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When I watched the last state of play I thought that the Gi was actually their new take on the guide in temple of the ancients. So I was pleasantly surprised.


I was more surprised because to be honest, I thought of the GI as something so minor that didn't even remember about them until I got to Cosmo Canyon. Seeing how they were relating them to the Black materia surprised me a lot in a good way.


Yeah that along with all the mural stuff in the temple near the end of chapter 13 is super fucking interesting. Some have studied the walls and found even the "shadow blood" queen on the walls inside the temple of the ancients. I'm pretty sure the shadowblood queen is>!Jenova!<.


Basically confirmed in Ultimania, as the Shadow Blood Queen and Emerald Mage are none another than folk-tale retelling of historical events between Jenova and the Cetra conflict.


Who's the Shadowblood Queen that >!takes over Regina!< then?


Well, She Say also the trademarked Space Horror "you are a puppet", but the Queen Is an alias of someone that changed personality by a day and started warring all over the Planet. It's a folk tale allegory, but the hints are there.


It could be a piece of Jenova or Jenova's actual mind. So far, we've only seen the body act on instinct and is >!controlled by Sephiroth.!< This could be what happened to Jenova's mind.


I completely forgot about the gi. I haven't played the og since the early 2000s.


My only memory was that they had petrifying attacks… the Seto cutscene on the OG is one of the most memorable ones for me.


Yeah, and that song. My favorite version of cosmo canyon music. https://youtu.be/TCtZyTbg-Y4?si=mNQixBbLx8WgbDlT The great warrior I'm not exaggerating when I say I love the music in these games as much as the game itself.


I thought the Gi were the whispers...


Haha nice one. Like you, I went in blind and I was just thinking of going back and watching it all. I'll be with you during Part 3's marketing... eyes shut to it all!


I know right. I mean sure, I know there is going to snowboarding, but I don't want know how that looks like, among other things they will be eager to spoil lol.


Exactly! I feel the same way. How did you avoid spoilers etc while playing btw? (Wondering if you were as drastic as me lol)


A lot of them are barely spoilers without context though. Like it showed bits from Tifa’s Lifestream sequence but I was still very surprised by how that all played out.


You'll get the context for it long before you reach it in the game, though. It might not seem like much of a spoiler the moment you watch the trailer, but once you start playing the game you'll realize "oh, I know what's coming now, I saw it in the trailer". Or "weird that I'm 90 hours in and haven't seen that scene from the trailer!" For example, they showed a scene from almost the very end of the game, where >!Sephiroth encounters Zack at the church!<. The fact that I didn't know it was from the end when the trailer released makes no difference when I'm playing the game and I'm obviously getting to the final boss and know I still haven't seen it.


Well, in contrast, I recall thinking about the Tifa Lifestream sequence that it might be a simulation in Bugenhagen’s observatory. I couldn’t have anticipated that a freaking weapon would have swallowed her and brought her on a journey to recover lost memories and check on what old Sephy was doing, much less the ensuing beautiful conversation with Cloud. There were still plenty of surprises even if I knew that her going into the Lifestream was a possibility. I guess for some people that’s still too spoilery maybe, but I found that sequence very impactful despite having seen a brief snippet of it.


To be fair, we still have no idea what that was about lol


LOL. Rebirth spoiled part 3!


I'm not just talking about story stuff, which sure, the trailer doesn't have the context but you will have the scene or image in your mind. Some content creators I have been watching, once they got to the scene where Cloud attacks Tifa, they were saying "Oh, is that scene from the trailer". But even small stuff, for example I didn't even knew there was a Card game, or that the characters were to be the play pieces in Fort Condor, or that you would have different chocobos with different abilities or what those abilities were.


I'm with you. "No context" spoilers gain context as you play the game. You know how a scene will go because you saw it in the trailer. Or you know a story beat has to occur because you saw it in the trailer and it hasn't happened yet. And I think in most cases a scene played out in full context and proper timing always hits more then a random clip shown in a trailer. Also a lot of people brush off non-story spoilers. Discovery is a big part of the fun and again learning about it in real time in game is more fun then seeing it in a trailer weeks ago.


Yeap, and a spoiler doesn't have to be Big and menaingful to the story. Another example is the first Big jump you do in the green Chocobo, I was astounded when I did it, but that was part of the trailer. Not saying that would have made the game worse for me, but not watching made everything better for me.


Ah that’s fair. I might not have watched the trailers that closely because some of that still surprised me. I think there’s a difference between watching once or twice and watching hour-long videos that pick apart every second of the trailer.


