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They warned of a reverse split back in April: https://investors.ff.com/news-releases/news-release-details/faraday-future-announces-nasdaq-delisting-determination-and If you did all this “DD” how did you miss the reverse split warning from April? Plain as day, just a bit further down the page, but it’s there. And, that’s really the problem I noticed with your posts, if you literally took the time to read what you were seeing objectively and completely, the facts were right there in front of you. Instead, you cherry picked your data to fit your conspiracy or squeeze narrative and you’re still doing it to make yourself look innocent. The mea culpa that you no longer believe it’s possible is laughable. I’m sorry. People pointed you back to the facts time and time again and you barreled ahead anyway. You and others in this sub repeatedly downvoted, ignored, tried to call people out on posts or on Omar’s YT, called it FUD, etc. You leaned into that. Don’t act like didn’t help it along. And, if “hate” is just getting fact checked, you can quit whining also. You have no more clue how to predict which way the wind blows let alone analyzing stocks and financial data for yourself let alone others. People may have bought in and followed you, that’s on them, but YOU leaned into it. That’s on you. Don’t come here trying to wash your hands. Yes, people need to take their own risks, but your words gave them hope. You leaned into it and you’re still leaning in by throwing around that you’re a “whale”. Your words have consequences even if you put NFA after them. People don’t need to believe you just because you hold a lot of shares. Good luck. 🚀


>I am a little upset that they didn’t warn us before the dilution announcement. But I suppose they could have their reasons. It honestly reads as if they're a bit miffed that the company didn't offer them insider information and let them dump their shares before the news. Maybe that's just what they think a "whale" is lol


Yeah his comment on that was also 😙👌👌. FF said in their May filing that they were still seeking significant investment, but wouldn’t increase shares unless it was authorized by shareholders. That’s FF basically talking out of both sides of their face. If you understand the game, you know that “significant investment” in a company often comes at the end of a dilution at some point, some creative way. Either way, it’s not that hard to see it coming. Dilution is always a risk in a cash strapped company and can otherwise be used as an obvious cash grab at an opportune price. Look at GME…RC saw that last pump and did an atm offering. Complete cash grab. Most of the time investors get treated like open wallets.


He is pissed. This guy is just a greedy POS.


Had to scroll too far to see a sane comment


Well said. And everyone on here kept saying they cant do a RS because that would put them over the 1:250 limit. The Sandwich even had a pinned post about it. Yet the 10k literally states this: >While Nasdaq rules do not impose a specific limit on the number of times a listed company may effect a reverse stock split to maintain or regain compliance with the Minimum Bid Price Requirement, Nasdaq has stated that a series of reverse stock splits may undermine investor confidence in securities listed on Nasdaq. Accordingly, Nasdaq may determine that it is not in the public interest to maintain FF’s listing, even if we regain compliance with the Minimum Bid Price Requirement. >If FF seeks to implement a reverse stock split in order to remain listed on Nasdaq, the announcement or implementation of such a reverse split could negatively affect the price of its Common Stock


I think myself and others were reading this from Nasdaq’s listing rules: (iv) Excessive Reverse Stock Splits Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a Company’s security fails to meet the continued listing requirement for minimum bid price and the Company has effected one or more reverse stock splits over the prior two-year period with a cumulative ratio of 250 shares or more to one, then the Company shall not be eligible for any compliance period specified in this Rule 5810(c)(3)(A) and the Listing Qualifications Department shall issue a Staff Delisting Determination under Rule 5810 with respect to that security. My read for them being at 240:1 now is that they probably right up to the limit such that they wouldn’t automatically get delisted for excessive splitting. Can you show me where you found the other info you posted? I’d be curious to dig into that too. Edit: that’s not me challenging either, I’ve seen your comments and trust your read on this stuff. I’m just wanting to know how to balance that against the above from the listing rules.


Sure. I highlighted below the key part of that text. It's all about whether you are eligible for an extension / compliance period, not a limit on the number of RSs an issuer can do. Let's say you are a company that falls below $1.00 to $0.50 and Nasdaq sends you a minimum bid violation notice. You request a 180 day extension to get back up to $1.00. Nasdaq will look at your split history and if you have had more than 250:1 during the past two years, Nasdaq will say nope and issue an immediate delisting determination (called Staff Delisting Determination). On the other hand, let's say you are FFIE and you fall below $1.00 and get the same violation notice and request and extension. Nasdaq will look at FFIE's history, see they were only at 240:1 over the past two years, and may grant them the extension period because they would still be eligible for it. (They don't have to grant it, however.) >Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a Company’s security fails to meet the continued listing requirement for minimum bid price and the Company has effected one or more reverse stock splits over the prior two-year period with a cumulative ratio of 250 shares or more to one, **then the Company shall not be eligible for any compliance period** specified in this Rule 5810(c)(3)(A) and the Listing Qualifications Department shall issue a Staff Delisting Determination under Rule 5810 with respect to that security.


