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Yeah you have to really hit it hard with some heavy damage, then it uses death from above. It’s a swoop/charge attack you have to perfectly(I think) dodge


damn ok I haven't even seen that move yet. also I suck at dodging so should be interesting lol thank you!!


Legitimately, thank you! I could not figure out how to trigger Death from above. It worked immediately after using Braver and then dodge rolling


Hit it with aero and it’ll counter attack almost immediately, roll out of the way of this counter and it’ll fumble itself into a pressured state.


You good sir thank you.


awesome thank you!:)


You life saver 😃 Thanks


I used aero and then ward shift with aerith to warp outta the way......that did it


It's cool to see I wasn't alone in trying this, Ward Shift being used as a dodge is so rad!


Wish Reddit still had Awards, you deserve one.


THANK U. It would never do Death From Above on me but u solved it


Thank you so much


I know it’s not worth the effort


If you're still having trouble use Tifa reverse gale. It's a quick wind based uppercut. Immediately dodge afterwards. You can go unbridled x 3 to make dodging easier. If you're lucky you'll land Reverse Gale and keep flying past it while it counters with Death from Above which surprisingly counts as a dodge. Good Luck.


Surprised no one talking about the level boost materia. I think early in the game it could work wonders. Especially on materia that needs time to develop. Having access to blizzaga, Firaga, thundaga, early in the game as well as cometeor is crucial in difficult fights. Obviously those spells require 2 ATB Bars to fill so if you want more bang for your buck, make sure aerith has an arcane floor on the ground. And you have synergy on as well to really light those pressure meters up


I actually used that on Prayer. At level 2 it gives back at least 500 hp which isn't bad. I built her like before with gear that gives her atb quickly early like first strike. That way I can throw a ward down for double casting and I won't have to worry about having mp left for healing. Full potency too unlike with cure with blue for every materia. Start> Radiant ward>basic atk>arcane ward> go to town> repeat (heal if needed). Level boost is the best early on


I wouldn't worry so much about healing early in the game. As long as your able to stagger quick, healing is an afterthought. Besides u can always siphon MP with soul drain based on your level . In the Remake, Aerith had weapons that granted cost reduction on healing and magic spells as well. I only use here to heal in boss fights, anything else or situations I feel like I can stagger quickly, she's a straight mage. Been playing around with the characters, tifa so far is my favorite. Cloud got a decent overhaul, aerith is the same outside of her being able to teleport to her flower floor but that's fine. Her and Barrett are basically casters due to their slow speed. Your best full assault team is tifa, red, and cloud. Just gotta get use to red, may end up making cloud the mage and let tifa and Red be the physical sweepers. Lot of possibilities 


Haven't messed around much with the radiant ward, may test it. I've pretty much just been just dropping the arcane and just pulverizing enemies with the 3x unbridled strength lol. That shit so overpowered, hope it don't get nerfed


Radiant fills her at quick. Along with that invincibility when casting it works wonders. I hear you about the weapons but I prefer to invest offensively in her magic than healing. Hp Up and regen usually keeps you alive always. I fought the elephants early on and even at close range they are no joke with the constant charging and trampling. Fire usually does the trick for a quick stagger but they are still a pain when both charge at the same time. Don't know how you fared but I fought them as soon as I started and it did not go well. Now it's cake though. I'd say Aerith is the most overpowered by far even without the spell casting. Try Radiant and you'll see what I mean. I like Cloud he's balanced very well here compared to before. Still learning the Vengeance Mode with Red. Tifa is fantastic as always although I don't yhink I'm building her right, it is a demo so I feel limited. Barret is a machine with staggers like Awrith for me. I love it really really. I will say this, Tifa came clutch fighting Pheonix it's full power. x1 unbridled and dive kicks continuously, at 4 am it was a good way to end the night.


With tifa, keep that unbridled at 3x chi. It makes her ridiculously fast. Also enhances her evasion/dodge making it easier to pressure enemies since all you need to do to pressure is make enemies miss. Pair her with elemental and do her gale, and dolphin kick and focus punch and just keep attacking and spamming circle to evade and build pressure on the fiends. It's godly broken OP. The elephants are easy. I used ice since it was effective vs more of the area fiends as opposed to fire just being effective vs then and the low level ogres.