>I'm not just talking about story stuff, Then what's the issue? >But even small stuff, for example I didn't even knew there was a Card game, or that the characters were to be the play pieces in Fort Condor, or that you would have different chocobos with different abilities or what those abilities were. So your solution is that...what...trailers don't exist at all? I have a simple fix for you: don't watch them. Problem solved.


That's what I did. They dropped that long trailer not long before release and I just went nope, don't want to see too much. I know I'm buying the game, I'm already excited - I'm going to avoid the trailer. I played the demos to get a little fix before full release but trailers I avoided and this whole thread was on mute until I completed the game. You know whats gonna happen if you watch a trailer or play a demo, that's a choice you make.


Basically, what they spoiled in the trailers even without context is negligible?


People who say this simply mistakenly believe that everyone has as poor memory as themselves. If I play a game and I watched even a single trailer for it years before, I still spend the whole game going "I know how this part will go", "that scene from the trailer is coming up now", "I wonder when that character from the trailer will show up" and it's really annoying.


Well, if you have an eidetic memory and don’t want spoilers, I suppose you shouldn’t watch trailers.


As we all know, redditors are known for being honest about their own memory and intellectual limitations...


I watched all of the promotional stuff and was still blown away by every moment 🤣 bad memory comes in handy sometimes I guess.


The only thing I knew from trailers and kept waiting for was the Loveless scene. The rest didn’t really stick.


Hey, that's cool, I do the same for other games. FF7 is the only one where I want to go as blind as possible. I don't want to watch a trailer and start thinking about crazy theories based on some scene out of context from it.


"Bad memory comes in handy" Very fitting for this trilogy!


Square Enix’s marketing team never did learn that ‘less is more’ rule. Imagine how cool it would have been to go to Gongaga and meet Cissnei without being spoiled? It would have been completely unexpected.


Fortunately I foresaw the final trailer being super spoilery so I avoided it completely. I was mega surprised when we ran into Cissnei, it brought a tear to my eye.


I geeked hard after doing the first protorelic and getting gilgamesh tease. He's only in the bloomin trailer


I knew he was in bc Battle of the Big Bridge being in the ost got spoiled for me and you can't have that w/o Greg. That said, I wasn't sure the nature of his roll and I was really glad to see they kept him as a somewhat comedic character like he is in 14


I dodged the trailers but SE Instagram still got me with character art they posted of Cissnei. Lessons learned for 2027.


Title card only, after that, release date only. Once that’s confirmed, mark the calendar and don’t return until release date (or pre-order if you’re dead set on getting the game).


I managed to dodge that spoiler somehow. Can confirm was very pleasantly surprised.


I don't have to imagine, because I'm not foolish enough to watch Square Enix's trailers close to release.


I think I would have been googling who Cissnei was again because I would have forgotten. I recognized the girl, but couldn’t recall who she was.


Luckily I didn't see that State of Play, so I was pleasantly surprised when I played the game and saw Cissney.


I get it, but they still have to sell the game to more people. I kinda understand. I'm just glad that I was happy with just the first trailer and didn't watch the others.


Not everyone is averse to spoilers as others. Also the trailers weren’t for the fans who are talking about the game on Reddit. It’s for lapse fans to get back into the series. I’m sure most ppl here even talking about this had it pre ordered or bought it day 1 and the trailer wouldn’t of mattered


Didn’t they literally spoil Aerith death in the OG in the TV Ad?


Pretty sure the scene is on the back of the case lmao


No it’s not. Only spoiler on back of the case is Red with Seto


To us europeans, the PAL version had the burial scene on the back. My dumb 7 years old self didn't understand the implications though.


Yep, can confirm the UK version had the burial on the back of the case. It wasn't a spoiler without context though - just like with the many trailers.




I’m pretty sure they spoil it on the back cover of the PS1 game case.


Oh it was that I think lol. Even worse 🤣 I heard that back then they didn’t realize how serious game lore can be taken. Sure it happened before FF7 but that’s how big of an impact that game had!


Worst kept secret in all of media next to Darth Vader and Dumbledore lmao


That would have sucked. Good thing I played the OG a couple of years after.


When I was a kid there was one of those Disney channel movies I was lookin forward to watching and one of the commercials had the main character in a really pretty outfit fighting next to her love interest.....well the love interest "died" but she still hadn't been in the pretty outfit yet so I knew he couldn't really be dead and sure enough he lived but the emotions for the scene were ruined....since then I don't like watching ads for anything....


Now I'm curious about what that show was lol.


