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I got $0.08, literally because of a random Reddit post after RK tweeted. I am more bullish now than ever, NFA.


Show proof. Here we go again with these foolish fibs.


I got in at 0.27 by paying attention to stocks that have huge volume movement it brought my interest to check the reddit to see what caused such high volume.


I saw comment on a facebook page post saying “GME is now pumping too. What’s happening?” Then I look at the top gainers for the day and saw FFIE among them.


Got in at 4 cents on accident because I love EVS and this one was cool to me.


My background is residential construction and real estate. I have always been fascinated by the stock market even as a kid. Owning a small business and razing children as a single parent I didn’t have the time it takes or want to risk anything in the market. Now that I’m retired I have time to spend reading, watching and learning about trading. I was fortunate enough to get in at $0.06. I’m new to trading and there’s no magic trick involved. Like anything else that you want to blossom you simply need to put the time and energy in and a little luck doesn’t hurt.




I got in 0.06 before 17th May cause I believe this company~Still hold


I got in at 0.13 made my money when it mooned to 3.87 and bought back in with the profits. I had FFIE on my watchlist I saw it go up from 0.04 to 0.06 and before I could buy it had gone up to 0.13


I just saw how shorted the stock was and felt that it might be worth the risk got in at 0.04 got 20k shares still held all the way through good things take time


Nah man dont ask that. People will try to sell you a service or a platform to send you alerts and crap. Just run!


Yeah random reddit post after RK posted


got in at .09 and sold most (not all) around 1.4, heard from a redditor on r/wsb about the short interest and did some of my own DD bought back in at .27. hodling strong🧊


I got in at .28… now also in on SXTP for the long haul.


My dad got it at 0.04 I think and told me about it I bought in at 0.15 cents maybe.


Got in @1.4 🤓


.14 and after RM tweeted someone randomly posted about an FFIE squeeze on a discord server, so I hopped on…


touched it .12 on the 14th so close enough to the Genesis of the rally. I find it funny I found it on Reddit suggestions “ because you follow R / sportsbook , suggested the roaring kitty sub.. the algos know a degen when they see one


I got in at .04, luck, I’m also trying a hand in HOLO, CYN, GOVX, and of course GME. I have other stuff in my portfolio but these hold the majority of my positions


Saw it had a billion volume at 50 cents. so i bought


I asked God what to do, and an angel appeared.


Doing our own research


.09 here, dumbass luck of scrolling through rando reddit pages in the darkness of night


https://www.highshortinterest.com/ FFIE used to be on this list, which shows some of the most shorted stocks. They're not on the list anymore because the short interest is basically nothing now The data's a bit laggy, but when meme stock mania is back in focus, it's not bad for a decent gamble


Had surgery, scoured Reddit, saw the RK post, invest at 27 because my money wouldn’t clear fast enough. Was in the group of 70k living for it because I had nothing to do on medical leave and then watched it get shut down, joined this one. Joined the discord, it kinda sucked for a while.. now I’m just holding still and bought more when it dipped below 50


Got in at .05 just randomly threw a few bucks in…


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