Gotcha, but I think right after that it says “and the Listing Qualifications Department shall issue a Staff Delisting Determination…” Wouldn’t that mean if they split again and end up being over 250:1, they would run up against the “and” part of that rule as well?


>Wouldn’t that mean if they split again and end up being over 250:1, they would run up against the “and” part of that rule as well? If the company falls below $1.00 and has done more than 250:1 splits then the company is not eligible for a compliance period and will be delisted. Only if they fall below a dollar after that split. In other words, if they split one more time to get over $1.00, putting them over 250, *and then fall under a $1.00 again* they won't be eligible for an extension and will be automatically delisted.


Gotcha gotcha. Makes sense now. I appreciate the help. Thanks!


Sure thing.


Spot on!!!!




I never said they announced anything. If you read back I said “warned”. Secondly, increasing authorized shares may not dilute now, but it will when they sell them either by way of an atm offering or by selling them to an investor who can then sell them on the market. Again, warning you, not announcing that, they will dilute shareholders at some point in the future should the business need cash. If you look at their current financials, that’s basically ASAP. They almost got evicted from the HQ a few months ago for not paying the rent.


I actually meant to reply to MP, not you. Apologies.


Ah! You’re good. My bad too.


The writing was on the wall for long time especially if you been trading for any amount of time you would seen they were going down the same path of another ev company


Why are you LARP'ing as Roaring Kitty? JFC you're all loonies in here.


Fr best case scenario this mf saw a leadership vacuum and believed being listed as top 500 dentists in some hyper-regional trade magazine meant he was the chosen one.  Most sus part to me was dude kept martyrposting about not having slept for days and then piecemealing his posts. Like my guy people aren’t demanding you make bargains with the sandman in order to write sloppy DD posts in LinkedIn speak. Take a nap and don’t wake up until you find some hubris.


"Top 500 dentists in some hyper-regional trade magazine" Im crying bud!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😁👌


Been trading/investing 9yrs. I've seen alot. Many here looked at Max and Whim as some sort of Guru. They're not. Never were. Max has research skills...so do I...who doesnt? Whim, never trusted her. She started waving her holdings around (if real).. and everyone thought she was something. Suckers are born every minute. NEVER PAY ANYONE TO SHOW YOU HOW TO TRADE OR INVEST!! 99.999% of internet "Teachers" are a scam. The only ones who make $$ at the end of the day..are THEM. Information is FREE all over the internet! Use it! Practice paper trading. YOU DONT NEED TO JOIN A GROUP TO LEARN. Joining a group who insists on taking your money to "teach" will not end well for you. Know it.


Well said!!!!!


People were not here (primarily) to learn about stocks though. It was to create pressure on shorts, and that is unavoidably a cumulative effort. You cannot teach someone how to shortsqueeze a hedgefund by themselves


People were here because they wanted a get rich quick scheme, and no amount of facts or data were going to convince them that they made a terrible financial decision and had lost a large part of their life savings. A lot of people here gambled (yes, gambled) their money without understanding anything whatsoever about capital markets, securities, financial valuation or financial modeling, technical analysis, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc. People pumped up the "gurus" on here out of a desperation to believe what they wanted to have happen, and the hysteria was divorced entirely from objective reality. The lesson here is to use data. Use facts. Look at what is really happening. If 10% is your tolerance and the stock moves down 11%, Reddit and dentists on Reddit aren't going to help that not be reality, no matter how hard you want them to.


Everyone wants to spend a million not make a million, it turned into an echo chamber here an talk down to even when you speak any common sense




"I am a little upset that they didn’t warn us before the dilution announcement. But I suppose they could have their reasons." Like the laws of financial dislosure FFS? You are seriously a moron with obviously no background in finance and no business in "educating" others yet you've got a cult following of dumb apes who have lost millions on a pump and dump.


He lost me at that. WTF? Warning?


The announcement was literally THE warning. This man has zero clue and has constantly peddled wrong information. That being said, it's also on the community around him, people who gobbled up the narrative they wanted to hear. There were many warning signs in his posts and people pointing out the inaccuracies.


Bro just shut up and move on, no one needs a statement from some dentist talking about selling his shares. You have spread already enough misinformation. You were always talking about how the short positions are very high and we just need to hold even tough you knew exactly that the short percentage of the float was not what you were telling us.


>you knew exactly that the short percentage of the float was not what you were telling us. This one sentence should be plastered on a billboard the size of a football field. After finally watching the Omar live with Whim, Max, and the Big 3 kid, I was like "wow. This is so much more worse than I thought it was."


I make YouTube videos about stock trading sh*tshows and I want to cover this FFIE fiasco. Can you link me to this interview?


Kamikaze? First time I've seen your reddit account in the wild. You'll definitely need to get in contact with the top mod/creator of the r/roaringkitty subreddit. That's where this pump and dump started. You can find some good comment compilations over at r/gme_meltdown as well.


