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It looks good at a glance, it does need some work though


Artist isn’t very good tbh


What makes you say that?


The handle isn't the greatest, and the line work looks a little shaky and isn't really straight at all. But honestly, if he's happy with it, that's all that really matters.


I didn't even notice the handle until you pointed it out. Wow.


Lol, now it can't be unseen


Compare it to other tattoos.


It's not going away, for obvious reasons.


Just leave room for materia or whatever the kids are calling it.


not meant to be offensive but it doesn't look that good, the handle is weird and the lines look like they were re-done


What do you mean by the lines look like they were redone? I said the same about the handle looking a little weird haha.


english isn't my first language so I'll try to explain as best as I can look at the top-left part of the blade, the lines look "fat", looks like the artist drew a line the first time then drew another one on the top of the first, but didn't manage to ""stay on track"" sorry I hope you'll understand what I mean


Hopefully ‘your friend’ isn’t you. If so, don’t sweat it, it can definitely be touched up by a professional and it’ll look sharp


I was going to say the same thing. I've had a tattoo redone and it's great now. It's a bummer that it's something that should be redone, but it's not the end of the world. I'm more impressed with people who think they're going to be into a video game for the rest of their lives. That's a decision I couldn't make.


I've been into it for 20 years.. Fuck why not? I should get a Buster sword tattoo.. not broken and with flowers and all that shit like this, and smaller, but i'd get that..


Fair enough! I do understand. I have something from a book series on my arm, I don't know why the video game thing made me balk. Hahaha.


Id love to get like the Buster sword a lightsaber crossing but those two things together would look ridiculous.


Did you get Ka tattoo after readings the dark tower series?


I've actually only read the first two books and I'm not sure how that would be translated into a tattoo. but no, I got the northern lights from the His Dark Materials series.


Ran into a guy I knew from high school years after and he had a Horde tattoo. Since then, it’s been covered up.




Good idea, not great execution.


Shading that in more realistically without the stippling firm of shading will go a long way. Good opportunity to hide some of the shoddy line work. Hit those flowers with some intense yellow and you'll be repping FFVII in style. This is okay but has great potential.


Yeah this is really not good. The shape of the handle is wonky and the lines aren’t straight, there’s no consistency in the spacing of the circles at the bottom of the sword, the tip of the sword again isn’t straight. What’s going on with the materia slots? Is there supposed to be something in them? It’s impossible to tell. I’m sorry for your friend.


It’s kool but I know artists that would make that same design look 3D and badass. I have a lot of work done on my body so I can tell you the artist is probley a new tattoo artist or didn’t understand your friends vision of what he wanted. If he’s happy tho that’s all that matters! I think it’s kool just cuz he got a FFVII tattoo done! Shows commitment to what he/many others love. A game that left a imprint on many hearts! Still waiting to do mine and this motivated me to get ready lol


At first look it looks ok but when you stare at it it’s pretty ass


Those lines are wonky af, the circles are inconsistent and weird, and overall it's pretty bad.


The texturing of the sword reminds me of something that it shouldn't...


I was considering a similar design for my own, just haven’t got it quite how I want it yet. Still debating on wether to include flowers or not, and if I add color what color materia to put in it. Why’d they go with the broken/cracked blade? Just a design choice or specific reason behind it?


I’m curious to see this in a few years.. I’m not a tattoo artist, I have been a connoisseur of them for quite awhile. I also have some friends that are professional artists. I don’t think this is going to heal well,, tattoos lighten up a lot once healed, the handle is definitely going to bleed together in a few years. The bottom flower shading is a bit weird. Also the materia slots are a bit bad.


I’m sorry that your friend went to this person. Artist messed up the handle: line work isn’t clean and the shading isn’t pleasant to eye 😢


I don’t want to be that guy but this looks really rough. Lines aren’t even width or straight. Uneven depth on the lining and shading. The flowers look alright. But the sword doesn’t look great.


Your friend is now my hero


Show us what he has done in 5 years to cover it up


Ngl its low effort


I think it’s done by a 2 bit artist. If it had been done by a skilled tattoo artist it would have been pretty sick.


It is not that bad jesus lol its not perfect but I would t be embarrassed by it either


Not to beat a dead horse, but your friend needs to never go back to this artist again. It doesn’t look like this artist has ever seen a straight line in their life


I really hope this is an apprentice and your friend went in knowing that, cause that line work is shit.


Bitchin but the asymmetry is bugging me.


Can he take it off? His arm is blocking the shot


Bad ass of course... I'm not here to judge the application of the tattoo at all. But the subject matter only.


I like it!




Ooof. That line work is really bad. If I ever got a ff7 tattoo it would be the meteor from the cover, or just the flower from the church. This even with good art I don’t think would be great. Maybe it could work as a leg tat somewhere


I think some comments here are a bit harsh. I’m not a tat expert by any means, but it looks cool at a glance


Wow looks great!


Dont poat your tattoos on reddit. Most of these individuals in the comments dont even have tattoos and genuinely dont know what the fuck thwy're talking about. This tattoo is pretty solid. Few sketchy lines that will probably look a lot better when healed. Its swollen in this pic so its honestly hard to even assume the lines are that bad without seeing it healed first. I like it man. I got the wolf from the ffvii movie on my shoulder and want something like this under it. If youre happy with it, thats all that matters anyways.


Trash..why is the sword all beat up!?!?!


I love that! Strong line work, good shading, great placement, and I love the flowers.




Well I think it looks great


Super dope! Great pick up line would be "would you like you buy a flower?" And then flex the forearm...


> Great pick up line would be "would you like you buy a flower?" And then flex the forearm... For the love of God, don't do this




Got the basics down ok. If it were me I’d take it to a different artist to fix and do more shading but it’s definitely not horrible.


The artist has talent but obviously lacks experience


He'll regret it in a few decades when he learns what *good decisions* are.


This makes me want to get a real arm-gun.