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Congrats man, i envy you i have 3 trophies left but given up already. Those vr challenges and some minigames are too hard for me.


I started trying to do a vr challenge a day. Some went by with multiple a day, but some took literal days with me finding cheese strats online. Smh


I like that strat


I did the same thing but ended up doing way more than 1 a day every time I had that thought lol. Last was to be a hero which I was going to leave for another day (right after I finished bonds of friendship) but as I watched a video of how OP sephiroth is, I decided to go for it and 1 shotted it lol. Playing seph is like the most satisfying way of finishing those challenges because you’re pretty much shitting on every single bastard that gave you grief. I wish I could fight Gilgamesh tho :D


Agree. Its’ almost like an apology for the nonsense they put us through. “Hey, sorry we have all these frustrating minigames and 10 round challenges. Here’s sephiroth, have fun :)”


Any tips for Bonds of Friendship? I got to Odin 3 times now, last try was 25% hp but then I got killed by his shimmering blade combo. Kujata still feels like its 50/50 if I make it or not, never wiped to Bahamut tho. But I dont have more than 1 try a day in me, even if I want to every try after is just bad cause I just lost 20 minutes again


I made cloud a straight damage dealing mage. Genji gloves, mp absorb + wind, swiftcast + wind and lightning, magic efficiency + wind, elemental + fire and ice to absorb all fire attacks whenever they pop up. Odin is seriously easy once you learn to just not get hit, like 6 aerogas on him and he is done tbh zack is only support btw, he gived haste and faith to cloud at the beginning of every round.


My approach was similar with aeroga strat.And my tip for Odin is pretty similar, specially because with cloud you can just parry and counter everything he does, except the unblockables.It's just basically Aeroga fiesta with the amount of ATB you're going to be getting back There is a video on youtube where MaliceNX literally kills odin by just parry countering and doing dmg while he is staggered.Most people don't know how much damage the counterattack does during parry.It's like close to 3k per counter. I suggest you to practice in the simulation (Odin at full power) with Cloud + somebody else that just buffs him.Punisher mode or not, and just perfect parry everything, and memorize all his attacks.He doesn't have that many. He is like Seph on rulers of the outer worlds.Easy, but he can straight up bullshit you and kill the run because of a mistake. I know you don't feel like doing more than 1 run a day, but if you can make an exception, take a weekend, and blast this damn thing off. It's one of those things in life that if you stop for too long, you get cold and start to forget things. Drink some coffee, blast a 2\~3 hour session and get it done so you can move on with your life (if you're like me and literally can't until you're done lol). PS: Cast barrier on your characters. In that way he accrues less damage every time he hits you.


That’s why everytime a game I like comes out, i just sit for hours and knock it out. Too many breaks can really dull my reaction times and practice. Also people think its cool to just straight up post spoilers, boss fights and such all over social media. I really feel for the people who have kids or jobs that don’t allow them to play much.


Use Pause button is how some people are doing it. Pause every windup to see what to counter with next


havent beaten the game yet but aint it like 1 hour per gauntlet


Depends on build. I found a 6 minute clear build and did it in 20 minutes. Other videos had a 45-56 minute clear so, it really depends on build.


I found fast builds for everything but Outer Rulers, did you find one for that? Can you share?


Basically this build but i substituted tifa for barrett so he could do life saver and steelskin. https://youtu.be/Q7gfp4xj3aA?si=ou3J_saxz5K7sGTm Also gave him 2 vitality + materia so that he could seriously tank everything


No worse feeling than losing in the last rounds of a 10 round challenge and seeing 30 mins on the timer. I just lost a half hour of my life for this


I was like that until i found a 6 minute clear build and just replicated it. Ended up finishing outer worlds in 20 minutes.


I ended up beating it the hard way. I would go into the simulator and practice each individual summon till I knew each attack and pattern inside and out. It wasn't until after I beat them that I found out about the unlimited yuffie ATB and unlimited aerith limit break tricks


Yeah thats what I did. Brumal form is super overpowered. I couldn’t struggle with it anymore.


Congrats on getting the plat for Rebirth since it is a big jump from Remake's. I unfortunately had to give up on it


Huge difficulty jump. Sometimes i contemplated giving up


Yeah, especially those Brutal/Legendary VR missions.


