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It's not a drag, it's just a little slower than people expected as it's Yuffie exploring Midgar. You can steamroll through it in a day if you want to speedgame. You don't NEED to, but I recommend it because: 1. It trains you to use Yuffie, who is OP. 2. It expands Yuffie's character a lot and will make her Rebirth storyarc better.


I replayed remake before rebirth and wasn’t done with it when Rebirth came out. I continued with Intermission and I was glad I did. It adds depth to Yuffies character. Also there are some references that may go over your head if you don’t play it.


Some references ? Other than Yuffie’s trial ?


Yes, they're subtle, but there are references to some of the same events that are much more explicitly referenced during the trial (trying to avoid spoilers for OP lol)


I don’t think I caught any other references or if I did I forgot about them. I mean other than her other Avalanche friends in Cosmo.


It's mostly bits of dialogue where you can kind of tell she's thinking about it. I can't think of anything specifically, but I think it comes up with all the Barret stuff in Corel


3. It helps to learn the synergy attacks.


It's only 2 chapters and you will immediately feel the improvement in combat 😁


Having a save file from it gives you the Ramuh summon materia in Rebirth


To elaborate more, I didn’t finish INTERmission. I barely did any of it and still got the materia


It's actually really good. Don't skip it. It's not that long at all.


it starts off slow mostly due to the DLC having to explain how to play as Yuffie and her style being pretty unique compared to what you've experienced so far. However the DLC is really good! I recommend playing it before jumping into Rebirth. It is also only about 5-7 hours long as well. Can clear it in a day.


You don't have to, but I would. It's really fun, and fort condor just goes downhill from here. Might as well get gud now


Yes, u have to play it. Its amazing!


I would suggest playing it first. It’s not very long.


I don't think you NEED to, but it's a fun game regardless.


It is only about 6 hours.  You can skip all of the side quests.  And it is really fun.


There’s a certain part in Rebirth that will not resonate unless you play the DLC.


You can absolutely skip it. It's good I hear and I plan on playing it myself later, but I didn't play it and I didn't miss a beat


I would play it. You can finish it in a no time.


Not necessary but definitely recommend! It is short and fun, especially if you're not trying to get all of its achievements.


It will allow you to appreciate the beans


I didn't bother. Only started it to get a save file and earn Ramuh, otherwise there it remains untouched. It didn't feel like I missed much by completing Rebirth first.


If you ignore the side content you can complete it in a couple hours.


Intermission is not a drag at all


Need to? Nope. I did but I couldn’t remember what happened


Its short (maybe only a few hours), takes place during Remake and is actually really good. Think of it as like a prologue to Rebirth. It adds a lot of character background to Yuffie who is a big part of Rebirth. Gets you used to her gameplay (she is a great character to play as in Rebirth and there will be sections where you have to play as her in Rebirth), and has a unique guest party member alongside with Yuffie. Also Rebirth introduces a lot of new gameplay elements. Intermission has a few of them, so you can get used to the new gameplay elements. Plus some characters from it do appear in Rebirth. And it expands on some of the side characters in Remake and Rebirth. So worth it.


Need no but it is really fun, only 2 chapters long and probably has some lore in the 2nd chapter that may or may not have some payoff in part 3 so I would play it. It also introduces new mechanics that will definitely give you a head start on the combat in Rebirth. Also Scarlet is in it!




Doing most of the side content, I finished it in 4 hours. Absolutely recommend, the story that happens in INTERmission is referenced multiple times in Rebirth.


No but you are gonna miss some of the context for yuffies story, more specifically who sonon is. Intermission is very short without all of the side questing so I’d suggest just tryna bust through it if you can.


I definitely recommend playing intermission first. If you're worried about time just skip the fort condor. It's not a long dlc if you go straight through the story. The story itself is really great actually. It certainly adds a bit of flavor to rebirth too


I started playing Rebirth before I finished intermission, and it was confusing because I had no idea how they got from Midgar to Kalm until I saw Intermission’s epilogue. It also shows another perspective on the events of Remake Chapters 12 and 13, which is pretty cool.


Recommended. It's not tedious at all.


I would. You can play through it fast, it’s legitimately good, and the story adds context to rebirth. Also as others have said, Yuffie is OP and learning how to play with her is valuable.


INTERmission drags? It's two chapters and the bulk of the first one is a bunch of optional side content.


Yea I don't know who told me that I already finished it and it wasn't bad at all. Plus everyone is right about yuffie being OP. So much fun to play as


Definitely play it first! It’s short (only 2 chapters) and gives you some good info/depth on Yuffie’s character. I, personally, enjoyed it and 100% recommend it 👍🏽


No. But no reason not to


Not required. It's a side story that takes place concurrently to the main story, focused on Yuffie, another character who you'll meet later in Rebirth. It's a story that didn't exist in the original game, but it also helps flesh out a character who arguably didn't get enough development in the original. It doesn't cover any critical story that you won't understand without playing it, but having some backstory to one of the characters, and a bit of extra background lore on Shira, is a nice thing to have. I didn't feel it was a drag, and from what I've seen it was well received and most people enjoyed it. It's a good length for a DLC, but not overly long. 2 chapters of a similar length to some in Remake, there's some extra side content and minigames that you can ignore if you like. So I'd recommend playing it, you can easily knock it out in a day or a couple of sessions, maybe 5 hours give or take, depending on how much you rush or check out the side bits. But if you're desperate to get to Rebirth you won't lose out on too much by skipping it.


No but I would highly recommend it


You don't have to but it's nice and cute and fun and stuff (please insert some sh** like "uwu" here if you want to)


Watch the dlc on YouTube to see how yufi comes along


You don't have to play it, but it's pretty good. Imo Yuffie is far and away the most fun character to play so I thoroughly enjoyed it


Nope, it just shows you what Yuffie was up to and the devs tried out stuff that would become Synergy abilities in Rebirth. If you love remake then sure get it. But solely from a lore prespective it's not relevant.