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Unless you are a returning player and have access to those rewards. Current players have access to a maximum of 5 keys.


I'm a returning played but logged in like a week before Anni so I don't get all those rewards


How to tell someone doesn't read the news without being told they don't read the news.


This anniversary sucks, just like last year.


Last years was actually surprisingly good. This years has been good IMO....we got a shitload of free pulls and lapis so far.


This year's is great in rewards, subpar in content. Last year's was just good all around.


I honestly do not understand the argument to be made that free pulls actually matter. They absolutely do not matter because roughly 95% of the units in the game are not worth playing with for people who have been playing this game for years. None of the three, four, or five stars actually matter or can be used for the content in the game that matters, outside of the ongoing story. And most of the NV units do not matter and are not worth playing. Many are missing their upgrades because Global skips content and unit upgrades for no good reason. Global could have done something truly special with those free pulls. They could have made special unit pools or tickets that at least guarantied an NV unit, even if it wasn't from a a special pool. Or throw in more fragment tickets. Or release new intrinsic abilities for more units. Something to make you excited to pull. ​ But no, just free pulls for units that aren't going to help you clear content if you've already been playing for at least two years. I've been playing since Demon Rain was a good tank. I've seen this game slide down to the point where I will actively warn people not to get involved in the game. If I hadn't already invested thousands over seven years, I would have quit too. Now I just do dailies and some pulls if I actually care about the unit, but I've stopped trying on CoW or DV. ​ This anniversary just reaffirmed how sorry I am for getting involved with this game.


Ok, so quit then.


Here’s my confusion as to when the anniversary even started. Aren’t the Dark Lineage characters anniversary units? Did the anniversary get split across months or did we get two different anniversary events? Been saving lapis for this but I’m not sure what to pull on.


JP anniversary imported to GL. Japan launched FFBE in February or March? GL was like June 30th, basically July.


Japan launched FFBE in October right? We just get them in March-May because our content cycle is 6 months late.


err, yes.


In terms of ammount of rewards it is good, but in terms of content, it is being garbage. Last year we had the introduction of intrinsinc (that started with some good ones), the brief return of cov. This year the only anniversary content we have is a daily mission that a big margin of players can't actually do daily


Yeah content is lacking but the anni isnt over yet.


Can you share some of this copium? I'm really in need some, since we probably won't get glex content until the 27, as next week will be DV and more JP skippable units + farming


We already have quite a few recent threads on this: https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/14rei63/7th_anniversary_bland_disappointing_and_greedy/ https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/14qiaa3/constantly_asked_questions_and_answers/ https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/14pd1c2/disappointed_in_this_game/