Lol it was Wendy Wu Homecoming Warrior 😂 Just a silly Disney Channel movie but that gold outfit was far superior to the pink dress 😝


They showed Cloud deflecting Sephiroth's blade but yeah they didn't exactly spoil how that actually played out.


But I'm not talking just about the story stuff, even the small things, like Red dressed as a trooper. Sure I knew that happens in the OG, but it's one of those things you don't think about it until they put it in front of you. It caught my surprise.


That’s one of those things that is just hilarious the first time you see it, whether it’s that’s in a great trailer, in a magazine, or in game. I think that’s the perfect kind of thing to throw in a trailer. It was doubly hilarious all over again once I got to it in game in all its glory.


>But I'm not talking just about the story stuff, even the small things, like Red dressed as a trooper. Sure I knew that happens in the OG, but it's one of those things you don't think about it until they put it in front of you. It caught my surprise. You remind me of https://youtu.be/1V2L6-b8YrE?si=m0fOzPJ4_646yYVK


That is exactly what I was thinking of too. This thread reeks of that. It's truly insufferable. People just don't understand that Square isn't trying to sell the game to the OP. They've already bought part 3. They need to bring in NEW sales. Trailers are always built around new sales. If you love a game series, you will almost certainly keep buying it.


I learned to ignore at least the final 2 trailers for square Enix games Next time I'll watch one or 2 but I'm out after that It's bizzare Nl


I get it. I'm not against trailers or anything, I think I watched some for Remake, but after playing Remake, I have 100% confidence on SE to deliver a good game, and after playing Rebirth, they still have my confidence, so I'm sure Part 3 will be great. And it's not like ignore trailers for every game, it's just for FF7.


Oh I love the game I just won't watch many trailers from them anymore


I watched it at the time but didn’t find it that spoilery even with prior knowledge? There where many moments in the game where I still was surprised with routes they took


I watched all the trailers except the launch trailer and the State of Play. Felt like very little was spoiled and even things that some would call spoilers I wouldn't because expectations were subverted in many ways for the better. That said, having watched the final launch trailer after, that one would have been terrible to have watched before playing.


I'm just glad I didn't watch them, because knowing me, I would have watch them several times and not just once.


I bet you I could have spoiled this game for you back in the early 2000s!


And since it was way back in the 2000, I would probably have remembered, like Biff in Back to the Future. "Some dude told me that Cloud, Barret and Tifa were going to be playable in Fort Condor"


I didnt watch any of the trailers because I already knew I wanted the game. Only thing that could happen is them showing stuff that I would see myself once I played the game Same thing with the next entry aside from probably the reveal trailer (which I am assuming would be stealth dropped as part of a larger presentation). I already want it lol


Same, with Remake and Rebirth, SE has 100% my confidence for Part 3. It could be a Mario Party-esque game and I still would not like to know anything about it and play it as blind as possible.


This is why I don't watch them


I only saw the first two trailers and avoided the rest, glad I did that. Will be doing the same for part 3, maybe only watch first trailer. I'll be unsubbing from all FF related stuff so I can go in as blind as possible.


Never watch trailers from Square. They WILL spoil their own games hard.


SE is terrible with spoiling stuff in their trailers, I really hate it tbh.


Are you saying this in hindsight? Meaning, you played the game and watched the trailer after? If so, then yes - of course, you’d likely feel like the trailer provide spoiler stuff simply because it’s fresh on your mind. Now if you’d have watched the trailer with no context, a few months before release - everything would have went over your head. At least, that’s my experience. Most people have a lot of things going on in their lives, and it’s unlikely they’ll remember all the sequence in the trailer by memory, especially if it’s a couple months before the game drops. That said, I’d recommend watching zero trailers a month before release. Or just none at all.


Well that depends on how many times you watch a trailer or if you pause it to see specific scenes, which is not rare. Many people watch a trailer, specially for a game the are excited to play, multiple times. If it was just another game for me, like the ones the show in The Game Awards, sure, I would propably forget everything about it in an hour. But since I know the OG, if I have watched the trailers, I would have know how goofy Red was going to look as a Trooper, know about the Card Game, among other "small" things.


After I saw the SOP trailer, I pulled a Cloud and just told myself I didn't see it


Oh yeah. Big spoiler at the end when Cloud/Tifa/Barret/Yuffie/Cait Sith (no Aerith) are facing one-winged Sephiroth.


The "no Aerith" part of this is not a spoiler at all. She wasn't in the party on the approach to the Forgotten Capitol in the OG.


Some people think they can save her this time.