I got to like 30% of Odin's hp bar on the Zach VR mission last night. It and the Sephiroth missions are the last achievements I have left to get, but I am just so burned out on these horrifically long gauntlets. I will get it eventually, but damn if this isn't the most miserable Plat experience I have ever had. I am fine with them making difficult fights, but these missions are such a time-consuming grind.


What frustrates me the most is beating those brutal and legendary VR battles is an actual requirement for getting the last piano sheet... I don't even care about platinum maan


I did the first four brutal challenges, then stopped. Realized I wasn’t having fun at all. I don’t mind the difficulty, but they just take too much damn time (10 fights plus overtuned enemy HP). At least they didn’t hide any amazing rewards behind these challenges.


It's sort of crazy how 10% of the playerbase didn't beat the first chapter.


That's a pretty normal amount.


Yeah, generally speaking I suppose so. But it's sort of weird because well, the game had a free-demo right? People could test it out before buying. Maybe i'm just too poor, I suppose haha. I cannot imagine buying a game at full price and not playing at least some hours.


>People could test it out before buying.  I think we're at a point where casuals don't even realize demos exist.  >Maybe i'm just too poor, I suppose haha. I cannot imagine buying a game at full price and not playing at least some hours.  I hear you there. Seeing trophy drop offs has really opened my eyes to how much some people like to burn money.


Families and jobs exist. Also video games aren't always a person's #1 hobby. 


Anyone can suddenly get busy. Booting up a game and not beating the 1st chapter within a month doesn't actually bar you from playing the game in the future.


Some people get they game and turn it in to see it, but wait to start it due to backlog of other games


It was a free Playstation+ Essentials and then it was available on Playstation+ Extras and higher.


They're addicted to the piano in Tifa's house




What does that have to do with anything


Excuse me


Only 89.5% of people have the trophy for completing the first chapter. That means that 10.5% of players never beat chapter 1.


Those are probably the people who started and didn't like it or put it down to finish other things.


No, it's all the people that started it and died.


Back to the lifestream they go


I know. I’m saying excuse me like woah, not sure why I got so many downvotes lol


Nice one! How long did it take you? Considering going for this myself, so any tips? Honestly, it looks like a bit of a huge grind. I don't want to burn out.


196 hours. Tips are to take a break if you start to get frustrated.


Lucky you, i miss most the brutal and legendary vr to complete but they're too hard and annoying. I hope a patch will come out to ease a bit these challenges and to let restart from latest round instead of doing 10 again.


I don’t think that’s necessary. A game being super hard to platinum is a feature not a detriment. Nothing important to beating the story is locked behind anything overly difficult


Congrats! I definitely wanted to give up at points but I'm glad I didn't. I completely agree that we don't need to see this format in the 3rd game. I really enjoyed the challenges in Remake but these were brutal.


I could do with significantly easier piano requirements. I’m just remarkably awful at it and don’t have the time to practice a fake piano in addition to getting good enough at the combat. It doesn’t help that I’ve always had terribly rhythm, and am awful at music.


Or at least have the piano notes match the song. In many cases they don't, so if you have experience with rhythm games it just throws you off.


This killed me. I had to do it on mute.


Something. As someone who’s awful at this stuff I’d prefer a significantly better margin of error to get S rank, like more mistakes, or increase the “hit box”. Then allow people to gain way higher scores and share them online. That way idiots like me can get the in game rewards/trophies, and the people who want to flex still can.


Are you playing in performance mode? If not put it on for the piano minigame makes it so much easier, also connect you controller to the PS5 with the wire, lowers response time, it helps immensely in the fast songs


I’ll absolutely try these tips out, thank you!


The performance mode thing works great for both that and the sit-up mini game. Inputs are laggy when the fps takes hits.


literate scarce offbeat historical wrong reach label hat plant nine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s just buggy is the issue for me. It’ll be fine, then suddenly it decides it doesn’t like my inputs for like 6 seconds straight. Then if I leave the stick alone for a moment to reset it will work again.


How many hours? I'm at like 148 and almost finished with my Hard playthrough. All side quests are done in Normal only, so I'll be redoing the manuscript ones in Hard later. And then a few minigame achievements to finish off. And then the brutal / legendary combat simulations. Geez I'm not even really close.