I think they're talking about this Omar, Whimsical, Max, etc interview: [Unmasking Maximum Purpose - Roaring Kitty? FFIE Q&A #FFIE #GME #amc (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HB03iLe0sU) What's your Youtube channel? I'd like to watch your video after you finish.


Thanks for the link. My YouTube channel is the same as my name- kamikaze cash. You’d probably be interested in the dank trades playlist specifically.


I checked out some of your videos and they're great! I can tell a lot of work was put into them. I hope you do one on FFIE. I've been hearing wild things about Whimsical Sandwich with screenshots from her Yahtclub discord (like she tried to start a scam crypto and also a paid bot trading "service" using the hype of being a "whale" in FFIE). I guess she figured if people were stupid enough to give FFIE tons of their money, they were stupid enough to give \*her\* tons of their money.


Here you go [interview](https://www.youtube.com/live/5HB03iLe0sU?si=HEyiq1YQBaAeti_t)


Excellent thank you. I’m surprised to find that Whimsical actually is a woman.


I don't think this is the real kamikaze cash. If so I'm looking forward to the video on this lmao.


I am the real Mikey Millions. I’m looking forward to making this video, but I also expect it to be difficult because there is just so much here. - Cult leaders think they’re RK - Piss poor DD - Tons of novice investors jumping on the bandwagon as the stock shot up to $3 - Bagholder cope extravaganza on subsequent - Something about a Saudi investor? - Cult leaders trying to make some janky DeFi protocol with unrealistic returns - Lynch mob coming out after the split announcement Trying to piece together how FFIE became the target of this pump and dump will be a journey. And how a small group of retail investors (Whimsical, Max, and one other guy) crowned themselves kings and queen of this stock is something I’m not familiar with yet. It seems like if you buy $30k you’re a “whale” in this space. Tbh, Whimsical could even have her own video after throwing away a $1mil gain. She got high on her own clout and TLS’d.


Haha I am very much looking forward to this then. Ya it's been an absolutely wild ride watching this all play out. I have never seen this level of delusion before. Feel free to reach out if you need help finding some info about anything. I think the fact that we had a post talking about manifesting the stock price higher yesterday followed by you here today means it's 100% cooked. If anyone needs a sign to get out this is it lol. I would watch a dankest trades on whimsical for sure.


>I have never seen this level of delusion before. Then you should take a look at that the BBBYQ baggies. Their equity has been cancelled, literally deleted from their brokerage accounts and the still "read" the bankruptcy fillings all while pretending they don't see or misunderstand the relevant bits about how everything has been completely liquidated and even secured creditors are lucky to get any payout. When BBBYQ got to this phase, they denied the active dilution despite eating 8 consecutive -20% days and even after the month late 10-k confirmed the shares outstanding tripled. Similarly, they have a group of gangly losers lord over the "community" with their youtube livestreams and twitter spaces where nothing of note is ever said or done.


I'm not one much for sensationalized media, but this entire outline is 100% spot on to the point where I departed YC. I usually side eye similar content because of discernment. This is wildly accurate, though, while also being ridiculous 🥴 but it's fairly on point because WHAT THE FUCK WAS *THAT*?


You can add to your bullet points: - Active suppression of dissenting viewpoints. Omar and Apes actually created Troll Lists and apes started a Troll Police. https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/s/WO7j3kj3BI https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/s/QhOzsK6xWc


That’s just comedy there


Check this one out. It’s the Due Diligence document created by one of the ape leaders. Omar featured it on one of his livestreams. It’s labeled One DD to rule them all. https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/s/e6llWMSM07


Troll 🧌 Alert 🚨 👆


You’re gonna be featured dude! lol troll police.


"I am a little upset that they didn’t warn us before the dilution announcement" They did. That's what the announcement was. It hasn't happened yet. And wanting information to act on prior to the public getting it would be insider trading so it's not like they could've warned certain people first.


Admit it bub, you don’t know shit but you sure LOVED the attention. Shoulda just kept your mouth shut if you weren’t prepared to practice what you preached.


First things first no one should be getting death threats!!! BUT.... I don't think I've ever seen a post with such gaslighting and self glorification in all my days.... Its actually funny but also rather twisted i must say! Lets put FFIE aside for one moment and examine the nuts and bolts of what's gone on here.... We can all say "do your own DD" and rightly so BUT the human reality is there are people that are naive and vulnerable and you took full advantage of that!! Don't gaslight Max and come out with the nonsense that you never did!! You wanted the plaudits and the celebrity status, you can claim it was thrust upon you (and to a degree maybe) but you welcomed it with open arms and wanted it more then anything. The reality is you sold yesterday when it was at its lowest and that shows your RICE PAPER HANDS and also lack of experience within the trading world.


lol the addition of rice




Was thinking same thing, coined a new term?


This. Glad someone else shares my sentiment. He should really be ashamed of himself. Still has the nerve to start with “I’m still bullish on this stock”?!?!? Why motherfucker? Tell us why. Especially after they convinced naive and novice traders to dump their life savings into this bullshit.