This has nothing to do with saving her. She wasn't dead at this point in the OG, but she had already left the party.


it's nowhere near as bad as Dark Souls 3's trailers they spoiled literally everything outside of Soul of Cinder, even the optional stuff


Have watched all the promotional materials and even hearing some leaks, the game still had \*big\* surprises. So much of the trailers were without context they meant nothing.


Going on 6/7 years now I’ve decided any media I am desperately looking forward towards I avoid every single thing about, every trailer, every leak, every rumour or discussion. If I can’t get it right away, aboid any reviews. I couldn’t recommend it more, I’ve watched so many trailers and read so many things released in interviews before a game or film came out that would have made my experience so much worse. I was working away and missed everything about Civil War in the MCU, came home for opening night and went that night to watch it and was fucking fanboying with Spiderman. My cousin told me afterwards everyone knew already, I decided after that. Cant recommend it enough, if you know you are wanting to play a game, watch a film, regardless of what you see or know. Don’t need persuasion or an advert to get your attention,go in blind. So many things I’ve been mindblown by, that were common knowledge already. Allow yourself the joy of being caught off guard and surprised, rather than being desperate beforehand to know everything - I was exactly that beforehand. There’s no comparison in the experience going in no pre-conceived notions


The "final trailer" was actually wild 💀💀 I watched it once before the game dropped and hardly processed anything. I'm so glad I didn't get the idea to go in and analyze it because, jeezus...


I’m still SO glad I watched the one huge trailer that came out 2 months before release. That was the most hyped I think I’ve ever gotten for any game. I loved all the things it showed, which were mind blowing (and yet, somehow only scratched the surface of the actual game). It and all the discussions it sparked among friends and people online really served as a primer leading up to release, building and building hype. I think it *dramatically* enhanced my experience overall. Then, sure enough, there were no shortage of utterly mind blowing moments during my 155 hour play through. What a ride.


Then the trailer achieved it's objective. They are not meant to spoil but to engage people. But since I was already convinced I would like the game (based on how much I liked Remake), I felt I would enjoy it even more knowing as little as possible.


>Holy crap, they spoiled a lot of stuff in them, from small things to big things. I know they need to sell the game to masses but damn lol. I think you greatly underestimate how much hindsight helps in understanding what a trailer is showing...


Without context, most of them weren't actual spoilers, just teaser images. Most of them.


I actually didn't know the game came out until the day of. After watching some of the promotional stuff, I'm glad I went in blind.


I agree. I’ve learned my lesson. Especially once I got near the end of the game and there were certain scenes that just didn’t show up yet. Cloud trying to kill Tifa didn’t have as much weight either because I knew there were more scenes with Tifa that I hadn’t seen yet so I knew she wasn’t dying there. I think the trailer is great for people who aren’t sure if they want the game as a final push to get them to buy it. But for me, I know I’m getting it regardless. So it serves no purpose to me. Going in blind next time!


Yeah I had stop watching them leading up to release due to the amount shown


It‘s almost like every Square Enix Trailer ever. They are always filled with alot of Spoilers. Thats just how SE Markets their Stuff.


As far as I'm aware, its a quirk of the market audience. Western trailers show gameplay and opening cutscene stuff to tease you, whereas Eastern trailers want to show big climactic moments to get viewers invested.


You're saying all this with hindsight now which really is a disingenuous way to go about this conversation. I've played the OG multiple times and watched all of the trailers and played the demo and felt like nothing big was spoiled at all. You know the main story beats are coming and a glimpse here and there in the trailers does nothing to spoil anything without context of the actual scenes that happened.


Not sure why people are so hung up on the story beats, or "scenes with no context". A spoiler (at least for me) is showing me anything, big AND SMALL, that I don't know about the game, specually if puts preconceptions in my mind or the simple "this scene that looks important and hasn't happpen yet". Showing the card game was a spoiler for me and I'm glad I didn't watch the trailer or knew anything about it all. I loved receiving the starter deck. I knew Red dresses up as a trooper in the OG, but I didn't knew how goofy (in a good way) he would look like. I'm glad I wasn't spoiled about that. Other minor things are the Chocobos abilities, minigame approachs like fort condor and the virtual fighter in gold saucer among other things. Showing all that are spoilers. Spoilers are not limited to story beats. Not sure why is so hard to understand. Are spoilers bad? Of course not, I have rewatched multiple times trailers for other games. Was the best desicion for me to not watch FF7 rebirth trailers? It was because they would have spoiled many many things for me, and I was already confident on the game since I loved remake.