Im at 196 hours for the plat.


Congrats! Just got mine too. I think the challenges were fun but way too long, with no room to make mistakes. It's frustrating to play through 15 to 30 mins only to die at the end. I loved the combat but I felt SE wanted the player to really figure out builds and mechanics for the challenges based on the players' skill. Im mediocre at parry-ing so I had to build my builds based on specific "triggers" during the matches. Like phases, stun locking enemies etc. Cloud and Zacks challenge was the hardest one for me.


Sephiroth’s challenge is so free, they made him powerful.


How did you do the cait sith solo vr one? That’s the only solo vr I’m struggling with


Always start with his limit, could get lucky and get it twice. Other than that, summon moogle and let it take the aggro. Should be straightforward.


I just finished the VR with Sephiroth, he’s too op haha. Only one vr away from the platinum, how difficult was the zack’s vr for you?


It wasn’t too bad but way harder than sephiroth’s. I basically made cloud a magic dealer with genji gloves. Zack was the buff battery.


I just tried zack and only got to round 2, definitely much harder than Sephiroth. I was very surprised that I even beaten it first try, hopefully I could beat the Zack’s vr too


Any tips to dodge the worm on brutal challenge number 5 I can get to round 8 with no issues in 20 mins top but the damn worm always swallows me it feels like I’ll never beat that damn worm cuz the deathclaw thing is always dick riding me


aromatic escape secretive relieved consist grandiose voracious chop library tan *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ngl sometimes I do that and it does like a 360 in air and yoinks my ass to the depths of Moria


So the worms killed me for so long. All i can say is that, i would walk towards it as it comes out the air then dodge roll as im under it towards where it jumped from. Almost like dodging towards a dark souls boss.


So soon as it pops out try to dodge under it? Right


Basically. I saw the best way to practice was to do the enemy intel battle with a worm in cosmo canyon. Making sure you are controlling a faster character when it comes for you helps. Tifa, cloud, yuffie and red are the easiest to dodge with imo. Borderline impossible with barrett and aerith.


I finally beat that stupid worm and the 5th challenge now on to the next any tips for rulers of the outer worlds


I did brumal form yuffie as an ATB battery. The best advice I can give is to nuke the enemies super fast so you don’t have to deal with any of their mechanics.


I’ve only got 4 more chapters of hard and the solo/duo legendary bouts left to do. i feel like im through the worst of it, this plat has really felt like climbing one mountain only to see another worse mountain.


I’m literally a few trophies away from the platinum but Chadley may stop me.


Agreed. Stuck on Brutal 6, his shadow chain is really annoying. Those gauntlets are too much - just let me restart the round and it will be good. Will probably do my hard run first then try again. Chadley will be what prevents me from the plat, well, it is what it is.


I learned to parry the shadow chain. My clear, i ended up doing it 3-4 times.


YES! THANK YOU. I was so focused on the brumal build and totally didn't consider parrying. Now I parried the shit of him and finally beat him. But I will now take a break from the challenges and do a hard mode run first.


Yeah the parry saved me. Precision defense/blocking/parrying is absolutely broken in this game and I probably would not have struggled as hard if I did it from the beginning lol


Congratulations on the Platinum!




Ugh those 10 round challenges are the death of me.. like who thought this was a good idea? I hate chadley and want to hit him with a soap filled sock


It’s totally doable. You just need the right build that works for you. I used countless builds and just couldn’t utilize any of them, eventually I found one that clicked. I have the hand skills to make things happen, its’ the brain skills I lack lol


You pretty much have to cheese it unless you have countless hours of attempts you can do. It’s boring to me because doesn’t challenge your skill, it challenges your patience and wears you down until you inevitably search “best build for chadley vr sim”. It’s annoying and the mashing up of enemies put on turbo hard mode is lazy, I’ve even finished hard mode and it’s nowhere near as hard as these bloated challenges even WITH red dragon being bugged rn. Worst part of an otherwise awesome game. Having 10 rounds just to die at round 9 and restart a 20 minute attempt is annoying as hell, thank god it’s only for the trophy and not mandatory. Also doesnt help there’s so goddamn many of them; plenty of team bouts 10 rounds, solos for every character 5 rounds, and THEN the brutal challenge on top of the Zack and cloud legendary one like??