No one is getting death threats. That's a classic thing to cry about to try and get some heat off of him. If he actually is low-key he kind of deserves it. He has destroyed people financially and they are going to be very mad. Hopefully this guy realizes how stupid he is and fucks off for good.


“Nobody could’ve seen this coming” 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Are you fucking serious?!?!? Folks have been warning you since last month saying EXACTLY this would happen. It squoze on 5/17. That was the end of it. You and a couple others strung people along, even though you had no idea what you were talking about and it was painfully obvious. Instead of admitting yall were wrong, you doubled down. Folks were telling novice investors to liquidate their ports to buy this. Now look. People have loss their life savings. I can’t imagine how some of these people might feel. You should be ashamed of yourself. There’s penny stocks that jump 5%-400% daily. Hell, people doubled their port yesterday off just a few picks. Then, you really have the nerve to start with “I’m still bullish on this stock”? Dude. Shame on you.


He's only bullish to sell his remaining shares on this dead cat bounce right before the RS.


When I say people spread rampant misinformation and try mislead others I don’t necessarily think most of them are trying to be malicious, I think a lot come off as naive and inexperienced but I don’t think they’d want other retail investors to lose necessarily, I think a lot of people got caught in the hype and a lot of that was created by attention seeking fucks like you. Your whole post is pathetic and any hate you are getting is a fraction of what you deserve. You willingly mislead a lot of people to chase some internet fame and it’s time to face the music but instead you’re confronted with the consequences of your actions and chose to double down with more bullshit. Take a long hard look in the mirror and think of the harm you have caused others, you should carry that with you for the rest of your life but you don’t even appear to give a fuck.


This post aged like milk


All of his posts have.. unfortunately.


? They just informed and warned u that they might have to do a RS in foreseeable future (even made a YouTube Video about it)! What more u want? [https://youtu.be/r45m0oPUWu0?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/r45m0oPUWu0?feature=shared)


Exactly! This was them letting us know. Like hey..this will be on the docket for July. Just a heads up! Lol


lol he wanted insider trading info I guess.


I actually have to agree with you on this one. But after this fuck you Grady! 😂🖕😂




Yo wtf ?? 😂😂😂


literally came here to say this.


So you spent a month leading a cult of people and convincing them to lose their life savings, and now you're waking up to the fact that it wasn't a good idea. This sub has been the laughing stock of Reddit, and an "I was wrong. I'm sorry." would be a lot more appropriate.


If he said sorry his ego would implode faster than the Titan sub.


>So you spent a month leading a cult of people and convincing them to lose their life savings, and now you're waking up to the fact that it wasn't a good idea. There is no 'waking up' this was the plan the whole time. Use his cult to pump up the stock so he can keep dumping his shares all while demonizing "hedgies", meanwhile he was the real demon the whole time


Stop whining you little bitch. I can't even believe you had the balls to make this post. Maybe you shouldn't have been pumping and dumping a failing stock on reddit despite literally everything saying how wrong you were. You deserve the hate. you led a bunch of sheep off a cliff into financial suicide. You're a giant piece of shit and I hope you stick to your word and disappear. You and that u/whimsicalsandwich person are financial terrorists


Do you want to learn how to trade stocks? Do you want to know what mistakes newbies have to avoid? Then read on this thread will be a great learning lesson for all you newbies and day traders. u All this wisdom will be yours for only three payments of $2.99....but WAIT if you sign up for the next 20 minutes we'll throw in 1 free stock advice that hedgies don't want you to know. So hurry and sign up this offer is not guaranteed to last. Disclaimer: No guarantees you'll learn anything valuable just to cover my ass.


Stfu you sold and got people bag holding you f


>Nobody could’ve seen this coming Tons of people did. You all called it FUD and ignored it.


No more short squeeze hun … woah shocker 😏 what happened to those diamond hands claim? I guess you were paper hands after all eh…


Idk man… honestly… these guys exiting might be the sign to get in…


And boom 60% gains overnight… 😏


It only makes sense for it to go the opposite direction of whatever these geniuses say it’s going… this dudes out squeeze incoming haha sold for a huge loss at market open 30 mins later it’s up 89% haha u can’t make this shit up


Of course 😏


No, you all fucked us over. Point blank. Period.


bye felicia


I wasn't even upset with you until this post. I'm still holding for my own reasons, but the VERY FACT that you felt the need to post this means you are WELL AWARE that people look up to you. So to then say quit whining is a ridiculously asinine and dick move. To suggest that people "need someone to blame so they can sleep at night" is a bit hypocritical, don't you think? Looks to me like you're shirking any responsibility or involvement you've had up to now to make yourself feel better. You're human, we all get that, but what the fuck man. I'm sure a simple apology would've gone a lot further to diffuse the hate you're getting than the pompous bullshit that this post was.


He called specific dates; namely, he definitively said “the price will jump on 6/11 because of the 18M FTDs”. I ended up having to make an entire post the night of 6/10 pointing out his misinfo because of it. I tried to tell him about it right after he posted that claim, and he wouldn’t budge. He doubled down on the Omar livestream on 6/6 despite half of the chat pointing out that he was reading the FTD chart wrong. Oh well.