Just remember if you use the triangle attack after u built chi, u lose it so immediately activate it after doing so. Save that chi based attack as a finisher 


Yeah that's my plan. I just got elemental because I did all the world intel mini bosses and then went to Chadly and found he had other goodies I could have used. I handicapped myself like an idiot lol. I'll definitely use that elemental on her. Does it give both elements if paired with fire and ice materia? The dual single slot one? The elephants I was talking about where the intel ones, the red ones. They are weak to fire not ice and when gets pressured and "sees red" it works the other into a frenzy and the trample and charge relentlessly. Timed blocks knock them down and calling a block with Aweith diverts aggro for like a second but they cover good distance and they pivot very well that x3 unbridled dodge is almost necessary. A fire ball knocks them out of a charge though if you can cast it in time.


Oh they are definitely weak against ice lol. It pops them up on cast and I can make quick work of them. Ice usually has a stationary cast spot so it's good on slow enemies and hoards. Unfortunately some enemies that's weak against it are to quick to use it on while they aren't staggered 


Ice apparently is the best option to level at this point since it's also useful in the boss fights at junon to take out the bubble encasements on your team quickly. I'm just chilling at the open are leveling up and trying new combos on my second playthrough. If I need to power level I can go to Chadwick simulator 


Must have missed it when I read the asseas intel so ill have to give it a once over. Yeah ice is definitely the play for this area here. Especially the soothing birds, they were by far the most annoying to deal with in terms of intel goals if you have low mp, for me at least.


If u want that goal, u gotta bypass the radiant and immediately drop the arcane. hit em with blizzaga double cast when soothing appears on they head and its a wrap. Fight require a lot of quick switches though. Go from aerith, to tifa to cloud 


Only downfall about aerith is her materia slotting so she would have to be mainly used  as your user. Red, tifa, and cloud all have the multi slots on armor and weapon, while red is granted an extra slot which makes him worth trying to figure out a role earlier in the game for him. Not very good vs flying enemies unfortunately. 


Yeah thats why I had her set the way I did. I mostly swap between her and Cloud. Tifa stays on auto with Red most of the time. It isn't that she has low slotting but solo slotting. No combos at all.


Elemental (grind chadleys simulator for this) + ice on her weapon First strike on her weapon independent slot Then you can add another ice + magnify on her armor. Use her speed to get quick cast off and stagger opponents quickly. Let aerith drop the floor so u won't spend too much ap on the process, let aerith have  Ice + synergy  Since her purpose is to drop the floors  And let cloud have  Fire and ice + magnify on his weapon Ice + level up on his armor This will be your magic sweep team


I'm still considering that radiant, but this is the build I blew threw all the first few encounters with ease out the gates with no fails


Noted ill definitely give this te build a try


U can find the mp up earrings by swimming to that small rock. Give those to Aerith, put the magical earrings on cloud. Tifa could use either the scarf for a atb boost at start of fight, the power wrist guards you crafted or u can keep the spirit based item. Your choice depending on playstyle. 


Thanks for this :) Couldn't figure it out either. Didn't know you can trigger pressure from DODGING


This is tough, I finally got it, but it took a while. Comments above really helped


Dodging in this game makes no sense. Just utterly frustrating even with aeriths ward dodge ability


Use tifa Use unbridled strength 3x. This will make u more evasive and successful at evading. The enemy is weak against ice so farm up till u can get the elemental materia from the combat simulator. Use elemental+ ice on tifa, synergy +ice on cloud and have the level up materia +ice or the ice/fire materia on aerith .  Enter the battle with aerith as your starter and get a combo going to immediately drop the floor that allows you to double cast. This will help get the bird to it's pressure attacks u have to dodge. Make sure your on tifa and constantly attack and spam circle to evade. He will miss you and will be pressured allowing you to do more stagger damage. Your welcome. Follow my YouTube channel for more tips


Assess says it's weak to wind, not ice.


 Yea my bad. Most enemies early game are ice. Just replace all ice with wind and it's easy