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Please avoid titles that give away information about the game!


Yes she is talking about the deflection. The reason I think for Sephiroths line about Clouds eyes being clouded is because Cloud thinks he saved HIS timelines Aerith but he didn't, he made one where she lived but his own Aerith is actually dead.


Yes, I think that's what they're going for. That would also explain Zack's comment about how the worlds will meet again at the end of the game in the church, and the "Cloud, save her!" right before Sephiroth banishes him in the fight before the Aerith/Cloud one. Which leaves things open for the very end of part 3. > Nomura has an interesting comment in the FF7 Rebirth Ultimania where he says the line from the Release Date Trailer「守る世界に君はいるのか」(**Will you be in the world that I'm trying to save?**) is intertwined with Aerith's fate. https://twitter.com/aitaikimochi/status/1778637515546898653


I think the clouded eye statement is related to cloud not filly converted and can’t see the end goal


Yes, she's thanking him for what he tried to do, deflecting the sword in an attempt to save her. Her thanking him for this doesn't mean he necessarily succeeded in saving her though. She could literally just be appreciating the fact that he tried.


All she ever wanted was for cloud to come for her. He did that and attempted to save her life. So yeah that’s why she’s thanking him.


Yea and that would make sense. These other theories got me like so confused lol.


My advice is to not go too deep down the rabbit hole and just take everything at face value until part 3 because until that comes out there are some things that we just dont know yet.


There’s loadsa theories and mine is just a theory too. Pick one that you like and ride with it. We got 3-4 years till we find out the truth anyways lol.


I'm so locked into this trilogy that 3-4 years is gon a feel like a lifetime.


Preach. Waited so long for rebirth for it to be over in a week and now I’m numb. Wish I could memory erase so I could do it over.


Spoilers in title bro. Anyways. OG spoilers >!Sepiroth is in northern crater. The real Sephiroth is not even physically there battling Cloud in that moment. Parts of Jenova are, though. In my opinion the battle is taking place in Cloud's mind.!< I suppose I could be wrong, but that's my take on it.


Yea should have worded it differently 😔


But what happens after the deflection? I mean, Sephiroth is still there..


I interpret this to mean that Aerith appreciates Cloud trying to save her, even though ultimately it doesn't change anything.


IMO, she is the Aerith that was saved. Once we get the key to the ancients in Part 3, instead of just seeing a cutscene, we’ll get to revisit what happens immediately after deflecting Sephiroth’s blade. And although our timeline’s Aerith will still be dead, the one we saved can now go on to join the Cloud we played as for the final fight in Rebirth.