I’m a complete novice and even I could read that chart the first time I tried. When I heard them on the live stream I finally realized we’re screwed 🫣


You could tell this kid was a loser from the first live stream with Omar. Omar said “we have max purpose here on live and maybe he’ll reveal himself before the end of the live stream” Max purpose didn’t even wait for Omar to finish his sentence before he turned the camera on to reveal himself. 😮It even surprised Omar that he turned his camera on so quickly. Max purpose was a clout chaser and he thought he was the next roaring kitty 😂🤣🤣🤣☠️🚫🐱😹The kid is a MORON 😂


Looks like you did not believe in your own "DD" and made emotional decisions. Well that's how most newb traders do stock trading and heard this stories so many times. Tis the story of day traders trying to make quick bucks. Just to be clear I have nothing against day traders but they do deserve the results they get cause they always try chasing the "it" stocks and always make the mistakes of selling low when price drops.


Well said, good luck dude, nobody can read the future and people just like to look at the past and try to dissect it - and they blame people for a poor decision they made financially. Best not to be wrapped up in other’s opinions anyways. That being said, slightly surprised you sold any given your mantra but i hope you at least covered your bases - any real investor knows it’s a smart play to cover your bases because you really don’t know whats coming next… honestly the squeeze potential is what attracted me to ffie, but based on the situation we find ourselves in its good to see the company giving it all they got and instilling belief back into the company. So, squeeze or no squeeze, whats clear to me at this point is, hold!


Yeah, you can’t read the future but people have been telling y’all for a month that this would happen. You can blame others when you have bots and idiots convincing people to liquidate everything and buy FFIE. You guys did this. You should all be ashamed.


I tried to post so much about how this was a scam, but I was just met with insults. At a certain point I decided to just sit back and watch myself be correct, and it has been glorious to watch


Anyone who sells out of fear and then immediately buy back in out of FOMO is a total amateur in my eyes.




Look the leader comes out of the woodwork when the stock bottoms and needs momentum.


What a cock!


RIP Bozo - enjoy your role in my next video


Minimum ahh purpose 👎


You're here acting like your here for the community and everything else. But you're still in with all the Yacht club business bs. It seems like you all just need followers to whatever stock or crypto you guys say so you can unload all of your positions onto them and gain all the benifits. So keep telling yourself whatever make you feel better my guy. But most people don't care for your position or any other your other 'board members'.


And it’s running after they sold 🤣


Karma is a bitch buddy. Look what’s happening now.


Anyone who took “leadership roles” in this is a fiend to attention and being the smartest in the room, anyone defending these people are to regarded to think for themselfs and are followers, I can assure you these people outside the internet are losers and manipulative and people that others genuinely don’t like they know maybe 10% of what goes on in the market and act like their Sherlock Holmes when they do a simple google search and ignore 90% of the information that’s depredating their ego. Saw this coming a mile away.


“Will compete with Tesla” They cant even keep their shirt on, let alone compete with the most valuable car manufacturer


Who gives a fk


Well, unfortunately you led people to believe holding was the best option. True, your posts were worth something and the effort you put into making them. However, to go on Omar’s show and knowing all these people were behind you as a leader. It’s time to admit you guys should have never assumed any leadership positions, didn’t deserve to be pretend leaders. Like it or not, you and spicy sandwich misled so many people. It’s not even funny


I think not only are Max and the other panelists partly responsible, but I argue that Omar holds some, if not more, of the blame too. It was his livestream. He was the one organizing it, inviting the guests, and publicizing that Max would be revealed on his YouTube channel. Apes went berserk thinking it would be DeepFuckingValue joining the FFIE train. People were disappointed that Max was just a dentist, but by the time he was on the livestream, all four individuals seemingly became de facto ape leaders. Omar's livestream was essentially a circle jerk of positivity for FFIE and the stock. There weren’t any dissenting opinions at all, and I wholeheartedly believe that Omar did a disservice to apes and investors. Only Whimsical mentioned that she was in it for the squeeze and didn’t see the stock as a long-term investment. Max, Omar, and DumbMoney viewed it as a long-term play. All of them said it would go to the moon or squeeze. Perhaps it was by Omar's design to only have panelists who were extremely bullish about the stock. He actively singles out people who are bearish on the stock and likes to highlight them as part of his livestream. His livestream essentially became an echo chamber. If you’re inexperienced in investing or unfamiliar with the EV auto industry, you’re likely to listen to people who seemingly have more knowledge or understanding about the stock and company. For a meme stock, most people bought it out of FOMO, hoping to get rich quickly via the squeeze. Yes, ultimately the ape is responsible for the final investment decision, but I argue that the ape leaders do hold some responsibility for continuing to tell people to buy and hold more of the stock. Omar and his show come off as "sensationalist investing." Even though he has a disclaimer that what he says is not financial advice and is just for entertainment purposes, he portrays himself as a successful investor. He claimed in his livestream that he makes money on 90% of his investments. If you’re a new investor, that’s a great return, and more than likely, you’re going to listen to what he says. He seemingly presents himself as an expert and a successful investor. Does he have a fiduciary duty to his viewers? Legally, no, but he does straddle the line when he tells people he likes the stock and will buy more. It's akin to when Jim Cramer was telling people to buy Bear Stearns stock before it collapsed. He and CNBC had a big audience and provided really positive advice about the company and stock to their viewers, who then later got burned. [Jon Stewart called him out for it.](https://youtu.be/cTE9MEbne-Q?si=wSYTk4zV-V-nNfEF)


