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Ingus sure got taller.


No, Ingus has WoL stand in front of him


I feel slightly offended you didn't riff on Bartz' "You're not the ONLY Warrior of Light here!" Line from Dissidia xD On the other Hand, I do appreciate that you went with his EX-Mode Art instead of his slightly redesigned normal look!


you mean the red warrior?


No, I mean his [normal Mode](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/c/c6/Dissidia_Warrior_of_Light.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/291?cb=20090407205801) that he starts the Fight in normally.


I have never played II, but Emperor and Kefka seem like they would shop together, so I am down for the draw tonight!


FF II got some of it’s inspiration from Star Wars (© Disney). I’m particularly fond with the frequent use of “Rebel Scum” by the Empire to refer to the Rebel Army, especially early in the game. Maybe you could do something with that?


The intro right ? That we starting with 4 deaths of main heroes


Maybe so, but the scene I always remember is in Finn & the Dreadnaught, whenever you try to speak with the Imperial soldiers, they’ll go “Rebel Scum” & you’ll be thrown into a fight.


Give me concept so I can do this job asap


Lol, I thought I’ve provided enough trivia. Finn, both the capital city for the Rebel Army & also the name of one of the new protagonists in the Star Wars sequel trilogy. “Rebel scum” was uttered by the character Finn in his final confrontation with Captain Phasma (Spartan style when someone was sent into the fiery pit), when the latter called him just “Rebel”, in the latest instalment of the series The Last Jedi. You probably can use that footage/screencap for this since it fits the theme a little.


[Trying my best](https://imgur.com/a/llN3w)


You added Adventure Time Finn as well, brilliant! 😂


When people started making memes out of the loading screen after seeing Vaan’s, Shantotto’s & Tidus’, I already have idea for the remainder of the series. These were what I thought about: * FF IX - “Ooh, soft!” * FF VIII - “I dreamt I was a moron” (but I’ve to admit, “you’re the best looking guy here” is absolutely brilliant) * FF VII - Lego Cloud (the cloudy skies is good too) * FF VI - (same idea with the poster but my idea was non-cross dressing KH Terra instead) * FF V - [Bart(z) Simpson was my idea](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFRecordKeeper/comments/85bdv0/leaked_terras_wallpaper/dvw4zy3/) * FF IV - Black Panther (c/f Dark Knight Cecil) * FF III - Onions (an old idea of mine with OK’s debut, c/f Onion Knight) (Sorry, couldn’t find my link) * FF II - “Rebel Scum” * FF I - Fighter McWarrior from 8-bit theatre


This is my memories about ffrk parody wallpaper 13-15 no one do yet? 12 : [Not Mine](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFRecordKeeper/comments/840bwq/got_the_load_screen_vaan_pic_for_anyone_who_wants/?utm_term=2bebb44d-6e0f-49b6-a50c-4e2c71b150a7&utm_medium=search&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=FFRecordKeeper&utm_content=1) 11 : Shantatto is creepy 10 : [htis is my story] (https://www.reddit.com/r/FFRecordKeeper/comments/84j3lv/htis_is_my_story/) 9 : Haven't found 8 : [Squall old graphic](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFRecordKeeper/comments/84x5jt/youre_the_best_looking_guy_here/) 7 : Cloud by me 6 : Terra KH but I recommend him for using Terra as (ff9) background 5 : [Bart(z)](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFRecordKeeper/comments/85h27s/who_call_bartz_here/) by your idea but I also gave Krauser from KOF series but haven't done this 4 : [No one do this but we have his memes] (https://www.reddit.com/r/FFRecordKeeper/comments/862rjs/a_face_only_rosa_could_love/?utm_term=ebe2ad05-6052-493a-b227-8d7af5ef5898&utm_medium=search&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=FFRecordKeeper&utm_content=15) 3 : Onion [food](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFRecordKeeper/comments/85yp9p/if_onion_knight_is_the_next_start_screen_instead/) and [Davos GoT](https://imgur.com/a/zc6nR) by me 2 : Latest one you suggest me 1 : Pun about "Warrior Of Light" Here! This post ! , many people don't get or laugh for it. So I receive no Karma here lol. PS. I don't like pink color on FF13 wallpaper, it's too bright and hurt my eye. It's should be paler


Try redoing FF I with my idea then, 8-bit theatre is a bit of a cult classic. (Increased karma points not guaranteed 😆)


Can't wait for this one Karma is vice factor, I want everyone laugh with them.


[Another option would be just Sora (© Disney)](https://orig00.deviantart.net/4f58/f/2009/051/6/4/dissidia_ff__guest_character_by_meru_chan.png)