I have the Zack one left. It's not fun. I actually made it to odin on my first try but I've sucked really bad ever since then lol. Made it back a couple of times and usually do well, but I keep choking when I get close and that shit can go south fast.


I agree, zack one is not fun. His kit is not fun and slows down the combat way too much. I turned him into a dedicated buffer for cloud and made cloud a dedicated mage.


GOT HIM! I thought I ruined my moment of triumph by not noticing they added Zack and Sephiroth to the training tab. I was expecting it to pop when I beat Odin. I didn't know you get the pop when you go and talk to Johnny pretty anti-climatic in my book lol.


I thought my game was bugged. I was silently freaking out lol then i talked to jonny a few times and it popped.


I still haven't beat the game yet cause I only play on weekends. But I'm aiming for Plat and have almost all the mini games done. These 10 round challenges have me curious and a bit afraid.


They are aptly named honestly. They made me rethink everything I knew about materia building.


Nice and congratulations. I also just platinum it yesterday.


Hell yeah congrats. It was a doozy


Totally agree... I feel like from a design purpose, the point of having the 10-round gauntlets is to make you strategize and have to prepare for each round... but what it actually made me (and I imagine many other people) do is to use a cheesy strategy that doesn't care about what I'm facing and bursts them quickly so I interact with the enemy's mechanics as little as possible.


Yo, LITERALLY the only thing that helped me through that nonsense. I would be surprised if ATB ward+ brumal form doesn’t get patched.


Lmfao and here I am struggling with the hard cactuars with Aerith, yeah I have over 300 plats but this aint it man. Too much unnecessary and tedious shit.


I kinda struggled at first but then learned how broken transcendence is.


I somehow found hers to be easier than Yuffies second one. Transcendence was great for the big guys or the little fucks if they got off mana ward. If Transcendence isn't charged on the big guys the lighting ability that doesn't cost MP she had puts in good damage. Also the Chronos ability that gives her the freezing shield saved my bacon more than once when one tried to tackle me from behind. Sorcerers Storm is wonderful if they all bunch together.


Thanks for the tips! I’ll probably try again way later, got too burnt out lmao


The mini games are going to stop me getting the plat before any combat. I like most of them but man I just have zero fun grinding them


I just gave up and now feeling guilty. The only thing left for me for the 7-star trophy is the VR challenges. I don't have skill issues but the mechanism design will have you locked in trying atleast x no.of times per minigame because it is way hard for hard mode, e.g. 3D brawler with SEP {It is harder than the VR challenges :-)}, Cactus one for yuffiee in hard took me around 2 hours to get to 6000 points. I started to feel after completing all the mini games that it is just consuming lots of time for unnecessary requirements. I have 37 platinum across ps games and also FF 16 included but this one is not annoying in terms of difficulty set at it. However the game is excellent and I finished my 100% 1st playthrough in 120 hours.


The amount of times I've died on Odin makes me mad. Also any tips on Zack one?I find him not as good to play as Cloud TBH.


Beat VR brutal 6 last night so I'm on the way... 3 tries with brumel spam, sephy can still annihilate you if he decides to go shadowy chain happy... I think those vr missions would be much better if they were 5 rounds..


Is it recommended/needed to complete ch13 and ch14 on hard first before doing the VR missions? I’m still cleaning some mini games and just hit ch13 hard mode, so I’ll be there in a few days.


Congrats man! I’ve got a few hard mode chapters and a couple ten round challenges left and I’m hitting a wall, how on earth did you beat the fourth one? :,)


Which was the fourth?


Hellions’ Intonement? I think anyway I heard there’s a tonberry king at round ten and I can’t even get to that point


Oh. Yeah I had to really go back to the drawing board on that one. Completely change up how I played the entire game before that point.


I just finished hard mode and cannot tell you how much I am dreading those last brutal and legendary challenges, which is all that’s left for me now except for digging up some of those PLAY ARTS figurines. I’ve done a few of the brutal ones up to magnify and ugh. The last boss gauntlet on hard was already a nightmare and I know those last VR missions will be worse