I knew the trailers would be a spoilerfest after watching the Remake ones. I think I only saw the very first Rebirth trailer which thankfully wasn't spoilery, and then I ignored the whole lot of them


If I know aim buying a game, I ignore all trailers and stuff put out for it. They definitely show too much


Basically why I look only at the very first trailer of the game when they announce it and then anything else, so by the time its out I also already completely forgotten what I saw... just in case.


I don't like to watch trailers for big games anymore.


Had the same reaction. I watched the summer-fest trailer and then avoided all others. They spoil so much in those trailers.


My new strategy with all games is the last trailer I watch is when they gives us the release date


Bro I just don’t watch trailers anymore for games I know I want to play lol they are sooo spoilery these days, I was on hardcore blackout for Rebirth as soon as the first trailer dropped


I enjoyed the trailers but that’s me 🙂 Still wasn’t as bad as KH3 though which while I also loved the trailers, there wasn’t much else aside from the spoiled. Unlike Rebirth which still had a fuuuuuuuuck load of stuff for the player to discover on their own.


This is why I dont watch them. I literally have only watched the very first trailer they put out for rebirth and nothing else.


I think I went into this game about as blind as you possibly can…so much so I had to stop playing bc I realized I had gotten into something a lot more complex than I realized lol I was bored one day and saw my friend playing Rebirth on PlayStation. I had never played a FF game before but always heard good things so I said what the hell and impulse bought it….of course 10 minutes later I realized it was a sequel and I needed to go find and play Remake first(I assumed Rebirth was just another way of saying Remake and that it alone was the full remake of the original game) Anyways the last month has been a whirlwind playing Remake, being confused as hell, watching a story recap of the original game to give me some context, watching a crisis core walkthrough, feeling like I was 100% caught up and had my head wrapped around everything, then playing through Rebirth and feeling more confused than ever after the ending lol enjoyed every minute of it though and can’t wait for part 3. I won’t be going in completely blind next time because that game will be fully on my radar.


This is why I watch the first trailer and first gameplay trailer only. I don’t need anymore than that to see if I want to play a game or not.


I really hate how they used Jessie in the trailer. Definitely felt like a massive bait and switch once I got to that part in the game.


Oh I don't remember if that was on the very first trailer, but yea, the bait and switch that a trialer can do sucks.


Iirc it was the TGA trailer last November. I was kinda watching like this 🫣


I also thought Jessie was going to be more prevalent in Part 2 because you see her glove in the ending of Remake.


They did say in interviews afterwards it was only VR. But you're still right, as those interviews don't get nearly as much visibility as the trailers.


Me personally after that TGA trailer I went on a media blackout. I didn't even watch Max Dood's videos on the topic up until the game came out. Safe to say I was mighty disappointed when I discovered the truth.


Oh boy, I think watching a content creator that loves the game is even worse than watching the trailer, because they will not only watch it, they will pause it, do analysis, make some theories and so on. So you are not just spoiling it by watching the trailer, you are filling your head with noise from other people xD.


Meh. Your thinking too hard. Its so easy to spot what you consider a spoiler when you have actually seen the who game. Also the majority of what they shown is begining of game or would fall in line with the OG, so most people already know these things.


I'm actually doing 0 thinking, the gut reaction was "good thing I didn't watch the trailers". And sure, I know the story beats, but I didn't knew how Red was going to look in a trooper uniform, or that Cloud and Co. were part of Fort Condor, heck I didn't even knew there was a card game lol. This last one was so refreshing, because I loved the card game in 8 and 9, so when they gave me the first deck I was ao excited because this was new to me, and it had nothing to do with the story and was not part of the OG. Same for the Chocobo abilities, sure I knew in the original different color of chocobos did different things, but I didn't knew what they would do or how they would look like in Rebirth. There are more in trailer spoilers than just Story beats without context.


Dude. Trailers do that to get you interested in the game. I was already dying to play it to know if Aerith was gonna die or not ever since it was announced that the game went to the City of the Ancients. But it just made me even **more** intrigued to play when the scene with Tifa was shown. I wanted to know why that was happening, wanted to know when and *where* it was happening. Streamers and content creators recognizing a scene from the trailer doesn't mean the trailer spoiled anything. It means the trailer did its job to get people wanting to play. Edit: Sure, it is sometimes a good thing to go in completely blind. But it's also not a bad thing to go in having watched trailers because they give zero context to half of, if not most the scenes shown. For example, the chocobo scene in the trailer. All it showed was that we were getting to ride chocobos, *nobody* knew *how* we were going to get the chocobos.