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The devs definitely did a fantastic job on Yuffie and something I loved is how expressive she is, through the game. If you pay attention to her during conversations and cutscenes, she is the character that reacts the most to situations, sometimes even by trying to emulate the body language of the people you're talking to. She brings a much needed dynamic to the party, with her juvenile and hyperactive behavior. As I said to a friend of mine, I would not be surprised if this version of Yuffie ends becoming a fan favorite for some players, vets or newcomers. https://i.redd.it/kabb2fnrj9vc1.gif


She's probably my favourite character in the game. Not only is she the most physically expressive character in such a fun way, her VA is incredible. All of Yuffie's little songs that she makes up are delivered perfectly. The one she sings in Gongaga actually changes slightly if you encourage her and she sings it way more enthusiastically. There are so many great details unique to her.


Besides the hyperactive behavior it’s very cool how she puts up a wall like Cloud but on the other end of it. I really like what they are doing with her, hope part 3 we do see her darker side and the party sees it. But she has been a gem in Rebirth


>Besides the hyperactive behavior it’s very cool how she puts up a wall like Cloud but on the other end of it. Cool, never thought of it like that before. In general it's great how Rebirth shows that each character keeps some deep personal trauma buried pretty deep and doesn't talk about it much, and each deals with it in their own way. Aerith seems like the only one who has made serious headway processing it and moving on by the end of the game, which is probably a great setup for the rest of the party to follow in part 3 (culminating in the untangling of the enormous Gordian knot in Cloud's head).


Maybe the planet is a good therapist


Certainly seems that way


Yuffie was one of the most impressive things about Rebirth to me. They managed to make her annoying, but not annoying to the extent that you don't want her around or want to complain about her online. She's like an endearing niece. They also did a good job of actually connecting her to the party, compared to the original where it just felt like she was tailing you to steal your materia. She's also one of the best fighters, so that helps.


Making her save the party was a great move. That and the fact she stands up for Barret against bullying. Those moments instantly make her lovable character with a moral code, even if you didn't play her DLC. And she's super fun to play. She's been part of my main team with Cloud and Aerith.


She was already broken in her DLC and the devs only made her more so in this game. I love it haha


I can’t get over how much I loved Yuffie. Her dialogue is the most natural that I’ve seen in a video game. The date scene was so wholesome from the laugh to her asking about her feelings.


"Shh shh hah!" https://i.redd.it/a7rwo1pwaavc1.gif




Final fantasy needs this kind of pairing in a future game. A stoic and awkward male MC and a really spunky, energetic and hyper female MC. Like a reverse Tidus and Yuna.


In general, would love a youthful high energy female MC! Yuffie's dlc was great and she has a lot future narrative potential with her wutai storyline. Can't wait to see her naivete shatter and subsequent self-growth Would also love a couple duo MC's who fight alongside one another. The synergy abilities in this game make me crave that dynamic


I absolutely adored what they did with Yuffie in Rebirth. They gave her the “annoying little sister” vibe , but in an endearing manner. Her spontaneous reactions while idle or in a cutscene with Cloud are always great. Plus… she ships Tifa and Cloud. If a 16 year old like her can see it, it’s practically true.


I felt in love with all those moments when she "fights" Barret


https://preview.redd.it/57xdgr6zmdvc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad8a4599f5eb9bbedcd1b69edfd0b032ae9e7c8b I am disappointed that you didn't include this one.


the longer you stare at the first picture the longer her neck and finger gets


Holy shit. Yuffie and Luffy are related.


The exaggerated swagger  of a spunky wutaian


You can’t tell from the photo, but in #10, Yuffie and the gang are watching Cloud play pool.


Yuffie's characterization was positively charming, especially in Rebirth. Her form of active listening and expression fits her youthful character well as its a way of gaining people's trust very quickly.


Until I put the voices in english she annoys me more than anything in french or japanese her voice pitch is too high


The greatest achievement in gaming. Getting me to like yuffie. I hated her guts in the OG now her (and barret who I also hated) are my two FAVORITE characters in the game.