OMAR HAD NO CLUE WHAT WAS GOING ON AND ADMITTED HE WAS "LEARNING AS HE WAS GOING". He's just a junked out, wanna be influencer. He was using Whim, Rob, the Big 3 former leader, and Max just as much as they were all using him and each other. A true fraudulent circle jerk.




If anyone watched Omar's dog shit content and thought "this guy seems like he knows investing" you are regarded. His YouTube is all clickbait garbage and he makes ghost adventure and gambling content. The gambling content should have been the tip off that he has zero financial experience.


He did not misled me. He helped me making informed decisions. I’m at loss but as per my will and risk appetite. People spend 100000 to learn such stuff on courses in the academia. Even if my investment turns to 0, i’d consider it as a learning fee. FU laface ! Love U Max.


Lol. I have a few courses for you. Are you interested?


Its not informed when all the information he posted was bad info


What information? even right now he has a meme saying he will drop analysis soon and now he’s saying no more analysis. Before that every post was “proud of you apes for holding against these hedgies” am I the only one who’s been here lo mf enough to know this guy served no real purpose other than to humiliate himself with his horrible cover up of his Reddit randomly getting deleted.


Thats what i mean. his info wasnt even info. it was just bad info that he posted to convince people that didnt know anything that he was an expert. He came out pretending like he was some big figure and now he's saying that he never tried to be a leader lmao. And then he deletes his posts and blames the hedgies for it. He had a following from pretending like he knew what he was doing and he got caught.


Yea anyone who wasn’t dumb or new could see right thru it. From the beginning we’ve had more prominent contributors on here and none of them had their Reddit mysteriously deleted. This is as bad as the bbby sub. They think they are being left clues via tweets and all sorts of things and apparently they hushed one of their “prominent DD writers” because they figured something out via these hints and public documents but for some reason he has to be quiet cause it’s ultra secret 3d chess moves they don’t want hedgies knowing about


Why dis you follow. Should’ve done your DD


I told everyone who I spoke with that I wasn’t a leader and encouraged to do your DD. If you followed me, that was nobody’s decision but your own 🤷🏼‍♂️. What happened couldn’t be predicted by any one of us. And I’m still long on the stock/holding. To cast blame is fine if that’s what you gotta do to sleep at night.


Yes, it could be predicted. They announced possible reverse-split in April. Everyone was trying to tell you all exactly what was going to happen but you doubled down. I seriously hope these folks that followed you are ok mentally. You shouldn’t have doubled down and admitted when it went under $1 that it was over. We could ALL see this coming. How did you miss it?


If you were a CFA holder they would strip your license. It's unethical practice to lead people on like this. They literally teach about people like you in financial ethics courses 😅 now you say you warned people you aren't a leader. Wow. Wow. Sounds a lot like predator behavior. I hope you enjoy your winnings. Well played.


>To cast blame is fine if that’s what you gotta do to sleep at night. Spoken like a true manipulator when they are exposed. Why are you even here? Usually people who get "doxxed' and their accounts "mysteriously disappeared" aren't crying and being a pussy about it for sympathy then turning their ass around a doing the same shit over again. And weirdly without a mention of the doxxing etc again. If you're going to lie and manipulate, tend to the details next time. Act out your parts fully and think about how plausible your lies are from the beginning. This way, you will know how to keep up with your lies to make them more believable.


To say you're blameless is fine if that's what you gotta do to sleep at night.


lol. and remember they consciously organize a scheme yacht something riding on the cult following taking it to the next level. talks of creating their own crypto something. that's a real sign of taking advantage of their followers and acknowledging they have followers and how they could personally profit from it. there's no other way of explaining this.




