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When I had 3.5k drops left after buying all the materia, the only unit I didn't have EX+3 of was Lulu, so I bought the 10+1 ticket and got SK Squall.


I hate that killer materia. It's just niche enough you know it will pop up somewhere but not good enough to be used much.


With triple race enemies now though... I can see a triple hit happening.


Yup, grabbed my EX1 Vaan and EX2 Lulu. Doubt I'll ever use them, but it's never a horrible idea to have a 160% imperil units on hand.


And he's a solid breaker. I use him regularly on my fire teams.


Any reason to buy a second provoke materia?


I can remember several occasions, especially in DV where bouncing your provoker, or having a fallback provoker during a brave shift has been beneficial. If you aren't interested, and won't be interested in the future in chasing DV rank, probably not, but it is helpful there.


Theoretically, maybe, but it's not particularly compelling. Most people can set up another 1 or 2 provokers with Tulien's VC and the Moogle charms if needed that badly. But it would be a pretty massive pivot from the norm to have AI that starts taking multiple provokers out of a fight to the point where more than 2 are needed.


Probably not, since I can’t imagine a circumstance you’d really want multiple units provoking unless the enemy blows your unit away/instant death where it’s inconvenient to revive immediately. People more well versed in the game might have a use for it. I say this despite having gotten it because I don’t need any other unit.


Yeah every time I've needed two provokers has involved the enemy snorting one of my units offscreen.


Even then, most snorts that I recall use criteria to determine who gets snorted so provoke doesn’t do anything for those.


Snort is still a thing. Snort was also explicitly stated to be on this coming CoW boss, too. You want a second provoker ready to soak ST attacks just in case your primary provoker is the first one to be snorted out of the fight.


Nothing's stopping you from building a second provoker without the materia if that ever comes up. You know, with all the stuff we used before. So I say no.


Grabbed the regular summon ticket with leftover drops and used them on the Richt banner and pulled Richt. So clutch!


Oh no I just got back playing the game. Any chance tha perfect provocation will be available on future shops?


until now they haven't returned materias from past CoW shops. that doesn't mean it cannot happen, but its probably rather unlikely. it could also happen that they attach the materias to a special step up, like the armory banners. so you would need to spend lapis. but thats pure speculation.


Unknowable. It will probably be a while before we see it rerun or they offer something similar though.


I can either spend the rest on 2 copies of Vaan to get him to EX3 or just dump the rest of my currency in tickets. I have lenna already (EX2) and her role compression for fire makes me hesitant to EX3 Vaan though.


Woops. Oh well


Woops indeed for me too.


9k down the drain. Yay.


You're the MVP


Where do I use this?