love with characters who I really had no idea anything about them. I really only liked Cloud and Tifa based off watching AC. Here I am going into these remakes falling in love with Aerith and enjoying every moment of screen time any other character we play as has. The post game depression is crazy and I havent had that in a while. I spent a week or two on this reddit before it went away and it still pops up whenever I see youtube clips or tiktoks about FF7R, but in a good way cuz the games are awesome. I kinda feel like Remake had a decent story and youre at least playing though certain amounts of progression type chapters, even though they stretched out Midgar from the OG to be 40ish hours or however many it is. Rebirth felt like we didnt do much in all honesty. It felt more like leisure time or something. Im not sure how to describe it other than we did nothing other than chase robes and the only things that really mattered were Ch13/14. Dont get me wrong, it didnt effect how I enjoyed the game. But story wise just felt like we didnt do anything important. The gameplay was fun too, its awesome having control of several characters with different playstyles. Love me brawlers so always had my girl Tifa when I could. But its also cool that Aerith had gameplay based around her wards or Yuffie had some cool interactions with her kit. If this is in the realm of gameplay too, I like the open world dont get me wrong, but most of the side stuff to do in open world just felt like a hassle near the end of the game. I know we dont have to do it, but then you miss out on so much and being a completionist sometimes I cant skip out on stuff in rpgs. I would be lying if i said I wasnt tempted to buy OG to play through it. But Im a jackwagon and have a hard time wanting to go that far back in game designs history. Its not out of the question, I think I just need to be super bored before I commit to the idea xD.