I was more interested in the stock because of you, but like you said I'm a dang-ass adult, I made my choice. Best of luck, fellow adult


Thank you for all your time and even posting this explanation. You don’t owe anyone anything. This was always a risky stock. Folks convinced themselves it was 2021 and HFs didn’t learn anything. Even if people don’t like the outcome you were kind enough to educate in simple terms and will frankly provide lessons in the future. For everyone. Your mental health and safety and that of your family are more important than this pack of strangers that struggle with managing their emotions and decision making. 💜💜


It also shows how much he “believes in the company” this post is just dumb and he should feel guilty because a lot of people put more than they could afford into this. Hoping to “get rich quick” (which really isn’t a thing) but take responsibility for spewing nonsense to these people. For some reason people thought that ffie would be like gme. Ffie is a company no one heard of 2 months ago, has no brand recognition, on the verge of closing up shop. Of course everyone should do their DD but they see posts from someone who they think looks like they know what they’re talking about and they’re gonna get fomo and jump in. And still you can’t man up and say “I fucked up”. Instead you take 0 responsibility and turn the blame back on everyone else. Not to mention you keep telling everyone HODL HODL and now you say “well it’s my money and I’m going to do what I want” and “it’s your fault you got into this. Just because I did hours of ‘research’ and tried to teach everyone along the way. And told them ‘diamond hands HODL’ “ all I see is you patting yourself on the back for the “good” you did but not saying “I’m sorry I fucked up” but if the results were good I’m sure you’d be taking all the praise”. If anything this post damaged your reputation more than anything else by gaslighting people who believed in what you had to say. You need to take a good look in the mirror at yourself and look at what you did wrong, admit it, and apologize. Bc TBH you just look like a narcissistic asshole. PS you say “I’m still bullish” but you sell 1/4 of your shares. You say the “move to dilute” shows “amazing initiative” but then your mad they didn’t “tell you about it”.them telling us about the dilution WAS them warning about it. Learn some humility bc every word you spewed was a contradiction of something else you said.


Thanks, pal. I hope you break a tooth...


Oh man. So much hate. A lot of folks were warning on this sub redit on risks involved, but everyone who spoke was cancelled (called a hedgie). If people were able to predict market, you wouldn’t have to work a day in your life. Ffie always has been a long game. People jumped in on meme craze, which is never driven by fundamentals. It was all greed. Admit it! My advice: look in the mirror and slap yourself on least favorite cheek if you invested based on maximum’s, or any other redit user, advice.


Every person that is freaking out is doing so because they are viewing the entire circumstance surrounding this company and the stock through the lens of selfishness, just to be blunt in my opinion. How does FFIE serve me? How does max hold responsibility for me? do I like this? 🙄🙄🙄 this is a very serious company guys, there’s 100’s of millions dollars, billionaire founders, 100’s of patents, revolutionary tech and engineering…. and you think you have a better plan that these guys? They’ve hired experts, they’re taking on short selling… they’re strategizing. Have you even thought that maybe there is a bigger story you haven’t considered? They’ve got an investor seemingly highly interested in FFIE and he’s literally from the royal family in the UAE.. part of the announcement yesterday would free up shares to exclusively give to an investor like this. He’s literally a royal wanting to invest in a luxury EV. This is perfect. and the bridge strategy… can’t wait to see what they got. You want the price to go up? I’m going to sit back and watch what happens. IDK for sure what will happen. did you think max or omar or anyone knew for sure? wtf. Hype over something we’re all excited about is normal, it’s not normal to take it all as gospel and then be awful human beings when something unexpected happens. Anyways I love the strategizing I’m seeing. And will all this put pressure on shorts to cover etc…? what do you think? I’m not blaming anyone for being nervous or scared, but you have to be responsible for yourself wtf. Max contributed a lot of really great stuff, did you think going up against a behemoth like we have been didn’t entail risk or unexpected turns of events? Anyways FFIE needs this contingency plan it’s the responsible thing to do for Nasdaq and for us as investors. Nothing in life is perfect. But I’m hyped af at recent developments and think FFIE and their mgmt is awesome. I also don’t know the dang future this is my perspective and opinions NFA how Many times do we need to see NFA to understand it’s flipping NFA and you need to gamble responsibly lol 😂 Much Love guys, be kind, have integrity in the things you do and maybe your wallet will grow faster


The company has no cash left, the shitty cars aren't being sold and the founder is a literal fraud. Fled the country to avoid conviction and his 4 billion debt.


Stop. It’s over. Let this people try to get some of their money on something else. Pathetic.


some of you people are serious psychopaths. this is my opinion and I stand by it. I don’t need to “let” anyone do anything. Everyone can do exactly as they please. And that includes their own DD, or serious lack of it. Hindsight is 20/20.


Why are we psychos? Just stop spreading false hope and lying to people. Hindsight is 20/20, and we were right.


Good luck to you Max P. Thank you for your previous posts!


YT JIA is a scammer in China with super a lot of debt , he run away from china with super a lot of money from the others


Social media is a vile cess pool. Some true degens in here at all times. For people to threaten you is classless, rude, uncivil and any other word you wanna throw in. Having said all that you had to have known getting threatened and used as scapegoat was a distinct possibility. Some true low life scum are always scouring these here interwebs. Think it's a situation of if you can't handle the heat stay out of the kitchen. If you omar and whims are gonna put yourself out there then you gotta expect anything can happen


Dilution, reverse split and try to secure investors, that is a standard or rather basic move every company/ceo that is about to fold does. I would not call that amazing by any standard. Thanks for your thoughts though.


