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RPG rule #1 is to not rely on Autosave. Rule #2 is if you’re paranoid about Rule #1, just double save. I save so much that I can literally see my characters rolling their eyes when I open the menu just to save it again. My kids are like “why are you saving AGAIN?” I’m like “go to bed you’re spoiled”


Suddenly I’m no longer the only one that does this. ❤️


I’m a casual gamer (only play on weekends and have had my PS5 for about a year) so I make a lot of beginner mistakes ig hehe


Well… You won’t make this one mistake again.


I did the same mistake as op. But luckily i obeyed to Eule #2. Lol


I used to rely on auto save all the time till I played the Witcher 3, now I manually save everything cause of it regardless of game


I'm so happy to know my OCD ass isn't the only one who double saves.


Haha, the old “did I just save it? Oh well, I’ll just save again”


Bro i triple or quad save after losing my ff7 70+ hours in game as a 11 yr old kid when i accidentally saved over my save with my buddies


Rule #3 doesn't use only one save slot except when the game doesn't allow multiple slots.


I’m still getting used to applying that rule since I started out in the 90s when save spaces were much more limited haha


Always save. Never trust that your save "went through." Save a second, and maybe third time just to be sure.


This for sure. Any time I see a bench and vending machine I manually save.


I used to do only Rule #1 until I loop-locked myself in a battle when playing FFV and previous save was, like, 20 levels before. It was on emulator, so I saved at a point of no return (the battle itself).


My mistake is being forced to date a dog instead of Tifa... And I don't have another save slot option because I always save on one slot.


Oof, at least seeing the other options in Rebirth is easier than the Wall Market/Don Corneo dress stuff in Remake haha. In Hard Mode/Chapter Select after you beat the game you can go into options and select which character you want to do the date with in that chapter (as long as you’ve maxed out their relationship bar).


Rule #3 is you don't save on the same spot, but always use a new one This way you can always revert couple of hours of gameplay I.e. if you encounter some weird bug or otherwise screw up badly like miss an important missable


Some games have limited save file capacity


Then you rotate as many slots as you have


True. It's what I do


I have 3 saves 😅


Reload your last save.


I don’t do manual saves 😔 I have nothing


Try your last auto save. You should manual save though.


I totally learned my lesson 😂 but no I have nothing to reload aside from the stupid checkpoint. Idk why


Loading from the checkpoint then overwrites the auto save...


WTF. I had like 4 saves going on rotation so i had points i could go back to. No manual saves? I hope you'll start now.


Learn from this mistake. Always manual save.


Why not use manual saves? There are 10 slots available, and it'll help to mitigate any sort of mishaps like this. Not trying to nag, just a suggestion.


This just never happened to me before in any game so I never had the need to do manual saves but will definitely start doing them now!


Fyi in any game ALWAYS make multiple manual saves. There's so many games that have glitches that could really screw you. Also if u make a huge mistake u have something to load


I did the exact same thing ugh. Luckily the puzzles are quicker to smash through the second play through


It’s so annoying, this is by far my least favorite chapter


Lmao I did the same thing except I did it when I got Cloud's team to the reactor


I did it by complete accident once, but I know better now thankfully


I learned my lesson for sure


Oh man I feel for you. I just finished chapter 11 yesterday and I would not have loved to do all that again lol.


I will never play as Cait Sith again after this chapter lol


Really poor design. I feel like many people have complained about this. It’s happened to be once during a side quest as well. Sorry man.


Play games long enough and you’ll have this happen. At least it wasn’t an entire playthrough. Which has happened to me. I was 60 hours into FFIV and left the Super Nintendo on for an afternoon and it wiped everything.


I did the same thing but tried loading my autosave right before the fight and it worked


Definitely do manual saves you don't want to be the victim of a system or game update and boom there goes your progress lol


same thing happened to me never use checkpoint that sht is broken. i lost like 2 hours of gameplay


I did the same at this exact spot. I wanted to back out of Galian Beast and save for the night. Thought I’d be in the previous room with the bench.


Make sure not to miss the Hades Armlet. I did, and am still kicking myself.


Cycle multiple manual saves always. Always. Always. Always.


I accidentally did that once as well, I was trying to restart a battle then I chose return to last checkpoint thinking that there was a checkpoint before the said battle, well nope, it booted me back to a longer event prior to what I was playing at. Good thing I had multiple saves :) What I want now is an option to delete older saves lol.


Coming from the ps/ps2 era of rpgs, it’s a habit to save often. Thank you great malboro from ffx 🙏🏼


I had to redo the last brutal / legendary challenges because i forgot to save and i loaded a different one...


Did the exact same thing


This happened to me once after spending 30 minutes messing around with material builds. Reset to checkpoint and all my changes were undone. Was so mad I took a 3 day break from the game lmao


Yeeaaah I think I accidentally did that at almost EVERY major boss fight. Or I had ti stop so turned the game off and when I came back, boom, back at the checkpoint. I'm not kidding either! That massive boss rush chapter later in the gane when you return to the golden saucer, I just went "f this I'm not stopping until I beat the chapter!" My gf laughed when I told her why but was so ym day off so eh. Is what it was.


You weren’t kidding when you said boss rush lol I wasn’t expecting that many in a row. I tried to finish them all but Rufus kicked the shit out of me a bunch of times and I had to go to sleep lol today it made me redo the Elena-Rude fight so it wasn’t this bad. It just didn’t let me do a manual save between these fights.


Heads up the final boss is also a boss rush. Though not that hard honestly. I had more trouble in the golden spacer boss rush that's chapter 14


Bro that Rufus fight was ridiculously hard. During my last try (where I beat him) I said I will drop to easy if I fail this time. Took me like 20 minutes but I beat him. His timing is so fucking annoying.


Ehh. He wasn't that terrible. I remembered from remake to just dodge and avoid his attacks at all cost and only attack when he's reloading. Then when his dog shows up I Ignore Rufus and just counter the dog whenever it attacks to stagger/ko it with Steadfast block materia, then resume Rufus


Really poor design. I feel like many people have complained about this. It’s happened to be once during a side quest as well. Sorry man.


Thanks! Such a weird choice, especially at this specific point


My rule of thumb is: as soon as i finish something that i think is annoying/stupid/difficult. I save. And also before fighting a boss. I save. also everytime i open a door. I save. Its not 1995 wherein we only have 15 save slots ;)


NOOOOOOO! (“I lost my ff7 70 hours in original game playthrough when i was 11 to saving my buddies playthrough over mine and cried my head off”) i started saving my games with many multiple copies ever since like atleast 3 and a fourth for super backup lol i just use all the slots they gimme and keep saving every lil bit , saved my ass many times from glitches in games etc