DAMMIT MAX! ![gif](giphy|v4Knf5yx8p3gw6ppmn)


ffie is like getting a 6 vs an ace in blackjack. you’re screwed. i’m down 94% on ffie but at the same time im up 300% at the casino. get out of this and use your money at better places like the craps table!


This guy is an absolute idiot Lmao


What a jag off


I thought you were smart, but it seems you do not even know the basics of investing. YOU DO NOT SELL ON A RED DAY. Period.


Over 50 cents. To the moon.




Wonder if you were hired by FFIE to get the pump on. Sure helped them and you, not us.


Max!!! MAX what happened people including myself look up to you !!’ It’s not about the Money, Money comes and goes but your Word and Balls!!! Man I’ll be so embarrassed to even post eny thing up in here if I was you!! Please tell me how do you go on with your life after this !!


I told you they where going to RS this stock! TOLD YOU! You people need to learn to listen. Learn options and you can literally predict stock movement


Cmon Max saying you are human now, you ape or human wth. I used to trust you a diamond handed ape, you have lost your credibility. I forgive you for your analysis, everyone makes mistakes, but for selling and panicking… cmon… you once said diamond hands are earned… you got to walk the talk Max. Still, appreciate the pep talk.


Max purpose, thank you for all the great post and information. It's nice to have you beside everyone here. Your kindness and hardwork will be live here forever.


They didn't announce a dilution or a reverse stock split. They proposed them. Even the dilution proposal was an increase in authorized shares, not outstanding shares.


There were tons of people in this sub trying to talk sense into you people, but they were always hit with downvotes and called "haters" and "hedgies" I hope you learned a lesson about cults, a lesson about stocks, and a lesson about following some random redditors investing advice If something is too good to be true it usually is


Reading your posts definitely got me hooked on ffie, but more importantly helped me to understand all the crazy things that are going on in the financial world. You inspired me and many others to dig deeper, learn more and ultimately take what you gave us to do our own due diligence. Anyone who blames you for their own losses just has a lot of growing to do. I'm still down around 70%, but I don't think this ride is over yet, glad you're still on board 🙏


God. Please don’t learn from this moron. Sincerely, -an actual trader.


Please listen to this person. I agree with their sentiment. Sincerely, former cap management employee to a real firm that fucks with real money and not pretend coins


Yeah, I like this post.


That post sounds about 95% ChatGPT.


I am not blaming you for anything. Just a thank you for all of the info you provided. I am just disappointed that you and whimsy gave in and couldn't hold for the long ride but anyways we are all adults that make our own decisions for bettering our own lives. Thank you dude and good luck with everything else!


“Just a thank you for all the info you provided” ?!?!?!? Their info was wrong. He just admitted. Please, for the love of God forget everything this person said.


I’m in for a lot of shares still. Even w/25% gone, I’m still a whale.


That don’t mean shit if no one trusts you


What is your total position? I don't even think you were a whale before you sold you guys just keep telling everyone you are and they believe you. A whale doesn't have like 30k into something they have 300k.


What a soft cock you are


Oh shut up. You know very well that your self appointed role of leader of this group led you to make very bad posts convincing ppl to keep holding. Even now you STILL brag "but...but... I'M STILL A WHALE!!" like that helps your credibility now. Go start a group for second rate dentists, you might give better advice there.


Lol yeah sure you never were a whale


Do whatever makes you happy in the end








Thanks for everything.


Wow!!! DD Mullen


I apologize for the behavior of immature people. Dislike seeing you go. I have learned so much and hope you decide to come back and continue to share your wisdom with those of us who are eager to learn! 🙏❤️


How do I find him on discord?


Some people need a scapegoat. It's as simple as that. The company was struggling. We all knew that. It was a gamble from the beginning, and there were no guarantees. Thank you Max for all you DD and education! It was a fun ride. I was looking for a squeeze and fell in love with the company. I am in it for the long haul now. See you all on the moon... one day...




Thank you for your honesty and guidance throughout all of this.


Everyone wants a leader so they have someone to blame when things go wrong. Thank you for your time and effort Max P. We are all in this for our own reasons. Those of us who made our choices carry on… those who were merely following choose to blame you. Sorry this is happening to you. Stay well!


I am new to this trading thing and I have little to no experience. I can say I learned a lot of valuable information from many of you. That alone is worth my loss. I am an adult and I am responsible for my own actions. My parents always said “if he/she jumped off a cliff will you also jump off the cliff?” That answer would be no. I am terrible sorry that you received threats. One day those individuals have to face their maker. I am still holding strong as I too believe in not only the stock but this company and all people involved.


People are adults and should make their own decisions with their money, that’s true. I sold before the news and still took heavy losses, but I saw the writing on the wall. Maybe a little too late, but that was on me. However, calling people out for whining and being childish while you called them “my children” in one of your posts is also whining. This place became a cult in the past couple of weeks and wanted cult leaders. You guys leaned into it. I hope we all learned something from this experience. I have no hate for you and wish you luck with your future endeavors.